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O--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1978
Silver Lake,
The first meeting of the Silver
Lake Club, "Consider Your
Clothes" was held on Monday,
January 23rd, 1978 at 7 p.m. at
the home of the Stanleys in
Kinloss. The meeting was opened
with the repeating of the. 4-H
Barbara Stanley w,a§ elected
president. with Susan Hedley as
vice-president: The positions of
press reporter and secretary will
be done by various club •members
on a rotating basis.
Our next club meeting will be
on Thursday, February 2nd, 1978
at 4.30 p.m. at the Kinloss
Community Centre.
Achievement Day is scheduled
for May 13th, 1978 in Teeswater.
The Silver Lake Club is responsib-
le- for presenting a skit or
demonstration entitled "Wear it
Our leaders, Bev Hodgins ,and
Jean Hedley discussed the club
and its requirements with' us.
Each member is to bring a
suggestion of a name for a club to
the next meeting.
We discussed choosing clothes
to fit your figure with reference to
page 5 in our members pamphlet.
The illusion of line is very
important when wearing clothes
that enhance your figure.
Heather Stanley demonstrated
"with Debbie Stanley how to take
body measurements. Susan Hed-
ley. assisted with this task.
Valerie Stanley adjourned the
Meeting # 1
Date: January 19th, 1978.
Time: 7 o'clock.
Place: Lucknow Central Public
The' meeting opened by repeat-
ing the 4-H pledge. There were
seven girls . present. We held the
election of officers and they are as
follows: president, Brenda Arn-
old; vice pr sident, Nancy Alton;
secretary, otating; treasurer,
Joanne Ritchie; press reporter,
Liz Black. '
After the election we decided
.on having blue covers.and one our
covers we are putting the club
name which is "Consider Your
Clothes.". Next week we are to
bring a design ° that we ' think
would be appropriate for 'the
cover, We decided that we would
have our meetings every thursday
night at 7.00 in the public school.
We then were given a quiz. Our
'assistant leader, Mrs. Arnold,
showed us some pictures that she
thought suited the club.
We went into. groups of 2 and
got measured and then looked at
pattern books to see if we saw any
patterns we liked.
We closed with the 441 creed.
Meeting # 2
Date: February 2nd, 1978.
Time: 7.00s.
Place: L.C.P,S.
We opened the. meeting by
repeating' the 4-H pledge. We
were pleased to see a new
member join' . the club. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read by Nancy Alton. Joanne
Ritchie gave the treasurer's
Grace Alton shower us every-
thing in . her sewing box and
explained the purpose of each.
Mrs. Arnold showed us some
different kinds of interfacing that
can be used on our project.
The leaders split us up in 2
groups and we held different
colours against .us to see if the
colours suited us or not:
The , leaders then showed us
how to lay out our patterns.
We closed with the 4-H . motto.
Clover Valley
The Clover Valley Club held
their first, meeting on Thursday,
February'_ 2nd,` at the home of
Donna Etpb;ick. at 7.00 p.m. The
meeting was opened .with the
repeating of the 4-1-1 pledge
followed by the roll call, Introduce
the -member on your left to the
other members.
The election of officers is as
follows:. president, Charlene El-
phick; vice president, . Karen
Metzger; treasurer, Gayle Mac-
Kenzie; and press reporter,
Rotating. The name for the club
was left for the second meeting.
Each member is asked to bring a
fee. -of S0c for supplies. The next
meeting is being held on Thurs-
day, February 9th at 7.00 p.m. at
the home of Charlene Elphick.
• Mrs. Joyce Elphick distributed
the members' pamphlets, gave
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the members a general outline of
the project and discussed record,
books. Both leaders, Mrs.; Joyce
Elphick and Mrs. Fran Elphick
discussed clothing for camouflage
and selecting your pattern.
Each member was measured
and completed the body measure-
ment chart in the members'
pamnhlet. We also • discussed
figure analysis and, line and
colour plan by filling the chart in
in our members' pamphlet.,
The meeting was closed with
the motto, "Learn to do by
The 'first meeting of Donny-
brook I 4-H club was opened with
the pledge and all members were
present. Janice Robinson, was
elected president and Kathleen
Foran' was elected for vice
president. Mary Ellen _Foran was
elected treasurer while Carol
Foran was chosen as telephone
girl. The secretary and , press
reporter are going to be rotating.
Janice 'Robinson volunteered to
purchase the covers for our record.
books. Our regular meeting
procedure was interrupted with '
Janice Robinson and Carol Foran
leading in exercises which help
develop good physical health.
The first meeting of the
Kairshea 4-H Club, Klothes
Kloset, was held at Mrs. Doel-
man's on January 30. Eight out of
ten members were present. The
election took place withthe
following as officers. President,
Karen Doelman; vice president,
Dianne McBride; press reporter,
Molly McBride; secretary - travel-
We then voted on the name of
our group. We decided on
Kairshea Klothes Kloset. We
decided to hold our next meeting
on February 3, 1978 at the home
of Mrs. Dickie.
' Mrs. Dickie handed out books
and sheets of explanation. Dianne
and Karen demonstrated how to
measure for our shirts. ' Mrs.
Dickie talked more on figure
types, Our. sizes were found and
the meeting was closed 'with the
Mrs. Dickie was hostess for the
second meeting of the Kairshea
The February meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of
the Lucknow Presbyterian. Cbprch
was held on Wednesday, Febru-
ary 1st in Mrs. Robt. Reid's
home,, with an attendance of 21
Mrs. Little presided and open-
ed the meeting with scripture.
Mrs: Reid gave the mediation,
"A Gift of Peace". •
Minutes of January meeting
were read and approved. The Day
of Prayer is to be held in the
Anglican Church on March 3rd. It
was agreed to send $50.00 to the
Dorothy Douglas Memorial Fund.
,Mrs. Johnston announced that
allocations are higher this year.
Following the offering and
prayer, the roll was called and
Mrs. Loree led in prayer. Mrs. M.
Henderson gave the Mission
Study' on the Caribbean Islands.
Mrs. Little thanked Mrs. Render -
son for an interesting study and
. Mrs. W. Reid closed the meeting
with prayer. Tea was served at
the close of the meeting.
LiojyrQod Wonien Institute
The Holyrood Women's Insti-
tute met on Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Ellwood Elliott
with Mrs, Alex Percy in charge.
The theme was, "Citizenship and
World, Affairs". The Ode and
Mary Stewart Collect were re-
peated and the roll call was "A
way to be friendly to my
neighbour or to a newcomer".
Mrs. Frank Maulden read the
minutes of the previous meeting
and gave the financial statement.
A letter of appreciation was read
from a neighbouring 'family and
also a letter from Murray Gaunt
Ripley W.I.
The roll call, `,The position in
government I would like to run for
and why, either in local, provin-
cial or federal", was answered by
the Ripley Women's Institute.
members at their meeting at the
president's home, Mrs. Ross
Mrs. Walter Lock, vice presid-
ent, was appointed to attend the
Officers' Convention at, Waterloo
University from May, 2nd to 4th.
Mrs. Donnie MacDonald, curator,
will have her membership to
Historical Society paid.
Next year is the 75th . anniver-
sary of the Ripley Branch and
members were asked to keep
ideas in mind to celebrate. The
District Director's meeting is at
Silver Lake on March 28th. The
March meeting will be on
Thursday rather than Friday due
to the World's Day of Prayer.
Mrs. Jack McLean, convener of
Citizenship and World Affairs
hadthe topic on "Family Reform
Laws in Ontario and other
Provinces" . It will be interesting
to see the result of this family law
reform bill when introduced in
Mrs. ' Roy MacKenzie 'held a
sing song and also a Valentine
contest. Mrs. James Kirkpatrick
gave the courtesies and thanked
the lunch committee, Mrs. John
Gamble and Mrs. Elwyn Pollock.
A demonstration on "Celebrity
Cooks" T.V. program where.
Margaret 'Trudeau cooked a
vegetable fritter -type dish was
watched on T.V.
South Kinloss'
The January meeting of South
Kinloss M' zonary Society was
held Febn. ,ry 1, at the home of
Mrs. Harold Austin. The presid-
ent, Mrs. Philip Steer, presided.
The minutes were read by the
secretary, Mrs. Harry Lavis,
followed by the business. The
supply money for this year will be
$3.00 per member: Some discus-
sion on entertaining at Pinecrest
Manor is to be decided at a later
The Bible Study was on Adam,
, by' Mrs. Philip Steer, with Bible
reading and discussion period.
The roll call was answered by a
Bible verse . with the word
Garden. Readings were given by
Mrs'. Lloyd MacDougall and Mrs.
Jim Burt. A report of theannual
meeting held in Wingham was
given by Mrs. Philip Steer and
Mrs. Harry Lavis, followed with
the Prayer Circle - Mrs. Frank
MacKenzie, Mrs. Ted Collyer,
Mrs. Donald Maclntyre taking
part. Mrs.'Lloyd MacDougall took
the introduction to the Study
Book, "Making Mission Hap-
pen", also a quizz on Foods of the
Courtesies were by Mrs. Wm.
MacDonald and prayer by Mrs.
Fraser MacKinnon. A social half
hour was enjoyed, served by the
hostess and directors Mrs. a Lloyd
MacDougall, Mrs. WM. MapDon-
ald and Mrs. Jim Birt.'
M.P.P. on TV service in Grey and
Bruce and from Mrs, Sheila Clark
o4 the Kairshea Institute regard-
ing toys for the Wingham and
District Hospital.
It was decided not to send a
delegate to the officers' confer-
The 4-H leaders are Mrs.
Leonard Stanley and Mrs. Orrie.
Mrs. Ellwood Elliott and Mrs.
Lorne Eadie were judges for the
Valentine cup cakes with prizes
going to Miss Edna Boyle and
Mrs. Jack Scott.
Mrs. Marion Harris presided
for the program. The topic, "Our
flag", was given by Mrs. Ellwood
Elliott and the motto "Courage is
what it takes to stand up and
speak, also what it takes to sit
down and listen", was also given
by Mrs. Marion Harris,
"Why we send Valentines",
was given by Mrs. Alex Percy.
Mrs. Marion Harris conducted
a Valentine contest with Mrs:
Alex Percy and Mrs. Lorne Eadie
winning the prizes. Mrs. Ellwood
Elliott conducted a contest on
Canada. "
Mrs. Howard Harris gave the
courtesy remarks. Directors were
Mrs. Ellwood 'Elliott and Mrs.
Howard Harris.
The March hostess will be Mrs.
Jack Scott and it will be a St.
'Patrick's party.
Rev. Doug Kaufman
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Nursery Provided
for pre-school children
Jr. Congregation for
5 -`8 year old children
Rev. Robert Armstrong
Phone Wingham 357-2072
Rev. R. McCallum
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev. L. Van Staalduinen
Services at 10:00 a.m.
and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
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Message of Today
CKNX Wingham, 10:30 a.m.
Radio dial 920