HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-4-4, Page 51 1 } Faster Greeting Cards 1Ama, k,10o,18o • • • • • WILHELM ITITCR SCRIPTURE VERSE CARDS..2 for 60 CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • • • • • Toiletries make lovely Easter Gifts a LAURA SECORD AHD U1L$0N1 CHOCOLATES CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. Poona 90 22 The Square God/rich 1/2.-AUGUBMI ST. ADOUSTINa4 AprU 2.—After dpendiag two weeks with Kingsbridge friends, Miss Irene O'Connor returned home on Monday of this week. She was accompanied by her steer. Misa Soso, who will speed the week with her slaters Mr. Archie Messer of Blneval• I• Spending this week with his brother- Indaw, Mr. D. McAllister. Miss Martha Ferguson 1s the guest Y Miss Beekl• Thompwoa. Miss Mabel Reid of Asbdeld visited with her cousin, Mrs. Mason McA111a- r, one day last week. Mr. Jas. K. Wilson la Improving tater kis recent Illness. Born—On Sunday, March 31st, to $r. and Mrs. Everett Errtagtoa. a laughter. Mr. J. Gibson 1. engaged wilts Kt. A I0. Johnston for the sumartrr. Mr. Jobs O. Ottawaey et--iltarma- drat flasdy at_tb• boys it Mr. Jura William Reid — V g HO S ERERIliblimme and Mae 660 — All kinds of Uphofeteriag ezpert- b dome at reasonable prices CHEETWIELD aUITI$ A SPECIALTY 13 Tsars' Repot -fence len Guaranteed C._... l• Stas et infect Coverings —ilMee Estimates Given— LOCAL REFERENCiEtS BATTER IES Graroylw 613 Seim Ssrvt.s, Its tom 11111 111 Heavy Duty, 11 .ea $111.4$ 113 Heavy Duty. 13 sass $ 1,11 113 Sfasasrd. 12 rasa $ 7.11 A written unconditional guaran- tee with above Batteries, mama lectured by liiart Battery Co., the oldest established Battery Manufacturing Co. In Canada. FRED BEEVERS .. — "':are- — 1 vises:rfvi.9seft ;?1�g+sartllrtro • 641: .•.._..� UPEiTTE r SERVICE STATION PHONE 241W .WWINNW a, evcrOate 4, GODEa/(u. t)NT Ken's and Young Mn'. New Spring Hats and Caps are in Cape are in a large assort . ment of mixed tweeds and diagonal checks. Sizes 612 to 7%. Prioad at 95c. t • The Felt Hata are in new shades of greys, browns and fawns. Sinew from 6% to 7%. Fried M $1.95 to $2.75 M. ROBINS Tiq Top Tailors' Represents - Hire at our store today Coale in and look over the new simples Mos 384 DO�r IL Thompson. Hta mother, Mrs, Rachel ()hamper, returned home with him after spending the winter with relatives here. DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, AprU &—Mr. Heber leedy, Thornton, Irvine and Frank ICedy and Howard Squires motored to Toronto last Thursday to attend the hockey match. Master Donald Ross spent the week- end in Auburn, the guest of his uncle, Jas. Medd. Mr. Jack Chisholm. who was oper- ated on in the Goderlch hospital last Tuesday, returned to his home oa Saturday. Miss Claire Pentland spent the week- end In (Judertch with her sister Mar- garet. Mrs. J. Nevins of Lueknow is the guest of Mt. and Mrs. Chat Elliott. MTM Pearl Caldwell of Carlow spent tke we'ekind with her mother, Mrs. Geo. UsidwalL. .,......_.,- ., a Mr. Glover of Toronto spent the week -end at the parsonage, aod occu- pied the pulpit to the United church Sunday morning. The regular monthly meeting of the West Wawanosh Fare insurance Co. was held in the secretary's, office on Tuesday. Yr._ i._C, Beacom, LP.:. add• an aliklal visit to the melted ea Tuesday. Rev. D. A. McMillan and Mrs. Mc- Millan and family are visiting friends in Brantford this week. Mrs. Thos. Begley, who ha4 been living at Leamington tor some time has returned to her home on the 5th con- cession of West Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs Rich. McWhluuey at- tended the service at Knox church, ()Werth, last Sunday, when Rot. Dr.. Goforth, one of the world -famed mis- sionaries of China. preached. 1)r. and Mrs. Goforth labored for forty-seven years In China, and hare just recently returned home, Dr. Ggtorth being blind. Mrs. Kidd and son, of Southampton. spent Sunday with her son. Gordon Kidd. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alton. The regular monthly meeting of the Wosasta's Institute was held et the beau of Mrs. W. lis. Stothers ens There - day last, with a goodly bomber present. The meeting was opened by singing the Ode and repeating (be Lord's Pray- er. It was decided to hold a dance In the perish hall, on Monday, AprU 22nd. Interesting papers were glues by Mrs. Chas. Brown and Mrs Alton. Mrs. Burtoo Roach offered her home for the next meeting. The meeting was closed with the singing of the Na- tional Anthem, atter which lunch was served, Mrs. Stotbers, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Alton being hostesses. Mr. Nilson and daughter, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his daughter, Mrs. Jack Richardson. and Mr. Rich- ardson. Rev. Mr. Storey, a missionary from South America, occupied the pulpit in the United church last Sunda/ night Mr. Storey spoke of his work among the people of South America. Oa Mon- day night be showed lantern views of South America which were vete, in- teresting and instructive. While here Mr. Storey was the guest of I)r. and Mrs. Yokes. ltorn—to Mr. and Mra. Everett Er- rington, 6th concession, West Wawa - nosh, a daughter. Death . et .flee. MiasareThe death occurred on Sunday. March 81st, at the home of his sister, Mee. Jack Rich- ardson, of Geo. Nilson of Toronto. at the age of twenty-three years. Mr. Mlaon, who had not been well for some time, came up a couple of months ago to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson. He became woroe while here and was giv- en several blood transfusions. These seemed to help for a while, hut Sun- day evening be became worse and pissed away at 11 o'clock. M-. MIs. on's father, sister and friend motored up from Toronto on Saturday. They returned to Toronto Sunday evening, and had just arrived home when they got the word that George had passed away. Mr. Mison came hack from Toronto. The remains were taken to Toronto for burial, and the funeral is being held today (Wednesday). Mr. and Mrs. Richardson and Mr. Minos aecoolpaoled the remains to Toronto. Athletic Asssdatien Fensed. -A meeting for the organisation of aft_ athletic association was held et saw Keosle's garage on Tuesday evening. Mr. Heber Eedy was elected chairman sad Gordon Kidd secretary. An exe- cutive was elected as follows: Pres'. dent, Heber Eedy ; vice-president, Ce - dl Treleaven ; see retary-tmauler, Gordon Kidd. The eonetttstlon was read and adopted. The president was elected as delegate to the baseball conventloa. Baseball convenors elected by ballot are Frank Pentland and Wm. J. Stothera. The Association is to be known ar the Dungannon Amateur Athlette eructation. Purpose—the fostering rand general eneonraging of all !Ines of amateur sporte In the com- munity. The annual meeting le to he held daring the drat week In April each year. The eteentive emit consist of president vke-president and serTe- tary•treasmrer. Each line of rportingac- tivity is to be repte•.sted on the evo- cative by two eonvenora The eterni- ties la to have full Awls of all feuds accumulating tram sti lime et sport activity In any way connected with the D.A.A,A. THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. PEZEZETATION Or Dr. Goforth's • W. KL 8. LIFE-KEKBEEMP Mrs. Thew dsksat-u H•msred 17 FsIMw-westere sf North Bt. Geri The W.M.B. of North street Called church set on Monday afternoon la the church lecture room, the preatdeat, Mrs. W. P. Lane, In the chair. Among items of business, arrangements were made for the Easter thank+4Rering meeting; Mrs. A. E. Matheson sad Mrs. R. J. Howard were appointed delegates to the Presbyterial meeting to be held in £.teiai :r:, I'i: �^'* of !Pie month, and the treasurer's report was received showing the receipts for March to be $52.60, and the amount to be remitted to the Presbyterial treas- urer for the first quarter of the year, $101.20. Mrs. W. Hero read to the member, Premier Hepburn's reply to the tem- perance delegation that recently waited upon him. The Premier said that the advertlaing of liquor would not fie per- mitted; that there would be no sale of wine or beer in restaurants; and that no referendum would be taken on the wine and beer question. He indi- cated, also, that upon the church with its various organisations rested the duty of the education of the people in the principles of temperance. -Mrs. James Hamilton in a pleasing address spoke of the work of womes in the church, and emphasised particu- larly the value of fidelity in God's stork. She then asked Mrs. Thomas Johnston to come forward and pre- sented her, for the Society, with a certificate of lite -membership, u a mark of appreciation of her faithful and efficient service for eight years in the supply department of the W.M.B. work. Mrs. Johnston was completely takes by surprise, but feelingly expreeeed her thanks for the honor done her glias- - Mary itoYeetr„a, seseeel visa— president, then took the chair for the devotional program. The Scripture, Psalm 68, verses 1-11, was read by Mrs. Hamilton, brief prays were of- fered hy several members, the leaflet, "World -minded Friends," was read by Mrs. H. L Salkeld, and current mis- sionary topics were read by Mrs. A. Buchanan The chapter et the daft beak Wok dealt with the "Thome* Arlstlana" was briefly summarized by Whiz Rob- ertson, obertson, and the meeting closed with the repetition of the ancient Jewish benediction. WESTFIELD WESTFIELD, April 2.—We are tarry to hear that Mr. Lorne Truett .is suffering from plural pneumonia. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. McDowell visited Bruce - field and London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kershaw and family, of Goderich, visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin McDowell. Mr. Mansel Cook has engaged to work for some months with Mr. Wal- ter Cook. Mia. )Pass-m.eae. weptit last week .5 r she heme c - Mrs. R. Stonehouse of Oodert: b. Mr. Ernest 8 1 and 11s mother, Mrs. Gordon ' a "ihd little Mias Janette were Goderich visit- ors on Saturday. The Y.P.S. met last Wednesday evening. The meeting was under floe leadership of Mr. Lloyd Walden. The Bible lesson was read by Miss Mary Ann Gower. A violin solo was ren- dered by Mr. Harvey McDowell. The topic was given by Mr. Douglas Camp- bell on "The Prodigal Son." The meeting was dismissed wltb the Ms - tab benediction. Mrs. Walter Cook and Miss Mary were Goderich visitors on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook were Winghaq visitors on Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Campbell was the proud possessor last week of some ,wnsies which she picked from her garden, and some Mayflowers which were gath- ered at the hush. This seems remark- able for the time of year. Moving Address (Continued from page 1) Eastern idea of aelf-ascriti a and de- nial, made man long, lone pilgrim- age., me as tar as the southeyn mountains of Honan. a distance of 2,000 miles. Os another occasion he left his family to retire into moun- tain fastnesses and become a hermit. !S• met nu.; LG.Y= !arc; r‘.4 :s a tong conversation with Dr Ilaeoilltvray, who sought to show the man the way of God. Wong May be,•ame angry at the missionary's perseverance and left In a fit of anger when the white teacher, 1n answer to a reeitat of all floe Oriental's pilgrimages, sold, in ef- fect. "No one is jtatllied by deeds of the Ieeh, but by faith in Jesus Christ" Wong May returned, however, being unsatisfied with his own arguments, and soon was converted. Thete..1 Peril In addition to his many successes, Dr. Goforth suffered many reverses, and on more than one occasion be was threatened with death. At the time of the Boxer rebellion In 1900, Dr. Go- forth and Dr. Leslie tled with a band of mission workers when threatened by foraging bandits. The group fell into an ambush and were captured, Dr. Goforth and Dr. Leslie Ming brutally hacked by swords and kstres. Dr. Goforth exhibited one of his many wounds, a long war on his sku,l. The mission band escaped while the ban- dits quarrelled over the division of the spoils, and were a whole day with- out food and water. They were twen- ty-four days returning to the misuloa, and on their arrival Lound it had been thoroughly ransacked. ..Oa aaotLar..occaaialL-1L.-.Guforthe. preaching in a tent, was threatened with death by a notorious "had man" of the district. The man was overpow- ered and a few days later Dr. Goforth converted him. The following day the man brought to the mission tent about thirty of his neighbors. As a young man. said the speaker, he would have laughed had anyone suggested that he enter the .-feerslgn minion field. He wanted to practise law. Later he decided to tem ome a preacher, but atter bearing Dr George Leslie MacKay—"MacKay of Formosa" 2 -he knew the course he most follow. He trained for foreign teaching by working among his own raw. visiting In the slums of Toronto and the gaols. In 1932 tbere were 472 adults bap- tised in his Manchukuoan field.--.ln 1933 there were 776, and In 1934 there were 906. ('bias Needs Christ "The Eastern religion is not good enough for the Kastetnere," said Dr. Goforth, 1n answer se those who would have those ignorant of t"brut lett to their own beliefs. "It those people knew as much of the heathen as f do after forty-evsn years spent among them." be said, "they would change M KINGSBRIDGE K1NGSBRIDOE, April 3—Rev. Father McCardie, Mr. and Mrs. Con. O'Keefe, their son Eugene and tittle daughter Mary Philomena, Mrs. S. Austin, Messrs. J. C. Dalton, Michael Dalton and Arthur Dalton attended the funeral of the late John Dalton at St. Columban on Saturday. Mr. Dal- ton was a one-time Klugsbrldie bop and his many friends here were sorry to hear of his demise and wish to of- fer their sympathies to his bereaved wife sal famlly,- Mr. Bill Dalton 4 Itr. Joe etatea— 1y, of Detroit, spent the weeks la Kingsbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vis -Ilia and babe and Mr. Cyril Austin visited in Wing - ham one day last week and were ac- companied on their return by lire. P Auatin, who had been visiting Wing - ham friends for some time. Mrs. Sarah Griffin, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin and child• ren, of Detroit, visited among their friends for a couple of days this week. Miami Elaine O'Connor, from Detroit, le spending a while at her home here. Miss Mary Foley of Goderich was home for Sunday last. Miss Mary Clare of the (ICI spent the last week -end at her home. Miss Veronica Molyneaux of Dublin is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Tim G Alan. CHURCH NOTES English Lutheran church, MacKay Hall,' Sunday, April 7th: Morning worship at 11 a.m. Subject, "Cod is Human Experience" (John 6: 67, 68; Matthew 16:24). Rbv. C. Ziegler In charge. It was necessary to cancel the spe- cial service* announced to be held March 28 to April 21, at McKay Hall, -tic Methe- dlst church. On Sunday next aervlres at 3 and 7 p.mwill be In charge of Miss 1. Dawson, pastor. Regular services will be held In Victoria street United church on Sun- day next. The pastor, Rev. F. W. Craik, will preach at the morning ser- vice, his subject, "Sweet Peace, the Gift of God's Love." Communion wl l 1* dispensed and there will be a re- ception of new mentbers. At the even- ing 'service Rev. J. W. Herbert, of Holmesvllle, will preach. The sacrament of the Lord'. Sapper will be observed in Knox Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. At the evening service, at 7 p.m., the sermon subject will be "Some Things Whleb Religion Never.Outgrows." Prepara- tory -service ale Fri- day evening, at 8 o'clock, by the min - biter, Rev. 1/..1. Lane. New member! will he received at this service. The iadies' Aid of the Baptist church met at the parsonage on Thur. - day evening, March 26th. There were ten members present and the de- vmional period was led by Mrs. Grlf. vice-president. The topic oe the artgin of the Hewing machine wee taken by Mrs. Pennington. Mrs. Footwear OUR 8TOOK IS NOW COMPLETE OF THE LATEST FASHIONS AND DESIGNS OF FOOTWEAR FOR SPRING This season we are showing an assortment of the up -t0 - date styles of SHOES, OXFORDS, TI.&`..$TRAP Nair - "PERS and PUMPS for ladies and men that cannot be _ equalled in quality or price. In misses' and children's Footwear we are making a specialty, and have the daintiest and most artistio designs of the shoemaker's art. Call and see the NEW FOOTWEAR for Spring end Summer. Geo. MacVicar THE PRACTICAL SHOEMAN - North Side of Square Palmist—Beware! A dark man is Writer: "How are my novels go - about to cross your path. 1ng'" Clleut—Hadn't you better warn the Bookseller: "1 can't Imagine, air, tse- dark man; I've a motor car. , lege It's shoplifter" CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich Phone47 Now Playing—Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Pat O'Brien, in the Willi - int new musical "FLIRTATION WALK." MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY— nBoles, Dotfglazs K1lontgonT617 id Glenn Swanson present a INCw faghlon in mu.dral entertainment Melodies by Jerome Kcvu. Lyrics ad lib recto hy Oscar Hammerstein 2nd. • "Music in the Air" THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAI— SLiiRA LANDI and ROBERT DONAT ro-starred In a thrilling story by ALI'XANDRE DUMAS$. Intrigue, romance and adventure "plenty In "The Count of Monte Cristo" M ATI NEKM WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 p.m. Corning ,Carole Lombard, la "LADY By CHOICE." 4 TIE GODER1CH HEAT FOLKS /f your heating equipment bests • retreat when winter bare confirmed that belief." Tetra rams to the eyes of mane is the congregation as Dr. Goforth spoke of his personal expericaeesi and put forth an impaosioned ples for roues men •nd women to earry on the work, even in the face of the fate of one worker, who was decapitated by brig- ands, then chopped to pieces, so he could not return to preach after death. Many alao remained after the per - vice to meet snd shake hands with I* Goforth and Ills wife, who accom- panied him on his visit. At the Sunday *Moil meeting in the afternoon, Dr. Goforth upoke briefly to a large gathering of children and If health and their itinerer; per- mit, Dr. and Mrs. Goforth will return to Goderich for thfr intstvionary night in ronnectl OD with the centennial celebration of Knox !lurch in Septem- ber. • the singing of a hymn the meetibg (domed with the Lord's Prayer. Re treatments were served be Mee. -Bent In the Itaptiat church next Send's" there will be,,,a special speaker. Dr. A. .1' Vining, who Is • clear, foreeful Goopel preacher. In October lost. at the Baptist convention, Dr. VinIrg was elected to the higheet office in the church, that of president of the On tario and Quebec Baptist churches. Dr Vining will address the Sunday achool at 10 a.m., and hie sermon sub- jecte wilt he: 11 a.m., "ent Out the Show:" 7 p.m., "Quit Fooling" Om Monday night Dr. Vining will preaeh at the fifth and last of the series ot Interdenominational meetings. to he heid in Knox Presbyterian church. The mobjetit of Ms addrees will he "A Royal Name." Special evangelletie MPAFillgel will be given by Dr. Vining In the Baptist church each suecessive night until Friday; the meetings to begin at 8 p.m. Fat WE MT THE 14803H ON WINTER Atg COLD will bunk quietly in your cellar and Ars wino that' us tam whites a welter's eyes. Tou will never have to surrender to cold if you have this ammuni- tion in your fire -box. Make your house headquarters for this major coal and you Mil live ln CALL THE Heat Folks wR NOW CARRY GIENIIIIND SCOTCH ANTHRACITE J. B. MUSTARb COAL CO. Phase PI WM. G. leseEWAN, Manager Galore* Oat GENIIRAL MOTORS ANNOUNCES FOR 1936 lam plat/ arm. 43' mobs. k. Stake 111•57. e- scalloped. 141' wheelbase. Dr - AMMO 1•111•061 Wass) !might awl Oevern - wept llama.. war...1m TOM "Molise Type Read" Truant 2 Lariat Positive, agonised Drakes. 3 Duty Truk ChM* and Imp 4 homey, Chinsolealledit De Luse Cab welt ledaty Gam Winding& 6 Sturdy Truk -Type Ihresie with TODAY, General Motors presents a new and finer line of Chevrolet *ton and 11h -ton commercial oars and trucks, and a complete rangii of bigger, smarter, even more capable Maple Leaf Heavy Duty 2-tosi trucks. Them are the beet -performing, mod economical, mod powerful cmd dispenclablit truckle amoral Motors has ever offered in the kow Felon field. They give you oomplete coverage of every bane. portalion and hauling need in the 1/• to 5 -ton range. They embody many new feature@ and refinements of greatest importcmce to *very intending buyer in the commercial field. We °cm give you complete information about these new trucks now. Visit our showrooms today! • GEO. G. MacEWAN, Goderich, Ont. Phone 234 'I Improved Freest lad Appearasoe. II Mora Powarfkl Special Truck Engine. 3 Truch-Tepe Hydraulic brakes 4 Improved Truck Clutch and Foaa Speed Trassadmion. Rigger cod Mao Track %diet 6 Heavier from, with Alligator -km Cress Members. 7 tenon Wisselbeess for 11•4141r Load Dierribehma mad Greene Payload Improved roll-rtootteg hear Ade-- •