HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 10Ashfield W.M.S.
Mrs. Richard West was hostess
for the AshfiOd Women's, Mis:
sionary Society January meeting.
Mrs. Warren Wylds opened the
meeting with call to worship °
followed by prayer, °Mrs. • Jack
MacKenzie gave the devotional
and scripture.
Mrs. Richard West gave a
reading and Mrs. Warren Wylds
had a reading followed by prayer -
by Mrs. West. "Resolutions", a'
reading was given by • Mrs.
Richard West. ,
Working in pairs, the ladies
had a question and answer sheet
on a Bible Study, "Thanksgiv-
ing"; a discussion followed.
Offertory prayer was given lVfis.
Jack MacKenzie. Fifteen ladies "
answered roll call - payment of
fees and a New Years verse.
Business was next and anycine
with used stamps, cards and eye
glasses are to give them to. Mrs.
Stuart MacLennan by March
meeting.. Mrs. Richard West let
her name stand for the nominat-
ing committee.
Mrs. Wylds gave a report on
the annual qnteeting held in
Wingham, the guest speaker
being Mrs. Ntigent, her topic
being on the "C-aribbean".
Mission study .for this year is
Local Church In God's Mission.
Mrs. Wylds had the closing
prayer. Lunch and a, social time
ended the meeting.
Rev. Robert Armstrong
Phone Wingham 357-2072
Rev. R. McCallum
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
• 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev. Doug Kaufman
' Minister
10.00 a.m. Sunday Schciol
11 a.m. Morning Worship
• To follow worship
Nursery provided
for pre-school children
Jr. Congregation for
5 -8 year old children
The Maitland Presbyterial an,:,
nual meeting was 'held in St,
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
Wingham, on January 16. After
the call to worship and Invoca-
tion, , devotions were given by
Mrs. Ralph Dickson, Mrs, Elmer
Jeffray and Mrs,. George Nickel 9f
- Address of welcome was by
president of the local group, Mrs.
Gordon Wall.
Highlight of the Meeting was.
the guests speaker, Mrs. Hugh
Nugent, of Ripley, who was
introduced by Mrs.A. Cumming.
Mrs. Nugent) conducted a very
educational anclanteresting work-
shop on the Study Book - The
Local Church and also explained
the books on Nazareth Manifesto
and Caribbean Crescent. Groups
were formed to study and explain,
to watch a film and give a play.
Correspondence dealt with the
workshop to be held in June in
Guelph to which it was decided to
send Mrs. Gordon Mundell and
Mrs. Robert Arbuckle of Wing -
ham., Mrs. H. Nugent of Ripley.
and Mrs. K. Grant of Teeswater.
Mrs. Horace Aitchison read -the
copy of the funeral service held
for Miss Dorothy Douglas in
Taiwan where •she had been a
missionary for many years.
Greetings from Presbytery
were brought by the moderator,
Rev. D. Kemble of • Walkerton,
who gave much praise for the
work of the Women's Missionary
Presbyterial officers , for 197
are:. Honorary president, Mrs
Alvin Mundell (Belmore) Gorrie;
past president, Mrs. J. W.
English, R. 4 Wingham; presid-
ent, Mrs. Don Robertson (Kin -
lough), R, 3 Ripley; 1st vice
president, Mrs. Ross Cumming,
Ripley; 2nd vice preSident, Mrs,
Robert Bregnan, R.3 Teeswater;
3rd vicepresident, Mrs. Walter'
Burton, R. 5 Kincardine; 4th vice
president, Mrs: George Fisher,
Box 377, Wingham; secretary,
Mrs. Ewan. MacLean (Ashfield)
R. 3 Lucknow; treasurer, Mrs.
Evan Keith (South Kinloss) R. 5
Lucknow; historian, Mrs. Henry
•MacKenzie (Ashfield) R. 3 Luck -
now; assistant historian, Mrs. T.
• A. Currie, Wingharn; secretaries.
recording,. Mrs. Robt. Arm -
Strong, Box 115, Wingham;
corresponding, Mrs. Don Mac -
Adam (Belmore) R. 2 VVingham;-
youth groups, Mrs. Robt, Arbuck-
le, Wingham; children's groups,
Mrs. Kenneth Grant (Teexcvater)
' R. 1 Formosa; associate mem-
bers, Mrs. Lloyd Felker (Moles -
Worth), R. 2 Gorrie; afternoon
groups, Mrs. Hugh Nugent,
Ripley; evening groups, Mrs.
Gordon Mundell, Wingham;
friendship and, service, Mrs. W.
D. Campbell (Molesworth) R. 1
Listowel; Glad. Tidings, Mrs.
Herb Buckton (South Kinloss), R.
5 Lucknow; press, Mrs. Geo.
Fisher, Wingham; supply, Mrs.
Gordon Wall, Box 744, Wingham;
life membership, Mrs. Walter
Burton, • Kincardine; members
with portfolio, Mrs. Glen Halden-
by (Kinlough) , R. 1 Holyrood;
Mrs. Ewan MacLean (Ashfield)
R. 3 Lucknow; Miss Louise
Matthews (Gorrie) Fordwich;
Mrs. Joe 'Martin , Brussels; audit-
ors, Mrs. Morgan Henderson,
LucknoW and Mrs. Wallace
Mifflgan (Whitechrirch) R. 3
Wingham.• °
Nominating committee,. Luck -
now Evening, Belmore,
Brussels, and • the executive
member, Mrs.. Don MacAdam.
Naming committee for camp,
Mrs. Ewan MacLean, . Mrs. ", R.
Singing was enjoyed with Mrs.
A. Mundell as leader, Courtesies
were ' given by Mrs. Henry
MacKenzie, followed by the
closing prayer by president Mrs.
Don Robertstm. Lunch was prov-
ided at, noon and after the'
meeting, • -
- .
r •
Thelma Brown, Lucknow, left, 'of the Lucknow Women's Institute is shown one of the basic knots in
macranie by Linda Emmerton of R. R. 1 Holyrood. Mrs. Emmerton and Mrs. Bogues attended the
, --
afternoon meeting of the Institute last week to Instruct the ladies in the basics of macrame and to create
an Interest in the craft. Mrs. Emmerton and Mrs. Bogues brought jute for each of the ladies so they could
try the various knots.
Lucknow W.I. learn macrame
The January meeting of the
Lucknow-Women's Institute was
re -scheduled and held on Mon-
day, January 16.
• Following the Institute Grace a
dessert was served by the
hostesses Mrs. Grace Gibson,
Mrs.. Wes Ritchie, Mrs. John
Wraith and, Mrs.! Ruth Helm.'
The president, Mrs. Mary
MacGillivray, opened the meet-
ing with a New Years -poem after
which the minutes of the Decem-
ber .meeting were read by the
secretary, Mrs. Bert Gammie.
Twenty • members and five
visitors answered the roll call by
suggesting a place they would
like to visit.
Plans were made to visit the
patients at Pinecrest Manor on
January 24th.
Get well cards were sent to
members who are ill.
Following the business meeting
Mrs. 'Grace Gibson had charge of
the program which opened with a
poem "You Have to Believe".
ConimunitY singing was enjoyed
with Mrs. Wes -Ritchie at the
piano. The motto •"You Can't
Grow . Vegetables ' in a Parking
Lot" was prepared by Mrs. Grace
Gibson and, read by Mrs. Ruth
Following a busy hour helping
beginners they were thanked. and
.presented with gifts.
Mrs. Mary MacGillivray fav-
oured us with a piano solo , and
Pine River U.C.W.
Pine, River United Church
Wien met in the church on
January 17, for their 10 a.m.
meeting; --followed by a pot luck
noon meal.
The theme on "Faith in
Action" was taken by Mrs. Lynn
Lowry: Scripture verses were
read by Mrs, Bill Scott, Mrs.
Duncan Thorburn and Nixes, Jack
Mrs. Lowry offered prayer
toliciwed by the introduction of
the study packet on The .Carib-
bean Connection. The film -
Jamaica Journey - was shown.
Ninety percent of the, country is
Christian, active in their church-
es, enjoying music and singing.'
Group discussion fdllowed.
Mrs. Duncan Thorburn- presid-
ed, opening with a poem, and
sortie thoughts for the new year.
It was decided to look into the
purchase of a new refrigerator for
the church kitChen. The meeting
closed with 'prayer..
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" The highlight of the afternoon
was an interesting macrame
demonstration given by Mrs. Wm
Bogues and, her daughter. Mrs.
Lorne Emmerton.
Mrs. John Wraith gave a feadihg,
"Don't Find Fault".
The meeting closed with the
Royal 'Anthem.
Kairshea 'wi.
Family and Consumer 'Affairs
was the theme for the Jannary
meeting of Kairshea W.I. held at
the hOme of Mrs. Harry Lavis.
Directors were the Standing
Committee for Family and • Con-
sumer Affairs, Mrs. Virdin Mow-
bray, Mrs., Evan Keith, Mrs.
Leonard Clarke and Mrs. Hank
• The president, Mrs. Evan
Keith, welcomed all, and opened
the meeting with the poem "The
Little Things". The roll call was
• "A new product I discoirerecl in
"the past year, 'answered by 23
members present. •
The leaders for the.4-H course,
Consider Your Clothes, are Mrs.
Wm. Dickie and Mrs. , Brian
Doleman. The Officer's Confer-
ence,will be May 2 - 4, University
of Waterloo, Mrs. Donald C.
Maclntyre was voted as the
delegate. Mrs. Leonard Machmes
and Mrs. Cliff Roulston will , plan
for the February birthday enter-
tainment at Pinecrest Manor.
A musical number' by Mrs.
Leonardparke was enjoyed. The
speaker for the meeting was a
member of Kairshea W.I., Mrs.
Bob Gilchrist, who is Area
Convener for Family and Con-
sumer Affairs. She told of what is
involved with this ;Convenership.
The motto - Be good to the aged
for your turn is corning, was well
prepared by Mrs. Gordon Wall,
read by Mrs. Evan Keith. A
contest on Nutrition by Mrs.
Leonard Clarke, followed .by
several humorous jokes by Mrs.
Hank Hartemink.
The meeting closed by singing
the Queen and Grace. A social
lialf hour was enjoyed, served ,by
the hostess and directors Mrs.
Ted Collyer and Mrs. Donald C.
Macintyre. •
Rev. L. Van Staalduinen
Services at 10:00 a.m. ,
and 2:30 p.m.
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CKNX Whigham, 10:30 a.m,
Radio dial 920