The Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-25, Page 1•0 4 • to • • �i Aniabe The Reeve of Amalie! Town- ship, Gary Harron, was appointed warden of Bruce County at the preliminary meeting of the Inaug- ural Session for 1978, on Monday, January 16th. Harron was elected over Alvin Thomspon, Reeve ,of Kincardine Township, the other contender for the position. Reeve of Paisley, Andy Corm- ack, last year's warden invested his successor with the Chain of Office: In - • his inaugural address, Warden Harron said that the, residents. of : the county feel that `,`we have one of the top counties in Ontario," "A couple of years ago, ' the International Plowing Match pro- ved what Bruce County. can do when we go all out, and really work together." A top priority for the County • Council in the coming year will be planning said Harron. He wants to see the county confer with. those municipalities affected by construction projects to avoid misunderstanding. A letter has been sent out to the various planning boards in Bruce, tug, Besting that they amalgamate. "At the present time we have a planning board in the, north part of the ,county and one in the south," said Harron., "My own personal opinion is that perhaps there should be three such areas in the county. Perhaps the Douglas Point area, with the extreme amount of growth at the present time, should have a south." planning area separatefrom the. The warden also mentioned the overcrowded. conditions in the County Building -and -said he feels that the finance cont mittee will'be making a requisition to County Council for an addition to . the County Council Chambers in the near future. Harron said that he has. found County Council: to be very • "intriguing" find he said that ,he was sure he would receive the co-operation of the council through. the coming year. e $10 A Year In Advance $14 To U.S.A. a and Foreign 1 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978 Single Copy 25c 28 PAGES $nobein elected to High w �rnmil Reeve Michael Snobelen of Huron Townshippwas elected to a , three year term ; on the ..Bruce County Highways Committee at the inaugural session of the Bruce County Council on .January 15. Snobelen who -operates , the Ali.t•soniax Products its Luck nor edged 'the second contender, Ivan Meilhausen, of Eastnor Township by one vote.,, an fall si A.Holyrood man was seriously injured on Friday afternoon when he fell about 35 . feet down a silo chute where he was working. Donald Murray was working in - the" silo on a farm owned by Ernest Ackert, Holyrood, when. the : accident oceurred. Murray's left leg was broken and will be in a cast for about 1,2 weeks. His right heel was also badly broken and he will be. moved from Wingham . and Dist- rict Hospital to London to have the heel set in a cast. Organize Commun ity Centre campaign A meeting to organize the fund raising campaign for the new Lucknow District Community . . Centre will beheld on Friday, 'January 27, at 8.00 p.m. in the Lucknow Town 'Hall. The Luck- now uck now District Kinsmen, the Luck - now Agricultural Society, the Lucknow District Lions Club afid. the Lucknow' C.13, Club will be represented at the meeting and any other organization wishing to assist in the campaign is invited to attend. 4e ' An official number for the lottery has been received -and neat week's Sentinel; will give full details ofthe lottery which will assist in raising funds to finance the. new community • Lucknow Brownie, Heather. MacIntyre, R. R.-5 ' Lucknow, and an Thompson, . Lucknow, Elaine Steer, Lucknow and Katherine unidentified masked Brownie take .a run down the hill at the back of McKim, Lucknow enjoyed the sunny afternoon in the snow and then Archie MacMillan's farm Lucknow, where the Lucknow Brownies returned to the home of their hostess, Susan Thompson for a hot held a toboggan party last Wednesday afternoon. The 'girls and —home-made spaghetti dinner. their leaders, . Brown, Owl, Lloya Nicholson, Lucknow, . Susan' ... , - • Nominees decline to stand Irvin agrees to head Society for a third term • Russel Irvin, R, R. 7 Lucknow, was returned as president of the Lucknow .Agricultural ;Society at the annual dinnermeeting held in the Lu cknow 'United Church on Friday evening, January 20th. Irvin, who had Tanned to retire at the end df h second terns, agreed to take th position for .a third term when the Society was unable to fid anyone to stand for the presidency .when several. nominations: were declined:: Irwin said in his remarks to the members that ,the position as president of the Society is a "burden and frustrating'' at times but that he has, enjoyed his two years in the office... He said it is a challenge which one wonders if one can 'meet, and when one rises up to meet 'that, challenge, one is content tb allow, someone else to take the president's chair,• a He said that it had. ,been. tt ; •a privilege- to work with, the members of the board and ' he thanked the directors for their support • over the past year. Irvin observed that the Society had made an effort to find lady directors .but they were unable to "break the ice", He, said that the. wives of the .directors on the board work well but the . wotnen prefer to keep their division and stand for office in the ladies' dlyis ioPFI insteittl of sitting as directors on the board . of the men's division. He congratulated the members on the success of the fall fair remarking that "it takes everyone to make a fair." -lune .dilchrist, R. R. 5 Luck - now, gave the remarks- on behalf of the ladies' division of the Society and offered her support to the incoming president, Marie CONTINUED ON . PAGE 14