HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1978-01-18, Page 9WBANESDAY, .11AINiTARY 18, 1978 loss .cotiOcil tat*. .0. -.Special meetings werkheld on December 12th and 15th °at which a motion was made to adopt the. engineer's report on the McEwan 'municipal drain' dated November 21st and the clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary bylaws; that . the tender ..of Two, Way Communications Ltd.. of $5,751.- 62 for a radio, systent for the township vehicles be accepted subject to approval of the M,T.C.; that the township waste site be open every other Saturday for the 'monthsof January, February and March starting January 7th arid ' tinaily tha bylaw to borrow funds to construct tile McEwan Munic- ipal Drain as given first and . second readings. • General accounts for $56,709.- 56 (includes $27,467.,08 for Bruce County Board of Education and $1,7()4,54 for the County of Bruce) and 1ighways accounts for $7,531.34 was ordered paid.. The minutes of theJanuary 3rd regular meeting of. Kinloss Coun- cil included the following appoint- ments: Leonard Clarke as. an • alternate to attend county council in place of the ' reeve; George McBride as representative .on the. Maitland Valley Conservation Authority for 1978; the reeVe.. Barry ;Johnston , to the Lricknow and District Medical Centreboard.. for 1978; George McBride and Leonard, Clarke -to the White- church Community Hall board for 1978i, David Eadie" and Grant , Eckenswiller to theolyrood Hall board; Leonard 'Clarke and David Eadie. to the Lucknow Arena -Board for .1978 and George McBride and David Eadie to the Lucknow. .and Community Fire Committee 'Rill 1978. • • The recreation committee is :.to. be composed -of Annetta Nicolson, Allan Milier, BillGmbsoii, David Eadie, George McBride, June Gilchrist and *Jack Maili. Motions were made to pass bylaw 2-1978 authorizing the clerk to borrow up to S150;000.00 frcim the Bank of Montreal until taxes .are collected; to ° donate $35.00 .to the Canadian Mental - Health Association and to accept Tim tucKrioiv SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. - the tender of B,P. Canada • to deliver gasoline, diesel fuel and furnace oil for 1978. . • - General accounts for $10,556, 96 and highways accounts for $4.584.8 were ordered paid. - Kinloss Recreation Committee loss You THE YOUTH COMMITTEE (Y - C'S) OF KINLOSS The first meeting to' organize a • youth 'committee in Kinloss was held at the home of Mrs. Anne Nicolson on Wednesday, January 11 at 8.00 p.m. Eldction of officers was as follows: president, Steven Allan; vice president, Donald Ritchie; treasurer,- Lynne Nicol- son;secretary, Carol Buckmeier; publicity officer, Murray ' Gil- christ . 'Plans were. made to assist in a lunch -booth at the play on Saturday night as well as to have monthly dances for youths aged 12 to 18 in Kinloss Township. The first one being held on January •27th in HolyrOod Hall. Members of the committee are: Steve Allan, Paul Murray, • DOnald • Ritchie, Lynne Nicolson, • Carol Buck - rimier, George McBride, Diann McBride, Murray Gilchrist /and Eddie Husk.. •. • At the first meeting of Ashfield • Township Couneil held 'January • 11, 1978 the following appoint= ments were -made. John Austin, .Allan Gibson to Lucknow and District Fire 'Com mittee. Grant Farrish, Allan Gibson to • Lucknow and Qiitrict Arena Com- mittee. Finlay MacDonald, John Aust- in to Ashfield Recreation Board and Warren Zinn to Lucknow and A meeting of the Kinloss ' Recreation Committee was held . in the Kinloss Municipal Office on - Thursday, January 12 at 8.00 p.m. with all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and corres- pondence was dealt with. An anonymous' donation was receiv- ed in the amount of $S0 far hall renovations. Membership to the Ontario Municipal Recreation . 'Assocation was voted to be paid for the corning year. Members *nominated to this association were George McBride and Mrs. Anne Nicolson. , Plans were made for the . Whitechurch Women's Institute play to be held on Saturday: - January 14. Another "Talent Night" was discussed - and the date set for 'March ,17th With dance to follow.,littions • were 'bade 'to purchase equip. ment for the coming baseball season. Mrs. Anne Nicolson gave a report on be Youth Committee set up in the tbwnship to organize events for th' Stouth. with, the approval of the Recreation Com- mittee. as as um ss es is us ss a N It RRY INI RA( IR PRINIUM,M4 . GEORGE BURNS JOHN DENVER.. "OH. GOV TERI DARR° DONALD P1EtSENCE • 1 J PAO1E NINE .Shell Oil is drilling for oil or natural gas on the property of Bob Purvis on Highway 86 just east of Lucknow. The test drilling was done aloag Highway 86 from Wingham last September when a formation was found below the surface. The drilling rig was set up at the end of last week and drilling was -to start on Tuesday. Purvis said that it would take from one month to 6 weeks to determine whetherAkere is oil or natural gas at the site. holds inau District Medical Centre Board. and Huron County Farm Safety Board, ,MacGillivray and Co. are to do the .19/7 audit and Donnelly and ,Murphy. are to be solicitors, A grant of S0,.00 each was made to the Salvation Army St John's Ambulance, Huron Coun- ty') March ,of Dimes and Canad- ian Mental Health. Association, Bylaw #2-1978 authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow un • • VVed. to Tu0s., Jan.:18:- 24 PLEASE NO1'E SHOWTIMES. • •Fri. - Sat. 7:00 p.m. and 9400 p.m. ALL OTHER DAYS.8:00 P.M. ONLY "The talk around Hollywood . is that our movie may be a • heavy favorite for an Academy Award—No kiddinV an Oscar! 1 may even have to rent a tuxedo!" • A -6AEIL EILM :ultitycolmns;teitidrid ' 4 es a so am se 111 • • ral meetnie to two hundred thonsand dollars for current expenditirreS..in 1978 from the Bank of Montreal was .passed: General accounts of $5641.45 and road accounts of 83,129.53 including the payment bf• a ri`ew- grader were' approved for payMem. • ; , • • Council would like to have ... some ,new members to serve on • the Recreation Committee: .Any- • one interested in helping are • asked to contact any member Of council or clerk. The next,rneeting will. be .held January ,24th at .1.3p 41 II II 40 • NOTE SHOW TIMES WEEK DAYS ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. •WEEKEND FRI. & SAT. 7 P.M. 8 9:05 P.M. PERSONS 18 YEAS Of A.‘ CO* OAR carol. channin mon ont, uct• uti tit titia tt aki 5 ti tc.ba 'atm .1-15 WONDEF4FLA. flEAL F40MANCE e)r Arlcti. AN • WE NOW • CAN ACCOMMODAtE SEVERAL WHEELCHAIRS. Please make arrant ihe night bofore • 11' :,(,)11Alil Program PHoN(!IN /811 subtett • 'thange • GODERICEI 04coNDITIONI t) ill fi II IP It III Ell Ell lb 10 • .40