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Huron -Perth Separate School Board
Donald' creiiiey of R. R. • 2
Oadshill, a- -46-year-old Ellice •
Township farmer, was acclaiined
Chairman of Huron-Pertli County
° Roman Catholic Separate School
Board at the inaugural meeting in
Dublin Tuesday night. Hesue-
ceeds Mickey Vere of Stratford.
Mr. Crowley, who, was vice
chairman in 1977, has been on the
board for five years. He repre•
ts area m tot
sent.s Elfice, North and South
Etasthope townships.t.
Kinahan Of R. R. 2
LucknOW, a. 53 -year-old life un- •
derwriter was electedvice-chair-
man, winning over _Ronal Marcy
of Stratford.
Mr, Crowley, in his inaugural •
speech, said, "This is the tenth
year for this Huron -Perth board, I
feel we will have to take some •
• decisiveActions this year if we are
to remain a viable board,. We, the
trustees, will have to make
decisions which require integrity,'
honesty and charity. We will have
to be concerned, not only for our
local areas, ut our entire juris-
diction of , uron and Perth
"This spirit of sacrifice will also
have to prevail in our schools by
our teachers, students, parents
and ail who work for our system'
he said, - !
• Rev, R J. Laragh of St. James'
Church, Seaford), addressed the
trustees. Speaking of school
principals, he said,. "There are
few tasks.more _dif-ficultbut a task
that few. would be-- Willing to
'shoulder professionally.
He said, "We have schools and
r •
. a
we need teacherS7 We expeci
them to1)e perfect in ,spite of our
imperfections. They`deserye our
support. I don't think we. should
• • -7
be too hard, too demanding. We
•-cduld be wrong too."
He said, "The school does
.teach the 3 R's, reading, riting
and, rithmetic but for our schools.
. the mot important subject is
S10 A Teal' In Advance $14 To U.S.A. and Forel,*
Quocil story
-n Sentinel
mis ea ing
A story -which ,.appeared in' the
, Sentinel last weekconcerning the
Lucknow ViUage. Council's deci-
sion to hire Robert Symes JO do..
the snow removal .f�r Lucknow
• 'this winter was misleading.
. _ The article presentedthe
reeve's reason, for/epposMs-ihe
motion but did not " -Clearly- state
the reasons why the council
supported ;the -hiring of Symes.
• Lucknow Reeve George Joynt
and COunciilor, Ab Murray voted
against a motion , passed. by
• Lucknow Village. Council to .hire
. Robert Symesfor snow temoital-
until the •spring of 19-78 at an
increased rate, when they. met in
• regular session on December 13,
1977. ••
Syines is to be paid $1.50 more
• on each • of ilast year's rates
'• :bringing the rates to $16.501for
• trucks and $1930 for .the 2 yard
loader: Reeve Joynt said that he
• voted against the motion •because
• • • council voted.ti) pay Symes more
Money than it cost for snow
• removal 'last -year .and council
should have called tenders. for
. snow removal before deciding to
• hire Syrnes. • '
In a letter to -the Sentinel,
k,• Councillors Bill, Crump and I3ud
Hamilton stated that Council
• voted forthe motion because 60
wanted toestabliili the fact that
.the snow removal crew 'should be
• hired until the spring and that
they would call tenders in the fall
• for a full winter contract.
At the meeting, • Councillor
• Hamilton suggested that tenders
should be called in the fall for
• snow removal. In the letter to the
Sentinel, Mr. Crump and 'Mr.
Hamilton pointed out that in
• • regard to tenders being called, he
and • Mr. Crump . went . back
through the minutes of council to
1968 and talked to pople the
°'3• _were involved with the town and°
• k".3iat no time could they find where
tenders had eve 'been called.
The .town minutes recorded
that some A confusion resulted
because some of the councillors
thought thaethe hiring for snow
removal was done in ,Tanuary for
• • the *hole year. Reeve Joynt
• stated at the Meeting that it was
from "fall to Spring only, Mr.
Crump and Mr. Hamilton inform -
.ed the Sentinel in their letter that
in regard to' this'confusioh, they
Shiite Copy 25c
...•• • •
• had talked to different people that
were' involved in village affairs
• and went back through council
minutes to 1968. Any reference
• thatthey could find - clearly
• showed that the hiring was done'
in January, Smile' years •the
tninutes- don't show anyone being
• hired. ' -
Council decided over the bitter
objections orReeve Joynt to hire
• Robert Symes to do the town
. snow removal for a trial period of.
• one • month • in January 1977.
• Council was quite satisfied with
Symes' -work and he was kept on
• for,the rest of the winter. With his
smaller loader at 'a much lower
per hour cost, he could work as
• economically as had been, done
with the larger loader that. had '•
been used previously when Joe
• Kerr of Wingham had been ,
removing the snow for Lucknow.
, •
epire .
Building erection will ann.
mence this month on the Lucknow
and District Community Centre
with completion scheduled for
May, 1978. Eighteen requests for
•bookings have already leen
received said Walter Arnold,
co-chairman of the Fund Raising
• The, community project spear,
• headed by the Lucknow, „District
Liens Club, with the assistance of
other local clubs -and organiza-
• tions will now become a reality
.And requires 'the support of the
people of this community.
Several fund, raising projects
are planned which may include a
lottery. A limited number of
tickets would be sold for . an
ongoing weekly' cash.draw. Every
ticket whether -a winner or not
would rt main in the draw
throughout the duration of the
lottery. •Further details of • the
lottery will.appear in the Sentjnel
in• the coming weeks. , •
Donations arenow being re-
•ceived at the Town Office, the
Ever Wonder hovea sheepdog sees thronili all the fur over her eyes? Kelly Enright, 3, Lucknow, gives her
sheepdog, Shelagh, a big hug as they romp about in the snow in front of the Enright home on Campbell
Street,. The fur doesn't seem to hamper Shelagh's play with Kelly even when the weather is stormy like it
was around town-ou Monday and Tuesday. School children inthe area had two days off this week because
of theblowing snow after .a week shortened by the New Year's holiday and school cancellations the first
day back laStmeek. Roads and schools were closed On Tuesday as 70 km; winds whipped snow*and old
man. winter settled in with another 6 inches of "the white stuff for kids and doss to play in.