HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-25, Page 35Page 14A - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 1996 44444444444444444 r Twas the week before Christmas at LCPS by Mrs. Scott's Gr. 3 LCPS Twas the week before Christmas and all through the school The children were fighting and breaking each rule. The teachers were tired and wished to be in bed While visions of holidays danced through their heads. And Mrs. McCallum with her vacuurn and Mr. Harm lton with his broom Could hardly wait to get started cleaning each room When out on the play- ground there arose such a clatter Mr. Burkett sprang from his lunch to see what was the matter Away to the school yard he flew in a Hash Grabbing good old Mr. McKeon and of course Mrs. Lash. 'When what to his wonder- ing eyes did he see But a playground in chaos ancfkids bad as can be Books flew in the air: there were kids in a fight The students had forgotten what was wrong orwas right. He quickly then realized he needed some hblp And ran to the PA and gave a big yelp. Now Campbell, Now Burkhart. now Surridge and Mayer We need you Hiller and Inwood there's trouble in the air All teachers to the play- ground and get there real fast The kids have gone crazy this just cannot last As they leapt f'rorn their desks and raced onto the scene They all took a look and said, "We can see what you mean." 1 called the police Mrs. Ritchie, ran out to say But they said they were busy Christmas shopping today We rnust call old .Santa right now said Mrs. Black The Star Rules are forgot- ten we need to get them back She raced to the office and gave him a call And told him we needed him by the left school wall And then in a twinkling we heard him arrive He flew_ over Toronto, landing in Lucknow with a dive, He told all the children that no Christmas there'd be If they yelled at their teachers or acted naughtily He told them each year that he watched this whole school And how proud that he was when they kept every rule I want to come see you this Christmas night You must remernher the 3 ft's and use them just. right To show respect, responsi- bility and of course refuse t.o light The children then stopped and they thought it all Christmas Rush 'Across a wet Italian hill, • AJJ stout of heart and strung of will, Four soldiers crawl on hands and knees Toward a clump of oli ve trees. "M.achine-gun nest is close ahead, Coyne, get .'ern boysi" the corporal said, Oblivious of fear and pain,..• 'f'hey inch ahead through driving rain.' Behind the trees that fringe the field Two German gunners lie concealed .. A sudden. sharp machine-gun burst . "1'he (,eritlatl Sold)Cts firc,d first. IJJ)O11 1114.1 SUddcn raitl s</akt.d hull' Foul yourit Canadians lie s1111 11) Ut1119tt?is all we :yi1<j 1 oui 5()110 of (arlada lir. dead. '1'h41 d:ay 111 4 '1(1r()lito store ("4 GREETINGS With shoppers packed from door to door, Two ladies'rriet. "I'm tired, dear; This Christmas shopping, every, year, Is wearying. The shelves so hare! There's'simply nothing one would wear. 1 just get any gift 1 can. ' 1've nothing yet for 13i11 or Anne. No candy! And no perfume, dear!, Moreover, riot a drop of herr' And my poor husband loves it, tool. 1 simply dung know what we'll do. Why don't they stop this silly war'i" 1 )ptn a wet Italian hill 1 out Sons 01 ('atl:ula lit still, In Urlilo1n1J a„j st4(iefi red Pour young ( anadiaus lie dead f/ritti ilia /'1le ( 1976) Mir hat,/ /'Mull') ..Night Hight" ,$)uhi utied by 111) < rlra)tli, Illli 1' ill/r'rNl SEASON'S GREETINGS (l, t(; cit tits fe.yl joys lit the ttolittdy season is the (II/t)(Irthl,it y to s,dy tildih' /110 t(/f YOU( 11dt1(Ifla je thiol t(I wish y'I0 the de', best f(), the New 'ilydI Paul, Joan•and Marg CARPETING and VINYLS WINDOW TREATMENTS ' ' Your Complete Home Decorating Centre FINLAY DECORATORS I.I ('kNo w�y1.1.I1A1'i.it AND ( I I PAI^v1S 52K .1:31 through And then in a twinkling they knew what to do They all started singing and getting along They were kind to each other and stopped doing wrong Santa said good luck as he hopped in his sleigh And he turned and he shouted as he drove away. Don't forget to be Alistars throughout the whole year Be kind to your teachers and those you hold dear. And I heard him explain as he drove out of sight Merry Christmas Lucknow Allstars You've learned ST2- POWER just right! NOEI° The Christmas story i'nsptres all rnonkind with a message of peace, brotherhood on<j love. It is with this spirit of good will, thin we express 1'o all of y(,u, our heartfelt wishes for u happy holiday and 0 WQrffl, Wonderful time. Moy you treasure CO( h rnOrnerlt of the season us much as we ',cosine the opportunity to. hw of serv,( e Re .vie I'arni AMI) SIAM' 1 ut luiuw 529-79O LUCKNOW Here's hoping Christman holds many surprises in store for you. Enjoy it to the fullest! e<ie O° Bev and Don? Thompson Investments 528-2213 p Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy Christmas and a prosperous New Year, filled with love and laughter. To our valued customers, it has been a pleasure serving you this past yea and we look forward to / another wonderful year! MANAGEMENT & STAFF Bank of Montreal LUCKNOW A • cace On Erth! a May the harmony ut the winter landscape rung renewed hope for under.'itandit(y and worldwide peace. Merry l'lirktrnas and many thanks. The Reeve, Council & 'Staff Corporation of The Village of Lucknow ditJ• pr 9-[OL.HOLI,D9ty,GREETI YOUR ON SANTA'S LIST ...And ours, too! We're sendingour best holiday wishes for a season filled with happiness and cheer, along with Our thoughts for your very valued business. Your friendship means a tut. DAWSON'S t'I AMINO AND PUMPS 1)I )ANN(JN 529-7981 gs ,No 1:s more 4111)1e)10l t e than the Jiolit/tit/ „tieel.soll to put aside the /maim, of bu.sine.s,s alio! re/lac .I on the l i'ie'nels/life 0l those who aft' the lolllllieltioit ti1 our sIle'e't',ss. 't1 t' ,+t►le'r'le/t/ '!lutnk- you lin your and ex -tend our 'Best '11)i.s/le'.s /of a !4'lei'rl/ ('/Irlst/luIs wait '/eif oi/.s and Sue'i'e.ssf ul 'New 'Year. p't)1/1 the '71.aiut;je iieilt and .'tall 01 cg SAIA L.UCKNOW