HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-25, Page 26Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 25, 1996 -- Page 5:1
The Mystic Highway
by Pastor M. Christensen
Kinlough Pentecostal Church
What Jacob saw in a night vision has become a glori-
ous historical fact. In his dream, as the solitary wanderer
pillowed his head on a heap of stones beneath the Syrian
sky, he beheld "A ladder set up on the earth, and the top
of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God
ascending and descending on it. And behold the Lord
stood above it."
That dream has been realized in the history of the
world. That "ladder" was typical of the mystic highway
of rnediatorial and redeeming grace in the person and
incarnation of Jesus Christ.
it rested ori the "earth" so Christ the Lurd carne down
>u1 of heaven into this lower and fallen world, and even
into our laden nature itself, and in Hts hie m the flesh.
and by His teaching and atoning sacrifice on the cross.
He laid atriple and enduring ioundattons for the renewal
of,hlessed Intercourse between heaven and earth.
"The top of it reached to heaven." for Jesus is divine -
(;od and rnan "the one mediator hetween God and
man." so that in 'and through Him we have ag=atn access
to the Father The broken relationship is restored - the
forfeited and favor are regained - we have eternal life in
"Behold the Lord stood above it." Not only did it
reach to heaven, hut to the very throne of God, to the
very heart of the Father of mercies; and He now waits in
heaven to receive and welcome hack to life and glory
every son and daughter of Adam who comes hack to
Him up along this wonderful highway which Christ has
opened up and consecrated by His mediation and incar-
The "angels of God were seen ascending and
descending on it." Heaven and earth are again united!
Once more there is access w God, and to the tree of life,
on the part of the lost and guilty man.
Hark! Angels voices ring down the Judean skies:
"Glory to god in the highest, and on earth peace. good
will toward men." Not a solitary angel, but a "multi-
tude'" throng this mystic way on the night of the nativity.
11 was nut a "ladder" now, steep. perpendicular, slow of
ascent. hut the "King's highway," broad and majestic,
stretching from one towering alps to another still higher,
till lust in the clouds, and all astir with heavenly life and
radiant with celestial glory!
Come. ye heavenly pilgrims. anxious to escape from
sin and death and find rest and peace and blessedness -
come into this mystic highway. Christ is the entrance to
it. Millions of saints have trodden its ascending way up
over the "detectable hills" and through the "land of
Beulah," and st, ori their shouts of victory and glom+ will
come rolling dowry the skies.
Will you not follow in their footsteps')
Tips for decking the halls
Decorations are a htg part
of holidav, fun. hut they
can take up a lot 01 valu-
able time and. Money. Here
are .few- Ideas to make
decking the halls a
little easier and cheaper.
* Always buy shorter
strands of tree light, 11' a
string goes out, it will be
less noticeable.- not t'o '
mention cheaper and ,easi-
er to replace.
* Store lights on artifi-
cial trees. If you have an,
artificial tree, put lights on
'each section, After the
holidays, take the sections
apart and store separately
with lights still in place;.
Next year's tree assembly
will he a snap!
* Wrap gills a,s•you go
along. Set up a wrapping,
stat)un in ..tHl)U{•oi-the
NA -a, s place 'Keep ;nits
nearby Ina laundt ` ha4ci
and wrap one or two when
you have a few spare min-
* Make inexpensive dec-
orations, with a can of gold
paint. Spray paint baskets,
Indies, nuts, leaves,.
Hower pots or other
objects and arrange' them
into a display:"For exam-
ple, a basket of gold nuts
and•pine cones looks ele-
gant and costs pennies.
may not cover item com-
pletely after the first coat.
13e patient and spray light:-
ight=ly several times to avoid
drips. •
* A little glitter ani glue
can turn real or plastic
fruit into a sparkling cen-
terpiece.. Lightly rub fruit
with a small piece of wax
paper dipped in glue. Roll
;,eptly in glitter, and set
aside o11 Ilcw*llaper t)f"
wax I)apel . ti, dly
Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way...
bure's wishing all otir valued t'ric•iids and ileigtihr,ui 5
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overnight. A pint of glue it to trim the tree.
and a medium site carton * Make a •candy garland
of glitter will cover about by stapling together
a dozen pieces of fruit. wrapped hard candies.
U'rapeit' on the tree or
* Glittered fresh fruit will wrap it around pine gar -
last from one to three land for added color.
weeks. Of course, * Make a colorful gum -
it's not edible. drop tree with a styrofoam
* ice cream cone orna- cone, toothpicks and
rnents are fun to make gumdrops, Break tooth -
with kids. Just let them picks in hal. With a gum -
glue plain Christmas ballsdrops secured to uric; end,
on to real ice cream cones. poke the toothpicks into
.Satin covered styrofoam ,the cone. Even very little
halls are safer•for children children can help with
to work with. - this.
* Make teddy hear gar- * Let little ones string
land. by tracing a teddy colorful life:sav'ers i)n rih-
hear- cookie cutter on a bun. 'T'ie a how and
strip of grocery bag folded hang it on the tree:,
"paper dell fashion..,
Unfold the• garland and
draw laces and sweaters
on each hear with colored
(Hai kef' . Its fill hi write'
the of each I;initly
ulefnhc1 on tVie i) ars i:se
Our faith and love of all mankind is
rekindled at Christmas. May this special
time bring you closer to those you love.
MacKenzie & McCreath
Funeral Homes Ltd.
Hobert MacKenzie, Joan Pollard, Jeff Pollard and families
'Merry Christmas
to Allt
Thanks tor your
very valued
Bruce & Staff
A LUCKNOW 528-2103 111
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urrr ,rl,lrrry inlrun f r�r i
11,1,11 %/111,11 .tiul,i,cirl
tiLvv i ,( 110:41110.S .int! be,Si ,11',14,11 11."
Pill?, the :nein. i;;tnr; •
Chisholm Fuels
Lucknow ' 528-2033
9444 Vilma, Fill, Peta,
Zit Viesm4t, tip, &/ Sedat,
Seat 44011, 941444(4, PIN 644,
701 Sty, 7144 fag, &
fcr >li 'i, stwi
Happiness Is, ..
sharing a special
holiday with good a
friends like you. ��,,•ii ,f. ;- _
,, ,..e J 1 lt
� * • n
f r
Bill, Bev, Laura, Mark, Barb &
'Merry Christmas
to Allt
Thanks tor your
very valued
Bruce & Staff
A LUCKNOW 528-2103 111
t1'rlli .r .�unr,� in our I>r'.rr'l,, tie rl like 114 tuire
urrr ,rl,lrrry inlrun f r�r i
11,1,11 %/111,11 .tiul,i,cirl
tiLvv i ,( 110:41110.S .int! be,Si ,11',14,11 11."
Pill?, the :nein. i;;tnr; •
Chisholm Fuels
Lucknow ' 528-2033
9444 Vilma, Fill, Peta,
Zit Viesm4t, tip, &/ Sedat,
Seat 44011, 941444(4, PIN 644,
701 Sty, 7144 fag, &