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warhead plutonium
by Bev Fry
Burning plutonium
from dismantled nuclear
weapons. at the Bruce
Nuclear Power
Development (BNPD).
north of Kincardine, is
another step closer to real-
In an effort to encour-
age world disarmament.
the federal government
has agreed to allow
Atomic Energy of Canada
Ltd to test burn a small
amount of mixed oxide
fuel (MUX) pellets. at its
research laboratory in
Chalk River The fuel will
come from the United
States and will prd e to
the United States
Department of Energy
(DOE) that It 15 leasible t�)
burn MOX fuel• in
CANDU reactors
Ontario Hydro. which
owns the Bruce
Generating stations. has
made a proposal 10 the
DOE to use the plutonium
commercially at the
BNPD. if the tests prove
"We feel Hydro could
play an irnportarit rolt 111
,global nuclear disarma-
ment by working with
both the United States and
Russia In this program.
said executive vice presi-
dent George Hugh in a
press release
Ht added the 1)Ol: s
interest 111 tilt Canadian
proposal is based on the
possibility of involving
the Russians as part of a
trilateral program to have
both U.S. and Russian sur
plus weapons plutonium
burned in Canadian reac-
tors under international
supervision Canadian
involvement in the pro-
gram is consistent with
Canada's historical pose-,
tion as a -proponent for
nuclear disarmament and
Juris Grava, business
development manager for
Bruce Generating Station
A, said burning MOX
would provide ratepayers
with an additional revenue
stream to subsidize the
cost of electricity.
He added the reactors
at Bruce A, units three and
four, would require few
modifications to burn the
MOX fuel. He said about
$50 million in capital
work would be required at
the BNPD in order to
facilitate the MOX pro-
ject. That includes build-
ing a secure fuel. storage
area. improved access
control. intrusion detec-
tion and barriers that
would delay unauthorized
entry into the storage area.
He said the U.S. would
pay for the capital work
While the spent fuel
would he disposed of. on
site. Grava said the MOX
fuel is no different than
natural uranium fuel and
there would he less of it to
(ira\ a said using MOX
fuel would displace the
amount of uranium fuel
buridle:7 which are being
stored now in spent fuel
hays at the generating sta-
tions Those fuel hays are
becoming full and Hydro
is presently seeking per-
mission from the Atomic
Energy Control Board
(ALCB) to build a dry
storage facility at the
BNPD to House spent fuel
bundles until a permanent
disposal facility in the
Canadian Shield has been
Bob Gadsby, director of
plutonium disposition for
AEC], said attaining spent
fuel status for the plutoni-
um is what the MOX pro-
ject IS all about.
"'Flit United States
wants to achieve that.
They want to make the
plutonium into spent reac-
tor fuel. It is much less
dangerous and is very sim-
ilar to spent uranium
He said AECL has
burned plutonium in its
research reactor at Chalk
River before, but it has
never burned plutonium
from nuclear war heads.
"There is a higher
amount of plutonium in
weapons, called
Plutonium 239. 1 am sure
the expenment will prove
the proposal will work."
Gadsby said Canada
can play a constructive
role in getting rid of
nuclear weapons.
"I would think, particu-
larly at this time of year,
with peace ori earth and
good will toward men,
that this is something
(Canadians can see as a
positive step to getting rid
of nuclear weapons Of
course there has to he the
appropriate 11ccrlsing and
environmental 1CVleWS."
U.S wants to scrap
50 tonnes of plutonJUni
lett over from their
nuclear weapons program.
The United States and
Russia must destroy the
material to comply with
anus --reduction accords
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