HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-18, Page 8Page 8 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 18, 1996 Bruce Counts We have 3-D JIGSAW PUZZLES Hurry to this week tvhile selection is best' HANOVER HOBBY CENTRE A/1 323 10TH STREET NSW 7 (ACROSS THE STREET FROM CHOW'S CHINESE RESTAURANT) pp�1r5S HANOVER PH/FAX 364.7210 ,./v TRAIN SETS, MODELS, RADIO CONTROL AIRPLANES & MORE id+�X► mac. *9.. ..a,w..J� ;3Y Std Friday, Dec. 20..—.,----904P9:90 Mond*, l **it. 23.»»..,.9..YY9$ Q ! Thooday,ber.. Inter.. x(r Eitte' Tower Puzzle - 3-D 102 cm riigr MINI 3-!J PUZZLES ONL'I 14.99 IWO BANAK1.AN CLOCK A re u. rrgu¢ UP Shut ;� p ,,k „«129.99 iridxy,See. Z7..,............9 :19 ; y, 2x_ ..............41: NEW New warden has 21 years experience by Pat Halpin Mildmay Reeve Keith Campbell is going into his new post as Warden of Bruce County with the full expectation that it won't be an easy year -Next year will he, w say the least. a challenging one,- C'amphzll said in his brief inaugural address at the county ee>uncrl cham- ber', rn Walkerton December 10 Campbell said dealing with provincial grant cuts, county restructuring. encouraging de“elopment at the Bruce Nuclear Power Development and Bruce Energy Centre. and continuing to support agn- culture and tourism "to name a few" will he on the county's agenda in the coming year. Campbell was elected Warden o1 Bruce after Bruce County Board of Education requests Queen's Par provide Legislation .** t� kge Education lied°r of E Superintendents erintendencs Trustees Trustees ction 9nstrual Costseat * -,teachers Equipment quipm al pss%stants * Classroom* Education * Text BoO�cs tion * secretarie ns *special Educe * Librarian e Custodial Maintenance * Cos * Computer Techs * Programs * Occasional 'Teachers Phone the Bruce County Board of Education. Let them know you do not support cutting Instructional Costs! 1 (800) 661-7509 Cuts Hurt Kids! Sponsored by: Bruce Education Employees Council defeating f_ucknow's Stuart Reavie. Rea‘le was making a bid for a second term after serving as Warden for the past year. Earlier this year, Tara Reeve Paul Eagleson indi- cated interest in running for Warden. a post he held in 1995 and ran unsuc- cessfully for again in 1996. Eagleson's name, however. was not among the nominees for the 1997 election race in his 2! years on coun- ty cooled. Campbell has been a member oI every committee except plan- ning. He recently retired from a 46 -.ear career with Bogdon and Gross manufacturers in Walkerton. Looking ahead to issues the county faces, Campbell said Bruce is willing to negotiate down loading from the province, hut only if it's a fair deal and in the hest interests of the residents of Bruce. "The bottom line is we want a lair shake," Carnphcll said. "We'll take our share (of cuts) but I Mildmay Reeve Keith Campbell is the new Warden for Bruce County. think the province has to do their thing. The prob- lem 1 have right now is we're getting very little direction and we have to find our own way." Bruce County has just launched its second restructuring study in five years. Campbell advocates keeping a two-tier system with both county and municipal levels of gov- eminent. But he admits "it's anybody's guess" how many of the 30 municipalities now in the county will remain after restructuring, His own prediction is that "half or less tharr-half" will remain after the rec- ommended amalgamations take place. "The local municipali- ties are going to have to do their chore, too," Campbell said. As. Warden, Campbell plans to get involved with efforts to bring the MOX fuel and ITER projects to the BNPD. "I hope that goes through for the betterment of the county," he said in an interview. "Any indus- try we can attract to the Energy Centre would he a benefit." "The other things, have to do is. also promote our agricultural and tourism industries," he added. "They've always been a main industry,in , the county. We have to work on those all the . time.' Reavie heads highways There were a few changes evident as Bruce •County councillors chose the chair and vice -chair positions for standing cornrnittees for the coming year. Chair of the Agriculture, Tourism and Planning committee is Gordon larre11 -rif Kincardine Township, with vice -chair Milt McJvcr o1 Lindsay 'Iownship. Winston 'iollrs of Si. l:drn,rnd's '1ownyhip is head of ' the; I-inance. Personnel and Property committee, while former chair Norm Amiens of Kincardine steps down to vice -chair 01 that commit- tee. Walkerton 's Boh Macikie is chair of the Children's Aid and Public Health committee, while Roland Anstett of _ Greenock is chair of the Social Services and Homes committee. Janice Morris of Tiverton is vice - chair of the Social Services committee. 'torn Boyle of Albemarle "Township :criiatns chair o -f the. Library c:ornniittec. while Bob Caesar of ('cured Township Is vice chair nI the committee and c'Iiair ed rbc Museum cotnrnitice Last year's Warden Stuart Reavie o.) Lucknow 'is chair of the Highways committee, while David Thomson of Brant 7uwnship is vice -chair. Saugeen Township's Harry "Thede is chair of the Eire Rescue comn.iittee, assisted by Norris A►inetts of Kincardine 'as•vice chair. Iloward Rihcy of Bruce 'Township remains chair of the 911 Civic Addressing committee. Winter Driving Tips Never cry to stole by p11II1ng or slaniniing your hakes Syuee/e hard, but hack off on the Kral• e it your whciels loc k ' This as called "threshold braking" and it requires practice. 0 Ontario Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Horne Annual Licence Renewal of Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home, Lucknow In accordance with the Nursing Homes ACI, public opinion is being requested prior to a final decision being made on the above if you have continents or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention of the Ministry of J1ealtii, you may submit them in writing by addressing them to: , Director, Residential Services branch Ontario Ministry of Health 5700 Yonge Street, 7tli Floor North York, Ontario M2114 4K.5 (416) 327.7357, by January 20, 1997 Please include die name of the nursing home and quote Project #19114)7 on all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision.