HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-1-24, Page 6S -J1 .raasy, January 241A. 1906
in a nunbefl
is what good fuel
ink to be. But only
can give you all dims
dui" in fullest m ow
ure. Try oat Pasmosi
Reading Anthracite -
it's naturally superior.
Dean Coal Co.
Tel. No.
County Engineer's
Report to Council
Huron Receives Large Grant from
Government "Rollet
The fedie,wiva tepetit w -&a eubialtte.i
by County Engineer Patterson _at the
meeting of the county council this
week. A feature of note U the item
of $32,100 in the receipts as "relief
grants." This is a special grant,
quite outside of the regular Govern-
ment subsidy on county roads, given
by't911f Tbd'etaf 126 PfeviIIMit
monk In equal shares for unemploy-
ment relief work undertaken by the
county. FOnglneer Patterson was quick
to take advantage of this special ap-
propriation and with the sanction of
the county road commission arranged
for work to be done last year which
has earned the estimated grant of
I beg to report as follows:
The annual returns to the Depart-
ment of Highways show the following
erpendtturea during the year 1984:
Ordinary Unemploy-
Expendi- went
Road construction $68377.63
Signs $ 40.38
Maintenance 9807.78 43383.58
Machinery and re-
pairs 11.9121.42
Purchase of gravel
Pits __/.198 .39
Superintendence .... 4391.78
County bridges .... 6.00 628.04
$25427.20 $106693.15•
- -4teto l- $ f 81,180 44.
'This amount includes $48,264.86 for
labor, as follows: Road construction,
$83,181.28; maintenance, $14,758.03;
county bridge., $335.55.
I am attaching hereto a schedule,
showing the amounts encoded on the
various patrol sections of the roads,
and the construction Items are as fol-
4 Along Cons. 9 and 10,
Stephen township $ 7904.$1
14 Along Cone. Sand- lOrMe
Klllop township 1507.14
3 Opp. Lot 6 B.R.S. Oon,
Stanley township 177.17
21 Easterly from lot 10, con
Good health cannot be taken for granted any more than a good
income can. 8o for persons over thirty it is just as smart and busi-
ness -like to plan to enjoy good health as it is to plan to.&joy a good
income. And it's just as much a matter et visa memos seem to
cheek up on yourself.
In health. your shortcomings are, at first, likely to be those
annoying, not -exactly -well feelings. At suck times, If your blood
were tested. it would moat likely he found "low in count". This
means ■ shortage of red corpuscles and the corpuscles themselves
abort of haemoglobin. Maim up this double shortage, and you'll
come up to normal healthepatn. Neglect it and serious results
may follow.
Observing, in his prat -tire, the Importance of keeping the vitality
of the blood pip to normal, a Canadian authority originated a blood
building preparation which has been helping run-down people back
to health for nearly half a century. Th,a preparation. now known
the world over as Dr. William' Pink Pills, definitely increases the
blood "count" in the majori$y of rases. thereby restoring vitality.
steadying nerves, imparting strength and toning up the whole eye -
tem. 14o the person over thirty who finds good health ^lipping, hi
well advised to take at leant a 30 -day treatment of this excellent
remedy. The element of chance has been practically eliminated in
such a treattfient, because teats recently mode by an authority in a
clinic of 40 people. proved conclusively by individual blood "count"
that Dr. Williams Pink Pills eertalnly improve the health by
enriching the blood. Full aisle box 50e.
48.7awr►nn V wm•,s•,elWilew, V m,.
Superior Stores
for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
FRY'S COCOA %-lb. tin 19c
2 tins 23c
MAPLE LEAF SALMON- 1%-1b. tins 19c...1 -Ib. tins 35c
MARMALADE a -°'< 25c
%s -lb. pkg. 28c
A. i r . . 1 FLOUR 'kg' 17c
PHONE 116 or 216
1 -ib. ting 39c
1-1b. tin. 25c
5 bars 19c
1 -lb. tin
12 -os. bottle '
Est 5c
1, Grey township 3434.46
21 Easterly from Bluevele .. 12331.87
21 In Bluevals _ 400.80
28 Southerly from mord* town
line 7024.15
26 Westerly from lot 25, eon
14, Mullett towewhfp 2342.38
27 Southerly from cos. 7,
Ashfield township 1496.85
32 Easterly from Kippea 1178963
35 Along cons. 14 and 15,
Goderktt township 6856.32
21 1)pp Int• 38818. con 14_
East Wawanoeh 1886.97
38 Opp. lots 15-16, con. 9,
Turnberry township 764.98
1 Culvert at intersection
with con. 2, Tuckeremlth 271.24
Signs ....,... ".... ,. ...w 28.46
e 77.63
on a -von f oT"theejea wo''rfi its ami
1.2 mills levy
Sundry deductible receipts
Receipts for sales and rent-
als to muukipalttles
Relief grants (estimated
Estimated subsidy
Boundary accounts
Traffic tines
On recount county 'pads ....$131120.44
Special general re trat8c
patrol 1890.72
'seamier premising 426.00
Medical bilL ........ 7.75
Lights 116.87
Re work and materials for
sunk'Ipa lftie. ._...".._. 6813.87
Interest dimwits . .-„, ' 2657.51
Committed pay lists ..... 444.40
od"fhe rebut]] • accounts or
the urban municipalities are as fol-
(luderich _ $424.70
Wingttam 242.33
Henal l 848.48
Exeter 328.41
Blyth and lfrussels accounts are
Clinton has a debit balance of
$716.29, and Seaforth a debit balance
of 14494.36, which bas been reduced
from 810,628.38 In accordance with
The demands upon our county roadg
are heavy. Since hard -surfaced roads
have become common throughout the
country, the dusty gravel roads are
no longer popular, and there is an
increasing demand for improvement,
or for assumption as Provincial high-
ways. Since the Province 1. now pay-
ing 100 per cent of the cost, it U not
•probable that many w111 be assumed
or some time, and this county still
has one of the large,•t systems in the
Province. It would appear _urgent,
therefore, that study be given to a
plan for Improving the surface of
these roads with the__ of Me -
Dig them dustless and preventing
unravelling. Two -typos of surface
are economically avaflabi-lowcost
bituminous aad stabilized calcium
chloride treated. The cost of main-
taining these surfaces will not be much
more and may be less, than that of
ordinary gravel. By adopting a plan
of building a certain mileage of these
surfaces each year, the principal roads
on the system would be improved
within a few years. A beginning has
been made, and more work should be
done this year.
One of our grader trucks became
useless last year and will hare to be
replaced. In doing so, It will be ad-
vtaable to consider the purchase of
one capable of operating a snowplow.
Six years ago I pointed out the ad-
vantages of stave removal, and the de-
mand for open roads has greatly In-
creased since the Province has' been
keeping open many miles of highway.
Keeping open the county roads would
greatly increase the revenue of the
Province from gas tax, sed it would
be in order to petition the Government
for Increased aaatatance on thia work.
A great deal of snow fence is needed.
Tie econetreetion et a number of
amall-trridgre has been i oistponed from
year to year, but eonsideratloa for
the public safety would Indicate that
these works should be undertaken
at an early date. There are also sev-
erst large bridges that may require re-
building ■t any time.
The attitude of the Department to-
ward the addition of eounty roads is
now more liberal, and It would be
reaannable to paw a new bylaw, in-
corporating all of the roada already
adopted by the county, and not yet
approved by Me Province.
"The effective protection of liberty
againat compulaion must reel, not on
ferret., but on moral principle." --Niche
las Murray.
"There is a crying nerd for educa-
tors alio will reform the edneatlonal
systems In order to get better results
for lean money." ()wen 1). liming.
Why are gardeners foolish people?
-Because they put mut tubs to catch
soft wetter when It rains hard.
What 1s In a Blah, hut cannot get
out? --A era ek.
When 4a a erre hair like the sea?
-When It la in waves.
'W'hat wmild a adder do tf he were
late for his dinner? ---'rake a fly.
Whet pert of a fish is like the mod
of a book? -The (anis) fins.
When le ■ sailor very Wor.len?-
When he to aboard.
How do her get rid of their ho.
neyt-They eell It.
Why la a lawyer like a teller?..He
deals in omnita.
What can lire In a roaring fire,
--A MVP cool, of coarse.
10 whoa does, • king tike off his
Raft► -.His beater.
What key makes a moldier stand •t
attention? --A sharp major.
What is the difference hetween a
wet day and • lion with a tooth.
aeM?- -Ole is pouring with rain and
rho other le roaring with pain.
Whet yew every .etleh-detw wlttr
anevwu? JMs week'. pay.
When la • hill like • gun? --When it
k premested and diseharg.d.
Warne it • Hoek os the stain dun
germs? --When 1t rens down.
S&Way Afternoon
riederleo, Ost.
Hark, my soul, It Is the Lord;
'Th Tby aavtour, hear HU word;
Jeaus Weals. ane speak. to then.
'Say, poor sinner, Wrest thou Moe?
Mine U an uechaugiug love,
Higher than the hcigbta above,
Deeper tban the ,te tha beneath,
Free and faithful, -trong as death.
Lord, it fa my chief complaint
wexsled faint•
O for grace to lot,; Thee more.
• • •
S. 8. LOON FOR FEB. 21N, 1135
Imam ?u 4s Feter'a Bastaradsm.
Leases Peoleg-.lobo 21:11.19.
Deities Test --Jets 21:17.
Devotions/ Meding-1 Peter 1:2-12.
The evening preceding this conversa-
tion between Jesu' and Peter seven of
the d4e4piee were -tending among the
fishing boats that lay by the sea of
tialftee. Boat after -boat put out from
shore; and as the familiar sights and
smells and sounds stirred: old associa-
tions, Peter with 0:aracterlilac restless-
ness turned away to where his old
boat lay, saying, • I go a -fishing." The
rest needed no fu:ther inducement to
10 too. And as a wateh each man
taking his place at the oar, or getting
ready the nets, pie recognised how
aught a hoid the. Apostolic sail bed
taken on these men, and how ready
they were to tall back to their old life.
They had no plat'; the one foremost
thing is that they must earn a liveli-
hood. And had Hier -had -the soecea
of former Meets the charm of the old
life might have teen too strong for
them. But, like want' other melt,
their failure in accomplishing their
own purport prepared them to dis-
cern and fide the Divine purpose, and
from catubfies fah worth so much a
pound they became the most inflame
Oat factors In chi. world's history. The
Lord bad need of them, and again
called them to labor fur Him, showing
them how easily lle could maintain
them In life and how full their nets
-wontd he when re -it -ender Hie din
Weary with the fruitless toil, and
when the best pert of the night was
gone, they made for a secluded part
of the shore, not wishing to land from
their first attempt empty In presence
of the other fishermen. When about a
hundred yards from the shore a voice
halls them with the words, "Children"
-or, as we would .ay, .'Lads" -"have
you taken any fish?" The question
was asked for qts purpose of arrest -
Ing the boat at a sufficient distance
from the share to make another eaat
of tpe net posible. It had thY gleet
and, as they bin: around Nieto wbe
is calling them, they tell him they
have no fish. The Stranger then asyar
"Cast the net eo the right side of the
ship, and ye Mail Ind." They do so
and, on finding the het full, they esu
not draw it mw tie DML John looks
again at the Stranger, and whiap.n
to Peter, "It la the Lord." At once
Peter cast hiuseetf overboard and swam
or waded ashore. James hailed with
the deepe-t atla>�iclion Peter's na-
petuous ahandonmeat Of ids boat, nets,
fish and e„mpenllY, 1111 springing to
greet Him, for 1t ;bowed that after
all Christ was incomparably more
to him than the old life, And there-
fore when the first excitement had
cooled down Jesus gives Peter an op-
portunity of putting this in words by
asking him, "Mama, son of Jonas, !tw-
eet thou Me mon than these?' Your
letting go the net at the critical
moment, and so risking the loss of all,
seemed to say that yea love me more
than your sole means of gaining a
livelihood. Well, Is it sof Thus grace-
fully does He give Peter opportunity
to renew the profession of attachment
he had so ahameN'.ully denied by three
time. over, sere-adfg that be not only
not -An Jesse; Nat anew nothing
whatever about tie man.
The determination of Christ to clear
away all misunderstanding and all
doubtfulness abase the relation His
professed followers hold to Him is
etriktngly exhibitsS in Hos subjecting
,Peter to a eecmnd and titled interro-
gation. He Imides Peter to search
deeply Into hi. spirit and to ascer-
tain the very trod. He is no longer
asked to compo nn the hold Christ has
upon him with ate interest In other
things; but he lit asked Dimply and
absolutely whether love is the right
name for that which connects him
with his Lord. gamma thou Me?'
Now, to apprehend the significance of
this question t. to apprehend what
Christianity Is. Oar Lord was on the
point of leaving the world ; and He
left its future, the future of the sheep
He loved so weii sad had spelt His
ell open ie the beeping of Peter and
the real, and the one security he de-
manded of them was the confession of
love for HbmselL-(Condensed from
The llispoeltor" H181e).
• • •
Tsai Tiu's 'lbaaiteletting
Tsai Ten fell id. He was an opium
smoker and that lessened his chances
of recovery. St,reeefe else would have
to herd the due kg while he was laid
aside. For Tau Tan hoed In South
Chine where 4I' 7Ss of ducks some-
times run up into the thousands In
number, and Inciting after them along
the str amp and Irrigation ditches Is
a full-time Joh for a man.
However doobitbl Taal Tana recov-
ery may have Iris, l'etover be did at
tact, to the great Pillet of him fatthfal
wife. Tb.t goo,] tidy felt duly grate-
ful and at once began to ergs upon
her moues the pteprlety of maktsg a
thanknfering togoddes' of merry
In gratefni rce ]tion of her asp
Mod services r restt.elfg gen to -
health. hike a loyal and otrrdtout
hum/tend he eonasated and set forth.
The district at that tills war some-
what aversely settled sad the wrest
temple of that parttealar redden was
nearly one hundred 11 away (three 11
--one mile).
As Teat Tett trudged along os fib
pious pilgrimage be heard the sound of
voices raked In sing. It transpired
that a few gltrhatans were bolding an
evangelist meeting In a borne near by.
Tsui Tsu stopped to listen. Finally
he entered the house. The personal
testimony of the speaker and the kind-
ly neighborliness of other Christians
won his heart. lie accepted Christ and
sibs a period of preparation was bap
Soon after a Christian church was
organised in Tsai Tau's neighborhood.
The membership numbered four -our
oaotlae opium eater, two other men
of Ids district and an evangelist. Adopt
log the name of their village it was
known as the Church of Golden Well.
By Barbara B. Brooks
The mid -winter season might be
called the "sero-bour" when it comes
to school 'nisch boxes -for those who
open them as well as those who pack
them. if you must pack lunches
every day, or even just occasionally,
a New Teel resolution or a new deal
is probably la order. it has been
long saough since the beginning of
the sehool year for lunettes to become
monotonous to plan and to eat.
First of all, check the equipment.
Du the neccesary repairing or re -
piece the old lunch box with a new
one. Are the lids of Jars for liquids
tight? If they have rusted, get some
new ones. It there is a thermos bottle,
it tnay need a new cork. Printed
waxed paper and attractive paper nap
kine will help to brighten up the bon,
After you have done the best you
can for the equipment, consider the
possibilities for variety in your lunch
box menus. This is especially import-
ant If the lunch 1s not supplemented
by a bot dish at school.
In the winter season the choice of
fruits and vegetables U limited unless
one lives In the Larger cities. Stewed
dried fruits or canned fruits are good
and, if .well Jars with tight -fitting lids
are used, can be packed satisfactorily.
Give all the varlet, possible in canned
trult. The dried fruits may be made
different by combining vieveral kinds,
such as apricots and prunes, or raisins
eprieota and peers. Do not sweeten
thea too much. Drying develops the
natural sugars of fruits so that most
of them are sweet enough without
adding sugar in cooking. Long soak -
Ing and little cooking will give firm
fruit. Spices, such as cinnamon with
a dash of cloves for prunes or sort -
tots, nutmeg with pears give new flav-
ors. Other fruit Juices especially le-
mon or orange are good. Some of the
grated rind should be used or a piece
of the rind may be cooked with the
Sandwiches are ideal for packed
lunches, but they do get monotonous.
Piney breads w.de with nuts and
fruits are good for a change and a
simple cheese 5U1 er plain butter or
jam is all Mat. Is Seeded with them.
Don't overlook . tits gemibilltfes of
Tea at its Best
chopped, raw vegetables, such as car- ecereal lunch box menus and ether -
rots. radishes, celery and cabbage.
7bsw' setisfr-tbe-eicazlegv0w.Besse
Ming fresh and crisp and can be Mr
often without monotony.
Ready -tout cereals can be substi-
tuted for sandwiches occasionally..
Some ttlldren enjoy a cereal lunch
every day. Be sure the cereals are
flresh and crisp. In damp weather
toast them in a hot oven !f the pack-
age has sand opened for several days
A wide-mouthed half-pint jar Is good
for packing. Fill the jar about half
full and cover tightly. if sugar is
desired, it can be put right on the
cereal. Milk and cream should be car-
ried in the thermos bottle or in a c o --
tamer which can be kept In a cool
place. Often, milk can be purttaeed
at school. Hot milk is good with
the cereals, too, mad can be carried la
a thermos or heated at n'bool. A
combination of two cereals, mob as
corn lakes and bras, or the addition
of fruits gives farther verbety.
An Important advantage of a cereal
lnlacbeoe is that many -Mistreat will
nee 1418 an ewes], aft eat they de
mat like It te drink. f gel and milk
makes a atlsfylfg luncheon wbleb U
nouriated aad eases Wanted. *MO
gestluns are as foliages:
.07,-. snakes and Bran Oorwl
Peanut Cookies
Vegetable Soup
Deviled Egg
Bran Bred Sandwiches
Chocolate Brownie
Whole Wheat Biscuits
Hot UM
Apple Sava with ltiatdias
Spiced Pena..
Bacon Brown Bread Sandwiches
Hot Baked Beans
Lok of things that couldn't be done
have been done. -Bates.
Assuan] wad Mamas
QeMialk. Oust. rime $43
What better remembrance can you give your (riled* than a
pair of Slippers?
You offer them ninny days of comfort and satisfaction . and a
source of pleasure and contentment
'Phe various kinds rank high as useful gifts.
We invite you to Inspect our stock of Felt Juliets and Leather
Cosy Slippers in all the new colors.
Goloshes are here for men, women and children, In all the new
designs, in cloth and velvet with and without the fur trimming.
Our prices are the lowest for first quality Footwear.
Skating Boob with Skates attached are here •t the remarkably
low prices for boy and girls now selling at $2i5
Call and see the great variety of Footwear we have for the
holiday season.
Geo. MacVicar
By Science
Canadian Pbyidans
of appetite and energy.
Kellogg's ALL -BRAN is accepted by Canadian
Physicians, has been Tested and approved by
Canadian Dietitians.
Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have
discovered that this delicious cereal corrects
constipation due to insufficient "bulk" in
Unless checked, this ailment may cause headaches, lova
You feel below par -fail to get the best
out of each day, '
Kellogg's ALL -BRAN supplies a generous quantity of mild "bulli"
to aid regular habits. ALL -BRAN also furnishes vitamin B and
iron. Unlike cathartics, this tempting cereal continues to be
effective when used for months.
Isn't it pleasanter to r`,njoy a gentle, natural food hatted
of weakening your system with patent medicines? Two tow.
spoonfuls daily are usually sufficient. Chronic canes, wife-th=
meal. Serve with milk or cream. If not relieved this way, No
your doctor.
Serve as a cereal or use in cooking. Appetizing recipes On the
red -and -green package. Remember, Kellogg's ALL -BRAN is much
more effective than part -bran products. Sold by all grocers.
Made by Kellogg in London, Canada.
Keep on the Bunny Side -of I iia