HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-11, Page 137f. Snowmobiles► Equipment FOR SALE 71 Skidoo, 72 Skidoo and 76 Skidoo Please leave message at 482.5610--49.50nxe 1 A. Pets mmeny GOLLTEN RETRIEVER PUPS CKC registered Hips and eyes guaranteed Makes a nice Christmas present Phone 519-357- 1085 --49-52x P'ePPiES FOR sale six weeks old great t,r Crr.stmas Can Lakeside Flea 8 Farmers Market 524- E1092 or 524-1740--,54cc 11a. General PUMP JACK cattle dehorner burdizzo Phone 395-5244 --50x 11 e. Livestock FRESH HOLSTEIN heater' for sale, also 1 Helatein Cvw 3rd .atf due Dec 23 Phew; 395-3543 •-4-8-50 11h. Services r,it r,i1Fj*l`, F F ARM e.:tJ1J- t�l Y Belting acid repairs to all rr'iakeaa of balers, swathe;ra, and cerrit,rie pink ups Batt eale;,y and 5ervtt,eJ, ur.krir,w Grain bue,)Jfe, s, rnixe,rt etc R.R. 5, ucknaw 39: 2851 2/tfar r/- 11NS AND INDUS 1 MAI (,r)Vf RINGS rrie'lie to six(; 1r,r trucks, trailers, yravity (,saxes, e;tr, Vinyl, c;art✓ais poly Ne;w/liepaatre Party tent rental:, 1 iesarriaa In(iU rival (,ave,rirees, beylteld 482 3540 2% i1r,J peaty 111. Wanted to Rent WAN 1 f t41 NI (sand crap land in Perth Ferree and ')auth Firuce (,aunties Will pay (tali up Irani. 14e~Iviy to Drawer 409 file I U(,kriew Sentinel, lie,: 400, I.uckfiuw Ont NOG 2110 4/ ".2x WANT I O 111 NI rreeed r,eeh creep land far 199/ seaseri Phone 233 /48/ 4/ !.Ue.e, 12. Heal Estate (a(j I A (.AMI'OI1'.Uf'fj membersiti(./tirr+eeltere'/ Well take el America s taryest, oldest resale (,lee► tnghQuse desert Soles International 1 805 423 596/ fintesliere refuels needed (:alt 24 home d day -50be, 13 Mobile Homes 12' X 50' f HAILS H, 2 bed- rooms, in good condition Make us an offer ('hone 35/3015 -49 51 14. Vacations MEXICO FOR MATURE CANADIANS Discovery Tours to investigate winter- ing and retirement opportu- nities while enjoying a low cost, high quality visit. Phone 416-493-5599 --50bc 17. Apts. DOWNSTAIRS HEATED apartments - one bedroom - $275/month 2 bedroom - $350/month , also 2 bed- room apartment - $325/month main street, Lucknow Fridge and stove' included Pt)one 528-3723. --49,50,51 ar GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heated apartment, newly renovated, two bed- room upper apartment, both close to downtown. Phone 528.2031.--19tfar 2 BEDROOM apartment for rent near Lucknow, $600/month heat included Phone 528-2426 --46tfar ONE BEDROOM heated apartment on main street; close 10 dowrttowrt. Available immediately. Phone 528-3948 --19ttar LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, pri- vate entrance $370 plus utilities Available Dec 1. Phoma 357.1847--4.111ar GFIOUNU f t 0011 apart- ment in Auburn, lapyea living - room eat -in kitchen, two bedrooms, quiet thornily reveler—lenity 1,165 plus, utile tea (lent now ;arid 1315 rrrorith to free Gall '.2b- /'1`.5 4411or, UNUI 14 NI VV MANA(,1 MI N 11 Welkerten Jong() Apartrrtente has one, twr, and threes be riroorrt apartments ay.atlat)lea for resin `iv✓irrhrrirrty 1)001, yat;fJC, quiet tax(-lusive r,ernple,x, tac,►0ba tr(Jrrl tirIi(4 (.aunty tluildinys, 0f'I', near eeheel Apply to Aeirieri, Apt /, 1012 Yange St 1181 2/:J0 1'ittra, 1 AHGf I W(i bedroom epertrrierit with privacy yr ataral level entrance Perk like; eirltris(,Irere and .labs, to downtown Creethavc,ri Aparllrit ttls call dile r r, p Ni d11.1 848 2211, 221er 1 WO 2 lit t)l1(JM apart merits end aria 1 bedroom epetlirient for reel on irisin elreel, I t)cknaw Plume 528 39'12 3bttar (Jiff lit f)li0OM apart merit, avdilet,le u11niedIale ly $260/mentti plus i)lllitles I'italie fetal 528 2411 4(Jtal 18. Houses fiIJ1311AM WAI :)H 1Ownh(lu5es m Kln&,er(ittle Under new mdnayement 1 reehly painted and repo vated 1 wo and three bed 1001)1, 1 ntonlh free rent Available immediately Phone 396-9332 - M3tfar 3 hi DHOW HOUSE (Jobe to SC11001 $400/month avail able irnrnedtately Phone 482 13/1 -4951 118. douses omorj 3 BEDROOM FARM house for rent, 1 mile from K►nlough, available hmmedl ately $400/month plus hydro, wood heat, (wood free to tenant). Phone any- time leave message 519- 743-2670.--45tfar GOOD FAMILY home, clean for rent, 480 Outram Street, Lucknow. $500/month plus utilities. References required. Phone 528-3631 --45-50 GROUND FLOOR apart- ment in Auburn, large living -room, eat -in kitchen, two bedrooms, quiet friendly community. $365 plus utili- ties. Rent now and 13th month is free. Call 526- 7355.--44tfcc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Lucknow $650/month, utilities includ- ed. Phone 528-2426. -- 46tfar 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Lucknow wood/oil heat, available immediately. Close to downtown, walk out basement $500/month plus utilities. Phone 392- 8261. --50,51x HOUSES FOH SALES or rent in Lucknow, Wir►gham and Listowel. 1 & 2 bed- room apartments available in Lucknow and Wingham. Phone 335.3/66--50,51ar 1 011 Hi N 13 bedroom farrn house (;all 529./807. -- 50, 51 ce; 19. Bed & Breakfast 141.141 NNIAI III ( AS(JH1 `i Gues1.1lornea offer, a friend ly wtl(-arne, year round Modern 1 :storey home, 3 iIIractive f,edroo►ne, r1e5ke hr0Vi(0(1, 1 & 1/2 Milli roams (;arnplunerittary full l/reakfeel, lee arlytirthe. t 0vely perennial y&r(ie11, peerenntal5 for Sala e()11ny 10 fall Joan Martin, 558 Ruse `�1 L ur,knuw 519 528 31)(J 1 '1 Dior;kb north of Shell reerar„te 50x 23.Commercial 1 AHlal `i 1 0111 front, for rent 011 I ue.krli►w'e main elreet Well Inairiteiried and excellent lot,aton -Available Nov 1/96 Call 528 2110 (n '1010 atter h 1) rat 3/tfar 26, Help Wanted 1111 I 01,14340W fel NfIN1 I (eyes Iedriers to ilea, 1,d11 rli;ri whet ee11cluly ►stoney fill hubl►tebs ojppu►1ur1iti€s Of employment a'1 erase merits fie certain you ate dealing with a reputable c,unipany before releabulg any credit card 111f0rrliditot 01 sending arty money Hemernber, it an.a(Ivertise merit bounds too good to be true, 11 probably is •32tfnx SAI FS 11-0131 1- wanted in your area Great opportune ty For iriforrnatori phone (519) 235 4410 4 / SOcc, Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 11, 1996 - Page 13 26. Help Wanted TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED. Now is the time to train for your class AZ license. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck Driver Training - London - 1-800-263-4777 (job placement assistance available).--50bc WOW! IT'S Christmas at • Avon • start earning $$ today for your best Christmas ever. Start up fee $20., includes a free $25 gift. Representatives need- ed in Lucknow, call Cheryl (519) 528-2123.--48-50cc $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deliv- ery 1-800-383-3589. --50bc — HURON WJNTT — HOMECARE PROGRAM requires an OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (Part time) (3 1 /2 4 (lays per week) Qualifications: Elarhelot 01 Scrim e lit O« ftlrttiunal Therapy or rr1 It V;tlriii Registered with '11 r college of oft (upatlunal Thei;t(tl»ts ut Ontario A uilnlnautl uI 2 yru» rx(trtlrruer I» prikirillial Job Description: Ynut position will Involve ati»r»»rttlrnt and trrainienl nl t heti!» of Iltr 11001r (';tar I't00;101 Yutt will 11.1v1-1 1 lit uttgholit 11t0011 ('1,nn1y a» a nsrnthri 06t (uutrlltialrrl n01111 111h( 11)1i0,u y Icon 1':x1r11r-111 rtltinttitntlllrn jut ltrt »ui,tl , t0u01 lnulrnrtlunnl rlrvrlultntrn1 iiitw t-1111vr »,aLrrlrn tturt rxr rllr111 1»ti kapr Apply In confidence by December I8, 1 191111 ler Lobs Hayter, Human Resource. Manager County of Huron Clerk's Office. 'rho Elquare (ioderbch, ON N7A 1M2 28. Business Opp. 11Altit CI IINCI111 1 Ami as a 'pr011411J1e 11111 01 10111 11111e btu IIIC5b ()blain a tax rJeduraion for 1996 We pro vide animate, supplies, 1,islrtn tioli, Illalkel, fi11a11C Ing Cont(ynlrltnl heats available Start in babe nlerll, yalaye, share 100111 01 1)12111 (;ana(11an (:hb1011110, N O liox 1684, :al Malyo, Ont N4X 1(;1 I'lio,e 5 1 9 229 (7 1 1' / 49,50a, 111(1 GA'—d1 IN(,t )MI Ilii x LANAI )A itee(lb I )isttdada 5 11roriyttutit Ontario 'iacere the I1yl115 Io a disposable, thigh rientanrl O10110t.1 I 01 sinned by virtually eve(, oriel Investment $1,/95 00 I inerhi;lny O A 1; 1800 5'165054 601)0 I HAVFI t'Ftorr S 1ON Ala IN 11 HNA 1 IONAI (iet,onte part of (,anada's tastes) grewirie t 1ave1 Agency Franchise Operate your business F Lill- lime, Part lune, from your home, (1ttioe or storefront Investment $12,500 Gall 1 600./5/-8580, 9 • 4 PM - bObc HOME BASED BUSINESS THAT REALLY WORKSI For InlonttdUtnt Cdu (519)524-1634 28. Business Opp. THIS COULD be your des- tiny! Fastest growing pre- paid phone card co. Earn unlimited long distance. Pays 6 days wk. No monthly quotas. 1-800-672-5883 or 810-731-3707, fax 810-726- 5551.--50bc GREAT CANADIAN DOL- LAR STORE franchise opportunity now available in your area, as low as $60,000 investment. For Montreal information appointment: Fax Duchesnay (514)272-1010; evenings (54)683-9884.-- 50bc VENDING LIQUIDATORS AND M.L.M. CONSUL- TANTS: most types pur- chased and sold located; New Gourmet Coffee - Cappuccino; perfume; lock- ing coat -rack;,, pop;snack; financing; references. FIVE HOTTEST M.L.M.'s and NETWORKING LEADS. For sale 1-888-339-0819, 1 - 905-881-7149.--50bc 31. Service Directory KINLOSS EXCAVATING and Gravel. For your exca- vating needs, ht hoe, trim dozer and scraper ave table. Call Barry Johnston 395- 5231.--18tfar AGNE:W JEWE LLI HY 111. PAIN - watch, clock, jew- ellery. 1 roe estimates Pickup and delivery can bo arranged 698 Havelock Street, aclos;t horn Modicrllt Ce11110 (:till 52(1.3',,32 of 528 394( I Eittw CARL SLOETJES Scales, Installation, Renovations • f1epktctnitnt Windows & Door t) • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities •-(;arpet and 1 u►ohsuln • Hooting • 1 ree f stlrnales 1111 r 1 UCKNOW 529-3164 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC 'I lesidtantial '1 arra 'Commercial 1 let;iridal (ttItIa(:tors FREE ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 526-2301 Dave Seabrook Excavating '( ravel • lop Soil • 1 i11e (ildt1i1111 •F kid! `ielVlt;12 'large exeavdlur !niche, h)d(IOt, thtzers I fedsc)ndble rates 5282047 528-3144 1111 5, l ucknow 32. Babysitting iwi (:lilt t) CARE available in my home, lois of crafty hurl to be had, i -.CE- qualified Gall Itealtler 528 3/11 50x 32. Babysitting BABYSITTER REQUIRED for a 1 and 3 year old in my home (Point Clark) or yours from Point Clark area, south to Goderich. Phone 395- 0616. --50cc 33. Mise. mummar 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- ES! Safe, rapid, non-surgi- cal, permanent restoration in 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot developed, doctor approved. Free information by mail. 406-961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http.//www.visionfreedom.co m Satisfaction g•uaranteed.- • -50bc INVESTORS GOLD Alert! BMR Gold Corporation 500,000 ounces gold. Colombia 17,280 acres pri- vate land. Samples 0.598 oz/ton gold. Nevada drill programs permitted. Production target 1997. Two new high tonnage/high grade projects. Call Marie Antoinette Shields 1-800- 779-0033. --50bc 34. Personal 'A cost will be Incurs 1. PHYSIC ANSWERS - Polico use us, Harness Your Destiny ..Instant Answer solve all Problems with gifted Psychic. Love Success Relation- ships. .1 vanly Rays $2 99/Min. 18 t 24 hours Rated 01. Call 1-900.451. 4055. -900.451- 4055. •-44 02cc HAVING A DRINKING 11101h FM?? AA can help. Phone (iodetich 524 6001 or Walkerton 881-3635 - 1 'A cost will be Incurred. tit AVI NI Y PSYCHIC ANSWI 11S 1 housantta Satatied Callers 1 1100 451- 3/83 51;)/83 $2 99 per min , 24 tllh' 18 Ylat SObc, MALI IMPO 1 t N(;F easily C01100E1(1 ()veIC01110 all erticton plobleiIla caused, by aging, nledicattona, surtjery, diabetes, etc (tel the facie Peiturulant.:e. Medical 1 td , Ilex "4 1 8, Vdtel►tount, HC VOL 2/0 1• 800 663 0121 `101)c A1)OI'1 1 1 ,3 AND 11111 t 11 PAH( N 15 t amity t Intdets anti t he Car►atta Wide National Adoption Hayistry 1 1100 8 / 1 84 / / hltp //Www adt►ptaie oly/ttcw nr htntl "Iteun11uly (:dndctian 1 aw111165 110111 . (;oast to Coast" 1 800 8/1- 841/ /1841/ hunt WEDDINGS , CHRISTENINGS Ptlduimdti yuut Iti .alwn to uttt thtluul u1 utiithtui Lttditni (nun tltluununaluutdtl f ut ttiutatutte t•diI Htiv MutsJdu .Alt habits F , it,ldi (.tltiti, deet t ii tli flea flt2a PT H -IN JOIN S.