HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-11, Page 7Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 11, 1996 - Page 7
Double book launch scheduled for Dec. 20
by Teresa Courtney and
Margaret Errington
The West Ashfield
History book is ready for
sale. There will be a dou-
ble book launch on Dec.
20 at Brookside Public
School beginning at 4
p.m., joining in with the
West Wawanosh history
book, "Reflections of
West Wawanosh."
Members of the
Kingsbridge Catholic
Women's League, their
husbands or friends,
enjoyed the annual pot
luck Christmas supper at
the hall on Dec. 2, fol-
lowed games, Christmas
Carols and a white ele-
phant gift exchange
Donations of food for the
needy were received.
A special welcome is
given to Tania Lohse who
has taken over delivery of
mail to Dungannon
addresses, as well as other
mail routes in this area.
Bereaved parents, fami-
ly and friends of the
Dungannon community
were brought closer
together for the fourth
year when a good crowd
attended the Angel Tree
Lighting at the Kinsmen
Park, on Friday evening.
Debbie Bauer wel-
comed everyone and intro-
duced Debbie Clarance
who led in prayer. Lorna
Fraser read the Bible pas-
sage little children come
unto me; Terri Cook, a
Child Lent and David
Hallam a special poem.
The names of 77
deceased children of the
community were read, an
increase of three over last
year. Each child was rep-
resented by the lighting of
a white bulb on the Angel
Tree. Red lights were Irl
next, followed by yellow,
green and blue.
The red is symbolic of
the blood and love that
will always be shared with
brothers and sisters; yel-
low is the sunlight these
children have brought to
their proud and loving
grandparents; green and
blue are the deep and col-
orful parts of our chil-
dren's lives which were
shared by their extended
families, aunts, uncles,
cousins, all those who
loved them. The star
shone brightly, symboliz-
ing a strong and shining
beacon to light the chil-
dren's pathway home to
the heavens.
Red bows were tied on,
.Parent support group info
session to be held in Clinton
Helen Jones, a co-founder of the
Association of Parent Support Groups in
Ontario, a self-help parent support group
will be in Clinton on Monday, Dec. 9.
Jones will share information about
Parent Support Groups where parents
encourage and e,,each other over the
bumps and stu "Q ;..blocks encountered
in the sometimes el' ` icult job of parent-
The support groups are designed for
long term self-help. While many short
term programs are designed to introduce
parenting skills to parents with the more
typical challenges encountered in child
rearing, there are few programs in Huron
County which address the need for long
tennppport to cope with more stressful
t el'iavior like running away from home,
drug and alcohol abuse and school delin-
The presentation takes place at 7 p.m ,
;'Dec. 9, at the Clinton Public School audi-
* rium. For further information phone
Pam at 524-6767. The evening is spon-
sored by Women Today of Huron and
Rural Response for Healthy Children.
South Kinloss WMS
met, Dec. 4 lor a pot luck
supper with 19 members
Nancy Maclntyre
opened the annual meet-
ing with a reading and
Rena Forster was the
pianist for the hymns.
Mrs. MacIntyre and
Marilynne Gilchrist were
the directors.
Mrs. Gilchrist read the
call to worship and
Sharon MacDougall and
Ruth Bell read the scrip-
ture readings. Mrs.
MacIntyre read the medi-
tation. Marilynne and
Margaret deBoer sang a
lovely duet. Rena Forster
gave a Christmas reading.
The new officers were
The rollcall was giving
a gift for a child to go to
the Salvation Army. Then
a video "The ,Red Shoes"
was shown.
Candlelight Service
Sunday, December 22nd
7:30 p.m.
' All are welcome
Raynard - Janzen
Doug & Mary Lou
Raynard and Fred &
Sandra Janzen are
happy to announce
the engagement of
their children
Donna Grace
Cory Leigh
The wedding will take
place on Saturday
December 14, 1996
at the Lucknow Presbyterian Church at 3:00
pm. Reception to follow at the Lucknow
Community Centre. Please accept this as your
invitation to join with us in celebration.
65th Allan
December 15th
(Allan Hackett)
from all your,
family &
in ties of friendship which
will remain steadfast now
and forever, while Silent
Night Holy Night was
sung. A time of fellowship
and refreshments fol-
Greetings were
received by Irene
Klawczynski on Dec. 1
from her brother Joseph
Hodgkins, Somerset,
After an absence of
being in touch for 18
years, Joseph age 73,
announced his forthcom-
ing marriage, wishing his
sister's consent and bless-
Dungannon Senior
Citizens enjoyed their tra-
ditional Christmas dinner
on Dec. 2.
Wednesday night win-
ners at the Seniors Centre
were Erna McNall,
Clarence Allin, Clarence
Hoy and Ronald Keller.
The Sunday School at
Dungannon Church spon-
sored a Christmas bazaar
and tea on Saturday.
Sympathy is extended
to Bertha Olson on the
passing of husband
Freeman Olson at
Huronview on Dec. 5. He
is survived by sons Glen,
Terry and Ronnie and a
daughter Debbie. A
memorial service was held
on Dec. 9 -with interment
at Maitland Cemetery.
The White Gift Service
at Dungannon United was
presented by the Sunday
school who rendered sev-
eral musical selections.
"Reflections" was present-
ed by a young mother, a
senior citizen, an adult and
teenager. Passages of
scripture were read by
Dorothy Bere, Anita
Wood, Kelly McNee, and
Natasha Godfrey. The
offering and White Gifts
were received by the boy's
The second Advent
candle was lit by Donna
Sympathy is extended
Wed., Dec. 11th -Tues. Dec. 17th
Friday, Dec. 13th
5:45 Novice B2 vs Wingham
8:00 Junior "C"
Kincardine Bulldogs vs
Wingham Ironmen
Saturday, Dec. 14th
4:30 Atom 82 vs Hanover
8:00 Juvenile vs Shallow Lake
Sunday, Dec. 15th
1:30-2:50 Public Skating
6:00 Bantam B vs Goderich
7:30 Midget vs Mildmay
Monday, Dec. 16th
7:00 Pee Wee A vs Howick
8:30 Bantam A vs Teeswater
Tuesday, Dec. 17th
7:00 Novice A vs Mt. Forest
8:00 Pee Wee B vs Teeswater
Marianne (Frayne) Hogan
the Promise of Christmas Concert
ufr • with guests Evie Shand, the Craic, Elayne
.F Ras and Tont McLean, Abby Smallwood
MacKay Seniors Centre, North St.
Friday, Dee. 20, 8 p.m.
• Adults $8, Seniors $7, Youth $5, 13 and under free
.f (Advance tickets available from Marianne at 529-7062)
Wesley & Edna
who celebrated their
on December 9th
from all the
to Bert and Helen Russell,
Goderich, whose sister
Dorothy Cuyler was
instantly killed in an auto
accident on Dec. 6.
Dorothy and friends
frequented social events at
Dungannon Senior
A pre -Christmas dinner
was enjoyed by the family
of Jim and Margaret
Errington at Mary's
Restaurant on Dec. 7, as
some family members are
unable to be present for
the Boxing Day celebra-
Community Centre
Sunday, December 15th
$1000 winner
Barb Ross-Lucknow
Nolda Ricker-Wingham
Community Centre
opens at 6:30 p.m.
Bingo starts at
7:15 p.m.
Presented by
His Iitt u
look at Christen in Hufron c linty .
• The Hussey ily •
i Phil Main • Melissa t)eibold
t; water>Conntion • Gary Blagli
«Primetime Country Band
4 Shows! Saturcla and Sunday
2; .PM'iand`
December 14, 15
Call 357-4082 WINO
Advance $14,�ti;`;
Tickets Availab
Ernie King Mti'sic