HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-11, Page 2e 2 ,- L scknow Sentinel, Wednesday, lgece
ber 11, 1996
Regular Priced Merchandise
Open every Friday night bit 9 p.m to Dec.
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SAT. ONLY Drop in for FRET: Coffee, Tea & Cookies
Small Chocolate Milk courtesy of Andrew Dairy Lucknow for
pre-school & public school children.
Fishing, Deer, Moose, Bear, Small Game Licenses.
Season's Greetings to all
Thank you for your past patronage NO RAJNChECKS
Lucy, Allan R. Miller & Family ALL ITEMS CASN &CARRY
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Donna Ray nard Cory Jauticn
th t.crnber
Fridays 11•20 27
Saturday - 28
CALL 528-3429
The 1996 assessment rolls, which list the assessed value of each
property in a municipality, will be delivered to municipal clerks on
December 17, 1996.
Property taxes for 1997 will be based: on these values.
The final date for property owners or tenants to appeal
the 1996 property assessment is
January 7,1997. n
If you have any questions about your assessment, please contact
the assessment office responsible for your municipality.
The address and telephone number are in the Government of Ontario
• section of the Blue Pages of your telephone directory.
Please look under the Ministry of Finance - Property Assessment.
The assessment office will also be able to provide
you with information on appealing your assessment.
Assessment appeals are heard by an independent tribunal
called the Assessment Review Board.
There is a fee for filing an appeal.
The Board is also responsible for setting the dates for hearing
appeals. If you appealed your 1995 assessment for the
1996 taxation year and the Board has not yet set a hearing date,
you do not have to file a new appeal.
Meet the 1998 reunion committee, making plans for "Make It Great In
'98": from the left, back row: Tom Downey, parade; Mary McIntosh, invi-
tations and registration; Tracy Meurs, decorations; Joan Chamney,
entertainment; Pat Livingston, advertising; Sharon Petteplace, food; Jim
. Finnigan, parade; Bob Irwin, director; Ken Irwin, director, bar, and
fundraising. Front,_;jpw: Lillian Abbot, treasurer; Sue Skitlen, secretary;
Lynn Johnston arid'aul Zinn, co-chairs; Delores Sokoloski, director and
souvenirs; Margie MacPherson, director and fundraising. Absent: Tom
Andrew, bar and Helen Van Osch, grounds.
Reunion pens for sale too
•from page I
able at Margie's Specialty
Shoppe and the Lucknow
Co-op. These tickets
would make a great
Christmas gift - $ I0 for
adults and $5 for children.
Earl Heywood and Larry
Mercey are two of the
well-known musicians
who will be appearing.
Reunion pens are also
available too at the low
cost of $2 each and make
super stocking stuffers.
They are available at area
The invitations and reg-
istration committee is also
begging you to give them
Fires are down
November was another
quiet month for the
Lucknow and district fire-
On Nov. 3, ...they
responded to a combine
fire on the farm of Jack
Barr at Kinlough. The
combine was owned by
Glenn Haldenhy and was
badly damaged due,
apparently to an electrical
Damage 'to • a house in
Kinlough on Nov. 26 was
estimated at about.
$15,000. „ Firefighters -
responded Nov. 26 at
names of former residents
and your family that you'd
like invited. The first
mailing goes out in
January. Call Shirley
Brooks 528-2542, Betty
Ann Stapleton 528-3107
or Mary Mclntosh 528-
about 4 a.m. The house
was filled with smoke.
Fire had broken through
the floor under a fireplace.
The department was on
the scene for about an
The house is owned by
Robert Bond of British
Although fires 'are
down this year, 35 cotn-
pared to last year's 63, the
department has still been
kept busy, says Chief Peter
Four firelighters retired
during the year: Wayne
Stanley - 26
Reavie - 2
rs. and
Dean Duvall - 6 years.
Over the past few
months, several members
received long service
medals, They are Gary
Austin, 25 year medal,
Stuart Reavie, 25 year
medal, Jim Hallam, 20
year medal and Evans
Helm 20 year medal.
New members on the
department are Paul
Hamilton, Allan Scott,
Rod Havens and Len
Last chance to comment
on county's draft official plan
Municipal councils ,in Bruce county
have one more month to comment on
the county's draft official plan before it
goes into final revision.
County planner Malcolm Mclntosh
said the ,180 -page draft offi-
cial plan has been reorga-
nized for easier reference,
and some of the working
has been clarified. Maps
accompanying the plan
have been criticized as
inaccurate, and Mclntosh
expects some of that criti-
cism will continue.
"There's been quite a
bit of work spent on the
mapping end of things, and l
anticipate there will need to be more
time spent on that," McIntosh said in
an interview. He explained the persis-
tent mapping errors as one of the prob-
lems that comes with trying to deal,
with a large county.
"It's like doing maps for the country
of France," he said.
Once municipal reaction to the most
recent draft are in, the official plan
committee goes back to the table.
"We can start consid-
draft plan
for easier
ering any additional
changes that might be
made before county coun-
cil says we'll take this to
the public as the formal
document," Mclntosh said.
Dec.16 is the date that
municipalities should have
their comments in. A pub-
. tic meeting on the draft
plan will be advertised
around that time, and will be
held on Jan. 8, 1997.
County council will vote on the offi-
cial plan in February, then it will be
sent to the province for comment and
approval. That process could take
another couple of months.
ill ii
300 ACRES - ASHFIELD - 280
workable, 3 bdrm house, 97 x
100 beet barn, covered pa silo
Insulated shed $1,700/acre
96.5 ACRES - Fieldstone house,
beet barn and shed, spring led
pond and creek 50 acres
workable, 30 pasture
Picturesque setting near
i, JOf
545,000. - Havelock St 2
bedroom starter/retirement house,
oil heat, 18 x 24 garage. Large 66
x 297 lot
The 1996 assessment rolls, which list the assessed value of each
property in a municipality, will be delivered to municipal clerks on
December 17, 1996.
Property taxes for 1997 will be based: on these values.
The final date for property owners or tenants to appeal
the 1996 property assessment is
January 7,1997. n
If you have any questions about your assessment, please contact
the assessment office responsible for your municipality.
The address and telephone number are in the Government of Ontario
• section of the Blue Pages of your telephone directory.
Please look under the Ministry of Finance - Property Assessment.
The assessment office will also be able to provide
you with information on appealing your assessment.
Assessment appeals are heard by an independent tribunal
called the Assessment Review Board.
There is a fee for filing an appeal.
The Board is also responsible for setting the dates for hearing
appeals. If you appealed your 1995 assessment for the
1996 taxation year and the Board has not yet set a hearing date,
you do not have to file a new appeal.
Meet the 1998 reunion committee, making plans for "Make It Great In
'98": from the left, back row: Tom Downey, parade; Mary McIntosh, invi-
tations and registration; Tracy Meurs, decorations; Joan Chamney,
entertainment; Pat Livingston, advertising; Sharon Petteplace, food; Jim
. Finnigan, parade; Bob Irwin, director; Ken Irwin, director, bar, and
fundraising. Front,_;jpw: Lillian Abbot, treasurer; Sue Skitlen, secretary;
Lynn Johnston arid'aul Zinn, co-chairs; Delores Sokoloski, director and
souvenirs; Margie MacPherson, director and fundraising. Absent: Tom
Andrew, bar and Helen Van Osch, grounds.
Reunion pens for sale too
•from page I
able at Margie's Specialty
Shoppe and the Lucknow
Co-op. These tickets
would make a great
Christmas gift - $ I0 for
adults and $5 for children.
Earl Heywood and Larry
Mercey are two of the
well-known musicians
who will be appearing.
Reunion pens are also
available too at the low
cost of $2 each and make
super stocking stuffers.
They are available at area
The invitations and reg-
istration committee is also
begging you to give them
Fires are down
November was another
quiet month for the
Lucknow and district fire-
On Nov. 3, ...they
responded to a combine
fire on the farm of Jack
Barr at Kinlough. The
combine was owned by
Glenn Haldenhy and was
badly damaged due,
apparently to an electrical
Damage 'to • a house in
Kinlough on Nov. 26 was
estimated at about.
$15,000. „ Firefighters -
responded Nov. 26 at
names of former residents
and your family that you'd
like invited. The first
mailing goes out in
January. Call Shirley
Brooks 528-2542, Betty
Ann Stapleton 528-3107
or Mary Mclntosh 528-
about 4 a.m. The house
was filled with smoke.
Fire had broken through
the floor under a fireplace.
The department was on
the scene for about an
The house is owned by
Robert Bond of British
Although fires 'are
down this year, 35 cotn-
pared to last year's 63, the
department has still been
kept busy, says Chief Peter
Four firelighters retired
during the year: Wayne
Stanley - 26
Reavie - 2
rs. and
Dean Duvall - 6 years.
Over the past few
months, several members
received long service
medals, They are Gary
Austin, 25 year medal,
Stuart Reavie, 25 year
medal, Jim Hallam, 20
year medal and Evans
Helm 20 year medal.
New members on the
department are Paul
Hamilton, Allan Scott,
Rod Havens and Len
Last chance to comment
on county's draft official plan
Municipal councils ,in Bruce county
have one more month to comment on
the county's draft official plan before it
goes into final revision.
County planner Malcolm Mclntosh
said the ,180 -page draft offi-
cial plan has been reorga-
nized for easier reference,
and some of the working
has been clarified. Maps
accompanying the plan
have been criticized as
inaccurate, and Mclntosh
expects some of that criti-
cism will continue.
"There's been quite a
bit of work spent on the
mapping end of things, and l
anticipate there will need to be more
time spent on that," McIntosh said in
an interview. He explained the persis-
tent mapping errors as one of the prob-
lems that comes with trying to deal,
with a large county.
"It's like doing maps for the country
of France," he said.
Once municipal reaction to the most
recent draft are in, the official plan
committee goes back to the table.
"We can start consid-
draft plan
for easier
ering any additional
changes that might be
made before county coun-
cil says we'll take this to
the public as the formal
document," Mclntosh said.
Dec.16 is the date that
municipalities should have
their comments in. A pub-
. tic meeting on the draft
plan will be advertised
around that time, and will be
held on Jan. 8, 1997.
County council will vote on the offi-
cial plan in February, then it will be
sent to the province for comment and
approval. That process could take
another couple of months.