The Signal, 1935-1-24, Page 44-)llrerip, Atettary Nth, 1946
Annual Sale
- (11'—
Fine Shirts
SIZES 1414to17
TWO FOR $2.50
W. C. Pridham & Son
Phone 57 The Square, Goderich
Phone 47
N„o Playing Shirley Temple, In "Bright Eyes',” with James Duuu
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday- Double Feature Program
Leslie Henson, Felward Everett Horton and .►Ibe'rt Burden
Presenting a riotous mixup of fun and embalm...mew
..-,_ `IT'S A BOY"
Jstlale Matthews, Fay Compton and Edmund Gwenn
11.71,1 a clever cast In a delightful faience] roman,.
YL 1 cutely and GEN' RAYMOND -
('o -starred sat -aa -ultra mraleru bit of drama. An Interesting story
tin.4y portrwyel by it superb cast.
H. 11. Warner, (sura Hope ('rows, Juliette Compton and others
Matinees Welneeday and Saturday at 3 p.m.
coming -"Sorrell anti Son." with "Orders le Orders."
'11'1i!'_ELL DE A HOT TIME
Happy L the furnace that aeea the
Heat Pplks Doming down the
chutel And It should be! Por it
knows its !voiding days are over.
No more pains In its grate. No
more vktous shaking by the Ore -
keeper. No more poking and
choking. A furnace will sing like
_ a W kettle, when It has the Heat
12ser Pelle romping about. Have har-
e UMWin your cellar with the Heat
^ ^ *Mt to the bin.
' CALL TRI alerreitiltS
LEEBURN !Reeve Sweitzer
LI%EBURN, Jan. 99. -Miss Lilllau
Lautetalayer, of Toronto, has been
here for a few days on account of
the serious Ulna's of her mother,
Is Warden
Mrs Arch. Horton, who passed away (Continued from page 1)
on Monday morning. We extend our Iotolith be appointed . n the trustee board
deepest sympathy to all in this be- i of the Godertee collegiate Institute
n•,n'ement• for 11135.6-7. Carrell
Miss Winnie Shaw hue been abcon-1 Turner-Davids.w: That >i800 be
ed--44e4--ka#._w:ith ,: t,evi r.:S. We joratitea to mini 44 me gentml_-mue- they get wires eu redecorating the
. hope soon to see her around again. I Wats qt Clinton, Ivingiutw. Seeforth rooms In which the new units would
Mr. Irving Hunter was In Stratford and Goderich. Referred to executive be placed. Property committee.
.,n Wednesday of last week attending
Dnvidron-strain: That we request
the funeral of a relative, Mrs. L. Ire !]gaming Ceatudttea► fee 19116 the good roads committee to complete
latus I widening and grading the balance of
Church Meeting. -The annual meet- I On Wednesday wo uiug the report the county road between Wawanush
ing of Leeburn United church was of the striking committee naming the
standing commltte. of COYI)CR for the and Turnberry. Road commission,
held in the church un Wednesday Davidson-M(Nall: That this ooun-
afternocue January 16. There was a i year It" was pre -entad lag edopte¢
council r est the Provincial H
ir,, •. 'Thr araYlQfra"'wlKw '' -gi
P ' -" -
all re- ilei ted, also the secretary-treas-
urer 4 Y c .. Bry' [o one nine
:1,x:eye:ff.Bowmew,O.8emipgway,the pavement from one mite south of
end the orgaalat. Reports were Blyth to Wingham on No. 4 highway
given for the Women's Missionary 8o- this year, Tabled.
deny, Young People's Society, Sunday L ".'. :-Ti. Ott. a Moser -Turner: That Chas. M.
school, and the missionary and Grain, G. WMlcutt, 13 Mogeidp, Robertson of Goderich be appointed
8. Sherwood.
tenance fund. Although this fond was to the Goderich Collegiate Institute
Finance -M. Yatbe+o4 M. Han-
non up to the amount given Inst year,
of enoo to the agricultural oMce; also
$2910 kir Junior extenelon work and
1115 to the schoolth
fairs In e county.
Agricultural committee.
Matheson- Skerwood : That Luck -
now fall fair areot•tatlon receive their
usual grout for 11184. Executive com-
Davidson --Turner: That the pro-
perty committee call for tenders to
instal thirty new units for filing sys-
tem in the regletry once; also that
board for the years 1035-6-7
It was decided to ask for a special ley, F. Davidson, C. McWhluney,
offering to be taken on Sunday, Jan- $10 be made for the upkeep of Hower telephone matters.
uary 27, at the morning service. Rev. heals around the court house. Pro- Mr. George ltoterton of Clinton was
J W. Pomeroy also gave Ids report. petty committee. a vacatur In town on Tuesday. He
.toter this meeting.tha Sunday school's - Hemtngwey- Bowman : That "the reparta progress being made toward
annual meeting. was held. All omcers d committee purchase some snow ; the erection of the new chemkal
were re -appointed and a new teacher fence and that some be set up on Plant.
for Miss 11. Sallows' class was ap
pointed. The meeting closed with
prayer by the pastor.
J. itryaas.
Education -W. Archibald, T.
1'ryde, H. Mogrldge, 11. Keys, W.
J. Jones.
Property -G 11._ F.thott, A. Mr
lick, W. ()rosier, W. Archibald,
C. *Nall.
House of Refuge -R. J. Bow-
man, M. Hanley, J. Moser, F.
Davidson, C. MtWhiuuey.
Children's Shelter -IL Turner,
W. J. Jones, W. Swekaer.
Agriculture Adelsory-O. Hem-
ingway, P. W. s.vt1, W. Stewart,
11. Keys, G. F'eagaa-.
Good Roads -W. Haacke, L E.
JdN4gJJt...l Ares
Warden's --l;. 1l. F111olt, R-
Turuer, .1. Mo-rr, R. Urals, T.
Furthercommuuicationa_etc.. were
Moser-Areblbald : That a grant of
Ou Wtdnesday, Januaury 16, a social
evening was held in the Angitcaa
church, Port Albert. A very enjoy-
able evening was spent In games,
contests, and singing. The success of
the evening was due to the work of
the committee, Mrs. Petrie,- Mrs. Mar-
tin and Mrs. W. Ttgert. At the
close of the meeting a very dainty
heath was saras3, In -charge al Ms&
W Foster and Mfrs. W. E. Foster. .
BLYPlt, Jan 21. -The firemen held
s very suave esful old-time dance In
Memorial ]tall on Friday uight. Blyth
string orchestra provided the music.
ems pis skis%Z.....-O --. 'NOMPIso8ups
II per was obut•rved at the morning ser-
vice In St. Andrew's United church
on Sunday.
The annual meeting of the Blyth
Municipal Telephone Company will be
held in Memorial Hall on Thursday
of this week. A representative of the
Hallway Board Is expected to Mamas
ST. HELENS, Jan. 21. -Yrs. Cecil
Roberts of Haliburton and two child-
ren are visitors with her parents, Mr.
iMcPeherrson spent'•
week -end in Toronto.
Miss Catherine Reid of Dungannon
was. -a. -casino with her ulster, Mrs.
road No. 18 running from Brussels The annual meeting of Blyth Agri -
to Elma boundary. Road commission. cultural Society will be held in Mem-
Pryde-Mellck: That this council oriel Halt on January ,90th.
petition the Ontario Department of Mr. and Mrs. J. Falrservlce enter -
Highways to take over as a Prowls- tallied a number of their friends to
,dial highway county road No. 7 be- a .card party on Tuesday evening.
tween Provincial highway No. 4 and
the Blue Water highway. Road eom-
F:IIlott a ryde.J : That Col. •- B. SMF A44,140:.,las . fkA,
t tw" teforTramterm of MrKebsle is visiting her stater, Met,
ton Collegiate Institute for a term of
three years. Carried. J. Pattlaon of Wingham.
McWhinney-Ilemingvjay: That by- Mrs. Archie Johnstone has returned
fow No. 5, ttltil8, errtitted a by! to bee home la Aahaeld after -a tsuek'
granting the township of Stephen the visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan.
same powers granted by sec, 196, Yrs. Bert Bradford and two child -
R.14.0., 1927. be rescinded and that sea, Betty and '\curia, ,pent the week -
powers of said bylaw revert to coos- end In Goderkh.
ty treasurer. Carrier(, Mr. Hither(' Twamley held a sue- ;
Cardiff -Turner: That this county errata! sale of household effete last
rumen pass a re•olntlon to be for-
Cliff Murray. presented:
Mrs. England of Lucknow spent a Presentment of rife' grand jury of
few days stlth-ber daughter, MLTs- John December 11, 1031. in whh•h it was
Swan. re•ommeuded that adequate are pro.
We regret to report the illness of teotlon be provided for the Children's
Willie Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shelter.
Elliott Taylor. Statement of re.. -pts and ezpeudl.
Hilton 'Iuw men w - w
Thursday afternoon. Mr. Mat. G■y-
Plumbing, Heating
Repairs for all ages of
stoves or furnaces
Prompt service and reason-
able prices.
Picone 127 P. O. Bei 111
HOLY F?8Y ILLI, Jan. 23.-M r. and
Yrs. Y. MacFarlane, of Klntall, were
Sunday visitors at the home of the
lady's parents, Yr. and Mrs. Will
Potter. ----
The many Mends of Kr. !leans.
Trewvrth* are pleased to see that be
is able to 1* out after his recent Ill-
The MI -see Thelma and Rata Cud -
more were week -end guests of relatives
In Loodesboro.
A great number from this vicinity
1 attended the funeral of the late James
I Ford, whleh was held from 84 Paul's
church, Clinton, on Monday afternoon.
The sympathy of the community 1s
erttRtttent to ltru.-Ford and the family
In their bereavement.
Thefirst boys' choir practice was
encouraging. It Is to be held weekly
+;under the dlrget4en of Miss Jaaa
Webster. We are expecting great
suet-e•a from this new undertaking
Mrs. Shaddirk of Lnndesboro has
been spending the week with her sis-
ter, Mrs. John Cudmore
Among those enrolled In the short
course which Is tieing given In Clis-
r nor was the auctioneer. Mr. Twam- ton during the month of January are
ley has gone to live with hIs aL1er, the Mlaaes Thelma L'udmore, Charlotte
a Mrs. Sherwood, of Ashtleld. ' Stock, Ruth Potter and Messrs. Alex.
_ The regular monthly meeting of the I Glen and Reg. YeCool.
Women' nstkute will be held at the Miss W eboter, citizenship convenor,
hove offs. It. Mel►onald on Times- • conducted the meeting held by the
titearat , day, January .Star, art ... Friday Feed 3/7 -Quiet
d roll call to be answered by "Line Way , music was played by Miss Charlotte
0.; to Tell a Good Housekeeper.- The Trewartha, who was pianist for the
y hosteler. are Mrs. Bert Bradford, evening 1n the absence of Mlaa Bernie,
t Mrs. Chas. Elliott and Mrs. Jack (toed. -=Miss Alma- Trewartha led la
Richardson. prayer, Mr. Herbert gore an Interest.
At a retnt meeting of the trustee ing and inspiring address. The Scrip.
v board of the United ellen-h.. Mr. Wal- titre Ie•ton was read by Miss Marjory
ter Dtckeu-on was engaged as Janitor Gllrldon.
for the year 1935. •
he Mr. Lorne McKenzie attended the ' -More and taro* people are dells
show q Toronto last week. .r o ng. -reinitiate 1ti
Miss Ethel Robertson spent the week- tures of South Hut 1 Y 'warded to the Honorable the Ylutxte
end with her sister, Miss Belle Rob- sociatlon for the y.-ar 1934. A balentw
of y113.113 was Sheol!.
of Health to require all hospitals bar
etisnn, Lucknvw• Mg accounts against counties, elite
The young people's, class intend Financial- atateu,cms of Wingham. or repented lawns. In respect to in
holding a "Bobby Burns social" on Seaforth, Goderich Loot Clinton public
digent tisane, to
hos kale. Ds present a detailed
Friday evening, January 25. Lunch p report of melt indebtedness* to the
,Ve}}1 -Le ter -tram the lu'"r.l .rf educating
Taken to Chicago for Treataaeat„--. London, enclosing u proposed contract, elects °C such muniFTpalitls oa
Accompanied by Mr. Stuart and a ninety per cent. of the fust of the edu- days of December, March, June an
September of earl* -year, and Imm
nurse, Mrs. George Stuart was taken cation of Huron pupils in London stately following the dtxrharge of an
by Motor by Mr. Davidson of Luck- schools to be paid by Huron county. dlatetvut patient: and further the
now to London on Saturday morning. Report of the Huron county gaol, by
section 21, chapter 3'i9, R.B.O., 1927
There they were met by her brother. Gaoler Reynolds. During 1934 there
be amended so as to reticle the For
Dr. Will McGregor of Chicago, and *ere 102 prisoner., at present , pnratton of the connq from lie eo
she and Mr. Stuart went by Pullman Daily rations per prisoner coat 1054e.
car with him to Chleago. Word re- t Letter from the Department of Agri -
pay for treatment for Indigents on
eelved late Saturday night told of their I culture advlsing of the auuual conven- teas the (superintendent or other w-
tion of the Agrfcult per omeer of the hospital notify t
safe arrival and of Mrs. Stuart', rest- yrs] l'ouncll' sleek of the county .,f which the 1m motor 1 their earn thinking.-
ing in the /Hospital. evidently nnne1- Cupy of a resolution from Gwled•11.1.441-
1 •volt.
the worse of her trip.Mrs. Stuart -Ich township eenttcil re taking over ttAnt represents hint elf as being- re- t The trustees of SAS. e> !1 met at i '+1
sldent within twenty .Cres of the said lite home of Mrs. lhsrtdson last week. ,
who has been seriously lB for two control of a, township road between patient's minds -ion Tenders were opened for the carets►-
w•eeks, will receive treatment there. No, 8 highway and tile Blue Water
-tyC5td1ll draft a r'Fh,.tl*h to the Inc of the school.'ML blurs Melton-
• Thnt .hl ..
1i'ble evening
InatlCnte AiAatet -:1n en- tri 7 aid was engaged for the year at a 1
Juyahle evening was ...pent at the cum- Copy of a judgisent •Icy Judos Cos- Minister of Public- Welfare to alter clary of $75. -. {
1 munity hall on Friday, when members teao re claims oe tors (Meld and E. C. the regalet{es i* eeatseetlon with old -- ^+ a= wedding- was WW1
} of the Women's Inatitnte held their t Beacom, public erM.oT Innp!(ton. The alts pin+tons to read thirty days In- emttlsed at the North street halted
In -
annual "at home," The president, !claim against the (veiny was P47.50, • church inreo Re, Goderich, on Wed
nm moue ;ns- July of 1030, which stead of twenty days as It now Is for 1
Mrs. John Miller, sting A over a ;ape y the time ltmtt for investigation, as ne'wIn,v, Jsuttsary 17th, when llabt.
short program cnnelsting of the fol. I the county coon it did not think should toweabitr ersunelia meet only Dere r-trm-trong was united In marriage to i:
lowing numbers: Community singing; j be paid. Judgment was given for the month and we fern that the township
Lizzie Mclutyte, daughter of the late I
4.p -dancing by Dorothy. Webb and 'inspectors. or town council ehonld-hnce a'chanep Mr sold Mrs. Wm. McIntyre of the '
by Mn, Gordon arehersln: piano duet Letter hmu Frank P. (:Ibbs, CA., to pass nn them. (anted. loth ,our•eosion of e'olbrrue. Mr, and
by Misses Margaret Miller and Flor- Stratford, stating a price of t' 5 plus Mrs. Armstrong will reside in Dun-
Report- of Ptahlle School Inspectors
Mc ` utll% • a girls' chorus, a bo s pen?ea for the audit of the 19164
tT y eg 1
Beacom end Field were presented. Bannon.
chorus and a dialogue entitled "Cousin ; books of the county.
encs 114etr(wlittg lesrklesnt-Wish his 1
irnngene's Visit." Those takingResolution from the township of Ha Delegation frost South Haran
part I t y broken in two plc, es hetwen the knee
asking flea fat, assistance to trans A delegation tom South Huron pre -
In the dialogue were Misses Greta seated a petit a to the ronnell on
and ankle, Everett Finnigan, farmer
Webb, Helen Miller, Dorothy Yanley'port a dep.•ndent family to their of West \Vewanosh, dragger] himself
y home In Scotland. There aro three Wednesday, askin(j'thlut the Depart.;
old, Iona Swan and Messrs. Stanley
oyer the scow from the horn towards
Todd, Wallace Miller, Norman McDon- ' children. The sum of E'L'o0 would re meat be requested to 'take over the
road between Hay and Stephen town- I the house, a distance of ten coda
old and Allan Miller. The remainder l tarn the family to Scotland, said ager falling down the stairway leead-
of the evening was spent In cards and . Reeve Mellic•k. chips, from the Blue Water Highway ;Ing from the barn boor to the base-
dancing, I COO of a letter (sent b the clerk to Rusaeldale, a distance of twenty-;
yWenf. while doing the morning chores.
to O. K Fleming Windsor, advising
one milt. The delegation was headedFatting to reach the house. he was
by in Goderrch on expiry 'of the Dr Ta for and Reuben Goetz, of
Take Advantage of Our Stock-
Dresses! Dresses!
Every purchaser will ' want to
take home more than one of
these lovely Dresses. Day -time
Dresses---- with long or sheat- _
sleeves. There are many different
styles. -You will - have to see
them for yourse f to appreciate
this amazing offer..
PANY, LTD., offer you a re-
ductioq of 10`x• on a made -to -
measure IUIT or OVICRCOAT,
from JANUARY 26th to PER-
RITA BY 9th, inclusive.
This is your opportunity to
get a made-to-medsure Snit or
Ovemnst at a greatly rediteed
op .xe
ore InVIted to shop" Phone 418
him that the county Intends deliver -
Ing up tenancy of the Police Court
nmeee The petition, nets Dr. Taylor, bore
]erose thousands of names of persons In Tor
,The following motions were dealt
with on Wednesday afternoon :
Elliott-Arrhtha id: That the exec
euth-e committee consider the ealarley Huron summer resorts- The deicers-
' paid to county ofletalai/y,
tics was brambly to sed. _ _-- --
' . T oe z --seen .help,
1sy hie wife, who unable to
Deahwrwwt, and Jas. Morley, o[ ExPter, hint wlthent assistance, covered him
! with a robe''wblle she summoned
onto, Stratford, Kitchener, Iwmdoq, i neighbors by telephone. Mr. F9nnl-
Mitchell, Grand fiend and other piseea, Ran. was carrying n bag of chap nn
who were to the habit of using the ,e shoulder and n 1.e11 Of water In
road. to reach their favorite Lake other hand when he lost kis hal-
auee and fell the length of the stair-
cveenttce- remmttt.s. A Wiest
"etfiy 7'ardiff-the lrrtrtRy
dire the same grai fi n HIM to aprinR after ■ unction was words sew tidiesus mu,1e by
i eseve
i eehow•q, -fall fairs and plowmen's assn• e R
(lotions as in 1!134. FSrerntise• (nm• Davidson of T 'Ingham to have the
mitts* I pavement ono. 4 highway continued
i Archibald-Mogridge: Thet a roan from one mile south of Blyth to Wing-
Ilatlon be drawn ap petitioning the gym'
!Legislature to anu•ad the Mother's Reeve Eckertrtaketed, to the pro
Allowance Art to enable mothers withjeer
a being undertakent■ken this year, hut
Reeve Davidson, hacked by Reeve Mc-
Neil of Blyth. remained adamant. "We
have waited for yearn for this road,"
cried Mr.Davidson. Reeve Scott ang-
gewted that the project walk until it
one child to reeelee assistance-. Leg-
; Motive committee
Grain -Davidson: Whereas it has
, been reported that the unemployment
relief grants towardswork on county Spas known de•dnitely whether or not
roads may he disc.tgttntled, and eines the Government mollis pay 100 per
it 1s only fair that the rural m nlef- rent. of the rust.
pa1lties ehmtld shah In these grants 'We don't care if we have to pay
with the nrtsnn (entree, he It therefore twenty per cent of the cost," said
resolved that WP Is•tltlon the Dnmloton Reete Davidson. "we want that road
and Prorinclal Governments to eon -
thine these grunt-, as conch work la and are entitled to It!" He would
needed. And that a ropy of thin re- not agree to having a clause added
km bre forwe.•.led to Toronto and to hie mutton to have the pavement
iaid `if the Government will pay 100
per cent. of the coet," ae proposed by
Reeve Cardiff. "it would make It
atom as If we didn't want It very bad-
ly," he claimed: The motion finally
was tabled for the June session.
Ottawa, and to erg -h of the local mem-
bers n( P■riiement, legislative eom-
Turner--Dsrid.. n: Viet all librar-
ies of Huron cnnuty reeel -e n grant
et $23. Exrcnthe committee.
'earnerDavidson,:- That Reeve -J.
.1. Ntnser be niN..iated a member of
the Goderteh leeettJl board for the
year 1933. Carried.
'Hemingway-- 1(1'511: That the road
committee eenminc itt►ad Nn. 16,114 thin
rosA In in a snug, tnsa enndittnn, and
hare the jos be'Veen Huron and
Perth eottntt -4-, htened. itond com-
MPlliek--\Intl e•,a: That bylaw No.
18, 1929, entitle) n bylaw granting the
township of Gay the name powers
krantrd by See 19.,, R.R.O, 1927, be
reseh uh 4F and that pence" orf "mid
bylaw revert to '.nsafy treaanter. (1ar-
(hosier Jones: 11tat the grant of
the HenaaS serst'snew t, the same as
last year. Executive.
Scott---Mellh•k: That thta council
IwaFfnef-t e-lenret'ntaes committee -hot net
to undertake any new ennstrnetton on
menta roads this your Road enmmis-,,
- Cardiff- -1lvy9ftiiii':''-Thal lht. county
menet' grant the cunei ennnty grant
Mr. and Mee. I. J. Morris, Alantin,
Man., Observe 411th Anniversary
A very pleasant time was spent on
Tuesday, Jsnnary 1:.111, at the home
of Mr. end Mrs. Edwin John Morris,
of An.tin, Manitnha, when they were
"at home" to their family, It being the
omission of their fortieth wedding an-
niversary. All the members of, their
family were present, Joe, nen and
olive 1 Mrs, Lieu. Graham t, elan their
*le gren44atrghtere, Wlnomt, Wilms!
and Enid Morrie, ltetty, Donna and
Meryl Graham, and their ane grand
non, Baby Glenn Allen Morris, all
doing M -Austin.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris pore married
In Norierteh nn Jewelry 13th, 1896, by
the tete Nev. Josses Antiproton. •
Mrs. Morris was formerly Margaret
Agnes Alen, daughter of the late Mr.
and Yra. Anthony Allen, am, Mr,'
Itherta' la L 166' 6! Me' late 11111' SiirT
Mrs. Joseph Mnrris of Oarbrald.
OL I=>l G t !
-_ ! 1
- Shirts
• Draw c rs
(.pt , yours now while. sizes
are enmplete
Agent for_Tip Top Tailors
Phone 384 _ Oodench
eBe appss
trecia'e your Qual GoodsaatrLowest Prices
5 16 -or. tins 2:e
7 -oz. tin 21e
4-1h. pkgs. 27e
18 lis
5 Ihs, 25e
('hef Pork and Beans
Tunafsh, solid hrea.l meat
('htat*au or Srhneidrr's ('ream Chios*
Fresh Fig. Bars
Bulk Mararoml
Ideal ('atsup -
Richanl's (carbolic Soap
Maple I.ea( (taking Powder .. 1 -Ib. tin 19r
Try (kir "Morning Cheer ('otter," freshly ground Lb. 35e
Quirk .lrrow Soap Flakes- .
2 large pkgs. 25,
11 -oz. bettk ler
6 cakes t:e
-2 STORES--(;(ItERi('H and RAVFIEI.U-
Counter Sales Books?
Manufacturers say prices are
going up, so if you are
interested telephone
and have your supply renewed at
- -present low prices
, r-s:seal•••