HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-04, Page 23page '42 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 4, 1996 48. Coming Events CD RELEASE 01 Marianne ,Frayne) Kogan s "Promise of Christmas" at From Our Heart Friday Dec 6. 6 • 9 p m See and hear Marianne perform numbers from this just released CD - -49ar 95TH BIRTHDAY Come and go tea for Ida Barger's 95th birthday on Saturday Dec 14, from 2 • 4 p m at the home of John and Donna Barger --49,50x BINGO Goderich Knights of Columbus, Thursday, 7 p.m. Columbus Centre, 390 Parson's Court, $3450 in prizes $1000 00 Jackpot must go—15tfar NUTCRACKER BALLET Comes to Blyth Festival, Dec. 10th at 8 p.m. and Dec. 11th at 1 and 8 p.m. Call 151,9) 523-9300. --44- 49cc BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Ripley -Huron Optimtst Club presents Breakfast with Santa in Ripley on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Ripley - Huron Community Center meeting room from 9 a.m - 12 noon Adults $5 each, children 6 -12 years $3, 5 and under free. For tickets call 395-2436 or 395-5996 - -47-49cc VESPER SERVICE CGIT Christmas Vesper Service, "Celebrating the Gifts of Christmas," Suriday, Dec 8, 7 30 p m , Lucknow United Church --49x LONG TERM' CARE The Huron County Long lerrri Care Cornrnrttee plans for long terrri care services for Huron County residents Next meeting F riday, Dec 13, at 9 '30 a m at the (MAF RA Office, Clinton E veryone welcome. • 49, 50rc- TURKEY BINGO Saturday, Dec 1, 8 30 p m at 51 Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge 10 turkeys, 2 share of the wealth $1 admission L.veryrrie wet ,orae 49 c,ili5/in's IVlrri; V'It-, i VViri};liern Open House Sundays 11:00-4:0(1 p.m. Noev until ( liri5tr,$5 "Hit- r leirr is lic�l, illi tic -ala der awrrl" (.,ibson's Men's Wear '357-4221 GOSPEL MEETINGS at Lucknow District Christian School Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00-9:00 p.m. ALL WELCOME 48. Coming Events ONCE IN A LIFETIME Ticket - All Inclusive pack- age excursion to Skydome, Toronto. Package A - Three Tenors (Pavarotti, Domingo, Carreras) Concert on January 4, 1997. Package B - Chicago Bulls vs Toronto Raptors game do March, 1997. First prize - choice of package A or B. Proceeds will be shared between Sacred Heart High School Outdoor Sign Project and Band Travel Project. Tickets $2 each. Draw: Dec. 20. License #M235699. Tickets available from SHHS stu- dents or call the school at 881-1900. --49cc 5TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS QPEN HOUSE Black Creek Wood crafts, 216 Huron Rd., Sebringville.s Hand painted wood crafts and distinctive gifts for Christmas giving. Open now until Dec. 20, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. daily. Closed Monday. 10% discount with this 49,50cc TEEN DANCE Friday, Dec. 6, at the Community Centre, from 8 p.m. til 12 a.m. Great prizes. Christmas draw. Shane Donald D.J. Sponsored by Optimists.--48,49ar LUCKNOW COMMUNITY CAROLFEST December 11th, 8 p.m. (Basement Brass, 7:45 p.m.) Lucknow United Church, Local choirs share gifts of Christmas music. Refreshments to follow. -- 48.50x AUBURN & DISTRICT DONS CLUB • Breakfast in Auburn Memorial Hall. Suriday, Dl,c. 8, 9 a.rri. 12 noon. $5/parson. Proceeds for Hlyth Fire Department Maple syrup donated by Robinson's Maple Syrup Products. --49cc EUCHRE TOURNAMENT At the Dungannon Agricultural. Hall Saturday, Dec / Registration 12 30 • 1 30 Gash prizes awarded I urs ti served I uture dates Jan 4, Feb 1, Mar 1 and Apr 5 • -49cc . BAKE SALE Chr1strria6 !Jundies galore 1 riday, Dec 6, 6 p rri to 10 p m at 11 Kool Ice Cream Parlour Sponsored by L ucknow t niers l dales ISruoniball 'learn Drop in for a chat and hot c,liocolate 49 PLOWMEN'S ANNUAL MEETING Huron County F'Iowrnen's e.rinudi rneeliriy Dec •11, OMAI HA office Clint011 Dessert and coffee / 30 p -m. Meeting al 8 p rn 49 50cc TURKEY DINNER Friday, Dec 13 Full course turkey dinner, 11'30 - 1 p.m and 5 • 8 p.m. $1 from each meal will be donated to Sick Kids Hospital. Kwans Restaurant. Phone 528- 3433.--49,50ar 48. Coming Events MURRAY'S CHRISTMAS HOUSE Christmas is fast approach- ing and not very far from here Murray's Christmas House is open every day until Dec. 22, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Every item is dis- counted up to 50% WOW!!. Total inventory clearance. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Thousands of choices fill 10 exciting rooms. You've seen us on T.V. heard us on the radio, and read about us. So join your friends and family and treat yourselves to the ultimate Christmas Holiday Experience, 7304 Richmond St., Arkona 519- 828-3398 or 1-800-575- 1974. We have just the right gift for everyone on your list - try us. --49 OPEN HOUSE Weekends Dec, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 and 22 at Melanie B.'s Showroom in Sebringville. Open Sat. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday noon - 5 p.m. Join us for refresh- ments and a great selection of gourmet gifts, home decor and floral accents. Hwy #8 al Sebringville, upper level of Nuhn Industries. --49,50, 51cc SANTA CLAUS PARADE Lucknow 7th annual Santa Claus Parade Friday evening December 6th, 7:15 p.m. Theme of parade Old Fashioned Christmas. Categories - Horses or horse drawn float; commer• cial/businesses; organize-. tions. Prizes: $60., $40., $20., in each category. Parade entries meet on Havelock St. N., horses on Havelock St. S For informa- tion call Kinsmen Dale Lougheed 528-360/ or Paul Zinn 528-2411 Visit 'Santa and Mrs Claus at the arena Kids, if yuu'haven't mailed your Santa letter, bring i1 with you. -•49ar Livestock All L lasses of led cattle and cows sulci at ytrady prices at (3iussrls last week Veal sold 1)2 $ 3 Iiighr_i witli lanais selling ori a good sitting at Il yr trade tin 1•iiday calves sold steady with the year Wigs selling ole a swinge, trade. Slurs 4 I 2 on idler selling 11iiu►'1211(1 to 9/ 11(1 to the high til 1111.1111. llriters 2116 on idle' sell i)lg lions 92 00 10 9 / 1111' to the high til 11)2 18) ('elves 494 o11 tiller selling liuui 3(1.111)' 114.55 011 Io tlir high of 00 18). Veal 488 14n title.' selling, plain and heavy Hulsrein 01.1111 to 85 (1(1, Holstein: 85 1111 its 11111 1111, 85 (8) to 1 18.1111. Lambs .Untie' 5(1 Ihs., 122.50 to 245.011; 5(1 to 811 Ihs , 141.00 to 24(1.(1(1, 8(1 lo 95 les , 15(1.11(1 lu 162.5(1; over 95 Ihs., .1 17.50 w' 138.00. Sheep; :37.(10 to 140.00. Goat: 30.00 to 102.50. t�ttcktlt;rei Beer calf (1 Doug Helm, Brent Black, Sandra Alton and Kathryn Alton are shown at the Royal Winter Fair, where they represnted Huron County.at the Knob Hill National Junior Beef Heifer Show. Absent Doug Johnston. (photo submitted) 4-H Club represents Huron The Lucknow 4-H Beef Club represented Huron County at the Knob Hill National Junior Beef Heifer Show at the Royal Winter Fair, Nov. 9 and 10. There were 317 com- petitors from six provinces. Brent Black and. Kathryn Alton were in the final* heat for intermediate and junior showmanship. Doug Johnston apd Doug Ilelni made it to the semi- finals. The group of three class was won by (;rey County' with Muton County taking reserve champions, 'T'i►e group were I.iniousln heifer shown by ficin! Helen, Doug Johnston and Breit.' Black. The ineinhr, s also placed well in their bard classes, Doug Johnston and Brent 11lai'k each placed third, and Doug 1lrini placed seventh in the Limousin classes. In the commercial class, Sandra Alton place fourth and Kathryn Alton placed fifth. Each class had approximately 16 4-H members. The Lucknow Agricultural Society . is a valued sponsor to the Lucknow 4-H Beef Club. EFPP extended The ' Environmental Farm Plan Program has received new funding allowing -the program to continue for another three years. 'Fhc El PI' gives farm- er's the opportunity to assess the level of envi- ronmental risk to their own farms and develop an ac(i0.1) plan for dealing with ttuy risks that are identified. A two-day workshop assists you in completing the plan, turd also lets you share ideas with you' netghhors for solving common problems The plan rs completely confidential, and need not be shown to anyone, but the action plan can he sub- mitted for review by a committee ut' your peers. '''here is a $1500 grant avallahle to►r protects iden- tified on your action plan. So fat, $46,846 has been paid to Bruce l'uunty farriers from the 1" h1' incentive Program. OMALRA rs gearil►g up tut auuthet srasuu ul 11'.F'l'1' workshops. Kar !lime udurivaUut►, call the OMAFRA uttrcr, or the plow t011 tepteseiltalive, John Wiltuii, at 167 2408. A group of three market lambs, owned by Lee and Lila Rintoul, claimed grand champion, at the recent Royal Winter Fair. They sold to Hollypark Meats for $10/Ib. Pictured with Lee and Lilafar right) are the judge Don Emke, of Elmvale, and their assistant Janine Todd. The Rintouls also had another first and second in the group of three, a second and fifth in the single market lamb category. (photoosubmitted)