HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-04, Page 11Page 10 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 4, 11998
Annual Angel Tree lighting this Friday
by Teresa Courtney and
Margaret Errington
The annual Angel Tree
Lighting will take place at
the Dungannon Park
(behind Dungannon
Sen ice Centre) on Friday.
Dec 6at730pm Any
parent vn ho has a child not
already on the list please
contact Debbie Bauer
529-7820 or Teresa
Courtney 529-7189 as
sown as possible
Congratulations to
Rose and John Austin on
the arrival of another
granddaughter, Shannon
Deidra. A wee sister for
Callahan. Tara and Ryan,
and daughter of Brian and
Bonnie (Bov, ler,
O' Rei lley.
A large crowd attended
the Annual Christmas
turkey bingo held in the
St. Augustine Parish Hall
on Nov. 25.
Congratulations to
Emily Van Osch, daughter
of Perry and Wendy Van
Osch, who was baptized
during Mass on Sunday.
Sincere sympathy to
Clarise Dalton on the
death of her brother-in-
law.. Joseph O'Brien of
R.R. 2. (ioderich, <)ri
Sunday. in London hospi-
Clanse Dalton recently
returned from a month's
holiday visiting with her
daughter and son-in-law
Mia and John Rossario
and family In Queen
Charlotte islands, British
Columbia. She travelled
the journey by tram.
We welcome
Ralph and Cheryl Nivins,
former residents of
London, to the village to
Church on Saturday.
Family members witness-
ing this event were Craig
and Kyle McNeil, Candice
and Robbie Boak and
friend Mary Wisser.
An open reception 1.01 -
Dungannon Doings
the property owned by
Steve and Sheila Faber.
Many years ago, this farm
on the southern outskirts,
was known as Billy John
Stothers farm.
Sandra Boak and
Robert McNeil were'mar-
ried in a Christmassy set-
ting at Dungannon United
lowed al Lucknow
Community Centre.
Port Albert 4-H
achievement night was
held at Dungannon United
Church on Nov. 26.
Questions regarding waste
management and recy-
cling were answered by
guest speakers Don
Carter, Wingham and
Janice Blake, custodian of
Ashfield landfill site.
4-H leader Donna
Hayden awarded a silver
howl to Taylor Park on
completion of 30 projects
and to Jeni Maize, a
plaque for her first pro-
Seven tables were in
play at the Dungannon
Senior Citizen euchre
party last week. Winners
were Clarence Hoy, Frank
Pentland, Lois
Cunningham and Helen
The first Advent candle
was lit by Anita Wood on
Sunday, with the Rev.
Alex McGi'vcry officiat-
In the evening, the
CGJT presented their
annual Vesper Service,
under leadership of
Elizabeth Irvin and Donna
• Kelly McNee and
Heather Irvin narrated the
old familiar story with
verses of scripture advo-
cating the birth of the
Baby Jesus.
The manger scene of
Mary and Joseph was por-
trayed by Lisa Culbert and
Jen Brindley. Mary
Garriock at the organ and
piano, accompanied the
carol sing.
Following the candle
lighting ceremony, a
social time was enjoyed.
Card parties resume
in the new year
by Jean Ross
Chalmers WMS held
their November meeting at
Norma Rintoul's last
The theme was peace
and Norma opened with a
call to worship and fol-
lowed • with prayer.
Mildred Purdon read the,
scripture, Norma gave the
meditation, and Kathleen
Elliott led in prayer
Readings were given by
Vera Falconer. and Jean
Ross on the topic 'Lest We
The rollcall was
answered with a verse
containing 'snow.' A
penny auction was held
and a donation was, asked
for the Christmas Bureau
rn Wingham for Huron
The village card party
was held on Monday
evening at the home of
Elena and Margaret
Sleightholm with three
tables in play. High play-
ers were Agnes Farrier,
Mildred McClenaghan,
and Don Joss, and Angus
Hazel Purdon of
Strathroy was a visitor last
weekend with Angus and
Vera Falconer.
nloss council briefs
At Kinloss township c>ounciVs Nov, 1$ meeting,
Members learned :that E'r;S erinan.s Cove had put their
proposed rezoning application lair hold for the time
hetnnL and the public mooing was postponed by own..
ears singe they have on modifications they would
at fv.do on their original :appticatron,
The.CNA purchase is si.ill on hold confirrna,
lien -as to when Crown patents were issued for the
rzdss ng properties. The clerk was instructed to send a
letter to Paul •Stec kk, MP, to s+ee if he could speed up
The township's levy .portion for the amount of grav,
el extracted in 1995 arrived in the amount of
A tetter has been sent to the M•OE regoesting :art
amendment to the landfill certificate regarding cove',
ins during winter months when 'weather conditions do
not permit.
Downloaded highways keep . .UNICEF
from page
red line designation in Huron d;�ficiency;OralRivers atu e
Responsibility for Provincial Highways
83, 84, and 87 will he transferred. to
Huron County, but thanks to an initiative
by the Zurich and District Chamber of
Commerce, the roads will continue to
show as provincial highways on Ontario
road maps,
The Zurich CO(' has long been con-
cerned the downloading of provincial
Highway 84 to Huron County could
result in a changed designation (the loss
of red line designation) for the Highway
and thereby impact negatively on local
tounsrn.as well as reduce development
and property values in Hensall, Zurich
and Hay Twp.
They have lobbied various government
officials and recently they received a let-
ter from Provincial Transport Minister Al
Pallidini which said the ministry is will-
ing to enter into a 'collaborative agree-
ment' that designates the maintaining the
provincial signs on the transferred road-
way to the municipality and further
agrees that "the ministry will continue to
show the transferred road as a provincial
highway On our road maps.'.
Student learns
about plumbing
by.(.eorge (tarter
This year -1 have, been.
given a great opportunity
to experience the world of
work in the field ul my
choice by enrolling in the
co-operative education
My name is George
Carter and 1 'am a Grade
12 student attending FE.
Madill Secondary School,
in Wingham. The field of
work 1 have chosen to pur-
sue is plumbing.•
My Co-()[) placeinent.i5
at Moran Mechanical
Limited, in Winghairi. My
supervisor is Ted.Moran,
the owner of the business.
My schedule inefudes
working • .3.5 hours in the
morning, everyday from
September to January. I do
various tasks such as mea
s-uring. and cutting cop-
per/plastic pipes, thread-
ing metal .pipes', slaking
duct work, and much
more, l have also been
able to watch other
employees work, which
helps Inc learn more about
what they are doing hclore
1 actually cni'ouuter the
real task.
1 enjoy working with
the other employees. They
•take their tittle to teach Inc
the skills needed fur cer-
tain ,joihs in the field of
I would like to thank
Mr.- Moran and / the
employees • of Moran
Mechanical for all the help
they have given me, 11 has
heed a very valuable
learning experience for
me, and 1 would advise
any student to enroll in the
co-op program.
Therapy to prevent deaths
from'dehydration; and pri-
mary education for all
children with a special
focus on the girl child.
(Jacqueline Bradshaw.)
i hope this information
will reassure your readers
that their contributions to
UNICEF will help many
children in important,
often life-saving, ways.
Sheila Clarke
Fran McQuail.
George Carter is learning the plumbing busi-
ness, as a cooperative education student.
His placement is with Moran, Mechanical.
Limited, Wingham. (photo submitted)
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