HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-12-04, Page 5Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, December 4, 199i— Page 5e
Writers share UNICEF response to letter
Year editor
1 was t onct•rnr.d about
tit tetter against teNI('F:F
printed recently 1 hays
sl int Int tbTilii.11it burn
t N1C'F_1 in response to
the allegation, made in the
ic+tt r and 1 offer this
Inlurrnatiun for out read-
ers who ma+ hay r been
distressed by the earlier
letter 1 would be pleased
to supple ancone who is
interested with the corn-
plett L'h1C'EF response
1 IT allegation that
UNICEF supports China s
one child per family poli-
ty - "UNICE'F has never
supported China s one
child per f arril is policy
UNICEF did increase its
contribution from $2 mil -
smells fishy
Dear editor.
Something is starting to
smell fishy and it's the
Huron Pertly District
Health C:ouncil ; Hospital
and Related Services T 1
Force Report
The Health C rr1.Il
warily the public to review
only their .three options
presented in the repot ,.
'1 h roc,es\ used to A
a1si r t h r e t options is'
iortant and worthy
t>l '',sew 11.,.cocess is
flawed, then tats of
that process art tainted.
I urge your paper' to
publish the report in its
entirety. (It's only 12 type-
written .pages). Lets hoe
the people who w l 11 hr
cllected significantly by
the,. report hat a chance
to see the %oilittit and
quality of the repot; fila, !`
already t!!Iccti1;g nrlctr
!lyes to a sI ,ll1fI(_atlt way
The Health council
wont defend 'lie!! report
and 1 wou!dnn i wc,nt to
'hake to defend it cane?..
They only want to "dts-
CUSS'• thieir three options,
Very little inlorniatlon
is publicly available about
how the three options
were selected: however,
one member of the task
force has brokers the
silence and indicated that
in the process each task
force member was given
three blue dots arid they
were asked to place their
dots on the, options they
would like to see. Rumor
has it there were nine
options from wfiit:h to
The future health care
system for Huron Perth
has. been designed by 60
.(plus or tninus) blue dots.
Is this a credible way to
plan the future of health
care for your community'?
Art Clark
Editors note: We are
unable io p,ublish the
report in its entirety, how-
ever, copies of the report
are available at the
Sentinel office
Buri to almost $f+ million
;o trnprose the quality of
maternal/child health and
to increase health cover-
age in the 00 poorest
countries UNICEF has
strongly argued that the
most clfectist was to
reduce population growth
is to ensure child surYdt9l4i,
Whereyrr child survsva1
rates go up. population
rates fall So our child sur -
visa' projects do get listed
in the lnsentors of
Population Projects But
our work is always for sur -
y it' al, protecttun and
development of children
(quote from Jacqueline
Bradshaw. Prot' Inciai
Director for UNICEF.
Ontario )
"As a matter of polio'.
approved by it. Executive
BoardUNICEF does not
adv oc ate any, particular
method of fam►ly plan-
ning. belie+ing this one to
he a matter hest decided
by people thernselse' in
accordance with their
needs. y clues and prefer-
erices As a matter of prac-
tice. L'NICEF does not
pray ide contraceptives
supplies UNICEF has
never provided support kir
abortion and a continues
to be the longstanding
UNICEF policy not to
support abortion as a
method of family, plan-
ning." (Jacqueline
Second allegation. that
UNICEF was immunising
women of child hearing
afire• in the Philippines and
Mexico an anti -tetanus
teat.>ici which contained
hCf.; (human Chorionic
(;unadutrophini thus taus -
Ing stenlily
"Tetanus toxoid y accine
is routinely, gi en to
women of childbearing
age in developing coun-
tries to prevent post natal
tetanus infections which
entail a high fatality rate
fur Doth mother+, and
babies. Some pressure
groups claimed that the
tetanus toxoid vaccines.
with an anti-fenihty torr`
portent. were being used
secretly to (unit population
growth in target cotintnes.
However when vaccines
from seven dlftere*t man-
ula.turers were indepen-
dently tested by the US
Food b't Drug
Administration t FDA)l the
Netherlands Government,
and by laboratories in sev-
eral Luuntnes, the results
were a1rnegati'e.
have made it clear that
they strongly oppose the
combination of any vac-
cines with anti -fertility
vaccines. They also warn
that unsubstantiated
claims...could seriously
undermine public confi-
dence in tetanus toxoid
and other vaccines in the
countries involved, lower•
immunization coverage,
and cost the lives of moth-
ers and children." (From
State of the World's
Vaccines and
Funds currently con-
tributed by Canadians are
used to continue to work
to meet the goals for the
year 300( that UNICEF
set following the World
Summit for Children in
I990; clean safe water and
sanitation for all; reducing
child malnutrition by 50
per cent; 90 per cent
immunization of children;
elimination of Polio; erad-,
ication of Guinea Worm
disease; elimination of
Iodine • Deficiency
Disease; ending Vitamin A
•turn to page 10
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