HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-27, Page 11Laeknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 37, 1 - Page 11 Classified EcCti'' "f.? {F:.. w :•i ,. ;::i"mss: s > vat .$s ;>vs, t': moi uix •'�'�iW. sax:• .;rx::..k :... .. INDEX CLASS(F(ED 528-2822 91. Articles for Sale 02. Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04. Antiques 94a. !--rafts 05. tars for Sale 06. [-rucks for Sale SPoKTS RE,w_ RE,a rte ` 'a. Fur sale General 7b. Wanted to 13u' 7c. Wanted to Rent 7d. Bicycles 7e. Motorcycles 7t'. Snowmobiles 7g, Rev. 'Vehicles 7h. Boats, Motors etc. 7J. Service & Yana 7K. tiwirnmiiug Pools 08.,, Computer., II). Vets 10a. .Horses tAILM IAkl(1Lt 11a. For vale General 11b. Waisted to Buy IL.. Wanted to Hire Ild. h:tupl. Wanted 1 te. Livestock 1I1. Farm Produce I lg. Equipment ment Ilh. Services 11j. Fart» land 1•lk. 'Real Estate tit. til anted to !Mitt Um., For Rent 12. `Real Estate 13. \lobtle Homes 14. Vacation 1,6. For Rent , O. 3parttuent.. 18. Houses for Rent lea. Bet1 & Breakfast 20. Room & Bvard 23. ('unuuercial 24. Wanted to Rent 25. Wanted to !Buy 26. Help W atttcd 27. Wanted General 28. Business Opp 29. !'enders 311. l wp1. Wanted 31. Service Directory 32. Babysitting 33. 1Liscellaneous 34. Personal 35. Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auctions 39.. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To Give Away 42. Obituaries 43. Births 44. Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card of Thanks 48. (timing Events 1 RATES AND DATA Mi k35Xi b`. 1 week - $4 25 2 weeks - $7 48 3 weeks or more $3.2' each week extra words at 16 each Cards of Thanks - $4.25 for 25 words extra words at 06 each In Memoriam $4.25 - 35 `or each the A terse Birth Announcement - $10A0 flat fee '3 + 3 ads - $10.50 pre -paid tor 25 words extra words at 16 each Thursday Special - $3.25 for 25 words Must be placed and pard on Thursday Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying G.S.T. not included In above prices ammat VISA mom Cal 1528-2822 EwiZ 1. For Sale THINKING OF A GIFT for someone Jut of town. Calgary. Vaneouver. Montreal Why not send there a 1 year subscription to The Lucknow Sentinel. Great price $25.66 per year CST & postage included)--45tfnx NEED HELP with your Christmas baking'? 9" home- made pies, for sale, variety of kinds, $5. Phone Trudy 357-2349, --48 FURNITURE • ETC. inciuding 50 4hes te(field suites, $649 up. Genuine La-Z-F3oy'recliner chairs, ..King Kofl" soca beds Yamaha pianos and "Keyboards " Schuett's "Furniture, Mildmay. Phone 519-367-2308. --48cc STEEL BUILDINGS SALE p -N ALL GRAIN STORAGE BUILDING=S. Many sizes to Choose from, Quonsets, Straightwalt Quonsets or, the. new Trusstess Design. CaII Future 1-800-668-8653 ext 515.--48bc -kMEDIUM BLUE couch and loveseat set, 8 years old, Asking $150. Phone 528- 3107. --48-50x51-02nx DID YOU KNOW IF YOU 'BUY A NEW MAI TRESS SET BEFORE CHRISTMAS PAY NO GST ANL) RECEIVE FREE A NEW ROLLER FRAME C&E FURNITURE Hwy. 21, S. GODERICH 524-7231 1. For Safe CLEAN L'P for Christmas, Simplicity vacuums 2 year warranty Regular $399 an sail: tor $249 AEG Appliances 528-2445. - 37tfar BAL3Y ITEMS - play pen, car seat, rnobile, change table, baby bag. Reasonably priced. Phone 529-7$70.--47-50xc MEMORIES TO LAST' A precious photo on a plate, rnuy or a shirt, a great Pitt this Christmas. Alson 396- 3227 Kincardine. 446-48cc BOW HUNTERS L.hristmas specials, compound and cross bows, tree stands, camouflage clothing, scents, calls, arrows and much more. Super prices. J & S Tackle, Port 'Elgin. Phone 519-832-2827 Open 7 days. --48cc • HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH & WAGON rides on the farm, Organic apples, cider, apple butter, beet and Iamb avail- able now. Meeting Place Organic F,arm, 519-528- 2493. --48x CONFIDENTIAL TYPING The Lucknow Sentinel does confidential custom typing tor customers; resume's, letters etc. We can offer you a number of different print types and sizes. Call our office or drop in for more details. -8tfnx , SINGLE BED and box spring/head board, double bed/ head board, 24" color T.V. (old), wireless remote control, converter, 10" Black and Decker Mitre, saw. Phone 528-3936 after 7. -- 48,.49 111=arSZTimanair ,,UST N !TIME for hristmas' St. Augustine �hurch plates, •n$iue mitt Jutstde /news avarlabfe. Fu► more ntorrrtatrurt ;orf Theresa 524-4795 )r Cathy 529- '384, -48 THE LuCKNOW SENTINEL s available at the following ocations Jul )r town. Hoivr')uu3enerai Store. Ripley .Superior Market; Dawson s Store. Dungannon. MacNays `atom!, Arnberley r'tanyte '?tscount, '.aoueucn, 3rran s Yalu -Mart, Nrnyharn McPhee 'DA, Winynarn, Hart roust Mart, raeswater, MacAdarn Man Marl, Ripley, Port Albert General Store, anti Keith s Repair Service, Nhttecnurch. -9tfnx STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BLIL[2ING SALE Go Ontario Factory Direct Many Sizes and `tyles. Example. 30 x 40. now $5,998.00. 35 x 50 now 59, 488.00. '40 x 60 now .$11 444.00. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668- 5422. --48bc CHRISTMAS TREES- Pine, spruce, Fraser Fa, wreaths and roping, Niel Edgar Hwy. 086, 2 miles east of Whitechurch. Phone 357- -48-50 MAKE 12 MONTHLY Payments of $41 58 and a beautiful' new living room Suite is yours, including soca, loveseat, chair. Call toll free 1 -800.667.5898. Marten's •Furniture, Kitchener. --48ar THE LUCKNOVV SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when sending money for business opportunities or employment advertise - merits. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information or sending any money. Remember, it an advertise- ment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.--32tfnx LOSE WEIGHT. Without dieting - 100% all natural - Safe. Simple to use, no counting calories, ,workouts or' pills. Inexpensive. REALLY WORKS.' Call Marianne Bollinger 529-7807. --38tfcc NEED A • GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT idea? 52 issues of The Lucknow, Sentinel, delivered weekly. A gift that lasts all year. Calf for details 52-2822. --45- 51nx 1. For Sale SEGA 3ENES1S dame ;ort - sore pets .J James. excellent ;unuition. Mil sell together zeparate. Phone 519- 528-.3914. 1'3- 528-.3914.-46-49xc FOR -,/,DLR Christmas viewing Sharp VCR's eyu- ar $299 ,)rt •gate $249. AEG AppinAnces 528-2445. 47ttar DON'T MISS 'DC. beat 'he hristmas rush! ,Dee onoto )r 12: ,holo 2aiendar. a 'reasureu jitt '01 a oved int). Arson 396-322' Kincardine. -46-48ce N0ODSTOVE & FIRE- PLACE atass, will !lot break from hea Jut to any size or Snape. The Chimney _weep s Stove Parlor & .railery nc. 368-o274. -- 41 ttnbcpnx CHRIS -MAS CAKES and puddings. :all Brenda Phillips 529-,'048. •-45-48x MINI DISH 5769. Echostar, „niden, RCA rnini dish al available starting from $769. Includes 1 year tree pro- gramining $350 value). Cal Poiloc* Electric 395-2982 -- 45ttar SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO, BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566-6899. Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2, Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1G0.--48bc YAMAHA PIANOS - Also Yamaha Clavinova digital pianos and Yamaha "Keyboards." Good selec- tion at Schuett's Furniture Showroom, Mlldrltay ton Hwy. r#9), Trade-ins accept- ed 519-367-2308. Schuett's Mildmay. •-48cc INTRA'N HERBAL BLEND Are you suffering from asth- ma, allergies, arthritis, IQW energy, frequent colds, high cholesterol, high blood pres- sure etc. Try 3Qday supply Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. For more information call ,Marianne Bollinger 529-7807.--42tfcc FIREWOOD LAST ,WINTER did you have to turn on your electric heat, or burn green slabs because you ran out of wood. Don't be caught this year. Order your winter's wood now. Mixed hardwood body wood (not slabs) sea- soned for one year. 4 face cords minimum $180. while supplies last. Phone 529- 1'026.--40tfcc 1. ale f�1/ Pick Je /our ;opv it THE _ ,CKNCW SEN'T'NEL rt Inv .» he uiluwiny _JcKnow '7ubinebses. 3ecKers 'Milk, 3eil's Discount, _Jcknuw !!Wage MarKet, tdrnoacn Pharmacy, Jcknuw Service :an►rrr amu Annie's Sas Sar, Hamilton ~raeis. -52tt NORTRCN ELECTRIC rur- tace, 54000 3 T'�, 'i /ears )id, `580. Phone 357- t -' -5. 44.48x-49-51 rix KENMORE HEA!v duty .fryer, iew. Kenmore Meavy iuty washer NM Sell Together or separate. 3est )iter. !'hone 528-.3547 - 48, 49x ,CE CREAM "IBS .' ',2 .)ellen for Sate. '-ieasonaoiy, urtc48xced. 'tail 395-4204 )t 528-2'36 anytime.46- CUSTOM FAXING Need 10 sena )r receive .1 'ax' The Sentinei does .-us- tom faxing 'Or .,ustomers. Drop rt ar ,all 528-2822 for ,.retails.-414fnx WIDE SELECTION 01 Jsed appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and ,.fryers. All ser- viced and ,nciudfng a war- ranty. Call Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover 364-1011. --51 tfgp CHRISTMAS, TREES • Scotch Pine, Spruce, Bassam at Creightons, ,wo concession roads south of Lucknow, ,East of Belfast, oft County Road .rx 1 . 1,4 mile, Phone 528-230.5. --47- 49x • .LET US TUNE YOU IN! 18" muni dfshi$789 Inciudes 1 year free Programming !$350 value). Installation extra. Call L ' & A Southwest Satellite, Larry and Dennis Fisher t519) 524-9595. -- 43ttcc JUS1. IN 'IMI, for Christmas one week only alt 1996 and discontinued Compound bows at or below cost. Buy now and save. Call for .details 263- 2141 Huron Sports Outfitters Hwy. #4, Kippen. - -48cc NEW STYLE 18" DISH We are liquidating a truck load of 18" dishes while quantities. last. it you prefer to see what you are buying, we will, give you a free in- home demonstration. $749 plus installation. 529-1026 SC Tech, the satellite dish specialist.--47ttcc