HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-27, Page 9Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 27, 1996 - Page 9
at the
No►ice B2 - Nightmares
The Nightmares on
and lost on the weekend.
Friday they defeated
Tecsv, ater 5 to 1. with
Des in Kemp and Buddy
Chamney picking a pair.
and Julie Hamilton a sin-
gle Assists: Kemp (2),
Brent DeBruyn, B.J.
Mayer. Justin Davidson
and R.achel Ackert.
Saturday they met a
much tougher opponent in
Wmgham losing 8 to 2.
Julie Hamilton scored
both goals, assisted by
1-ustin Davidson and
Kelsey. Alton. One. of
Hamilton's goals, on a
breakaway. Icft the
Wingham goalie looking
for his socks '
Pee Wee A
The Drayton team
proved to more than the
Pee We A's could handle
when they carne to town
Nov 18, taking hone a 7
to 3 victory.
(scala: Joao Marin (2),
Bob Raymond. Assists:
Shea Dickie, Jeff Mcflec
(2), R. Mann and
The Per, Wet tarn
brought home the hard
ware from the Klrlal.ntr►
tournament In 'ICC Water
on Satulday, after -defeat
1I1.' Ord 2 t 1,
Wlar' 3 to 1; e)!►ci
'iouthanipton, 5 to 2 ('nettle
dialnpionsi)lp it ww., ;111
all round t(-1;allt ,t:ffoll
11ac.kCd by trrrtfit. }foal
Goals Kusa Mar►rt O),
Jig') .Kaynitind (Vsi, Jif f
McNe (2), Brian Stanley.
Assists: Stanley (3), Wyatt
Kwan. R. Mann, Raymond
(2 each). Devin Pctteplace
and Matt Pritchard.
Bantam K
The Bantam B's hosted
Kincardine 11 on Sunday
and carne out on the losing
end of 7 to 4 score.
Goals: Troy McKenzie
(2). Nick Mann a.nd Jason
Lewis. Assists: Paddy
Lyon. Adam Chilton, Rene
Blecker, Kiel Farrish.
Lucknow had a penal-
ty -filled game on Friday
night when they played in
Ripley, lwsing 3 to 1.
Lucknow's Ione goal was
from Craig Moffat, assist-
ed.by Greg Courtney and
Colin Becker.
The Juveniles were
down by a 3 to 0 score but
came hack to end their
game with Mildmay at a
six all tie.
Goals: Ed Courtney (2),
Dave Adams, Jon
MacKinnon, Jeff Porter,
Doug Johnston. Assists:
Dave Adams, Johnston
and E. Courtney (2 each),
Craig Moffat, Becker and
Chad Moffat. ,
Psi _Wye Ji
Playing in Ayton on
Nov. 21, the Pee Wee B
squad came hinne with an
8 to 2 loss, Goals were
from Dart McDonagh and
Matt Pritchard, with
Graham Cook. Steve Van
Meeterr.'rl and Jessie ('ox
a' 1 )tlrl},
('ort y Robertson scotch
litttfassir ted for 1.uc k now's
lone )foal in ;a i tti 1 st 1)11:'
w1111 13r.lmorr. on Sunday
(al r,rt.( olltttlry'') end (t,
r.mti tunb,
followed by Jell
('tanntoti tipping in the
1t -hound was the only }..'cal.
01 the.Midget's matt 11
with '1 rt-aw;liri oil 4r1(11t1,iy
John ('htlton also assisted
on the goal.
A tont A's
The Atom A's remain
undefeated in league
Kama: at this point.
On Nov. 20. they
downed Ayton 13 to 0.
Dustin Farrish claimed the
shutout. Leading the
attach was Luke Drennan
with three goals, followed
by Bob raymond, Jesse
Johnston and Nigel Black
with two each, Mark
Hackett, Tyler Hamilton,
Sandy Lougheed and Brad
Gilchrist. Assists:
Raymond (3), L. Drennan,
B. Gilchrist. T. Hamilton,
Kyle dorscht and Blair
Morrison (2 each),
Lougheed, Johnston and
In a fast -paced exhibi-
tion game on Nov. 22,
Lucknow outscored
Wingham 6 to 3 on home
ice. This is the team the
Atoms will meet first on
Dec. 9 in the Silver Stick
Farrish and Adam
Martin split goaltending
duties while 'F. 1laniilton,
and Raymond notched
two, and Mark Hackett
and Cody Hamilton got
singles. Assisting on the
plays were: Johnston and
T. Hamilton (2 each),
Raymond, Daniel
Drennan, 1.. Drennan,
Black, Blair Morrison and
On Smnday,tlte team
continued its winning
steak itt Mount Forest net
tiny, nine. goals to the ltt►st
,cam's one
'1'1►r liter of 1.ukr
Drennan, Jana!, Mann .and
1);anlcl 1)t loom► couthined
(or loml goals. The
irrrir,at► boys writ. the
rttlt.alt els ►ri this t hippy
t ifain later, Mann (2),
Hat krtt (2), lt;tymond. (2),
'1. 1116111114m, 1. 1)Irruuan,
Johnston. AnatniK,
Lancers post two wins
'1 he 1;ucknow 1.ant.el5 posted two
wurib durlr►g wr..r.kr,rttl art IMF
Ott friday night, goalie Adam
Skillet) allowr.d.,only two goats to
Lucknow's nine In ihr Mildmay ort.
(;cels Kyle Whrrlrr (2);, 1�.tit1
1'sieatap (2), 1,)alr. 1ticaiap (2), If►ad
Murray, Justin Murray a,td Chris !twin
Assists 13' 1'.iestap (4),•l'fnis ltwiti (4),
Kyle. Wher,lei; ('Ito Sirvtnson, ('hit
Mull ay, ('hits Millie l(uJsr11 'Suitt.,m
and Brad Mur lay
Dean 1,1ntisay stood bt twt t m tht'
filpr,a on Surlthay whrtt the team trav
t lied to (it;lntl Valley 1.int.lsay took
t lydlt loi an assist on one of hit know's
goals tit thrit ri to 4 vit. tory.
Steve' Simpson, Justin Mill tay and
I►ave Mt Kee pit. kid up a pail, with
Mark l3;akkrl and Brad Murray getting
singles Asstsii.itgn.titi the plays writ.°
l)arlm 1.lmtlsay, ('het Min ay and 1)ttamr
1'tiitrl i2 Leath); Russell Sutton, Matt
1)trt►nam;'1)onmti' ('till ICI ICI; Strvt'
Mit fur; 1 Moults ,and lfakkrt
Morrison (2), Johnston
(2), Raymond, J. Mann,
Derrick Quinlan, L.
Drennan, Hackett, Black,
borscht, Lougheed.
Novice A
It was an outstanding
performance from the
whole team when the
Novice A squad outscored
Mildmay 10 to 4.
Scorers: Blake Alton
(3), Cody Hamilton and
Cory Hamilton (2 each),
Stuart Eadie, Joe Murray
and Kyle Shepherd.
Assists: Cory Hamilton
(3), Alton (2), Murray and
Atom 11311
Great goaltending by
Mike Wilson and hard
work by all players gave
the Atom 81 squad a 4 to
2 victory over Walkerton
last week.
• Scoring was by
Candice Hamilton, Brad
Gilchrist (2), and Leslie
Morrison. Assists: Derrick
Quinlan (2), Braden
Carruthers (2), Morrison,
and Josh Ackert.
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