The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-27, Page 6Page 6 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 27, 1996 BARRY W. REID B.A. " CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PO. BOX 300 • WINGHAM, ONT. NOG 2W0 WINGHAM '$JNCARDINE 306 Josephine St. 357-1522.357-1551 (Fax) 1-396-7977 • Auditing • Accounting • Tax Ssrvicsa RLUSS TAYLOR C.A KEITH RAYMOND C G.A BARRY REID, C.A. SATURDAY NIGHT NOW NOW GAMES AT THE AMES ODERICH COLUMBUS CENTRE $ATURCA NOVEMBER 3U'", t996 $4 700TOTAL. PRIZE ET MON DOORS OPEN 5:30 P.M. BINGO 7:00 PM SHARP 9,500 JACKPOT MUST 60! License 0 310856 PARK THEATREf - STARTS WEDNESDAY "DISNEY MAGIC HAS DONE IT AGALN!!" 4" M.',•mOn . AMEI{RM MINS, RAM KTMW W "A CLASSIC MASTERPIECE! FVrrrASTu_. L^cseDu u " 40M to. It„ tWTV,W Otos* (:l_!f_NN r...- -111 .1 111.A111141s PARENTAL G 6UINANCE WED. - THURS. NOV. 27 -DEC. 05 WED. & THURS 7:30 PM FRI. &SAT.7&9PM, SUN. • THURS. 7:30 PM SAT. & SUN. MAT. 2 PM iiteiPl litIMIge/lifin ing11151ffild[c%ideIaCi]llisixinitra isiai;t% Hc)WJ<:K MUI'UAJ. INSUIIANCI'. COMPANY TOW }Y hem tale H LL E YSGs�°��a bN c.140:00!'resent Farmer's Daughter Now the hottest fernale country group today! Hear 11 their Hits like: Borderline Angel, Son of a Preacher Man, and Cornfields and Cadillacs. One Show Only! FRIDAY, DECEMU R 6, 8:00 P.M CaII 357-4082 WINGHAM to Reserve Advance $14.50 At Door $16.40„ Tickets Available at Triangle' Discount, Ernie King Music, Wingham & Goderich Letter to the editor., Get involved in hospital discussions Dear editor: The Huron -Perth District Health Council has released its report outlining options for hospitals for the Huron -Perth area. Residents in our area are urged to obtain a copy, read the document and understand it clearly. Three options are proposed and although the "C" word (closure) is never used, be aware of the follow- ing: Under Option 1 - the hospitals in Clinton, Exeter, St. Mary, and Wingham will he CLOSET) as hospitals. Under Option 2 - the hospitals in Clinton, Exeter, Listowel, and St. Marys will be CLOSED as hospi- tals. Under Option 3 - the hospitals in Clinton, Exeter, and St. Marys will be CLOSED as hospitals and Wingham will have a chronic and rehab focus only. The report prefaces the "Options" section saying "The options rank favorable against the criteria pre- viously established by the Task Force - but are no means final recommendations." Unless you wish to sit and let your hospital close, get involved, make your opinions known at the upcoming open houses and support your kcal com- munity action group with your voice and your finan- cial support. Art Clark,Wingham. Services should be strengthened •from page 1 house) to tell the DHC what they need... We need to have our services strengthened, not deci- mated," says Koch. "One (option) calls for no beds for Wingham. It's totally misleading for the DHC to tell people they can have a hospital with no keds." At this week's hoard of governors meeting, Koch says, members also will discuss implications of the restructuring options on the hoard's plans to build a new medical clinic adjacent to the hospital. However, he says, "It's quite clear that physicians will still he needed and a clinic is still the only way to ensure that." Medical Staff Dr. Brian Hanlon, chief of medical staff at WDH, says the doctors will work in concert with the hospital board to launch an effort to see two secondary hospitals in Huron County, one of them being Wingham. Dr. Hanlon says he believes' Wingham has a good case to make for secondary, or full .service, hospital status. Winghain is isolated 'from other areas, notes i)r. Hanlon and it serves a large pop- ulation from Bruce County. As well, WDI1 has a resident surgeon and two anesthetists. The Copies of the Huron Perth District Health Council's Hospital and Related Health Services Study as presented Nov. 22, 1996 are available at The Lucknow Sentinel I3()AK & McNEII, Sanity & Bob together with their children are happy to announce their upcomin( marriage. The wedding will take place Sal. November 30, 1996 al the Dungannon United Church. We wish to invite our friends & neighbours to cel- ebrate with us at our reception at I,ucknow Community Complex, luckruw, Sat. Nov. 30, 8 p.m. - 1 a.rn. 4��yve 4114 Happy 50'h Birthday Chief (Peter Steer) larger community has a strong industrial Kase, he notes and the infrastruc- ture of a heliport and air- port already in place. Hospital hoard mem- her Verna Steffler is not conterij to sit on her lau- rels and is in the fore- front of a movement to inform area residents of just exactly what the restructuring options mean to services deliv- ered at Wingham and District Hospital. Steffler, who orga- nized last month's health forum, says she has sensed a degree of denial, even complacency local- ly. "People seemed to believe we'll never lose our hospital," she says. fit. 'he time has come to he -e aggressive, s:‘, ter, the reason hci the formation of the citizens' action com- mittee. "We need to have people informed before they go out on Dec. 12 (to the DHC' open house in Wingham)." The first in a series of forums entitled "Save ()ur Hospital, WI)H -- Will it Be 'There for You? will he held Monday, Dec. 2, at Howick; Wednesday, Dec. 4, at Blyth; Thursday, Dec. 5, at Brussels; Monday Dec. 9, at 'Iceswater, 'Tuesday, Dec. 10 in Wingham and' Wednesday, Dec. 11 in 1.ucknow. Dates to remember "Save Our Ilo.►hitul, WI)ll -- Will It lie There /''ur You''" Wednesday, Dec. 11 in Lucknow l)ll(' Open lluu e.% Sacred Heart Church Hall, Wingham ;1'hursday, Dec. 12, 4 to 9 p.m. Knights of Columbus !lull, t:oderich Wednesday, 1)ec. 4, 4 to 9 p.m. LUCKNOW 7th Annual Santa Claus Parade Friday Evening, December 6th 7:15 pm Theme of Parade "Old Fashioned Christmas" Categories: Horses or Horse Drawn Float , - Commercial/Businesses - Organizations Prizes: '64., $40., s2O., in each category Parade entries meet on Havelock St. N., horses on Havelock St. S. For' information call Kinsmen Dale Lougheed 528- 3607 or Paul Zinn 528-2411 Visit Santa and Mrs. Claus at the Arena Kids, if you haven't mailed your Santa letter, bring it 'with you.