HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-27, Page 2Page 2 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 27, 1996
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Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9:15 - Sun. to Thurs. 8 pm
11* #1 MOVIE
Tuesday, All Seats $4.25
Birthday Club
J.J. Dadson
November 27, 1985
11 Years Old
Melissa Weir
November 27, 1987
9 Years OId
Samuel Johnston
November 28, 1989
7 Years OId
Laura Irwin
November 28, 1994
2 Years Old
Mackayla Lefor
November 29, 1994
2 Years OId
Caitlin Joy Agnew
December 34087
9 years OTd
Sam Mayer off to Toronto
for Celebrities Festival
Lucknow's Samantha sports including figure which hosts approxi -
Mayer, a 17 year old spe- skating, swimming, and mately 1,600 guests and
cial olympian, will be track and field, has features over 65
able to share her winning numerous stories to trade Canadian sports celebri-
strategies with over with her sports heroes at ties, including Olympic
1 ,600 guests and 65 the breakfast. A special gold medallist Donovan
sports personalities when olyrnpian for six years, Bailey and Toronto
she attends the 14th Mayer has won gold and Maple Leaf captain Doug
annual Sports Celebrities silver medals during her Gilmour.
Festival on Dec. 4 in career. This event is followed
Toronto, a day -long In order to keep her- by The Darryl Sittler
fundraising campaign self in shape for the vig- Skate at Mel Lastman
which benefits Special orous challenges of corn- Square.
Olympics in Canada. petition, Mayer trains Dinner and an auction
Mayer, who partici- five days a week with her at the Westin Harbor
pates in a variety of .coach Marlene Webb. Castle wraps up the day,
"Sam not only trains and will be part of a live
herself but she is also an national broadcast on
amateur coach who vol- TSN beginning at 8 p.m.
unteers with younger eastern time.
skaters," says Webb. During the telecast,
"Sam is very supportive viewers can call in their
of her fellow athletes and donation to the Sprint
she in turn receives a Canada pledge line and
great deal of support and at the same time speak to
encouragement from her their favorite celebrities.
skating peers." The number is 1 -888 -
This year's Festival 888-0608. The television
Day begins at the Westin audience can also bid on
Harbor Castle selected items up for auc-
Conference Centre with tion throughout the
breakfast at 7:30 a:m. broadcast.
Fall Tune -Up special
Installed Motorcraft spark plugs, scope
analysis, cleaning of throttle body (fuel
injected system), inspection of all filters
and balance of ignition system.
4 Cylinder 6 Cylinder 8 Cylinder
$69:5 X83:5 $97:5
plus all taxes
FueIIfljectOr ,$25"
Special â– .
Cleaner included
Cooling System
Inspectipn Check
Check out all belts, hoses,
water pump, radiator, etc.,
engine operating temperature Ip 9
(20° cooler operating temperature plus tax
cuts fuel economy by 10%),
Flush and Fill Antifreeze Extra
plus tax
u' 1
p)CKNOW (519) 528-2813
P P73,
Sam Mayer, off to the Sports Celebrities
Festival, next week, is shown at last year's
event with Darryl Sittler. (photo submitted)
These young Brownies were enrolled in the
1st Kingsbridge troupe recently. From the left
they are: Tessie Van Osch, Jessica Knoop,
Amy Doherty, Alishia Robson, Hillary
Johnson and Amanda Lehocsky. (photo sub-
Did you know that... The risk starts decreasing
Inactive people are when physical activity of
twice at risk as active even a low to moderate
people of developing level is performed regu-
coronary heart disease? Iarly.