HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1935-1-24, Page 1sect, --„,.44
Mooted at Opening Messtan of County Council on Tuesday -Chosen
from Your Aspirants to the Moe -Reed Platters Claim Atten-
tion of Ooaatail-Wwzham Reewiikistent in Demand for Pave-
ment North from Blyth
At the inaugural
eeanty council for
afternoon, WU1
Reeve of Stephen
en as Warder
established esetess.
era's' year tor electing tb i1rdM.
cad In the t caucus then dam
session of Huron
MI5. pa Tender
oboe -
four aspirant
Archibald of
Tuckesenith, Helmet of 1iXS1flop.
of Ashfield, and- ISweltser
verll ballots were tak-
before the 'a tbtRlon "wits"
Wbea Ile coaset& convened Mr.
Swelt'er's electioe u warden was
Monad be lir. Matheson, seconded by
Me: andEbald, est carried-
Enve Geo. H. ELllott o= Clinton,
Wards' J 1994. Istrodneed the new
Warden to.t'he council, extending his
geed wishes.
The oath of dike was administered
to Mr. Sweltaer by Judge Costello,
who expressed his pleasure In perform-
ing this duty for the third year. His
Honor remarked, daring a brief in -
address, that the council seemed
lading In the absentee of Reeves Gold-
tYorpeand McNabb, who are among the
fate i.embers et last Tear's council who
did sot come back. His Honor re-
seeded the members that they repro -
muted sot only their supporters at
the polls, but every person is the
county. He congratulated Ex -Warden
Elliott on the manner la which be
coMterted the dellberatkete K the
cosset during 1984, and was high is
his praise of the eetelency of Clerk
J. M. Roberta tad Treasurer A. H.
Estlste. "I have so tierd-of ear-
rtything but praise for on aunty oil -
deli" His Honor
Tho sew-ppolated aides spoke
Windy. VS Wish and
dhrl. did
bin Nikke
the ima
with the procedure as quickly
possible. He, too, spoke highly of
services of the clerk and treasurer.
A 960,000 overdraft had been wiped out
and the county now was credited with
*6,100, said the Warden, declaring that
the clerk and treasurer were deserv-
log of a great deal'of the credit.
"At this, the -first meeting of the
county council for the year 1936,"
said Mr. Roberts, "I extend a sin-
cere welcome to you and particularly
to those of you who are new members.
I personally hope that your dellbera-
tlems during the sittings of eonnty
council wt11 be the medium whereby a
greater measure of prosperity will re-
mit for the people of this grand old
Several amendments to the rules and
regulattoos governing the council were
proposed by the clerk and were on
motion adopted.
The clerk *laced t number of com-
sessslcatlo•a.dere the council. These
Resolutions from the Perth county
cooncil in favor of Increased taxation
of excessive incomes, ■nd especially
of profite and dividends sent ont of the
Deminlon ; asking that the Department
of Highways leave enough snow on
the highways to make driving of
sleighs and cutters possible.
Offer froth John W. Harper, C.A.,
Toronto, to audit the county's books
for 1984 st a fee of *850, and one from
J. W. Monteith. C.A., Toronto, to make
the audit for 9275.
Application from Ross Johnston for
re -appointment art corn -borer Inspector.
Application from J. Andrew Doig as
operator of county road grader No. 2.
A letter from the Attorney -General's
Department re the appointment of John
Ferguson se LC A. enforcement of-
ficer, et $200 per year, replacing Thos.
Gundry. "The reason for the payment
to Mr Gundry having expired with
his retirement, this Department will
not contlnne the payment of 9200
per annum to his eneceasor," said the
letter. After considerable discussion
the matter wag tabled for -the June
A claim from A. L. McDonald, Mum -
tele, for 95 for alleged shrinkage to
Wryene hogs held up on a trip to
market by snowdrift.' on the road. The
claim le that the ehrinkege took place
during the handling of the hogs in the
four tripe necessary to transport the
hogs by team.
A letter from the Ralvation Army,
London. asking for the eontlnnanee of
the annual grant it was pointed oat
that the grant had dropped from 97It0
In 1081 to 9100 in 1984. Rix residents
of Tinton minify were cored for 111
the Reit Home loot year at a cost of
Jotter hum the Ontario Good Roads
Aas elstlon, situating the annual
reemberahlp fee.
Letter from ?he (beadle*- NetteeMM
irletltate flit' Lha Rttwd, Innate, ask -
lag as approprlatioe.
Latter teem the Aasoelatioe of Man -
name Boat tort ji at infirm,
advielag et awing- convention is
elbue, nil aakisg that representatives
ke apolmted to attest.
Letter hem the Hospital Mr nick
W. IL Swettser Has Hatt IAsg Medi
Warden W. H. Snetzer has bad
litres Tears' experience in township
and county cassette. As deputy reeve
for tine yeah and reeve ten three
yeah be Ms represented Stephen
township la the county council. He
was bora in Stephen township forty-
eight years ago, a son of Sam Rwettser,
w11.N-thearn t-6eem with the miebty
column was cut short in 1911 when be
wY aeeidentally shot and killed while
ea a hunting trip near Grand Bend.
The new Warden wee a miller before
]Ulteg dyer bis 200 -acre moral fittt'ri:
Twenty-two years ago be watt"
✓ ied to Was Ida Rata, whose
was the late Senator Valentine Rata
His wife did fifteen years ago, and
five years later he was married to
Mrs. Edith Moore. He has six child-
ren, tour girls and two boys. War-
den and M»l weUzer have a boast-
ful boom at tthlpka. He L ■ great
lover of towers and his home, a beau-
tiful sight surrounded by the summer
blooms, has been pictured in papers
matey them' - -
Children, Termite, asking assistance.
Letter from the Departee*t of High-
ways advising of the annual good
roads convention in Termite on Feb-
ebruary 18 and 19.
Letter from the Ontario Association
of Rural Municipalities advising of the
date If the annual convention and re-
quests, the membership fee.
Theae,communicattons were referred
to the appropriate committees
The fellow 1 ngwere Teeetved :
Haacke--Kept: [be strikes
committee be compuid of O. $.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Sanderson have
re(urned from a visit with relatives
at Tueawanda,,NY.
"1[fiiti 'bei itrii6rifeedri-Tandit
to spend the remainder of the winter
at Toronto and Newmarket.
Mrs. P. Patterson and son Donald
of Fort Wayne, Indiana, are visiting
with Mrs. Patterson's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. H. Vides'.
Ms. aM Mrs Morena Maty and
dasghie.' Metes, of Hosasr,i1 e, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wil-
1Lkins, Gieweester Terrace.
Mr. rloyd Lode, of Clinton; tarn of
Mrs. Robt. Wilson, Cameron street.
underwent an appendix and tonsils
operation In the hospital there on
Monday. His friends here will be
pleased to know he Is progressing
C. W. {. PARTY
The Masonic Halt was the scene
of a gala card -dance party given an -
der the auspices of the Catholic Wo-
men's League on Tuesday night. it
was a most enjayabie affair, at which
card gasses preceded a period of
dancing. Winners at euchre were
Mrs. J. Pbalen and Mr. J. Homey, with
the ..coosolsties awar_going to Mrs.
7, Robinson _ Prises for "600" were
sues by MTs. IR. Gni ri`l6ount and MT
L MacAuley,- with Mrs. W. A. Coul-
thorst receiving the mitsolation. Ladles
of the League served a light luncheon,
after which dancing was enjoyed to
music by Red Rahl's orchestra,
An occasion of unique interest is le
prospect at Central school on Friday
evening of this week, whoa a program
iy former pupils of the school will
ha gives_ under the anspiora_ Qf__the_
Home and School Club. Mayor Mao
Ewan, who attended Central 1n has
youth, le toact as chairman, and other
irradiator of the school, men and wo-
men, wik be given an opportunity of
Misplaying their talents. A feature
of the entertainment will be an ex-
hibition of photographs of Central old
boyo and girls taken in their early
years. The entertainment L open to
the public, and a darer collection vitt
be taken.
taws teem
Were dm
West in
arranged it*
for a weekly
capital. Mr.
'lie Signal at
readers well
grecs et
Niels bey,
spew for
interest to fie
Irk& and
through the
nal. His Erni
meat series
nal this week.'.
et the Ot-
election, in -
les will be
Signal has
, A. Hume
from the
of the
Se pre.
S el
S -
of this dis-
to them
The Sig -
et the pre-
lim Sig-
Estimates tab!
Commons of
etude *32,1100 for
'eh harbor. This
dredging at low
'ted betweea the
Klncardias gets
"traction et_a
e House of
erday In-
g at Coder -
provide for
in the harbor
for recon -
At the annual
hind Golf Club, on
following officers
the year MS: W.
e ldest; G, L.
D. D. Rooney,
with C. C.
H olds, R. L.
son u
of the Malt -
7 last, the
appointed for
ltburet, pro-
vire-president ;
J. R. Rey -
R. Patter -
porter t0
B. Reynolds;
golly R. L.
Lloyd and
Radio Owners Will
.. vt
AIM Nesting Demands Action to
Stop Inter'ferenoe-dorms
Radio Vomition
The upshot of • mass asides on
1Ve.lneehty night of radio -owners
whore patience has been exhausted
by eoutinued interference with
radio programs by -toast high trem en-
cy tneeltinee was that the Godertch
Radio Asux•latlun, which has not
functioned for Aix years, was reor-
ganized. An executive body was
named and ordered to protest strong-
ly to the Government against what is
considered an uutseceseary nuisance.
A resolution also is to be forwarded
Claaedien Radio Comu
mlasin, to
lite eurroecisment of United
Statead' broadcasting stations on Cana-
dian wave.lengths.
Mr. C. A. Reid was chairman of
the gettertng of revere', hundred
person's In the' town hall. A num-
ber of speakers presented their
views to the 'meeting, het it was
not until A. S Cllnchey. radio inspec-
tor of the Department of Marine, faced
Lite a.embly that their resentment slal-
31y and audibly showed itself. Mr.
(Teachey subjected himmetf to the goer
tests of tete gathering as to hie iu"
vestlgatioas into sources of trouble
here. He =cutlass' us sources of die-
turbauce'the high frequency machine
used by Dr. A. N. Atkinson and the tele-
type in Casey's brokerage o®ce. Other
wurcee, ouch as leaks in high tension
wires, faulty tight .witches and mo-
tora,�ere e.entioned hy_ML
Although the inspector would not
admit that Dr. Atklnaon'd machinery
was rexspomdble for the moat of the
local disturbance, he said that, as a
result of his tests, he had ascertained
that ay area about the Doctor's office
of one -quarter -mile radius was com-
pletely blanketed by the round given
out by his machines. With the Doc-
tor's permission, the offending machine
had been taken to Kitchener, where a
special screen had been placed around
it. A radio was operated within four
feet of the wseen, said the inspector.
The same remits could be obtaluctl
brae;t2& he-eaiek
Clerk L. L. Knox advised that
- a y take the
an *Sort
of the county aimed! be tendered His
Honor Judy Costello for appearing be-
fore the council and administering the
declaration of oMce to the new war-
den. Carried.
McNeil -Stewart: That Reeve L K
Cardiff be a member of the pod roads
commission for three years. Carried.
Eckert-Arcbtball: That John F.
Daly he appointed trustee Of the Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute board for
1936.67 Carried.
Turner-Melick : That Reeve Mathe-
atteson be appointed to the criminal audit
hoard for 1965. Carried.
Scott -Stewart: That the road be-
tween concessions 8 and 9 In East
Wawenoah and West Wawanoeh be
added to the county road system of
iluron. Referred to road commission.
Davidson -Grain : That W. J. Hen-
derson be re -appointed trustee of
Wingham High School. Carried.
Pryde-Bowman : That Wm. May
be appointed member of the Exeter
board of education for the years 1906
" 8F7. Carried. - -.
Matheson -Hemingway : That Reeve
Eckert he appointed to the county
road eommlatulon to fill out Ex -Reeve
Wright's term. Carried.
Feagen-Rtewart: That Chat'. As -
(Continued on page 4)
The W.C.T.U. niet on Thursday
afternoon, January 17, at the home
of Mrs. Ada Walters, Bence street.
Thirteen were present. Mies E. B4-
ehanan eondneted the devotional per-
iod and gave many useful and eneenr-
aging Meas for W.C.T.U. endeavors,
Prayers were offered by Mrs. M. W.
Howell and Mrs, W. P. Ione. Several
Items of Iroilnesa were dierna.ed but
were held over until the next meeting
for decision. A dleenselon on the
dip-sheete was both helpful and In-
ierewting. Mrs. R. T. Phillip; cloned
the meeting with prayer. A social
hour wain then enjoyed, during which
time the honteme served dainty re-
f res h men t..
New Ces(traet fes Elevator ('s pia y
under Caeslderstien
The pnblic utilities rommlealon held
its first meeting of the year yesterday
afternoon. Dr. W. F. ()allow and E.
R. Wigle were present, the third mem
bet Mayor Maclewan, being ont of
The sppllestlon of fhe Dominion
Road Machinery co. for an f1 -in.
water -mala connection was passed.
This is to supply water for the auto-
matic spr(nkler eystem which Is keine
Inslallei In the Company's plfnt for
fire protection.
A proposition front the Provincial
Hydro-Wleettie Power cs+mmlssion for
A new mntraet with the Gcderlch
Elevator fie: was swbmttted surf IMF
cursed and wile laid over foe tither
Netlfieetloie was received of the en-
nui tv* **t1 I► of (3* titaste•Mani-
clpal Electrical Aasoclatlon, to be held
• t Termite Jasuery 19 sad 91, and
members of the Intel mmmlaelnn may
attend It convenient,
took a pair of automobile "C" skates,
e lse 11, and disappeared. The robbery
1s thought to have tafen place about
9 a.m. Mr. Hunt notified the local po-
lice of the theft end Sergeant Ross is
Hunts hardware has been the vic-
tim of several thefts In the past, and
011 the various occasions, In addition
to the skates, a ret of wrenches, a jack
and pump have bees stolen.
Oh -s. Lane Gives Address on "New
Ventmree for 1915"
The regular meeting of Knox church
W. M. 8. was held on Tuesday, with
e good attendance. Mrs. Lane, first
vice-president, had charge of the meet
Ing and Mrs. A. Taylor- president,
conducted the business. The treasurer
reported that Godertch auxiliary had
contributed during 1934 the sum of
9423.04, Willie 9123.94 had been raised
for the special campaign fund. Tie
snnnnnR 4 tltrt the two
groups of the O. C. I. T. In the church
dire holding an open meeting on Fel,
rrary 5, and expressed the hot* all
the members of the Society would
be prevent jo show their Interest and
also to encourage the girls in their
Mrs. J. H. Barnett, delegate to the
i'resbyterial meeting held In Clinton
on January 15th, gave a very full s-
port of thnt meeting. iluron Presby
terlal, 00111110.011 of nine auxiliaries.
soma of them very smell, last year
contributed bu ed the sum of 1182flt, an
Increase over 193.1 of $111.34,;ans1 then
reached uta allocation. All report,
were most encouraging and In every
department of the work keener Interest
is taken. The Presbyterial regretted
the restegnstlon of the president, Miss
Jeekeil, and also that of Mrs. W. Young
as an'retary, but in Mrs. 1). J. Lane
and litre. H. C. Dunlop two outstand-
ing leaders have taken their places.
Mrs. A. Taylor then led in prayer,
atter which Mrs. F. G. Weir read
John 3:1-14 as an Introduction to
Mre lane's address. "New len:tine
for 195." Mrs. Lane said she was
trying to carry out the program ns
tar as possible in accordance with the
margented prayer service an outlined In
the "Glad TLlfngs." Rhe urged that
each member fry to be a regular •G -..-
dant at the meetrrgs and, however
emelt to take some part. In so doing
they would become more ihterestel
and thus closer fellowship with one
another and greater service in the
work wood he see enrashell. She
Mooed her address by saying, "Let ns
venture forth in 1905 with more power
In prayer for our own monis and thole
of our fellowmen, with a nobler,
grander. joyous service and an en
larged mtmthership by ills grace."
The meeting wan domed by repeat-
ing a benediction In unison.
*mum HtO or TIEPSR-
A meeting of temperance sympmthls-
era le Goderteh will be held at 8 p.m.
Soudan, Issues, 9t, laga, is MelEp
Hall. All elitism Interested in this
moveasent will he heartily welceeld,
Had Good Year
R. Stonehouse Re-elected President
of Society for 1936-P. Ker-
shaw Is Secretary
At the annual meeting of the 0od-
erich Horticulture: Society, on Friday
night last, the president. Mr. Roy
Stonehouse, remarked that the Society I
had completed one of Its moat success-
ful years. During 11134 the Society ex-
hibited blo6'ms of such excellence as
would be difficult to surpass, even in
a much larger community. Each of the
three flower shores one for tulips
and daffodils, the roe show, and a
general show-wa+ an outstanding
The. town town will-ie-eppreached
with a request for assistance In the
permanent planting of the eight flow-
er plots In Goderi.11 that are cared
for by the Society.
11. T. Edwards, w+•retary-treasurer,
reported a surplus of *56.42 at the
end of the year. Re•eipts were 9008.68,
expenditures 9447.21. •-
Fred Barker, chairman of the dow-
er show committee, gave • report on
the several exhibitions.
Ness Edha Robinson was appointed
to canvass for membership fees for
1935, and It is hoped that she will
meet with a generous reception when
se makes her i>tlnv age shortly.
Election of on ere for the year
19116 resulted as follows: President,
Roy Stonehouse; 1st vice-president,
Mims Jessie Swaflleld ; 'Std vice-presi-
dent, Fred Barker; secretary -treasurer,
Frank Kershaw ; directors, C. E.
Groves, Miss F)ltsnhe'th Salkeid, H. T.
Edwards, George Bowra, J. W. Moore,
Slim Hartwell, Georgie Gould, John
Cuthhertron, Rev. iR J. Lane; andl-
tore, J. H. Taylor. W. H. Robertson.
H. T. Edwards was appointed dele-
gate to represent the Society at the
annual convention of the Ontario
Horticultural Association at Tbrosto
on Febtnery 21.
The Mewlal Ilisteme/
eceipts-Balance from 1933 1 16 7R
Legislative grant _ 68 64
Municipal grant 25 00
Members' s0b•erlptions .. 181 00
Sole of seeds, flowers, etc. ,248 11
Collection at flower show 2410
Expeodltnr '.--
Cash prises awarded at exhibl-
tlonv .* 21 46
Expenses of meetings or lecture. 1 50
('n.t of seeds and plass 846 79
lodges' feet
Allllatlon fees ,,,,,,,,"-,-- fl gZ
SalarJ (narrata4)- -�...» Ilg 1L
Peerage, twine, canvassers teelb,
etc......, 19 10
Planta for eight pies .............._ 25 00
9447 21
Balance ea band rte b
9608 68
:fisc El
awe with ail interference caused to
Attorney D. E. Holmen, who acted
for the citlsene recently, laying the
case before the Department at Ottawa,
adviecd that any radio dealer whose
bu+Mese was Impaired by the disturb-
ance could restrain by law any person
Interfering with his business. 'there
were other (sources pf annoyance, he
said, but if the Interference caused by
the doctor's machinery could be elimi-
nated first an ''alibi" for other offen-
ders would be done away with.
L. II. Zinn, radio dealer, 841141 fats
Ianaipeesc has been seriously Injured
by the co1vtant disturbance's that dis-
rupt radio programs. Peopit refuse
to buy or trade-in radius In view of
the present reception, he said.
Frank itiley, radio service ratan, out
lined briefly the Radio Club of a few
years ago, at which time he was ac-
tively engaged in the work of traNt-
ing down interference.
1)r. W. k'. Ballow etate,1 that the
high terwbn-Hiydro *1r.wt tat are came
lug n small amount of the Interference
are net controlled by the local Hydro.
The offending lines are the "feeders"
Into Golerieh.
Ii. S. Grin upheld the hell Telephone
Company, aevnsel by Councillor 'back-
lit. of creating interference, by stat-
ing that already $2e01 Last is•.•n s1.-nt
in an effort to correct the fault.
A motion to the effect that n itadio
Association be formed in Goderbch
was carried and the following ext,•u-
t1ve was appointed: 0
Inted :
cillor H. L. Brown; vier-prh
L. 11. Zinn; secretary-treasrrrer, Thus!
I'11t(-hard; committee, is. R. ilolmes,
11. E. Campbell and E. Nelson.
A fee of 1N0c and up for membership
In the Association, proposed by E. I).
Brown and C. Shephard, was approved.
A motion of Geo. Stewart and C.
Shephard, that the thanks of the meet-
ing be expreeeed to • resolution to Jas.
Hunter, radio news enaan•at it,r. for
the help and. publicity he ii.os given
the movement. was heat:.ly endorsed.
Before the meeting d!.1. '. n• ; lr-
spesctor Cllnchey stated that the De-
partment is well advised as to the
most effective filters to eiiminate In-
terference. This information would
be available to the Radio Association
he ..aid.
The lavenIng Auxiliary of North
street United church held its first
meeting of the year on Tuesday even-
ing, In the lecture room, and it took the
form of a "fee tea." The following
officers for the year were Installed
by Rev. W. P. lane: Hon. president,
Mrs. W. F. Neftel ; prealdent, Mrs. F.
Kerahsw ; past presddent, Mrs. D
Mooney; secretary, Mr.. C. Johnston;
treasurer, Mrs. R. Rtonehousp; cor-
responding secretary, Mi.a M. Camp-
bell; Christian stewardship secretary,
Mrs. F. White; Iltenature and M1a-
siona.T-_Monthlg secretarsr
Relteetsee : supply eser•etate Istel {e11G
mittee, Yrs. J. Barbour, Mrs. A. War-
rens', Mrs. C. Webb, Miss Murdock;
jst►ew - ler*lfl��_ ltr�l . C,, .�P
rtrangers' secretary as comm flee,
Mrs. W. F. N d, Miss C. McClin-
ton, Mn. A. LteMrs D Worthy;
Omaha, Y1sa McDonald; assistant
ptlulat, pilau MMAlaten.
Now le the time to renew your .eb-
ecrlptlon to THE SIGNAL and re
ee-lve one of the baud/tome
NORTH ST. Y. P. 8.
The cltisenablp meeting of the Y.P. 8.
of North street United church was
held on Monday evening, with Carl
Worell in the that: and Wee
YddhNodif ft iYAt' ilYtiB. The -meeting
was opened with two hymns, after
which Rev. W. P. Lane led In prayer.
The Scripture reading was given by
Was Jean Robertson, followed by the
business 011 hand. Master Eugene
Ryan sang a very delightful solo, ac-
companied on the violin by his father,
Mr. George Ryan. The topic "Person-
ality" was given by Mr. 4. M. Rob-
srtaon and was very instructive. This
was followed by a tenor solo rendered
by Mr. Stas. Barker, accompanied by
Mr. R. Player. The meeting was then
& sa4- with another hymn and the
Mlapah benedktiob.
At an installation ceremony in the
lodge rooms of Princess Mary Lodge,
LV.114„ on Wednesday of last week,
the following members took once for
the year 1906: Mrs, WM. Bell, past
mistress; Miss Jean Drennan, wortb7
mistress; Mrs. G. James, deputy mis-
tress; Miss Alice Mills, chaplain;
M1.s D. Riley, secretary; Mrs. T. Bell,
financial secretary; Mrs. A. Kaitttng,
treasurer; Mho M. Dentin, trot teeter
er ; Mime B. Brockleaanit. second lam
turer ; Mrs. F. Riley, director of cere-
monies; Mrs. Elliott, Inside guardian;
Mrs. W. Mutilate, outside guardian;
Mrs. J. Sproule, Mrs. T. Kneeshaw,
Mn. Clarke, Mrs. H. Palmer, Mrs, J.
Adam, committee atomisers; Mr. Joe
McNevin, guardian; Mia A. McGraw,
pianist; Miss Mills, Mrs. Sproule, M121
Riley, auditors.
The Marine Club rooms on North
street -sees --,packed to the- doors -ono -
Friday night, when the Club's team
in the Northwestern junior hockey
league, the "Marines,' staged a euchre
and dance party, at which a draw was
eondwcted, to assist the Club 1n enter-
ing the hockey season on the right
foot financially.
The number of person attending
the function was a fair Indication
that the juniors have a large cad in-
terested following In their venture
into what is, for this town, a new
More than one hundred persops
ployed euchre, w r#tss.gels
eee. d
anSiEr. Mug-
ford. Completion se erds went to
MIs. It Tabus tp,xr. OH4 M
Cemetery Board
Agaun. Considered
Petition far Creation of Com-
mifh,ion Presented to
Now Connell
The town council met on Friday
night, with all the members pretreat.
The sexton of Maitland cemetery
reported four Interments during the
month of December.
A request from the Union of Cesar •
digin Municipalities fur the annual'
membership fee was referred to the
finance eomalttee.
An invitation to the Mayor to at-
tend the conference of mayors of On-
tario to be held at London on Jaa-
uary 24th and 96th was read, and on
th. mbtbu of Deputy Reeve Terser,
seconded by Councillor Lee, the cowbell
asked Mayor Maclewan to attend the
The Mayor also brought to the at-
tention of the council the announce-
nnouncewent or tIi>I t114ntial at-home of the
Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor-
onto, to be held on February 1st, and
said tee Association would like to
have as many members of the council
and citizens of the town attend at:
this important social gatherlag as
could arrange to be In the city at
that time.
Mrs. Maud Johnson of Toronto seat
her annual objection to the construc-
onstrue-lion of any cement sidewalk in frost
of her property on Wellesley street.
This was seat on to the public worts
An application from the Salvation
Army for a grant for the Revue Home
at London was referred to the finance
committee, a was a similar request
in behalf of the Hospital for Sick
Children, Toronto,
Notice of the annual convention of
the Ontario Good Roads Association,
to be held at Toronto February 90 and
21, with a request for the annual mem-
bership fee, was sent to the public
works committee.
A request from G. 8. Litt, of the
Bedford hotel, for permission to ear
celiac window -opening os Beeth
street, to allow ■ barrel to be put
in from the street, was referral to
ie works committee. •
vice-president'of the junior club, offi-
ciated. Results of the draw were as
follows: Gordon Wong, ticket No. 293, 1
season's skating ticket; Harry Moir, I
197,electric toaster; J. Forcer, 190,
shirt or hose; Chas. Muir, 177, spats;
Frank Donnelly, 178, silverware; Al-
bert Shore, 301, picnic ham; L. L.
Knox, 110, chicken; Geo. Belcher, 81,
94-16. bag dour; Verne Smith, 55, pair
hose; N. K. Wart, 386, hockey stick;
Miss Olive Schoenhals, 16, suit pressed.
A hearty lunch was served, fol-
lowing which dancing was held until
a late hour to music furnished by the
Goderlch orchestra. The executive
wish to thank the orchestra sincerely
for their services.
But Goderieh Is Warm Compared with
Some Other Plaees
A temperature of six degrees be-
low aero was registered by the "omcial"
thermomMer-iw- {3oderich this {Thum
day i morning, making a local record
for the prevent winter. A cold wave
of greet Intensity has been sweeping
acro•' the continent,' extending as far
ns the 8..nthern Staten. but Western
1)03. rho nplwn res 10 hare 0.111114 41 the
worst part of It. Iroquois 1•'al'-. ...
Northern 11i.3,rio, reports 73 below
zero, the lowest temperature ever re-
corded in thin Province.
The local weather report for the
past week (up to 8 o'clock p.m. Wed-
nesday) and that of the corresponding
week of inst year t' as follows:
19.3.5 1934
uric, Jan 17 30 24 19 15
Fri., Jan. 15 27 19 28 8
Rat., Jan. 19 30 13 34 24
Run, Jan. 20 30 29 32 18
Mon., Jan. 21 38 27 34 24
Tues., Jan. 22 27 15 - 42 27
Wel., Jan. 23 17 -3 44 28
as application the
parks caretaker for 1935. This was
sent to the cemetery and parks com-
The petition for the creation of a
cemetery commiselon, presented to the
1934 council and left for the new coun-
cil to deal with, was submitted and
referred to committee of the whole
Bell Tekphane App.lkatien
Another bequest from the 1934 coun-
cil was the application of the Bell
Telephone Co. for permisalon to pro -
reed with the placing of poles, under-
ground wont, etc., in accordance with
the second part of its plans for the re-
coustrnctlon of the telephone system in
Mr. °riff, local manager for the Tele-
phone Company, was heard In support
of the request and explafbed that the
Company was anxious to get ahead
with Its work in the north and east
parte of the town, -welch would be
carried out similarly to that which
had _alreatls.:,been- dose 174 -the Wetl-
and west portion. There would be a
number of "feeder" streets, such as
Plast street, Cambria road and Vic-
toria street, and on other streets the
(Continued on page 81
The members of Princess Mary
Lodge, hO.H.A., and their friends en-
joyed n card party In the lodge rooms
on Tuesday evening. Euchre and '•500" •
were played. Miss Anne Stranghan
and Mr. W. Taylor weret
a or high scorers
nt euchre, and Meas D. Riley and Mr.
II. Jane won at "600." Consolation
awards went to Miss Elsie Elder and
Mr. ROAN Tlehbourne, for euchre, aad
to Mr. and Mrs. Vines for "500." Re-
freshments were served at the cos -
elusion of the games by members of
Princess Mary Lodge.
A Distinguished Layman
The current number of The New the United Church of Outside. A gen-
Outlook 1. the "laymen's number," and tiemun well known to Signal rewdera,
Is Issue) with the special co-operation Mr. John Elliott, H. A., of Landon, Is
of the Laymen's Advisory Council of a..'r.•fary of the Laymen's Council end
bad much to do with the preparatlos
of this special "laymen's number" of
the church Insrlodle'n1.
On the first page ..f thin lame of
The New Otitook In the following trib-
ute to the laymen's secretary:
"Mr. John Elliot, secretary of the
Laymen's A.IVlaury CouncIl fur The
United Church of Canada, ham exem-
plified In his life the highest type or
Christian layman. He gave his life
to freeebing the youth In various public
and high reboots of the Province of
Ontario and lived the thing he taught.
Marry men And women to-dy owe their
enneeptlon of citisenshlp slid religions
obligation to the example and pre-
cept of Mr. Elliott. When the day
for retirement came Mr Elliott gate
teartitng eat tenttnmM Itvirrg -
Infieence In (+arch and .fate has beta
wholeaosne, courageous and wise. He
nows men and underatandm bow to
reser--them los..wnrlir..Dle,siay>•ea .
In the church hem done more to der
velne the higher life in Ontario than
Mr. John Elliott."
JON* ELLIOTT The eagravtag berewftb M r Mishei
by courtesy of The New Ostbet,