HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-13, Page 16Page 16 - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 13, 1996 4. Antiques _-_ 111h.Services 17. Apts. Donars Collectibles Trew,ures for 1 cervone lewellert C rants kcc ,ray fit niks 'pus t•lttes V1atiurt:•, As ort, Tuts. Bottles Baas ba11 arta Hue ke% Cards, Stetrts, ( orruo. (oileclur Plates Clothes, f urruture and more 1.2 Jackson Si, Walkerton Hornt• Phone 863-2O4ts 1985 DODGE CARVELLE, good runner, $500 as is. 0 B.O Phone 528.2223 -- 41-43,44-46nx EARL'S AUTO PARTS LTD, RR 1, Kincardine CASH FOR CARS Phone 395-2947 l,uc.knovt (Yt, Ripley 10. Pets CARING HOMES are need- ed for several abandoned or otherwise unwanted house cats or kittens Adults are neutered, kittens have shots Call Cozy -Cat 396- 3232 d you can gyve a new lease on life. --46cc TWO MALE German shep- herds, 3 years old, good watch dogs $200 each. Phone 519-528-2624 --46x FREE TO A GOOD home preferably a farm Husky/Lab cross, ter(tale, 4 months old Good wtth chil- dren if interested please call 528.28/3 . 45.4/ BOXI 1) HOUND bales 5 5 1/2 of second cul hay for salr, Phone 529 /125 4(a.4/ 11b. Wanted to Buy WANT t t.) HAY ANI) 8 THAW Square bales only (;all Wayne ravers 1 905 899 1905 46b4 fleLivestock Wit I IN(i 10 lend out a quiet proven blonde D'Aquitaine bull lot winter months Cali Darren HHeuerrnan 345.2306 - 45,4hct. f WO WONIJt HE Ul. 3 -year old beet cows, twin sisters, prefer to sell together, 3 calves at side $1000 and $1100. Phone 528-3530 -- 45,46,47 11h. Services GILCHRiST FARM SUP- PLY Belting and repairs to all makes of balers, swathers, and combine pick ups. Patz sales and service, Lucknow Grain buggies, mixers etc. R.R. 5, Lucknow. 395-2861. - 27tfar TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS made to size for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc Vinyl, canvas poly New/Repairs Party tent rentals Tiesrna Industrial Coverings, Bayfretd 482-3540.-26t1g- peow 12. Real Estate BUILDING LOTS Deer Run Estates, 1/2 acre, well treed, fully serviced. Clarkes,, Homes 395-5454. - -19tfar LOOKING FOR RETIRE- MENT? Beauty of Annapolis Valley Low cost of living. Pleasant climate Stable economy. Peace and secu- rity Low housing costs Contact Bob or Jennifer at KOCL. Kentvtlle, Nova Scotia 64N 2E4 or call 1- 902.678.7170 -•46bc 14. Vacations SKI VACATIONS MONT- TREME3LANT, QUEBEC voted n1 ski resort in the East First snow specials and free resort vacation guide. 1-800-567-6760.. Call now! - -46bc 17. Apts. GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room healed apartment, newly renovated; two bed- room upper apartment, both close" to downtown Phone 528.2031 19t1ar 2 1.3f- f)NOOM apartment for rent near 1 ucknow, $600/month heat included Phone 528 2426 46tiar OiJI 13f DI3()OM heate d apartment on main street, close to downtown. Available immediately Phone 528 '3948-1.9tfar l (.1.(; KNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, pn vete entrance $3/0 plus utilities Available fJec 1 Phone 35/ 184/ 411ter GROUND f LOON apart merit in Auburn, urge living morn eat tri kite lien two treettourris, 4..ui61 li y community ,$'360 plus 111111 ties Rent now and 13th month is free. (,all 526 /355-44ltt,t. UNDER NE W MANAGt ME NE! Walkerton Yonge St Apartments has one, two and three bedroom apartments available for rent Swimming pool, garage, quietr exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Buildings, OPP, near school. Apply to: Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Yonge St. 881-2790--13ifcc IWO - 2 BEDROOM apart- ments and one - 1 bedroom apartment for rent on main street, Lucknow. Phone 528-3932--35tfar ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, available immediate- ly. $260/month plus utilities. Phone Pauf 528-2411. -- 40tfar LARGE TWO bedroom apartment with private ground level entrance. Park like atmosphere and close to downtown. Cresthaven Apartments call after 6 p.m. 519-848-2215.--22ttar ONE BEDROOM heated downstairs apartment, fridge and stove, newly dec- drated; two bedroom, fridge and stove, both available immediately. Phone. 528- 3723.--45,46ar 18. Houses DURHAM-WALSH Townhouses in Kincardine, Under new management. Freshly painted and rano- vatod. Two and three bed - root*, 1 month free rent. Available immediately. Phone 396-9332.-03tfar 3 BEDROOM FARM house for rent, 1 mile from Kinlough, available immedi- ately $400 per month plus utilities Phone 519-143- 2670 --45tfar GOOD FAMILY horne, clean for rent, 480 Outram Street, Lucknow. $500/month plus utilities References required. Phone 528-3631. --45-50 FARM HOUSE for rent 2 1/2 miles north of Lucknow. Newly renovated 3 bed- room, 1 bath with high effi- ciency oil furnace, Rent $375/month plus heat and hydro References required No pets Reply to ()rawer 16, c/o 1 uwknow Sentinel, box '400, Lucknow Ont NO(i 2H0 - 46tfat 3 131 t)HOOM H()t151 In 1 ucknow, wood/Oil heat, $500/month plus utilities ref eterir;es teelulred Phone Penny 392-8261 -45,46x ()HOUND 1 )'.0014 apart. neeti1 ii Aubunri, tar(Je Uvmg town, sat in kitchen, Iwo tierlro Gins, quiet friendly (;ornrnunity $'ill', plus utili- hes Hent now and 13th month is free (:ail 526- /'356 44thc;c lit N(')VA 1 E 1.) 1 ARM t louse neat Uunyannon .tui rent, fridge, stove, washer and dryer inducted $01)0/senile illus utilities, references Apply to t)rawei 113/, c/o t he I uckriuw `sentitiel Hod 400, I uc.knuw N00 2140 44 4bnxt. 130051 f 013 rent, North in l eeswater, small shed and two acres optional, wheel- chair accessible, 4 • 5 bed- rooms $695/month References. Phone 519- 665-7818 or 519-336-6581. --45-48cc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Lucknow $650/month, utilities includ- ed. Phone 628=2426. -- 46tfar FARM HOUSE for rent, near Lucknow. $350 plus utthties. References required, pets- upon approval. Apply to„Drawer 1138, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 21-10. -- 46tfar - 18. Houses HOUSES FOR RENT in Lucknow and Listowel. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments available in Lucknow and Wingham. Phone 335-3766. --46ar 23.Commercial LARGE STORE front for rent on Lucknow's main street. Well maintained and excellent Location. Available Nov. 1/96. Call 528-2110 or 528-3910 after 6 p.m. -- 37tfar 24. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT WELL DRAINEI), PRODUCTIVE LAND Ip the South Huron, luuih Peril) & Middlesex ( ler the ptuductwn ul vei'etahlt• teupti to neanutacwn• ler uu+niu� NAI4LS('() 1:11), Exeter, Ontario (5 l9r- 23$-2445 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED - USED horse- shoes in any condition. Phone 528-3530. -45,46,47 26. Help Wanted THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to use cau- tion when sending money for business opportunities or employment 'advertise- ments Be certain you are dealing with a reputable• company before releasing any credit catd information Of send1119 any money Hernernber, if an advertise merit sounds too good to he true, it probably is .3:1111X ,, $AT it NiION 51(11)1 NI S$ Make a lot ut money selling chocolate bars New pied ucts available Nothing to pay in advance f ast dolly city 1-800-183.3689 ,-46bc; 26. Help Wanted TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED.. Now is the time to train for your class AZ license. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck Driver Training - London - 1-800-263-4777 (job placement assistance available).--46bc INTERNATIONAL AGRI- CULTURAL EXCHANGE - Ages 18-30 with agricultural experience to live/work with family in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1-800-263- 1827. #105, 7710-5 Street S.E., Calgary, AB, T2H 2L9.--46bc CLASS "A" MECHANIC - Local Forest Products Company requires a capa- ble mechanic to service tractor trailers and oft -road equipment, used in the log- ging industry. individuals with diesel experience and a Class "A" license would bo preferred. Forward resume to: RKM Wood Products Ltd. R.R.Jt2 Tiverton, Ont. NOG 2T0 Fax: 519-368-7012. Reference -Mechanic. -- 46cc EARN EXTRA $$$ Looking for a well paying career that gives you flexible hours arid independence? It you are 4 self-muttvaled individual. you ca'n be successful ALPINE the leader in air pointer►tion systems tor Immo, auto, commercial, agricultural is louklny for people to represent Mau technology (:all to told out more No "sales exl,rne:1ct; neCCSSary Alpine products sell lhbnlsetves TAKARA ENTERPRISES 519-229-6811 Please.leave message 28. Business Opp. START A HOME Business. Good pay, great write-off Learn how. Just write to Fredrick Enter, 4-1030 Adelaide St. N. Suite 121, London, On. N5Y 2M9. -- 46cc GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance pro- grams information available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915- 3615.--46bc BIG CASH INCOME. IBEX CANADA needs Distributors throughout Ontario. Secure the rigy,ts to a disposable, higtr emand product con- sumed by virtually every' one! Investment $3,795.00. Financing O.A.C. 1-800- 538-6054 , --46bc NEW TUITION -FREE PRO- GRAM: Start your own small or horne-based busi- ness. Centennial College Centre of Entrepreneurship provides training and train- ing allowance for youth 18- 30. Learn from experts, apprentice in chosen busi- ness, start up in your com- munity. Stew Herod (416) 289- 5314. - - 46bc 131. Service Directory KiNLOSS EXCAVATING 404} Gravel. For your exca- needs, hi hoe, trim j' and scraperavailable, lily' Bary Johnstaf►'4195- 5231 - I Uttar )( . ALIN4 A JE WE 1 l FRY= Hi,.l'A1 a Watch, cluck, few ellery t lee estimates Pickup and delivery can be attanyed 698 havelock Street, at loss huin Medical (;entre Galt 528 3532 or 5:8 .3940 Itittai 26 Help Wanted EXCEL AT SELLING YOURSELF! A 3 Lucy Job Search and Interview Techniques Workshop Giutt mat Ltttrr,l age i . Develop it; polished and targeted testittle. • Clain personal tttttarvtew presentation skills and (earn how to effectively 4118Wer, questions employers ask. II Master the art of infort-uatjonal interviewing. it Expand your network ofcontacts for employment. e Create your owns Action Plait. Alkyl/atilt,/in' unemployed jell real%' individuals wire, are lir need o/ • ./0) stcrr('/t/inteervie►►' frothing. - INV'FORMATION SESSION Walkerton Public Library, 253 Durham Street Friday, November 22, 1996 at 1:30 p.m. in the Gallery Room (Bring a copy of your, current resume to the inftprmation .session) Workshop starts December 2nd at the Walkerton Library f'or/rfrllrr r trOrirulloti or lo reegi,vier; /r/eii.W cent( . - J11J h•MPLOYMENT Sh'kVJC'L.S' 1N('. (519) 372-0684 or 1-888-287-1102 I I' Human Resource Dt vetoppement des � Development Canada ressources humaines Canada Sponsored by: