HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-12-20, Page 84 • tI-Thursday, December 20th, 1934 THIS SIGNAL 11111101E14 tent(741(11VIZtentilTtaltilltartit Hurry ! and get that last- minute Christmas Gift at -Cotes W BOOKS for everyone, LADIES' LISATHER HANDBAG$, PARKER'S, WATERMAN'S PENS and PENCILS GIFT NOTEPAPER, CHINA and SILVERWARE THREE MORE DAYS- Cole's...Gift Shoppe. EI SFS ®eRKTINETZKVVe GODERICH, ONT. Pupils Receive treattfiliNittClitt11101 Awards of Merit LIONS CLUB Santa Claus Fund (Contlnded from page 1) Bell, Grace MaoDonald, Hope Hutch, Dorothy Muwby, Raxlue Wilson, Laura Lindsay, Marguerite Morgan, Wilfred Greenwood, Alma Clark, Pauline Brad- ley, Betty Johnston, Violet Larder, Enid MacDonald, Frieda Barbour, Edrleau Johnston, Georgina IOUs, Martell Marten M.Leod, Marjorie MUler, Eve- ' WILL YOU HELP? Previu�t,,r�ttyy dputst•.1 14130 00 R. J. Achasue A. M. Robertson 1 00 Mrs. Carrie, sr 1 00 C. C. Lee 100 Miss Bal! 1 00 ` en ttteea - MacAdam, George Leitch, Harry sell, Leonard Bloomfield, Harold Shore, Jona- ltk,kaetes, _Mary Matson, W Drew, Jack Wilson, Gordon Harrison, Helen Mlll , Gordon McLeod, Grace Morgan, Morley Bloomfield, Douglas Harrison, Thelma Bennett, Donald Sproule. Ronald Sproule, Helen Muir, John Whitten, Eleanor Donaldson, Donna Thew, Helen Graham, Frank Kneeshaw, Emmerson Willis, Philip Jobas{on and Basil Mae. My shop w1U be closed from Decem- ber 34 to January 3rd. Please make your C►tialmaa appointments early EDNA M. CAMPBELL. Phone 536. The ante of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital membership tickets will ekes Deeember 31st. Mrs. Her- r -•-..x+18 -lamest we-tltime, ssE8aAtk, Atlas rence's, Market street. phone 193. Graduetloa diplomas were presented The statutory meeting of the town to the following pupils by Mr. E. C. council was held on Saturday -evening, Beacom: when routine bmdnesa was transacted, 1 F'iratcla-e honors -Catherine Barton, Violet Denry_._!♦opt Ukiah- Helen Snell, VarleVIEIrarIVICrilleargirtalrirallilrg 1.1anetTailor, Donald Thompson, An- n OUR MANY PATRONS AND FRIENDS nit 1Vltteu, Roy Turner, Gordon Yule. Seconud-class honors -Susanne Baw• WE EXTEND OUR SINCERE GOOD den, Thelma Bell, Ruth Drennan, Al- .. _ INURES, FOB. A MERRY CHRISTMAS Sanitary Meat Market sry P.hhornee 48.5 --We Deliver �yFTHOS. LLEgGG Haatlltoa 8t. G�olieri d;ttCANE Qt4!a�i4Y'»"sk®'w QKSi tasJ 4 A'14 1f ' KE TNEWILVE /MIK �1 Extending our best wishes nus very MERRY CHRISTMAS fi to our many customers 55 1 an menus PEOPLE'S r 5c,s .0015c STORES 13. COSTIN, Mgr. and the last regular meeting of the council for 1964 wilt be held on F'rI- day of this week. • Clear up those dfay spells wltb PARKE'S LIVERTONE. a vegetable compound that stimulates a lazy Ilv- hert Gauley, Erie Johnston, William er to healthy normal action, relieving +-,y; .trrtrn.mn-irntr_-Letmlq`: Flormwel.eesrtiMkts,rainksa.aeaaCdAMPBEILL'S Prise, Ross Pennington, John McKin- DRUG STORM Phone 90. non. Marion MacAdam, Eva Straugh- 1 Cnntribetiges of discarded clothing Jack Seek leek F'cagan, Itaymond are Invited by the town welfare board LOOT OR FOUND LOWP.-A POMERANIAN DOG. White with black markings. An- swers to "Mickey." Finder please re- turn to TED PL,ANTE, Cambria road, and receive reward. MRD OF THANKS THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN a1 DI NN wish to tender their heart- felt thanks to friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy In their bereavement and fur kindnesses ren- dered, particularly in We loan of tars for the funeral. _ NOTICE 10 CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all parties having claims against the estate of Thomas Anderson, late of the town of Goderich. Iu the county of Huron, retired farmer, who died on or about the lith day of December, 1934, to tars _ f the _ c - Foil fulWorejarto Tars of theTr cTa od' or ore ilii 19th day of January 1985, as after that date the executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Goderich this 19th day of December. A.D. 1934. FRANK DONNICI LY. Goderich, On- tario, Solicitor for the Executors. FOR SALE OR RENT ENS FOR SALE. -A NUMBER OF m , ac as fat bees. cheap for quick sale. Ay - Murray. ( Clothing. boots and shoes and other ply to JiM MOSS, East street, near Pass -William Bell, Irene Bowman, artleles donated If left. at the town Organ Factory. Janes Garrick, Wilfred Giousher, hall will be taken care of by the wel- Grace MacDonald, Agnea Mr'Arthur, fan board and placed where needed. Pearl Roope, Rose Rutledge, Patricia Signor, Margaret Taylor, Mary Tieb- • THE SIGNAL CALENDAR borne, Frank Vines, Gertrude White, A shipment of 193.1 calendars has Madeline Baker, Bert Campbell, Ruby been received by The Signvl. Every !t'lark. Vatsuu Sherrdown. Bertha Mc- subs torr renewing for 1935 Is ee- tittled to os;b►. Kenzie. L.-0 a Nelw.n. Prises to Graduating Class Principal J. P. Hume of the Coils NEW BOOZE AT THE giate Institute presented prises as fol- PUBLIC LIBRARY lows to members of the graduating class. fur proficiency In the subjects FICTION mentioned, during the year 1933-4: Hilton --Goodbye. Mr. Chips To Annie Wooten, the Women's ian`Oonnor-Torches Through the Rush. stitute prize for the second highest Marshall -None hut the Brave. marks In the entrance class. Oppenheim -The Strange Boarders of To Mary Th-hborne, geography prim. Palace Crescent TO BBT. -THE EAST SiDE OF 1 double house situate on Bruce street. Apply to HAYS & HAYS, Ham - Ilton street, Goderich. '0R SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE ig property known as ' Ira Hallday's." Or would exehange for a small house. For further particulars, phone 12A, or call at house. TO RENT. -A MODERN-EQi'IPPED 'house, on the corner of Nelson and St.' Andrew's streets; also a double garage. Immediate possession. J. W. CRAIOIE or ALEX. YOUNG, R.R. No. 5, Goderich. donated by H. R. Long. Bower -The Haunted Hills. ' To Gordon Yule, arithmetic prise, donated by R. Stonehouse. To Violet fleury, history prize. do- nated by the Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. To Donald Tbomy_son, grammar prise, donated by Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E. To Susanne Rawden; literature pries, donated by J. E. Soda: To Janet Taylor, composition prise, donated by W. H. Robertson. To Donald Thompson, spelling prise, donated by E. C Robertson. To Hope Muteh, reading prise, do- nated by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole. To Jean Lumby-, art prize, by Smith's Art Store. . • Home and School Club Prises Prises donated by the Home and Scbool Club were presented by Bev. ne: 8r. IV -Hope Retch, for writing. Jr. 1V -Clement Mannings, Arst In general proficiency. John Milne, first tn- general proficiency and deportment. Sr. I11 -James Hume, first in gener- ® iii iibilIl CIVIEV +r►VLIVIf •9 IVICI ova • eC® ITIVE =ads DOMINI STORE N -LIMIT ED FREE DELIVERY PHONE 461 MIXED NUTS lb. 19c BRAZIL lb. 19c NUTS BUDDED WALNUTS ALMONDS Ib. 25c Fresh Roasted PEANUTS lb. 19c 3 lbs. 25c 1 LIGHT HUMBUGS 15c JELLY BEANS lb. 15c BATTN:MIXED"' tbs. 25c 11 DH�LATE CANDIES lb. 15c ROCK and SPOOL lb 15c II GUM lb. 15c CANDIES DROPS Assorted CHOCOLATES 5-1b. Box 9 c5 CHRISTMAS lb. 39c CAKE CHRISTMAS CRACKERS box 49c PLUM PUDDINGS each 69c TABLE FIG8 lb. 19c CHRISTMAS NAVEL ORANGES 30c doz. 35c doz. 43c doz. HEAD LETTUCE 2for2lc CALIFORNIA 2 lbs. 25c GRAPES CRAN- BERRIES lb. 25c CELERY HEARTS bunch 15c Royal Brand MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 25c DO1O No. 3 tin 14c PEA/ RIa11M 1O lb' 39c OO1t11 Aylmer Tomato 3 large 25c. Juioe tins DOMINO TEA lb. 49c Wodehouse--A Damsel In Distress. Nordhoff- Pitcalrn's Island. Lauriston -The Inglorious Milton. Latrlmore-'l'ne. by the Sun. HUl-The Christmas Bride. merent. WeeF-cHoneymoon Mountain. NON-FICTION Mdl ton -In the Steps of the Master. Dennis -.Down in Nova Scotia. Cole -A Guide to Modern Politics. Bovey-1)anadten. Swift -The Voyages of Jacques Car- tier. Cole -Stadia in World Economia. Wood-Cobbera Fleming -ON's Company. Collins -The .matear Machinist Adamlc-lie 8'iative's Retsina. Young-TIMver. RaM11Re�u African dumber. Yolfali=Shell a�--_ Jacobson -You Mesa Relax. Willams-Bufdhlts as Engtseertag Career. wtley-Ergliah &army. Linscott-Bright Ideas for Entertaln- al proAdency and deportment. I Ing. Jr. 1I1 -Ruth Cornfield, first in gen- Struen-Home Dry-cleaning and Lean- eral proficiency and deportment. dry Work. II -Rose Bowra, second in writing. Roberts -Bone Rustic. Alice Irwin, second in general prof!- Holt -The Art and Practice of Mend- clency. ins. I -Verna Miller, first In general pro- Button-Eskloso Year. ficienc•y. Peggy Brophey, Second in gen- Lindsay -The E+pk of Captain Scott. eral proficidhey. Gibbs -European Journey. Primer, A Claes--Lillian Irwin. Drat in general proficiency. 11 Class --Jack Whitten, first in general proficiency. Kindergarten -Ruth Reid, second to proficiency, morning class. June Buech- ler, .ec•und In proficiency, afternoon I class. Teachers' Prima Mr. Iane also presented the prizes given by the teachers. as follows: Jr. IV -Maxine Wilson, second in Stell -Hitler: Whence and Whither. Popular Science -Manual of Ship Model Making. McNeil -Reality In Religion. Nichols -The Village in the Valley. Douglas --Britannia Waives the Rale.. Lockhart -Retreat from Glory. Fosdlck-The Secret of Victorfona Living. Monroe -Walk with Me, Lad. Lenryel-The New Deal In Europe. general proficiency, by J. E. Smith. I Swnnnerton-JTbe Georgian Scene. Mpry Brewer, first, Edna Love second, Lawrence- Bend Batched. collection of educational pictures, by Mise- E. MacDonald. Sr. III -Isabel Taylor, second to ;meral_pro&clency and deportm.MMO Btuidt -7r."111-•Marian Macleod, second In general proficiency and deportment, by Mks L. A. Robinson. II -Rose Bowra, first in general pro- tleteney. Merle' Leitch, first In writ - 1. Billy Jenner, first In deportment, ail donated by Mks E. Wiggins. I -Una MacDonald, first in improve- ment during the year, by Miss M. J. Johnston. Leroy Taylor, second In lanprovement during the year, by Miss M. J. Johnston. Primer-Dev1d Hill, fir -t In spelling, by Mists II. I. Hartwell. Bobby Need- ham, first In writing, by Miss Ii. I. ilartwell. Kindergarten --Jean Kershaw, first in profiieeney, morning class, by Miss E. - Hume. Beryl Sanderson, fir -t in pro- 1R F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, ficfency, afternoon class, by Miss E. INOSE, TIIBOAT. Hume. _ . REFERENCE Bartlett ---Familiar Quotations. Hammerton --4 seell's World Pictor- ial - Gesesteer. r*e_ord Companion il�tli 'Hera tore. COR SALE. -A BEAL'TITUL KiT- ■ CHEN range, good as new; burns of the Corporation of the Town se AND FURTHER TAKE NO11011 either wood or coal: good beater and Ooderleh, and under its corporator/14 that the votes of the elector* .1 lag baker. Apply to HAROLD J. RUN- to execute and deliver as the act sad said municipality of the Town of God- NiN(]S, R.R. No. 4, Goderich. Pbsoe deed of the said Corporation tbe writ- erkh will be taken thereon on the day Carlow 1220. ten or printed guarantee or gturantaaa Axed for taking themai et the annual of the said Corgoratioa guaranteehig munkipal election before the same due payment by the said Town of God- Deputy Returning Officers at their re- erich of the prtnelpal and interest at epective polling places. the rate of Are per cent. per annum of On Saturday, the 5th day of January, the bonds of tbe Goderich Organ Com- 1935, the Mayor of the said Town wtU puny. Limited. up to. bot not exceeding, attend at the council chambers of the the nom of Ten Thousand Dollars ,aid Town at ten o'clock in the fore - ($10,000.00) for principal. repayable noon, to appoint persons to attend at in ten equal annual instalments of the various polling places aforesaid. priicipel and Interest, said guaran- and at the Anal summing up of the toe to be to the effect that upon de- votes by the Clerk on behalf of the fault being made by tie meld Company persons interested In and promoting In payment of the principal or inter- or opposing the pasting of the said est tvecared by the said bonds so guar- 'proposed Bylaw, respectively. *steed, the Corporation of the Town The Clerk of the Council of the said OodevWIt will pay upon demand to Town of Ooderlch win attend at Isis the holders of said bonds the amount once in the Town Hall, at ten o'ckds hi respect of payment of which default in the forenoon on Tuesday, the 8th has been made, such guarantee to be day of January, 1935, to sum up tom otherwise 1n such form and to contain number of votes for and against the such other or additional provisions as said proposed By-law. shall be approved of by the Mayor and L. L ICNOX, Town Ckrt. solicitor for the said Corporation, o vlded, however, that such provide's CHARTRRED ACCOUNTANT and nondttions do not limit the oblige- ttonue.of the said Corporation to pay 1. W. MONTEiTH, the amount so In default upon demand Chartered Accountant as aforesaid. 2119 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. 2. That the proceeds from the sale 1510 Star Building, Toronto, Out of soeh bonda ahall be used In the fol- lowing manner: AVCTIONERRINO (A) The Town of Goderich to re- tain a sufficient portion of the pro- THOMAS OUNDRY, GODERICH. reed* from such sale to pay off all LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL taxes owing by the said Company to AUCTIONEER the saki Corporation to December 31st, Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted. Town of Goderich such insurance during the currency of the said bands, mid Insurance to be for at least me amount of the bonds NY -LAW NO. 24 or 1954 OF THE to be guaranteed as tb aforesaid toge- OORPORi4TION OF THE TOWN OF er with the amount owing under the (1(H)EIt1CH. previous mortgage as aforesaid. Aad such mortgage .hall also contain wolf further and other conditions or pro- visions for the protection of the said OurportUon as in the opinion of the solicitor for the Corporation may be deemed necessary for that purpose. 4. Upon the said mortgage being executed and delivered as aforesaid the Mayor and Clerk shall execute a guarantee of the bonds es efereasid,___ DLit the .said Lunde-rLell thereafter 1!s gun Company, IAmlted, the sum of held by the said Corporation in its Twenty4lre Thousand Dollars by way role control until disposed of at . a of a mortgage, -w girl, mvri*wge .ambo P' 'a assaid..loci iv tl* Co be repaid to the Corporation at the and the Company, and the proceeds rate of Two Thousand Dollars per an- therefrom shall forthwith be N num beginning with the year 1906. posited In a chartered bank In the AND WII,EREAS there la .till owing Town of Ooderkh in a special account on the said mortgage, together with to the credit of the said Corporation 1e interest thereon, the sum of time and shallbe paid out as Lerelntxforo Thousand Fire Hundred and Twenty- mentioned. eight 1 1tars (89525.00) on December 5. That the sold. aodkh Organ 81st. 1934, inch nun►.. hong (wmthnsad Comtr►ny ba# ,z alt It �Thetadrntr 7b1111tg x$8000.' r soet'br -IA respect to this By-law and er of principal money and One Thousand all neceary steps to be taken In re- Five lilundred and Twenty-eight 1)01- garde to It. )an (8152&00) as Interest 6. ssThat this I)y-taw shall take ef- taxes on the property of the aatd God- of the final passing thereof and upoa AND WtIIEREAS the amount or het and come Into force upon the date erich Organ Company, Limited, owing the necessary legl.dation being passed to the said Oorporatton U Five Thous- by the Government of the Province of and Five Hundred and Sixty -Ox Dol- Ontario and the consent of the On - liars ($5606.00) to the 8.lat December, tarlo Municipal Board obtained A Itry-law to authorise a guarantee by the Corporation of the Town of Goderich of the Bonds or Debentures of the Goderkh Organ Company Limited. WHEREAS under By-law number thirty-eight of 1901 of the Town of Goderkb, the Corporation loved de- Ilenturntr earl IothaQ Ute IlodarIck Or. 1934. AND WIIJEREAS. the saki Guderich Organ Company, Limited, has requested the Council of the Corporation of the Town -_of Goderich for further finan- cial aid by having the said Corpora thea guarantee the bond* of the said Oedsrich Organ Company, Limited, to the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,0(10.00) to enable the said Com- pany to pay off Its trade debts, the in - tercet owing the Corporation under Its mortgage. and all taxes owing on the property of the said Company to the said Corporation t0 th*.-33at Llama - her, cern.her, 1954. as hereinbefore set forth. AND WHEREAS the said Corpora- tion is so financially interested In the said Company it L thought expedient to grant this request for further fin- ancial aid. THEREFORE BE - -IT' - ENACTED and 1t 1. hereby enacted by the Mu* Alpo Connell of the Corporation et the Town of Goderich aa follows: 1. It shall be lawful for the Mayer and Clerk, in the name and on behalf Provisionally paasetd •t the Council CLamhereed the Tows et Goderieb this 10th day of December, A.D. 1934. . C. C. LEE, L. L. KNOX, Mayor. Clerk. -WEE NOTICE that the above le true copy of a proposed By -Law whip ltaa been taken into consideration, and which will be finally passed by the ('ouncil of the Town of Goderich (in the event of the assent of the electors tieing obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication of a ''copy thereof in the Goderich Signal newspaper, -itie late of -which- embtica • tion was the 13th day of December, 19.'34. ANI) FURTHER TAKE NOTION that alt leaseholders qualified under '4 the provisions of the Municipal Act. S.S.O. 1927, Chap. 238• Section 274 13t, and amendment, thereto, are re- quired within ten days before the date pf the voting to Ale with me a statu- tory declaration of qualification, other - lilac, their names will not appear oa W voters' list for such voting. MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the powers of ask contained In a certain mort- g age whip will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sats by public auction, subject to a reserved bio, on Wednesday, the 2nd day of January, A.D. 1935, at the hour of 1.S0 o'clock is the afternoon. et P omp G. 1lieDtraa'a Garage, K Wm , Oaderkb. Ontario, the lowing property, namely: Thistly: The south half of the north half of Iot Number Three, in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Aadddd, in the County of Huron, and Secondly : Part of Lot Number Tea in the Tenth Concession of the said Township of AaJ4leld, containing nine- ty-five acre. of land more or lama. Upon the property Wady mentioned there L said to be erected first -clam farm buildings and on both parcel W be a plentiful supply of water. TERMS: Ten per cent of tbe pur- chase money to he paid down at the time of the sale and t1►e balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to the undersigned •olkitor. Dated at Calnton, this 11th day of DeYember, A.D. 1934. F. FTNOLAND, Clinton. Ontario, So - !Mbar for the Mortgagee. GEO. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. WANTED WANTED.-.TRA^,ASPORTATTOre TO London on Sunday night, December 23, for two adults and one cbild. Ap- ply at THE SIONAL or phone 213. rrWANTF7D.-RELLABLE MEN TO act as agents. Most have car, and knowledge of live stock feeding. We will train you. CANADA MINERAL PRODUCTS LIMITIID, London, On- tario. MEDiCAL Late Hones Surgeon New Tort At an executive meeting � of the Ophthalmic. and Aural Hospital, as - At Literary Soetefy on Tuesday ai.tant at Moorefield Eye 110110-111 and Golden Agnate Throat Hospltal.- afternoon, a grant of $2.i wit. made London, F.ng. to the Athletic Sorlety. In view of the 53 Waterloo Street 8, Stratford. fact that a hockey team may 1,e en- Telephone 287. tered In a Collegiate and High School At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, from loop this winter with Lucknow: Clio- 7 p.m. on the evening of the third ton, Seaford] and perhaps Wingham. Wednesday of each month until the next day, Thursday, at 1 9.m. FOR RENT OR SALE Bedford Residence ---4 o:wurr St. "mos- t - F'. R It1RRebV'. Phone 97 Extender, DOMINION STORES. LTD. wish all __their customers a very Merry Christmas sad a Happy and 'Prosperous New Year Sam F. WOOLLCOMBE HAMILTON STREET Agatey for an lines e( iNSIIRANCE LOW RATES D (NRI $HS PRACTITIONER CHIRi)PRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goder eh, Phone 341 Equipped with electro-magnetle bathe. Electron* electric treatments and chlropractle. Chronic, orgad* and nervous dlaeasaa. Lady la at- tendance. OWee hours 2 to 5 and 7 to R p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Sat- urday, and es Wednesday 10 to 12 a.m. and 7 to A pm.. or ronsnitatloa may he had by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON Residence and dike --Corner .1 C 41 . -.illd Witmer**, red. --- PUBLIC NOTICE MRS. DOE. 1S NO LONGER wrinkled and woerled. Sire uses Creme _Corn or Banton Salve for . At ESA MPBCiff:e DRi'G STTTRE. NOTICE. -AS I AM GIVINGUP MY • store on the Square. this 1s to notify all those who have film work on order with me must call for same on or be- fore December 27th, after which date I. will not hold myself responsible for same. M. BURKHOI.DER. TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. ll NOMINATION MEETING Nominatiana for Reeve and Coun- cillors for the Township of Colborne for the year 1935 will he received at the Townahlp Hall, Carlow, on Monday, December 31st, 1934, from 1 to 2 o'clock p.m. if a poll is required the election will be held on January 7th, 1935. WM. SAI.LOWS, Clerk. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a Clout will he held, pursuant to The Ontario Voter,' Lid. Act, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Moron, at the Court House, Goderich, on Monday, the 24th day of December, 111434, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and omlasbns in the voters' 11et of the Municipality of the Town of Ooderich for the year 1984. Dated at Goderich the 12th day of December, 1984. L L KNOX, (jerk of the Mnnlctpdtty of the Tows ✓ nE Wsd911ds e'+r NY 1934, together with all interest owing by the said Company to the said Cor- poration under the said mortgage as authorised by By Lae No. 38 of 1902 of the Town of Goderich. LEGAL (R) The balm" of the proeeesta of DUDLEY E. HOLMES, the sale of *Arch hoods to be and for 1;arrleter, lite. the purpose of paying off the tradeOffice-Count House, Goderich. debts of the Company, auclf payments' Telephone 55. to be approved by the said Corpora- tion and to be made by method MI DOUGLAS R. NAIRN, *eretnatter mentioned. i/ 3. Prior to the eremith0, of the guarantee or guarantees of the bonds of the said Company, or Any of them, by the said Corporation, and as a con• F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. ditlon precedent thereto. the said Com- Successor to J. L Killoran pany shall execute and deliver to the Office -The Square, aodericb. WM Corporation mortgage In tripll- Telephone 97. este upon tbe lands of the said Com- pany situate In the Town of Goderich FRANK DONNELLY, B.A. and desnribed as Dot, Running Num- f Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 977. 97A, 1014, 1015 and 976 to the Once-Hamliton Street, Goderieb. Town of aoderkh, and upon a1 build- Telephone 282. Ings, plant, machinery, tools and pat- NAYS •HAYS, terns, erected or to be erected thereon, Y Barristers and Solicitors or placed therein or used in conoer- _ liarramter and Solicitor Once ---Hamilton Street, Goderich. Te:ephone 512. tion with the bnaneas enrried on by R. C. Hays, R.C., and R. C. Maya, B A the .aid Company, aoch mortgage to Once -Hamilton Street, Ooderieb. be executed with the necessary no. Telephone RR. prove! of the shareholders of the Raid Company duly siren at a meeting called for that purpose and to consti- tute a first charge upon the Raid pro- perty. The said mortgage shall con- tain the clauses and provl*lone usual- ly found In mortgages given by com- panle. to secure bonds. and shall he settled and approved by the solicitor for the *aid Corporation; and mid mortgage shall aeeure and provide for the immediate repayment to the mold Corporation of all moneys whkh may be paid by It In respect to the said gnarants si bond. and said mortgage *hall encore and provide for the repay- ment by the *aid Company to the said Corporation of stl principal moneys owing by the Company to the Corpora- tion under a mortgage anthortaed by. By law No. 3fi of 1902 of the Town of Goderich in ten egn*1 annual Instal- ments of principal and Interest; ouch mortgage shall also provide for (l* inanrance by the said Company of the saki mortgage] yropert�y In favor of tike said Corpontlon ts case of Tom by fire or lightning, In such companion as *hall he approved by the said Cor- poration and by policies containing what is knows as the "mortgage dtnaeata♦ad- ERNEST M. LEE, ' Rgrrieter and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vic- torla Streets, Toronto 2. - - `" Telephone Elgin 5301. INSURANCE, LOANS. iTTC- McKiM OP MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property berated. Omcers-Alex. Rroadfoot, President, Sestorth; James Connolly, Vice -Pus., Ooderkh P.O.; 'Merton A. Reid. Sea - forth, Sec.-Treas.. Seatortb P.O. Directors -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. 3, Seeforth ; James Slholdice, Walton; Wm. Rnnx, Londeshoro; Robert. Ter- ri*, Blyth; Gee. Loonharet, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper, Rrnee0eld ; Thos. Moylan, Reaforth, R.R. 5; Wm. R. Archibald, Seaforth, R.R. 4; James Connolly, Ooderteh. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. 8, Clin- ton: James Watt, Myth; Finlay ile- Alachetn, Seaforth ; John Murray, Sea - forth ; Oben. T. Hewitt, Rlneardtae. Policy -holders can make all pertness. and get their cards re elpted at tie Royal Rank, Clinton; Calvin Cattle Grocery, Kingston street, Oodericb. er J.-L;L A M % alaosi- ltore.--IiagiMd.