HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-06, Page 8iri`�NTEE
Page 8 - Lucknovl Sentinel, Wednesday, November 6, 1996
... and you'll find both quality (designs and
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1b *abed ed to aririuunc a that
wlb uper, rob private Nr dutwe n. Pyc:t►ukuyy Our Children,
Adulebc er its arid their ttirr nt►ee
Servicer provided include Assessment
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Gr raker
(:hr tic
Communities should have OHIP numbers
«from page 2
Johns said the plan
would be reviewed every
six months, adding that,
"Hopefully, it won't last
very long."
Another man suggest-
ed that communities be
provided OHIP billing
numbers, not individual
doctors. Johns said She
ma} consider such a pro-
Earlier in the evening,
Johns said that despite
the public perception, her
government has
increased health care
spending to $17 7 billion
from the previous $17.4
billion and vowed It will
not go below $ 17.4 bil-
lion A show of hands at
the meeting indicated
that many people believe
funding to health care has
been cut
John Stafford of
Howlck, a rrlernher of the
hospital board of povcr-
riors, said, "Jt ser:rets tr,
'tic there arc cuts to our
health care system, with
1>s to 40 per cent cuts 10
hospital proposed In Oa:
future, Ami you (Johns)
�n open [iitter to the women
of Luc now and surrounding area:
At lin,pre.5sUms_.'llairDe„sitkni we do our very
best to make you, the customer, tookyour best.
Some of you have told us that it's frustrating
when you can't do the L=arne rnawu' at home.
'That n why we have desijned a serie.5 of work-
�� sfwps to help you learn fww to !Look and feel
your best every cfayl 'We believe every woman.
Cart foil beauttf of using our techniques.
. bid part of success is c'o'lticfente. 'J tuiwing
you always lonkgood can give you that cold.
deluce. 'tik (r1 rt help and we lc)ok _forward t o
helping you!
'you r,5 .()eni.1'r('fl',
rex % r(,J. :...)
4�{ 'J)wlte !mei iwon (prnpr/el n/) (19
"Ioldayat: wins 7i(i;t' :Huls 'Alt 11, l `1`>I; / 11'.M
;r;:wel l "lite Aft of (pa ;Mtake up Appli(.ultau" ;Mon, ; ,u 16, 1'1°it l
;';suet fir; "y1111 it d.(J'lvyit'tlrrr :Muir, ;) 1i : ),1111; /yarn
'J'rvdw t /u.& ;at ,flu st1,19* 'I ani pH
'/(rii. (rr '14119 as class size to /rrrlr(t ll.
Jur addt1w ull 1r/foraltalLJN 1t111/t JI), /1/eis 1JFUN/141 10701,11
real/ 1/!r „a/sum a1 528204 i
keep saying you're not
cutting health care."
Johns said she admits
tliere are reduced expen-
ditures to hospitals, but
the government has put
more money into pro-
grams such as dialysis,
cardiac care and breast
cancer awareness.
Earlier in the meeting,
Johns said she is con-
cerned about people
"falling through the
cracks" of the health care
syl,tein because of long
waiting lists. "How is
cutting money to hospi-
tals going to speed up the
process?" Stafford asked.
Johns said the
province is reinvesting in
health by moving the dol-
lars in the health-care
Pat Beer's contention
that if everyone were to
pay a bit toward health
care, the system might he
Netter off drew wide
applause The province is
rcci cing the employer
health tax and putting
trlorc emphasis on high
1111_0111C t• i,riess 111 the
)''ovules paylup a ht}'hr►
t(1 $Ii4,t,4U Why renl'1 less
It kill 1).M/flit/tali will ',airy dile
1/11/petty with a I•,%.
dowllt'dyr►lelil I edlulbS,
be4ruonlb, "II heal, itiouldkad
garage/workshop end ek riew
Delivery System
Jim Currie of
Wingham said he was
interested by ONA Vice
President Barbara Wahl's
presentation on integrat-
ed delivery systems
whereby registered nurs-
es and nurse practioners,
rather than doctors,
would provide funda-
mental services to
Currie said he
believed it made sense,
but asked Wahl if it isn't
"turf protection" to a cer-
tain degree.
She agreed that to
some extent it is. The
nurse' association real-
izes that some jobs will
he lost, but it wants to
raise awareness of what
is going on in the health
care system. "We believe
the provider should he
matched to the needs of
the patient," she said.
Currie asked about the
general feeling on user
lees for 111t•dical services,
challenging Johns to (loll
those present 411 thr11
Wahl said she believed
user firs air t►►;Ipp141►11
p►IIlittll}', it)
M;1111141;Is rxlir1 irncr
whet h, she t lallurd, has
hill wolltt n and t 1111tllrn
Illi' 1114s1
Jtdlrls `,;lid tlsei fres
we fr pall oI 11►r
Progressive(' insetvalivr
platfufi11 in the 19 O
election, in which the
patty was soundly defeat
ed arid rrtlut ed to thud
plate nk ihr 1.rpislalunr.
The govrioiitrol has uu
1111e1111018 t►1 lirlsirlg Ilse'
1rra, she sural and she did
not take Currie up on his
challenge to poll the
The next -to -last word
of the evening belonged
to Lloyd Koch, executive
director of Wingham and
District Hospital. Earlier
in the meeting, Johns
drew wide applause with
her statement: "We're not
getting value for our
money when five admin-
istrators in Huron County
make $500,000."
Koch took issue with
the claim, saying he has
yet to meet an adminis-
trator in Huron County
-who makes $100,000.
Management at
Wingham and District
Hospital already has been
cut by 30 per cent, he
The Wingham hospital
is exploring creative link-
ages, said Koch, as ways
of saving stoney, The
local hospital already is
sharinh purchasing',,
inventory and lab ser
vices with larger city
hospitals and 11 will pun
sue olhei 1io . i'es 111 the
"Snow ;tall irspunse
Ii111r ;ur ir,al1y t 111teal,"
14411 Said, ,roti ullpul1;u11
(11111}',s 14 1t•t't►g111/t' "A
hall hour 1Irspu11se) issue .
li titin• is a inist;tkr 'That's
out imploring Ihr health
t art' system "
Bell irl►lird the I)IU('
is flying to build on the
slienglhs 1)1 the system
"We haven't coeur to any
ituswet s in the study,"
said lull •
"We have' no intention
148 take atitht►Iity out of
individuals` Mantis "
KINLOUGN • $69,90) Move
+n condition, 4 kiedrooins, 2
ball's, double lot, oil teak,
dttdche' green house, drilled
well Nit.ety decorated t -slate
days sell!
Wrillri.li rt i 11 bAt bol
911+ t 4, HA WA I r Ii 1-00
Sre�FJb t10 Nash' Well het'! a
he'aloell, 4/111i 111,1SIled tdll+lly
100111 nn 11aaenle111. almost 112
d1.1e tel r.+,u1e uul ter d nu
ot,itgdhun vtewiny
Vinyl sided bunyatow on deep
treed lel 2 bedroulhs up, 2
bedrooms, den, tdmlly lour) &
laundry down Econunlu:el oil
Brent Black (right) was champion showman
and champion sweepstakes showman at the
Huron County 4-H Show at the Seaforth Fair
last month. Shawn Ritchie claimed dairy
showman and reserve champion sweep-
stakes showman. They are members of the
Lucknow beef .and dairy clubs respectively.
(photo submitted)