HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-11-06, Page 5Let's
by Marilyn Arscott
Uv you think that
eliminating local
school boards will
be worth the money
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, November 6, 1996 - Page 5
Grant Ec enswiller
"1 think there should be
a board, but not as rnany
on it. They have to save
money somewhere-"
Judy Evans
..They do need some-
body, but not as many on
the board. We definitely
need to save money
wherever we can."
Bobbi Anne Menary,
"There are too many
chiefs and not enough
Indians now. Someone
else would be making
decisions for our kids, 1
wouldn't like that."
Karen Bridges
"1 don't think it will help
a whole lot." (eliminat-
ing the board to save
Cathy Hamilton
"I think it's a bad idea.
They won't be as
accountable to our local
UNICEF letter draws three responses
Writer refutes
`darker side'
Dear editor
Our Canadian Girls in
7ralnrnq (C(311.1 group has
assisted with the promotion.
collection and counting of
mine\ for l:NICEF for over
25 scars that I have worked
with the group in Lucknow
One leader spent several
hours last week visiting the
classrooms to explain the
work of [_'NICE}- The stu-
dents realiied that by taking
an orange box on Halloween
they could help many children
of the world
Hut beforetht\ went out
on Halloween. many People
read about ' A darker side to
UNICEF in thi, newspaper
How could an organrtation,
known all over the world. one
which as helped millions of
children for 50 years. one
supported by schools and
churches. ha\c a dark side!
Sending food thniugh a little-
known group could not begin
to help with education. health
care. nutrition and clean water
as UNICEF does,
I hope that students of this
area will continue to think of
others less fortunate while
having fun on Halloween. 1
believe that UNICEF will
continue the work of trying to
save the lives of the 3(,000
children who die everyday of
largely preventable causes.
Laura Lee ('ayley.
Timing of
letter was
says writer
Dear editor
Again the gr cat people of
this community have corse
through ori support of
1_'N1('Ji It was vers teassur
trig to know that the 1,urknow
Sentinel readers are ahlc
deterrrunc fact frrrrrillt-t-r+.ut
In a recent phone call
the t.'N1(:1:1- office
7o,rc,ntu. Jarklc liradsha"w
informed me that funding to
China has been increased for
the purpose 01 billing salt
and increasing irnrnuriizations
lot children
Did You know that it
cstunated 700.0)0 Kahle, and
“)O.f)t)O mothers die each
year from tetanus liecausc of
this. it is \Cry important for
neonatal tetanus shots to he
given Six lahs from around
the world tested this serum
and fi,und it negatl'e. of any
1 -or 50 years UN1(...1.J- ha',.
ht•en helping children in the
areas of education. clean
water. nutrition and health If
you,contrihutcd to IJNM('I:F
this year you should take
great pride in knowing that no
other organisation in the
WORLD does so much good
for so many ('HILDIcEN.
More 1nIorrrratiof on
UNI('LI- can he obtained by
calling 416,0S-7,425 �.
Doreen Mali.
Dear editor
'Mie timing of the letter,
horn dean 1-ledte\ In ,the Oct
30. 1996 issue of the
Lurknow Sentinel was urilcar
tunale Whether the allege
lions made in the letter are
true o1' not, there 1' not
enough Lime or information
fur concerned individuals to
research them before
Halloween, when UNICEF
receives a large portion of its
29 Plus Years Experience
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By Appointment
Children w1llirigl` collect
the donations '1 he people
who donate and collect these
funds ha\ c for years.generally
been happy with the work
done by this tnternattonal aid
agency. 11 they were not. the
level of donations would not
he what they are in this area.
11there is a problems with
UNICEF and how and where
the money is spent, Ms.
Hedley. please lay out the
information. naming verifi-
able sources Furthermore.
after providing several rea-
sons why one should not sup-
port 1:N1('}:1. no information
regarding your alternative aid
agency "Canadian Food for
Children" is given. UNICEF
is supported by the UnitedNations, and if there .is indeed
such misuse of funds, start a
campaign to inform
the media, your M1', chinch
aid agencies, etc
1 personally hope no one
sent rnitncy to Canadian Food
for Children in place of their
donation to UNI('1;}' hased on
the statements made in your
letter, hut 1 would he pleased
to see more•information about
bents organizations presented
in a'clear ar.d informative
Lori ('ox;lt.}t. #2,Lucknow.
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