HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-12-20, Page 51 Gifts Gifts G. s GALORE' DE ME TO SHOP WHETHER Y00 BOY"tonrpr= a.s No Christmas complete, f zhe ,amr7o4Ar CAN Ib. WE WISH ONE AND ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Campbell!sDrug GODERICH 22 THE SQUARE PHONE 90 VC 44 441 Rica lc 411(rog 4tC 4101tettC 4 MIME BLYT4----- ! CREWE THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. PORTER'S HILL ; rums DATE. au POST/Olkel HILL, Dee, 19.--011 Tuesday evening Rev. J. W. Herbert B of lioluwdvltle addressed the Men's By Beet/ Barclay Club, speaking along the Ilse of pro- The fruitcake Is made and L now greats, or "The Fiver -changing World.,, board The turkey fur theg festiveIn Muse of the board 1a cilli strutting, beteg h S- wear, muuey xwdttgo rruwent -mentioned went a way that moat aarprl,e him. Christ - war, a very l.ntere ting fait and !t is rte the and New Yeses are at band and grettable au few were the frmlly table H about to groan tin - have h Present' Wer der its supply of goodies. Recipe books are bMug scanned far those succulent "etttsas," those dell- ltaus tidbits Oat onit such a touch of happy surprise to the regulation belie 4cs fere. Here are a few a rprime: Aeras berry. mold to aeee(tlligsny the turkey; Moravian Chrlattnwil rookies and cho- colate crispiest; for (pieets who drop to on Christmas night; a cocoanut trait EXILE AGAIN Pard the wish expressed that name -time- wheat roads& and weather cendtttens-are--richer fit,. -- would again furor the Club with a Wk &long the same lines. M. tittle will deliver a special Christ- mas sermon. The choir is practising some special Christmas music this week. The young people are very busy these nights in praise for the Christmas t'oneert on Friday evening, December 21. Judging1'7ruw the melodies we piss tent of r n, some 1 n a ent la toeing prepared. pie to serve ase change from the tra- ditional mince and pumpkin pies of Yuletide. 1Aaore4 au" uwLan/erry Med e :..,sos the annual meeting of the ladies' 3S cup finely cot celery Aid sto-rul changes were made in the (spit drained, canned crushed Alae, ofl eers. Mrs. Reed Torrence was awe C eldYed) president; Dora Harrison tress- DISI1 cup thick cranberry sauce t urer, Mrs. Bert Cox secretary. We When slightly gelatin to warm water, Chill. 1 wish for them a successful year, WheD a1ingre tblCkenld, fold in re may the editor, staff and readers meaning ingredient', Turn Into mold, of The Signal en Chill until firm. Unwed on crisp let- t enjoy a very merry nice. (}scour with mayonnalre, u t'bristuun season. Serve* six. Moravian Chelrtwaaa Cookies CHURCH NOTES Special Christmas services will be conducted in North street Halted droner next Suuday by Rev. W. P. Lane. The nworuing sermon subject will be, "The Glory of the Incarna- tion." At the evening service the choir will render the Christmas can- tata "The Adoestioe." Seen•Ites at the itaptlst choreh next Sunday will be yeseduct<d by the pas- tor, iter. W. T. Runt, and the (lhrist• mem eseewlace will be given in sung sermon. At 'the mnrntng setrytr,, wt 11 a.tn., tate Bible school children will slug ovula and hymns and the •aer- mnet rriir be "at . •, At the evening service the sermon soler Jett wit be "The R ceptioe of the First / t'brietmas Message." Bible se cul at Ill a.m. The Good Hope 7)ngllsh Evangelkai Lutheran Mission holds its morning worship (Christmas service ----whit the confessional pert and the partaking of the Holy r to be observed ))oonn a.m., In MacKay Hall. Subject a sermon, "The Christ Incarnate Who Carries Original Rights and Religion o Victory." The pastor, Rev. C. Zleg- er, will be In charge of the service, Note change of time. - TJae Woman's AY -iodation of Vle- oria street United church held its an- nul meeting in the schoolroom of the t•Lur'cit on Thursday afternoon of last week. After the derbtloaal period, non - FOOTWEAR for Christmas 'Thursday, December 20th, 1034-4 of MlipIcucr remembrance can you give your friends than a pair You offer them many days of comfort and eatisfactem soul a source of pleasure and couteutment. The various keels rank high as leetul gltto. Wgg Ineitte you to Inspect our stock of Felt JulletipdJE, r Rl(pp`enTA all the new colors. Goloshes are here for men, women and ehlldrt,t to all the bow a, in cloth and velvet with and without the fur trimm10S, r prkeiifir Thelobeet'tdi'-111yti Qnll Ste l otrtwewr: Skittles Boot* with Skates attached are here at the retuark low prices for boys and girls' Ca11 and see the now sellinghave at rause holiday seaaou, great variety of Footwear we have tot the YULE DISHES fitr'itetty-etretey Pineapple Mince Meat Pie - 1 t soz. t package dry mince meat, and t,, cup water, boiled almost dry 2 cute retuned shredded pineapple, drained 2.lableaxwns lemon Juke 2 tableepstons dour 1 egg Pte trust Break the dry mince meat into pieces. Add cold water. Place over heat and stir until all lump are thoroughly broken up. Bring to a brisk boil; eun- tinue boiling for three minutes or un - #4F -sairttuee- la- prectkally dry. CeeL Combine mince meat and pineapple. 3% cups silted Bake flour % cup melted butter or other abort ening tj dac%d1'gery: -F:-I1':-Cratlr; the _ trident, Miii L: Weatb7rd*k Took charge. Report* were given by the secretary 1 cup molaluse, Mated --_ 1-3 cup brown anger, firmly packed % teaspoon ginger teaspoon cloves % teaspoon cinnamon ,4 teaspoon nutmeg 4 teaspoon allspice 'Dash of salt '; teaspoon soda Sift dour once; measure. Combine butter and medusas; add owns, salt and soda. Then add flour grad- ually, mixing well after eaelt addition. Let stand in cold place a week or two. Place email amount of dough on slight- ly floured hoard and roll paper -thin. Cut with soured cooky cutters in fan- A juice, an our ended greased baking Old treasurer and the year's business was satisfactorily closed. Mr. Craik touducted the election of officers, which resulted ae follows : Honorary press dent, Mrs. L. Westbrook ; president, Mits. it. Down; first eke-Ilresident, lira. F. Wilson ; second vice-president, Mrs. J. Mutt•tt; ser•retary, Mrs. 11. Wil- son; treasurer, Mrs. A. O. Sonley; cor- responding secretary, Mrs. J. Adams, r_; _pianists, Mrs. F. W. ('ralk and Sirs. F. SrC'llson; press secretary, Mre. R. Goat: devotional convenor, Mrs. G. M. Elliott. 'Pipe pastor closed the mtvting with prayer. e aha g ,, b ki SHI•,IELll !with well -beaten egg. linea lithe -inch sheet In moderate oven i 375 degrees AtelIF1ELIl Dec • 19 Mee T pie plate with pastry and fill with F') ednitely -- closed plus. Makes Zoo Hamilton timely 11111proved In Iwealth. Sir. and Sire Bol Ross visited wi mince meat ¢tlxture. .Arrange lattice ind ! I edge of pie with Bold water and An- ( eeelile t l/pie>8 friends 1n ik•trult for two weeks. p1,YT11. iter. 19. Thi. ho•ke•y duh f oltenete lhec. 1•a. -Sirs. Wm. Ste- Isb with narrow strip of 1 squrre nnaweelentd chtxotate, Mrs, J. N. 3Lu Kenzie• of BIpley is c pastry around melted +la•udlug stoup thus wlfb w -,iii dt held a very atdsvwlful chow "u Fri- Connell and Meth 'peat the week end edge of pie. Base In hot oreu (425 R day evening. Anhur's orchestra 'of + with friends in Toronto.D six minutes. Thew etokka keep S1ucl'uutld has returned have iron of pastry ate pr across top. Moisten cookie". eh degrees F.) tem minutes; then decrease heat to moderate (3•A degrees F.) and bake thirty minutes longer. Chocolate Sponge Reil (4 eggs) 6 tettleepoona sifted cake flour ee teaspoon combination bath powder u, teaspoon salt 44 cup sifted augur 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten 4 egg yolks, beaten until thick and lemon -colored 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted Y r•rrp- er'eem; ened ! eu butter or other shorteuteg her family hen•, 14 eup sugar en( Sbtrgeret -Ulan of Camlueltie 1 egg, ewbtleti. spent a few days with her uncle, Mr. 14 cup aLfteel flour Inlyu Mae ae4ill %teaspoon vanilla Mrs. Mcin1111rray has returned to 1111• tllanrP gildwe hope she will moat I % cup nut meats, finely chopped be restored too good health. To melted chocolate, add butter, g' sugar, egg, flour and .anl,li, and beat COLBORNE TOWNSHIP Wingham •uppd(eet Pxt a Ilcnt Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Chamney and Lunch wad served la the Comaserctal daughter Ano and Mrs. Joe Chamney, hotel dining -room. - f of Belgrave, rlalteel with Mr. and Mrs. On Monday evening the "white gift"; kaywond Finnigan on Wednesday. service was held In Queen street Mr. and Sirs. Wm. Recd and son church. Rev. Mr Brook Introduced the .Jackie spent the test week iu Toronto. Petteeaut. whlett was given in thneei A number from here attended the parts. The moron/ was well pre -t library eoneert lit Dungannon on Fri - seated and thews in charge deserve day evening. Among those taking credit for the splendid protiueriol. part were Misses Eileen Treleaven The theme centred around the Christ-, and iteth MtCunnell and Mr. John ehtW and the 'story rd Christ's birth wasMemory. told once more. A very large audience The annual meeting of (be W.M.S. was prevent to bear and see this sacred was held at the parsonage on Thurs- .- wnmw' day. Following is the list of ofAcen Mr. 8. Thompson of Minton was or t e r m a visitor In town on Wednesday. D. McWhinney: vice-president, Mrs. Min. Strachan of Toronto has tiken'Menarr: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Sift floor once. measure, add bak- a post/nem as Iwte+ttkeeper• Drennan; reeordin secretar Mrs. Johnston. U ' Inntll g y' frig powder and salt, and sift together - rf'-11114`•- Three times. Fns sugar gradually in- to egg whites. Fold In egg yolks and vanilla. Feld In flour gradually. Then beat In oho eolnte. gently het thorough- ly. Turn into 15x16 -Inch pan which A11 the chlktren are invited. I has been grease& lined with pater to We extend (.4 g1•atmlations to th,•t the Woman's As o iatIon: ['resident, within one-half inch of edge. and again editor of The lei gnal and his (daft 014441 Mrs. John Mensry; rice -president. Mrs: [greased. Bake In hot oven (400 de - the excellent ('hriatmas edition of The Bert Treleaven; secretary, Mrs. Roy Signal. We also extend to 811 our Melee: tr...emtrer. Mrs. Mntt. Sharkldy Ree s F.1 thirteen minutes, or until wishes ter a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Mrs. T. Doyle of Auburn le staying with Mra. A. 8. Radford. The firemen intend holding a com- munity Ohrtstmee tree and Santa Claus parade on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. B. Treleaven; treasurer, Mrs. Crosier organists, Frances Crozier and Eileen Trelearen ; flower fund secretary, Mrs- Raymond Finnigan; temperance secre- tary. Mrs. Matt. Shackleton. Officers of WE WISH AT.I. OUR.. CUSTOMERS AND _ • •MENDS_._... A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS John Pinder PLUMBING. BEATING, ET('. PI*wie 127 P. O. Box 131 E1 ®"'fIMIZ4"iiiTet"fi'fi"fit+i ton; eomMit tte, Mrs. Drennan, Mrs. Sherwood and Susi. Kilpatrick. WINGHAM'S WEE BABY I mid. spread with whipped cream. Roll TO HAVE GOOD HOME as for Jelly roll. Cover with chocolate — mating made by adding one teaspoon Wingham, Dec. 17.—Since the re- melted Nutter to one square nnsweet- rtent eotmty eounell meeting In Gorier- ened ehoml6te, melted. It'll, when Reeve F. L. Davidson, Of %Vinghnm. plateal before the county fathers the ease of little Miss Huron._ _ who is to the lVingbam hospital, be has been beseiged with letters and phone rails to look after her. The county agreed to share the expense ttang with the town of Wingham, and in the meantime try to find a suitable done. Qnickly ent off erfao edgee of cake and turn out on eloth covered with powdered sugar. Remove paper, Wrap In cloth and mai on rack. When i— Reeve Davidson state% that the baby 1s mnking exr•ellent progreaa and it le 'exported to bare her placed In mother- ly hands in the very near future, un- til such time as she will be able to I stalk. '• dC the parents -are then still unable to look after her, It will he neeo'4ssary Ito have her plaeel in the Children's Shelter. - veurepturtartinoorarvravvroarivi Ch ristrnas Specralsweverm for the last-minute shoppers 11 i broadcloth Shirts. Collar attached, T . In pWn white, blue, tlln. All sines. An ideal Christmas box. Special $1.19 Boys' Leather Windbreaker'. Black or brown. Sizes 28 to 32. Special 53.46 Men's Bilk Ties in fancy Christmas bores 35c each or 3 for $1.00 Cosy Felt Slippers. Leather soles. All sizes 95c Men's black Sweaters made with shawl collars... An ideal Sweater for the workingman... Sizes 36 to 44. Special $1.23 Ken's red or fawn doeskin Shirts. A real warm Shirt for the hunter or the workingman. Large sizee only. Special clearing prices $1.19 and $1.39 Some have sipper front WISHING OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS M. ROBINS AGENT FOR TIP TOP TAILORS !ROME Blit CODERICH incglavairatterivitszteutoricirtirszat 1 well. Spread mixture in thin layer in two greased paws, see Inches. Spri nkle with nut*. Bake in hot oven COI4I()BNV TO)WN91IiP, 14.• 19.— I (400 degrees F.) twelve to fifteen A merry, merry Christmas to everyone. minutes. While warm, nark tato two. Mr. Percy McBride has returned ineh squares. Cool and break into home after spending the summer sailing square.. Makes two goon critptee, on the Great Lake.. Comment Frei* vie Mr. and Mn. Glrv(n Young and son CUP sugar - Frank. of Ooderl'h, Mrs. Henderson tablespnons deer and ton Ralph. of Goderieh, and Mr. i(l teaspoonsitir.- Mrs. Verne Willie and daughter 1 egg yolk, sIIgbNy bealen 1 cup water 1 enp canned pineapple Juice 1 tahlesp, i'fi putter 1 tablealte a lemon Juke 2 cope shredded cocoanut 1 baked nine -Inch pie shell 4 ;dices canned pineapple, cut in pieces Anne. of Port with Mra, Gordon Young. Sway Mdtsel hers.—The annual Meeting of Smith's Hill Runday school w ti tie-ur-er-Tits -home-of`Mr. John Young on Monday evening. The of- tlrers and tenehers for 193,5 were pleehd, as follows: Hon. superinten- dent. Mr. Alex. Young; superintendent, Combine sugar. flour and salt in top Mr. Werner Walter: amlatant superin- of double boiler: add egg yolks; then tendert, Mr. F. Wilson: secretary - add water and pineapple Juice grad- treasurer. Mr. Fordyce ('lark ; astdat- ually. mixing thoratghly. Place orer ant necretary•treasdrer, Miss Hazel rapidly bailing water an§ cook ten Young: organist. MIs( Thelma Fee - minute.. stirring constant y. Remnre gun : as+latent organist, Miss Amelia rrom iolling water; ketol and add but- %tIlwaln. tteat•here and aa-lalanta, ter. lemon Juice and one cap eooatnnt I Mtas Amelia Mcltwnln, Mies Ruby Chill.Ttt n into Dnie shell. (mug. Mra. C. Femgan, Minx Irene with remnlnln g eosi_ Arrange and Mr Warner Walter. pineapple pct re nn tnp, Fortieth Wedding Anniversary. - "Mount Pleasant." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McK. Adams, was the Beene of a happy gathering on Wed- nesday evening, Ikrembet 12, the Gees- alon tieing the fortieth annirereary of their wedding. About sixty fk•lends and neighborp gathered to congratu- late them and to extend best wlabes for many more happy years together. A pleasant fealwe of the evening was the reading of the "shower" of love- iF-..cardn re:retest-:Mr:-:iobn Yining was ehalrman for a short progrem aid Minxes Holtzhausen, I'Itblado, Shield', and Florence Jewell, the ton boys and Meagre. T. Rhlelde, Wm. Ripleyy and Reeve A. J. Goldthorpe were some of those who took part, Lunch wax served by the ladies undel the leadership of airs. Shields, ser Sprinkle Stoll. airs. A. Stull. Mrs. G. Mere,. Santa Claus He comes Irk the night 1 lie cones in the night! He softly, silently comes; While the little brown heads on the pillow! en white Are dreaming of htaglee and -drums. He cuts through the snow like a ship through the foam. While the white flakes around him whirl. %Vhe tells him I know not, het he Baro finds the home Of each «'+od nide boy and girl - Hls sleigh It is long. and deep. and wide; it will carry a Inst of things, 1 Whlk dozens of drums hang orer the side. With the sticks stkking under the strings. And yet not the nonntl of a drum is heard, Not a hngte bla e t 1* Mown, As he mounts to the chimney -top like a bled, `• And drops to the hearth like n .tone. The little red stnektngs he silently 1111•, ' T81 the stockings will hold no more; The little hrlght sleds for the great now hells Are merely stet nn the floor. Then Rante (Tans mounts to the roof like a bird. And springs to hl. sent In the sleigh: Not the 'nand of a Angle or drum Is heard As he nolsel'asly gallops away. He rides to the Fan and he rides to the West, of his goodie! he towhee not one; iie wilts for the crumbs of the Christmas feast O'hed the dear little talkot are done. Old Rents ('tams does s11 the gond that he can; This b.antlfnl miselon fa his; Then, eblldrea, he kind to the little old men, When you find who the little man M. Geo. MacVicar t' k AtiffelL sno) `ff". - NORTH SIDE OF SQUAD GODERICH V M PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT, Ike•. 19 --The teacher and pupils of Paramount abhobt;. arc-rebrreatsise- {he fer--. at a Christmas social In the school on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon Jamieson 14Iependtng a pew weeks with her sister In God - Mr. Albert Smith, Detroit, was a re•ent visitor with friends here. Mr. and Stirs. Grant Mac1)larrW and Douglas were recent visitors with friends at Amberley. Mr. John McNay, Seaforth, was a recent visitor with his brother, Mr. Peter MacNay- De(eember meeting of the tJ.P WO. Aub was held at the borne of Sirs. Jatuea_ yat•Ilogald on_ _Tuesday afternoon. - _ "No community can ttisrt•gard the responsibility which It owes Itself and tirlllaation In the education of Its child- ren." --d ferbert iii. Lehman. THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS Some polka thoughtlessly pick out a snowy. icy. morning to stage a coal race. The game is played this way' Three or four coal yards are phoned ands small or- der is left each Place for imme- diate delivery. If the driver falls to race his horses or drive his truck recklessly he finds that the coal is not wanted. Someone else has delivered nest. The big drawback to the game b that everyone must pay more for coal. Though we might be first at each place. we take no glory in It. CALL THE ketilkittrt WE NOW CARRY GENUINR SCOTCH ANTHRACITR J. B. MUSTARD COAL CO. THOME 88 GODERICH, ONTARIO GROCERIES FOR CHRISTMAS We Shill be pleased to have you visit our store this week and see the good things we have for the Christmas table. We feel our prices are very reasonable, .FRUITS Seedless Raisins 2 Iba. 23e Raisins with Seeds 2 lbs. 23e Bkaehed Sultanas, ISxtra F'anee Ib. 20e Currants (reeleaned) 2 Its. 29e Faney Natural Figs .. Ih. 10e Date., Hallow' Ib. 10e 3 lbs. for 25e Cherries (English) .. per Ib. 19e Marrhino ('herrtee in glace...... 19e and 355 Cut ,Iised Peel lee Citron feel lye Orange and Lemon Peel".Ic Pineapple per pkg. IIs CANDIES Regal liked. 2 ibe, tate .1,11y Beans Ib 19e Jellies, assorted Ib. 19e ('hrislmax Klsapa Ib. 'Ise Bonnie Mix Ib 19e Medium Cut Rock Ib. 2:a (hoeolate Dropsy, Jumbolb. lac .('ream( and ('hocolatee% 1b. 29r NUTS lianwnd Budded Vi'ahtute. large- Ib. sue Manehurlanx, bleached lb. 24e r ::rgr washed Brazils. • . Ib. 13e `icily Filberts erts Ib. 15e Peanuts. ler Taraeona Almonds (soft -shells) 2 lbs. Air 3:n ORANGES. Our Christmas shipment will be in shortly and prices will -be very reasonable particularly large sizes FRED PRICE a NORTH BIDE OF SQUARE TELEPHONE 248 We 4 1, 41C4WVIC EIVlEIVC IV IEVICRICRIC iE EIZntinite oa Announcing 1935 SPARTON arrival of the 1 'THE TRAVEIeAIR' Here i., a magnificent (t-1uhe tomperheterolyn..'s T 11,01 the great atatlona of the world as well 'Hs your firorlte domeeatte station!. Teter vt alt - world .Rs4io. Among the many fellhtres arr. Viwetlio Tuning Full Autumatle Volume ('on - trot -first ,t ,tmpllfientiotolnd many Other fee - tures yen prom) .ee. I '_ 467A 'THE CORSICAN 11e•rp Ix a eelr,• +, JY'I l• I ,n,etteat tabs, model for the livingr/ofh where .pace 1s at a prvemium. - yhtr ee- S , m+uatly seansf Irt. 6 -tube euperheteralyne 1(1(11,, filet tiring. in foreign and domestic programs with greet septets end falthfui [e"pouac. $121.50 $86.50 Other SPARTON MODELS from $49.95 to $249.00 IMPORTANT - All Spavtoie Sets use genuine standard Radiotr( n Tubes, shielded with stamped metal shields as used and recommended by practically all quality set and tube manutacturpts NEVER BEFORE SUCH WONDERFUL VALUES L. H. ZINN We wish our many patrons J and friends a Merry The Square Phone 586 - Christmas RtumilLtuarlimitellml-m—A-LilThisn":81-11*-1"1"4".