HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 2029. Tenders 12611:4=er The Huron County Board of Education invites lender,. tot Al ➢&ild9116Nti 10 1111111,1,E 11 1 (11'.N 1 RAI. P1'6111( S( Pit(POI Settled tenders ahhexed to I lit I hu ri (murt, it, ,t 1 du, auun ,till tie rl'cerved at the othLe Nt I IIr I hltnli t u(4111\ It,1ard nt i dill :town lb; I' tIt css',Imo. 1, lntton 1 'Minn) NOM 11 1) Unna 1 11(1 p n nn I hursdas Novemt/cr. 7 1441, A Bid Bond lInotnl of 120 11(11) 00 r, niton (1 Io at t uutpan), the lender 1 he it Lcesslul htdder loll hl It Willed to protide a SO" O P'erlurmance Bond and 50" 0 1 MUM! and Material Payment 11 irid A limited number of tender documents loll he :wadable to 1,encral ( °ntractors only 1i nn the o11icr ut 1 runt & Markley it, Architects, 516 Huron Stied. Slrattotit Unt:u„ NSA ; 1 7 Act 1)ciober 'l 1946 upon deposit of a certtlied cheque ill iIie MI1011111 01 $1(11) 0(1 Pei set R Pirown Chair 1.uwest or any lcndcr nut access:urn acupIcd Silttlr �r� 1' (toruli Director N• ref to� MID -HURON LANDFILL SITE Call for Proposals/Tenders The Mid -Huron Landfill Site will receive tenders/proposals for the following items until 12 noon local time Thursday November 21, 1996 TENDER #1 Supply of D(esel Fuel TENDER#2 The howling of leachate TENDER #3 Supply of Propane All lenders are for u three year period Contract documents con be picked up of the Mid Huron Landfill Site ut R.R .#2, Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender/proposal not necessarily accepted. Mr. Frank Postill' Landfill Site Supervisor Mid -Huron Landfill Site R.R.#2, Clinton, Ontario 519-482-7668 31. Service Directory DAVE'S CAR OILING Drummond St. Blyth 523- 4343, we use new acid free hot oil. Cars and light trucks open Monday - Friday 1 p.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 12 noon weather permitting. -- 36 - 44cc GREER TV Aerial installa- tions and repairs. Call Don 528-2375. --44x SNOWBLOWING - Parking lots and driveways. Early hours, reasonable rates. Phone Raymond 528-2427. --44,45x Dave Seabrook Excavating •Gravel • Top Soil • Fine Grading •Float Service Large excavator trucks, loader, dozers Reasonable rates 528-2047 528-3144 RR 5, Lucknow 31. Service Directory AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, clock, jew- ellery. Free estimates. Pickup and delivery can be arranged. 698 Havelock Street, across from Medical Centre Call 528-3532 or 528-3940 --18tfar CARL SLOETJES Sales, Installation, Renovations • Replacement Windows & Doors • Kitchen Cabinets • Vanities • Carpet and Linoleum • Rooting • Free Estimates RR 7 LUCKNOW 529-3164 R.A. HAVENS ELECTRIC "Residential "Farm "Commercial Electrical Contractors FREE ESTIMATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 528-2301 New installations, Repairs, Renovations Water Softeners, Water Treatment, Water Heaters, Gas Piping. Evenings 519-529-3182 Book Now For Your Driveway Snow Removal We have a special discount for 3 or more consecutive driveways. Talk to your neighbours then give Dave a call at: 528-2047 31. Service Directory KINLOSS EXCAVATING and Gravel For your exca- vating needs, hi hoe, trim dozer and scraper available Gall Barry Johnston 395- 5231--18ttar Lsc. 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS - ESI Safe, rapid, non-surgi- cal, permanent restoration to 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot developed, doctor approved. Free Information by mail: 406-961-5570, ext. 253; fax 406-961-5577. http.//www.visionfreedom.co m Satisfaction guaranteed.- -44bc HOMESTEADER OUT- DOOR FURNACES: Large firebox; ashpan, grates, insulated, metal clad, radia- tors, pumps, piping, com- plete infloor heating acces- sories. HOMESTEAD, Box 160, Winkler, Manitoba, R6W 4A4, 1-204-325-4253; Fax: 1-204-325-8685.--44bc 11. 34. Personal ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of an abortion/emotions you .can't explain? Most post-abortal women experience trauma in their lives. Call our 24 - 'hr hotline collect. (519) 323-3/51 for confidential support --44ar •A cost will be incurred.. PHYSIC ANSWERS - Police use us, Harness Your Destiny. .Instant Answer solve all Problems with gifted Psychic. Love.. Success... Relation- ships..,Evanly Rays $2.99/Min.. 18 + 24 hours. Rated #1. Call 1-900-451- 4055.--44-02cc •A cost will be incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Answers. Spiritual consulta- tion. Relationship, Career, Life. Only $2.99/min. 18+ 1- 900-451, -3 783. --44bc 'A cost will be incurred. YOUR DAILY Horoscope. Answers to Love, Career, Money. Call 1-900-830- 3000 and enter code. Aries - 10, Taurus -1.5, Gemini -20, Cancer -25, Leo -30, Virgo - 35, Libra -40, Scorpio -45_, Sagittarius -50, Capricorn - 55, Aquarius -60, Pieces -65. 99 cents per call. TT phone required. 18+yrs. For enter- tainment only. In Touch Media.--44bc PREGNANT? A WARM, LOVING COUPLE, college educated and financially secure wishes to adopt. We have an adopted three year old daughter who would make a great big sister. Let us help each other. Confidentiality assured. Call toll free, John and Sharon. 1-800-337-0035.--44bc WEDDINGS • CHRISTENINGS Performed - your location or our indoor or outdoor chapel (non -denominational). For brochure call: Rev. Morgan - AIt Faiths, Pastoral Centre, Benmiller, 524-5724 C5 0 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 30, 1996 - Page 13 34. Personal HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3635. -- 44ar 35. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS An claims against the estate of JAMES WHITE MCNAUGHTON late of the Village Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, deceased, who died on or about September 2, 1996, must be filed with the under- signed on or before December 1, 1996; there- after the Executrix of the estate will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then has notice. Date October 11, 1996. c/o GEORGE J. BROPHY, Barrister & Solicitor, Box 610, LUCKNOW, Ontario NOG 2 HO. -- 43,44,45ar 36. Announcements KINSMEN CASH Calendar winners Oct 21 $50 Chuck Petteplace, Kincardine: Oct 22 $50 Donald Savage, Kincardine; Oct' 23 $50 Rene & Donna Murray,. Lucknow; Oct 24 $5C Jirn Scott, Belgrave Oct 25 $100 Joan McIntyre, Dundalk, Oct 26 $50 Jamie Johnstone,-Coquitlam, B.C.; Oct 27 $50 Sadie Hamilton, Lucknow.:-44ar 37. Mortgages 1 & 2' Mortgage Money Absolutely No Upfront Fees Available as low as 6.50' interest Personal Loans 11 you qualify, payments Amt. Aoorox Mo. Payment 5,000 ' 41.66 . '10,000 . ' 83.33 '15,000 '125.00 Consolidate your debts Call (519)363-02111-800-387-1932 ASTRAL FUNDING INC. 38. Auctions AUCTION SALE of Property, Household Effects and Car will be held for Archie Nicholson 600 Inglis St., Lucknow (beside C&M Transport) on Sat., November 16/96 10:30 A.M. • Sharp Terms cash. To preview property Contact Auctioneer Brian Rintoul 357-2349 tro HU1RT AND STROKE' fOUNDATION Lnprauing your odds against Canada's #1 killer 38. Auctions 139.Educational AUCTION REGISTER CONSIGNMENT SALE DAVIDSON CENTRE FRIDAY, NOV. 15, 1996 If you have something to sell, give us a call. Grant McDonald 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh 392-6170 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of Property, Household Effects and Car will be held for Archie Nicholson 600 Inglis St., Lucknow (beside C&M Transport) Saturday, Nov. 16/96 10 A.M. Sharp Property selling at 1:00 P.M. For information and to view property call Auctioneer Brian Rintoul (519) 357-2349 AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Tools will be held for George Carter Hamilton St Belgrave on Wednesday, Nov, 6196 12 Noon Sharp Sofa bed & chair, Westinghouse washer, Kenmore dehumidifier; Environmental air system (new). loveseat & chair, fridge, 2 single beds & box springs, dresser & chest of drawers & 3 nightstands, two small Hitachi colour T V 's, desk, end tables, lamps, stools, radio, floor lamps, mirrors, magazine racks; TV. stand, curtains & blinds; linens & bedding, Blue 'Mountain pottery; golf bags & cart; coal oil lamps; copper kettle; small cabinet with bar; trunk; picnic table. TOOLS: Turf -power lawn- mower (10 horse); Lawnboy la mower; walk behind sr wblower; gas weedeater; gna table saw; jointer & motor; McKeeta saw; electric planer; electric sander; skill saw; jigsaw; Emery & motor; electric drill (1/2"); tool chest; clamps; hand saws; shop vacuum; '2 wheeled seater; hand sprayer; rotor; wrench- es; saw horses; wheelbarrel; extension ladder; step lad- der; garden hose; tarp; cart (2 wheel); insulated dog house; numerous small arti- cles. Owner or auctioneer not .responsible for accidents or. loss of items. TERMS: Cash - property sold. Owner moving to apart- ment. For information call George at 357-1916. AUCTIONEER Brian Rintoul (519) 357-2349 39.Educatlonal BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... with our great home -study course. Call today for,your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2684, Ottawa,ON, K1 L 6R2.--44bc LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering- Next class November 16-22/96. Contact. Southwestern Ontario School of Aucttoneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115.--44bc DtSCOVER MONEY Saving Techniques. U & R TAX SCHOOLS has been help- ing students save money with INCOME TAX PREPA- RATION COURSES since 1975. Study at home in your spare time. For FREE BROCHURE, CALL: 1-800- 665-5144, U & R Tax Schools--44bc INCOME TAX COURSE... by correspondence. Earn money during the busy tax season. Free brochure. Canadian School of Tax Accounting, established 1966. 3157 Bayview Avenue, North York, Ontario M2K 1G2. (416)590-9308. Fax (416)226-0644.--44bc 140. Lost/Found REWARD FOR information leading towards finding an orange Suzuki 125 ATV. Phone 395-4420. -- 43,44,45x 46. In - Memoriam DIGNAN In loving memory of my wile Marie B. Dignan (Farrlsh) who ' passed away November 2, 1995. Sometimes you meet a per- son Who can really touch your heart Whose gentle, kind, and thoughtful You know right from the start That this is someone spe- cial Who is more than just a friend Someone you can talk to' And on whom you can depend Sometimes, you meet a per- son . Whose sincere and loyal too I found that special person On the day that 1 found you. Sadly missed by Wes and children Mathew, Courtney and Lindsey. --44cc DIGNAN (FARRISH) In loving memory of our .dear daughter Marie who passed away on November 2, 1995. Everyday in some small way Memories of you come our way; Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, loved, Always dear. Always remembered by, Jack and Mary Farrish. -- 44x 5 TO 10 FRUITS AND VEGETA$RES DAILY •