HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 18I1.neiliane w Sentinel, Wednesday, Ocd¢nbeir 30, 19965 Page d 1 INDEX CLASSIFIED 528-2822 1)1 112 413 1)4 04aa 06 r'Lae•le. for batt ar d Yale (,arage 4a'zlt Antiques ( rafts ( ay for alt 1 rucks for tiara .51'911115 7a 1'tit sale (,alias, 711 W anted ta, her) 7, Viarateed it! kera 7d fine y ries 7e Nlaotora•gcles 71 S100v)nneolJ,nla-s 7g Qtea 0 elnna•les 7b l3o,at. 4lotors xlt. J. heel it s & Parts °r3Wnannrnnaa% Potd omplitrrs 141. f'c•ta 1418. ArrilaR� 11a. (,rrarr, of 11 b. W hilted to Buy 11 a.. Ve anted to Hier 1 l d. Levi. VA acted 11.11e. Livestock 111 korai 1'rodua e 11g. 4'.aluio naennt 1141. 1a•r$•ia.a•s 11j. fear itt Laanad 111+. Real1',statc 111. S anted to £street 14nn>., dor Rent 12. Real Estate 13. Mobile Homes 1.4. V sacationas M. For Rem 17. Apartments 18. 111/uses for Rent 19a. Bed & Breakfast 20. ROOM & lied rd 23 (:uuarnaercial 24. Wanted to Rim 25. Wanted to Buy 26. kielp Waula d 27. Waute:d r',rime, al 28. l3usiraess ()pp 29. lenders 391. Eranpl, Wanted 31. Seeriet 1)ira'.atory 32. 13abysitUHg 33. Miscellaneous 34. Personal 3S. Legal Notices 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auctions 39, Educational 40. Lust & Found 41. 7u Gine Away 42. (Obituaries 43. Births 44. l',ngageritents 45. Marriages 46. In lVlenauriar>, 47. ('ard of Thanks 48. Coming Events rte. /: %r %1 4,11, // 0%/ /f//.G11i//% /l //YAre i ,A�i'" ' �" rte°" RATES AND DATA fix s•4" {t,.::::: 'g r s; / es.ai�i�%aivrai?A �:�:w:iva:•eF.m''h:v :�.'4,�1R,{,(• q.535��?�3•)1•M;.�fr.:Y. iF ,/ +\'oy'e�v`�.:�c�.'vra�`n;.w.tSs,.>yf....w.?.n•..,p:.;i;..�:.;•.ir,,.: /�.�•'lt�q:•r..•I�/..Y.•f 1 week - $4 25 2 weeks - $7 48 3 weeks or more $ 3 27 each week extra wr,rd`, at 16 each Cards of Thanks - $4 25 for 25 words extra word, at 96 each In Memoriam $4 25 - 1i f',rea.r i,r,e <e Ja;r,ra inn Announcement $10 00 flat leis 3 + 3 ads • $10 `10 prepaid for 25 words extra word', at 16 each Thursday Special Vs 2' fr.r 25 words Must be placed and pain on Thur..d;ay Save a $4.00 billing charge by pre -paying G.S.T. not included In above priced VISA' Call 528-2822 �JI' 1. For Sale WELI USLI) piano misses being played h(,pe to find ischii(, with Riving faintly crest early Christmas gift 'for buajdiny rnu.slc,Ians' Asking $300 Phone 39t) 5'192 alter fJ p rr •43;44x( CONFIDENTIAL TYPING i he I ar+;know `sentinel dues a,ai1tiderrital r, Jbtonr typing tai( a,Ublrlrrit1b rebaJrne s, letters c:' . We; can offer you nurlber of different print 1yf.eb anti bite 5 (.all cur Vr iirc)li in for rnorC details 6tfrix ( A /.I3r1Y r,HAlli`; 'skier Peppier c,thesterfield suites, Serie mattresses, yen+eha plahQs,and 'keyboards Huy durrriy "Harvest of Values" bale at Schueti's Mildmay 519-36/-2308. We deliver! --44uc USED RUST colored carpet from major hotel 12 x T?, 12 x 15. 12x 19, $30 each • (;all 529-3164 after 5 p 1i 41 43ar 44.461, KANENBUGS BUTCHER SHOP 612 Campbell St. LUCKNOW 528-2242 Plain or Garlu: � �� Sausage LB Bruce Na,kers Head. Cheese 1.79 L8 1. For Sale rtit I I)(,KIJOJJ')t fJ11N[ I. i5 av;illat/I(, ;at th0 following locations out rjf town Holyrood Oe,riurtal Store, Ripley `superior Market, Dawson's Store, Dungannon, MacNayb Store, Arnberley, I rtnyle Discount, (iodench, t3nan's Valu Mart, Wlnyharri McPhee IDA, Wlnyhern, Hart food Marl, 1 eeswater, MacAcjarn Mini Mart, Ripley,. Port Albert (antral and Keith's Nepal( fietvic;(i, Whiter liiJrc,li tttrtx M0101101. A (,1 1 1. (11 AH phurie wilts ri iylny rase, niaynetic antenna, power pack,.hands free speaker', In 9004 (.undltiort ' $150, Phone 522 049:3 after 6 p in. 4:3,44x(, AE1LNHON HUN It HSI Super.buys on rifles, strot- yunsb, ►rturtle , loaders, crossbows, Ruck knives, and anmunition at Lake Huron Hud and (puri (,all 388 /182 Monday saturddy 3/-44(;(. i Ilii WOOL) I'OH bale. eiaple and dbh t)lJiif and dry Hume 528 3223 4344(.(, DID YOU KNOW 11' Y0111111Y A NEW MATTRESS SET BEFORE ('t1U15"I'MAS PAX NO GST ANI) RECEIVE EltEE A NEW 1i.U1,I.E[Z FRAME C&E FURNITURE Hwy 21.S GODEHICH 7,� 524-7231 Thum., Fri., Sat. 10 -•g 1. For Sale FARM FRESH brown eggs. Phone 528-2410. --44x SMALL DQWN "DRAFT, cast Iron wood stove in excellent condition. Easily converts to regular stove Some 5" pipes Included Gall 528-3915, --39-41x,42- 44, THE [ UCKNOW SENTINEL urges readers to ur,e cau- tion when sending Money for hubiriesb 0pporturlltl,S or employment advertl',0'- rn(int:, lie certain you aro dealing with a reputable company bolero releabin(J any credit card information or sending any money Hernorriber, If WI ;a(jv01hr,11 milt b01/n(1', 100 (Joo+l 10 10 true, rt prole ataly i', '17111, LOSE WEIGHT Without r110tIn+J natural `.;ate >Irri•p1e to esu, no c,0Juntiny calories, wurkoutb or prllb Inexpensive lit Al I Y WOHK`> Gall Marianne Hollinger 529 /80/ - 3Bttcc STEEL.t3UILDINGS SAI I ON All (.CHAIN 51(JHA(nl: HtJll f)IN(,S Many situs to choose 11011 (Juonsei5, �`iltal+ghlwdll (Ju)/bets or the IleW IJubblr,55 Design Call 1 urine 1 1300 616.8653 ext. 51(> 44ba. MAKI 12 MON t Hl Y pay lents of 541,56 and a beautiful new Living room suite is yours, Including sofa, loveseat, chair (:all loll free -1-800 66/-5898 Marten's furniture, Kitchener --44ar ORGANIC APPLES, it der, apple butter, beef t3 iamb available now Horse drawn wagon rides on the tarn Meeting Place Or genii I den, 51:1528 2493 • • 44x WrJODS 1 OVI t3 11111 Pt A(,l glass, will not break from heat Cul to any size or shape the Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery Inc- 368-52/4 -- 41 tfnbcpnx 1988 FOHD L. T Y 16 H.P. garden tractor, 42" width mower deck. Engine needs repair. all 529' 1783. --44- 46cc NEW GOMPII I FH Dx12U 500Mb- MD 1 4" nu/phut, Hmb tarn Cdront, sound - card, Internet ready $1,500. Phone 519-336•6102 after 6 asinammumif p.m. --42-45 1. For Sale 1. For Sale SAMSUNG FX 40 fax machine in excellent con- dition. Only three years old. Paid $300 new. For sale at $100 Phone 529.3240. -- 44-46cc INTRA''' HER I:' AL BLEND Are you suffering from asth- ma, allergies, arthritis, low energy, frequent colds, high cholesterol, high blood pres- sure etc Try 30 day supply Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back for rltoro Information call Mnrrtanne Bollinger 52r1 /80/-421lcc PO 1 A 1 Ot `; rod and while,, graded, call I ;arty Blake '211 3418 or Jack Wllkiil� ;at '19', 5193 43 41 ATTENTION AHCi1ITFCTS/ENGINE:E-HS High Itir,mne I'ul(,It I Mita tri; 31.48, :31" peeper site copier vv/paper roller, Tike new, $22,0(10 now asking $10,000 o'•b a (;all (519) 52/ 0405 atter 6 p rn or leave message 43-441x0 KAWAI DIGITAL Piano, full brie keyboard Two years ofd,' barely used Asking $1500 Gall 392 8134 evenings 43,44 Pick up your copy of 1111 l C1(:KNOW Sl NI INI l at any of the following 1 tick Il iw bus'ir►esses liec.keirs Mllk, Hell's 1)Isi.ount, t ue.know Village Market, 1Jnibbac h 1'halnia(.y, unknow Service (;entre and Annie's (las liar, and l larndlurt I eels 5211 NOH 1 HON 11 T C:1 H IC fur race, 54000 [3 f U, b years old, $80 Phone 35/ 11/5 44 48x49 binx CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or receive fax'! lite 5etitlI101 (1005 Cite torr faxing fur e,ubt01110rb 1)101) In or call 528 2822 fill details 411hix NEED A RESUME? 1'lofessiurially prepared laser printed on quality paper $15 00 tor `r sets We keep your resume on file in case you need changes or updates at a later date Gall us or drop in for details. The Lucknow' Sentinel, 528-2822-048'1x NEW STYLE 16" DISH Tired of the Winter blues with no T V Now is your chance 1 year free pro gr attuning (l2 channels) $849 financing avail.' Promotional. limited (tide offer. Phone 529 1025 SC Tech--41tfcc WIDE SELECTION of used appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. All ser- viced and Including a war- ranty. Call Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover 364-1011 --51 tf gp THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers available in our office on Wednesday Goderlch Signal Star, Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald Times, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaturlh Huron t xpositor 1 btfnx WHY HAVI A YAH[) SAI 1 'J (;all us We buy it all Antique ;, 1 urnrlute, (;out:,, 01c: No fuss No Moa:, (tall !)1 9 363 0213 49ltcc IfiOl11 great hall fishing from OW well SIOCkelt puma, open all winter or purchase trout wholesale from OUI tanks [)avid Hedley, Helgrave, phone first 35/ 2:329 -S4 35nx3/-46ar [3AHN WINDOWS, c:uStoni pine sash windows for house, 5110d, barn uses, 0g b parte, 10" x 12", $49 Juhn Hoor aarc1, E31yth 519 523 9445 40 44cc FIREWOOD l AS I WIN 11 H did you have to turn (>1 your 01001k heat, .01 burn green slabs because you Idn out of • wuud 1.)0111'be caught this year Order your winter's wood now Mixed hardwood body wood (not slabs) sea sorted tor one year 4 face cords minimum $1'80 while supplies last. Phone 529- 1026 - 40tfcc • LET US TUNE YOU MI 18" mini dish $ /119 ifiVitidaS 1 year tree programming ' ($:350 value) Installation -extra (;all 1 13, A Southwest Satellite tally and Dennis I isnot (519), 524 9595 431h•a. STEEL BUILDINGS Al l Si E l 1 13UIHDIN(i SAI E. Go Ontario 1 a( tory Direct Many Sizes and Styles Example 30 x 40 now $5,998,00, 35 x 50 now $9,488 00 40 x 60 now, $11,444 00 Pioneer Steel 1-800 668 5422 - 44bc 5 Cars 1985 [)OD(aF 'CARVE- l E good rum�er, $h00 as Is 0.13.0 Phone 528 2223 41 43,44-46nx