HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 17Page DQ a Lu wk®ow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 30, 1996
Funeral Homes Ltd.
Generations gamily owned and operated
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Prearroo meat information available
We welcome cost comparison
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395-2969 528-3432
4 -II club el
by Teresa Courtney and
Margaret Er ringtofro
Recent visitors with
George Cardiff were his
sister Viola Riley of
Seaforth, his niece 011ie,
daughter of Jack and the
late Peggy Cardiff of St.
('atherines, and her hus-
band Nick of Vancouver,
British Columbia.
Congratulations to Joe
and Thelma Van Osch on
the arrival of their grand-
daughter Emily Nicole
born to Perry and Wendy
Van Osch. A wee sister
for Matthew, Bradley and
ans up IIi
Port Albert 4-H Club
and leader Donna
Hayden adopted Hwy. 21
from the Ashfield
Division Line a
Kingsbridge, a stretch of
9 Cana., for a clean up on
Sunday afternoon. The
highway was split into
six sections. Twenty-
three volunteers includ-
ing 4-H, some parents
and community minded
people cleaned up the
4-H clean the highway
twice a year. What a dif-
ference the clean up
hway 21
Leona Boyle was admit-
ted to hospital, Oct. 23.
We wish her a speedy
Several from this area
attended the Christmas
Country Fair held in
Safford on the weekend.
There were approximate-
ly 40 tables of special-
ized crafts by both local
talent and others.
Eleven tables of
euchre were in, play at
Dungannon Senior
('cozens last week
Winners were Lois
Haggitt, Vivian Hogan.
Joe Courtney and Fred
Ghosts and goblins
were aplenty at the
Dungannon Agriculture
Society Halloween dance
on Saturday evening.
Tokens were presented to
the best dressed couple,
man, lady and most origi-
nal costume.
Kelly McNee.
"Ambassador of the Fair"
is doing a superb job as
Dungannon representa-
Horne theatre inlet, audeo, portables, computers, software
and sateflrte dishes by HiTACHI, JVC, SANYO, FISHER,
Why NOW?
(All -800-669-3364 for your F'ua:a: (:A'fA1-06111.:, 24 Firs :r
day or %daft our wrhsItr www nowrlecIronics our
Be Involved!
"Ibtesday Night - HS and
HT - Clint Thomson 272,
668; Grace Hopi 255,
549. 200+ games: Clint
Thomson 272, 236, Steve
Machan 216, John Hopi
242, Brad Engel 217,
Ron Machan 210, Grace
Hopi 255, Len ('larks
255, Gerald Rhody 234,
201, Bea Griffin 295,
Wilma Elliott 206.
Standings: Hurricanes
27, Thundercats 26,
Lightning Holts 23,
Thunder Balls 20,
131 izzards 16, 'Tornados
Migiday _Night - HS S and
Hobert Jones. 301,
797; "Perri Van Diepen
237, (;race Finnigan 5613.
200+ garner: Dave
Humphrey 2 30, 2 30,
Huron County is preparing a New ('.aunty Plan. The plan will
deal with community, economic and land oar issues. Phase 111 of
the process involves topic. -specific workshops an key issues.
Influence the direction'of Huron ('ounty.
on, the following' topics:
A(, IO('t, l; 11:1tk.
• V,.s.vu .A Ago ultutc • (l,a,guie 1•dtit, 11414 u..rs
• SeVCIdl►t.c:; • Agri' ultutr & l'rrvltviiterli
3rd Mc'etirag• Dalt: Mui. Nov. 25, 8:UU p.ei.
l,uaUvt, l►r.toa4J ( .t,n>liuiliy Cruor
hvr.i, ..'.' sfr,t)autad l,y t!u Hwun 1'adcaa4914 d Aglu ultu►e
r 1 st nxx't ' wa held Srpt 5 tit liclgsd ej
il.dricauig y.d.'I'etdO.i ! III !1"Jtuesrtllc/
Grace Finnigan 208, 211,
Robert Jones 202, 301,
294, Eric Taylor 293,
232, 271, John Van
Diepen 215, 235, 'Terri
Van Diepen 237, Nick
Schaus 200, 238.
Standings: Misfits 88,
)nigh flyers 16,
1)allnations 1.3, Bulldogs
10, Blue Jays 9, Nick's
Rollers 6.
Y11(' - Smurfs: Nicole
Beyershergen 75. Pee
Woes: Amanda King 107,
Rachel Elliott 107, 121.
llantamti: Whitney 'Taylor
150, Jonathon Lalonde
127, kichard Elliott 170,
Jennifer Beyershergen
125, 144. Juniors' Paula
Taylor 151, Justin
Armstrong 165, 170,
Robbie Moir 170,
Gregory Archer 171,.1).J,
Ilaaldenhy 157., Jody
Machan 171, Matthew
Stewart 15 3, Angie
Nicholson 184, 202, 189.
Seniors. Je(1 It 11 Ilthir
197, Marlene Johnston
Town and Country -
150+ games: George
Taylor 248, 206, Gerry
VandcrKlippe 214, 166,
Harold Errington 155,
Kathie Gibson 152, Alice
Taylor 163, Gordon
Brooks 168, Joyce
,Adamson 15.1, Shirley
Brooks 153, Grace
Gammie 161, Dorothy
tl'anailton 194, Marg
Nettleton 162, Ann
MacDougall 1 9 1 , Jean
Phillips 165, 197, Ann
Anderson 165.
Standings: Daffodils 8,
Pansies 8, Snowdrops
7.5, Tulips 6, hyacinths
4.5, Crocuses 2.
Ripley - 150+ games:
Merle Rhody 154, 220,
Bette MacLeod 157, Ed
Fink 176, Wilma Elliott
189, 161, ,Jim
MacDonald 156, Muriel
1)ow 162, Donnie Pollard
159, inin Adams 1 7 1 ,
184, Anna MacTavish
194, Allan Ross 165.
Standings: Maple Leafs
9, Red Wings 6, Flyers
5.5, ('anadiens 3.5.
Flames 2, Oilers 1.
"Thursday Ladies: 200+
games: Shirley Kennedy.
223, Marion Jones 224,
Barb llainiltun 215, TeI
Van Diepen 2(1 i, 20
J''rkhty Night - 115 and
11'1' Ron Elliott 260, Ern.
Taylor 695, Anita Elliott
255, 654, 200+ games
Hill Nickel() 210, Paul
Reese 208, 221, Bett)
Small 214, Eric 'Taylor
227, 226, 246, Anita
Elliott 255, 220 , Ron
Elliott 260, Marron Jones
214. Standings: [looters
16, Bundys 12, Aces 8,
Slow Halls 4
What do you call a
Irnwle fox'! ( vixen)
('OMM1)NI'I Y Sig( VT( '1 S
• Isaispa►tduui
• 'Leann ( tie
• 14u, duuu
P.c.. ►~alum/( uitune
4Merlifi was held (n i fro ►i•('I1lu ul
Wildlife Trivia
What ate plant •eating,
iiturt►a15 Called" (ttrlhi
Offering a tuft range et services auditing,
accounting, buameea.planning, income tax
WARD MAU.E TTE planning, personal financial planning,
computer and management services
W J Alderslay, ICA H f Thomson 1•(:A K 1 Unna ('A M s tion,,, ( A
1 ti Vuliell, CA . H J Motets (.A 1(F Knda A
J J Ilam, (:A G N Munio, (:A
11 I tur, CA
114.1 Thwteds, CA r
3843790 .881.1.211 323-1351 B32 2049
1,(:(11r()My/EMI'laoty EN1
• 13 uslt,e,s 11C v.:14.01/1tleu4 • kc141l11tE
• Yuudi E,..//14.111114. St:e.u,ls
lend Metttug t)att: Wed. Nov. 13, 7:30 p.ni.
1.4,1 4U4JU (,odeaicI, 1)lau-1. i ('.vllegi (. Jistitutx
.v S}.v„nv, ,uduY.A, m,d 4 ,.u'w, a,.wrbw vt
3rd Meeurag Date: Wad Nov. 20, 7:30 p.ri.
I a,, uuun M1100.111 1..1141111'4
4 SNv& . i Wagi,l .ua, Wad /11L.)(l.airxa vt 4 vuil,a),...
(1:$4 la,wtu,g ‘14. 44: held O..t 1 `, ul /.utl.h/
• Healthy t•r+vu.,i►ru:id • 1)eveIopiu:it
• Visible i'.iv►tuniteit • Agin uttwc • I:. uiu►ny
41.J! itrcnig was held (), t 1 U li W1uxeler4
12n4 hosting was laid (hi 2 i In 1•Aet.t:1)
Wei, t?uL 1D-Ta1 J Qv o
Wed., October 30th
7:30 PM Atom A
Fri., November 1st
7:00 PM Atom A
Sat., November 2nd
8:00 PM Juvenile
Skil 11.11.;Mk;N'l ?A7"/k,HNS
• (111A►i in:re:Wo lou
• Se1V144: ( 4) 41d►idii4)i4
• 1'nrlge 1)e\ elapmei►
• l,akesh,ire issues
Ihde&: '!hurt. No'v. 7 & 211
time 730pm
144..aUui Central Huron
Set -Linda' y Schuui (( liltuil
SAND & (itAVt;JJMk.S()t)ill'FS
• !'iia (h.ensed & wayside)
• JdenUtu.at1ui & 1)r•itcxlui
• M1n>►►►Jung'('„nth.1
• kehab»htanoir
1)ate. Wed. Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m.
1.u.aaulu OMAI'HA 4( triton)
Mon., November 4th
8:30 PM Bantam A
November 5th
8:00 PM PeeWee
Minutes at the meetings held in Sepwi ibex and
October are evarlabie trove die Huron ('aunty
Planrnng and 1)evelopmeni Department.
Ear inure >ntonrlataon call
1519) 5242188
Community Centre
Sunday, November 3rd
$ 1000 winner
Ilene Tomlin
Community Centre
opens cat 6:30 p.m.
[lingo starts at
7:15 p.m.
Huron County's Complete i
()Swan & Mitt SLLt'(l t di 5 g}
fi i1 Ioasset►grt & ('dlgu 11
17 haus, Pickup 't a (Itka
Chai1Ilatly. Wre,kly,
ci Monthly
CI 1 laasurdr►cr tiriitdls & I1
0 Muir.
ni1 } > r.r. t )rltvri y
Q Division ul Sulu 0451 Muld n
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A CALL COLLECT Ask lot Helen n