HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-12-20, Page 44 -Thursday, December 30th, W34 it Vi fi ri TitIaiNEVer atfitut • PRIDHAM'S The Store for Men's Gifts! __._ oolleM the aorta presents We've got the gzsndwt he'd like to get and you'd like to g've, ar.d the prices are "moderate. est y� �a� y� 1� �/ tT �M ''r3"M®"� � 'fi"iMii 4iaT-1 C+i NECKWEAR $ BELTS SHIRTS HATS -PYJAMAS - SUSPF.NDERS„ SWEATERS GLOVES HOSIERY UNDERWEAR 14 SPATS CAPS, ETC. ______ W. C. Pridham San-__ PPh�aosnee 5- � �y �y �Thhe�Sgqu�ayree,, Goderiohp� ® +i'7s+,ia 7fakc7faagt7t+i�7e� Aft The Roy al Bowling Alleys WEST STREET - GODERICH BOWLING EVERY AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. COME AND GET IN THE GAME A large turkey will be the prise for the highest individual score up to Christmas Eve. OPEN ALL CHRISTMAS DAY JOHN PARSONS I Lessees LAWRENCE MUMBY I Telephone 89 Announcing the opening of The Wyapdotte AUTO SUPPLY - _ ON -- Wednesday, December 26th With a complete line of Auto Parts Wholesale and Retail Phone 430 Goderich 17 East Street S..rr .. yrawY THE SIGNAL NILE NILE:, Inc. 18. -.heti MAY Hone V vboiling with her mother, Mrs. N. 1'ear- soll. Mr.. Arthur Hyatt, who has beau working for Mr. R. Ghvin for several years, left Inst Wednesday tor his home in E:ugiand. The Y. P. 8. met In the church ou riar-p g with Hilda Ialrelgwa ae leader. The Scripture lemon was read by Helen McPhee and the devotional •..Li 1ir11t. Ll..-_lilxr)e •• •,• gave the extensive topic. It was to withdraw the weedily next Friday evening owing to Christmas cotleerta. A special meeting for December 28 was arranged fur. This will also be the annual meeting. Guild Elena Olken. -The Nile Ladies:' Guild wet at the home of Mrs. 1). McGrattan un Tuesday atteruoon, December 1 , with it good attendaeee. gtesktandeler4se .thy- vutioual part of the program, after which the president, Misr, Velma Fin- nigan, took charge of the busbuess.1 The Scripture leucon, from Luke 2:1 8-20 was read by Mrs. J. Feagan. The roll call was answered by a favorite B)ble•lassage. Mrs. T. Nixon gave an Interesting pepper on "Victory.Arti- cles of clothing for the tale were eol- leated at the meeting. The election of officers took , place and resulted as fol- - e-geseelde nt_ Mina - - Bogie; president, Mrs. Pomeroy; ; vice- presldent, Mrs. H. Watson; secretary, Mfrs. 4;.-i'sigau: aesiatent-+wcretarl, Mrs. H. McPhee; treasurer, Miss Beth McPhee; pianist, Mrs. L. Pentland; hostess committee, Mrs. Herb Pentland' and Mrs. ID. Johnston; flower and gift ` vrommitter, Mrs. 0. Rutledge, Mrs C. Stewart and Miss Ethel Tabb. At the close of the meeting lunch was ?served and a, social time was spent. GODERICH, ONT. G. C. I. EXAMINATIONS (Conttarad from page 3) Gordon McManus (31 51.7 Joan Lee ($) •'••''.•••,49 b Arthur Downer (4) 49.5 John Orals (4, ........... !Melville Craigie (2i • • • • ""' .46.4 ---lleuald Lana (4) . • - .... • . s Irene Mahal))" ({r , p31 III.\ ansa Average -511.5% nese wrltlt g T papers or less: Jean McLeod ................. 862 Harold Steve,- ..............77. Norah Costello ....... .......... 68.7 Frances •Martlu ...............113.8 Keith Cult ................. C2.5 Vera Clark r... 59.9 Marion Ma (2) 576 Oi,LLI r ter Z). LOYAL LOYAL, Dec. 19. -Mr. Frank Clark Is helping out during the Christmas rush at the Goderich postol3ve. This week is full of entertainment; -the 1'resbyterian Sunday school ovl Wednesday night, No. 1 school en, Thursday- afternoon, No. 3 school on Friday 'dyne and the •t'nited church Sunday :school on Saturday afternoon in the hall. Many friends and relatives attended the funeral of the late Thomas An- derson on Frl'say last. at his home In G„derich. Mr. Anderson had notn teewell for some time and gradually weakened until the end came. Out sympathy goes to the widow, formerly Mies 1-abells Young, and the family. Another old resident of the town. ship has been called away, In the per - ,,,n of Mr. John A. Walter, .rho had with Mrs. Walter moved to Godericb a few week. ago for the winter. Be ; has left to mourn his passing his wi- dow. formerly Miss Letitia McManus, land four sons and four daughters, and a great many friends, who always found in him one who was willing to help and a good neighbor at all times. W. M. S. 011ieers.-The December i meeting of the W.Y.R. was held at the 1TiStif5 tnf ]bets- Wm J -•Meltwain 1 Thnrwday, December 13td Mine Clark presided. In the absence of the sec- retary. Mrs. Stoll wait appointed for the day. The treSsarer gave a report of the money collected. showing a sub- rtantial Increase over lar? year's &- imps A duet by Mrs. McKnight and !tics Mcilwaln. "Holy Night," was -wet'tly rendered Mrs. John Treble and Mita Ruby Young gave a review of the Monthly Messenger, and the president announced that one million more world celebrate Christ's birth In India than ever before. Rev. Ja•. Me- Crea took charge for the election of officers and gave a short talk on the ' work and Inflnence of the Mleeionary Society where the thought is for others. The following were elected ten 1935: Hon. presidents. Mrs. John • tt8.8 Lenore Bio 52 8 en Dorothy Gree• (4) Those writing 9 papers: Walter Ruffed' Agues Young .. .............67 Audrey Downer ......... . .. . Ida Elliott (1 ) Margaret MoMehen Kenneth OW Clifford Atha (2) Marie Ia2{aague (2) VI1laTigili2Meic4-(4t ..,•..... Fred Carrie (4) _Jack Husks_ (3) ems, •.,. r r-.*� John Arts>diwtg (4) Those writing 7 or 8 papers: ads Mary Asquith 66. Reginald mptith Verna .11111WArd (1) Ruth Mara. (1) Lloyd BotiMge (3 t Kathleen Oaraen (3) Donelda McManus (3.1 Mont McManus 1"3) - Dove Mottos (41 Mona Hartrbeo (5) Those writing 5 or 6 papers: Frances Thomson Audrey Smltb (1) • Verna Barbo(tr (4e Bruce Orr (2) Claes Average 57% Thome writing 10 or 11 papers: Helen/ Bi sset M - arton 1(V1 - Jean 1••aln Phil Idlieseli (7) Those wrltleg a or 9 papers: Jean w#Meti>r Mary Blest - 1'hylW Taylor (3) George Bolles (2) Mildred Anderson (1) Keith (!pothers (4) John Wad (7) Ethel G. McKenzie (81 Those writhe Or 7 papers: Stella James (1) Alma Sa)lowe Doris i'1aala Isatwlle Yysrld (1) Margaret llllga•oi Jean Robson Margaret y (1) Albert list •..ti 56.2 Bernice Hogarth (5) 48.9 Ethel M. MacKeeels (01 423 Alice Ruston (5 ) 41. Harold Turner (4) 36.5 Rosa Kneeshaw (6) 23.5 86.5 .5 .5 87.1 48.5 62.8 58.5 57.5 42.5 52. 50.8 ORA 6O. MLA OIL 5 51.2 Those writlig 4 or 5 papers: .8 9 Mary Clare (1) 860. Betty Jenner (1) 62.4 )1'iluw Trelearen (1) 64.3 Klemm), Tyndall (1) 54.3 Helen Whitely (2) Jessie Mathlesou (1) 52.4 liayDuuul 1 t)l.R i1) _ 49.3 F•rnesrerawford 48i-•••.----•-452 41n* O'Brien (a) aga The fo!ibwing • through illness, ab- ,euve or late enreltmeni soots only two papers and their dandling is not given: Benson Straughan, Keith Gray and Herbert Greene. FORM IO First Year Commercial Fleas Avenge 61.9% Those writing 12 papers: q:u�,j l♦ sjd. - . Violet Henry (2) Bertram liucklns (2) Richard Weston (1) Georgina Ryan (2) Mary Evans (1) Esther Lee 15) Ruth Drennan (41 Clarence Geromette (7) Mary Evelyn McLean (9) ....44.9 Those writing 10 or 11 papers: JelinChlapotm ......49.7 Barbara Thomson 68.5 Clifford Horton (1) 597 Pearl ..Hunter (gf . 68.4 Alma Serimgeottr (8) 46.5 James !toss (d Those writing 6 or 8 papers: Iiarold Blackstone Thema Bell (3) Quer, e 72.5 -es.tr 87.5 87.3 06.4 65.6 62.5 58.4 57.9 40.3 THE !IVs -PIN OA*I Nine Tear la 8eotah Doubts, Costed luD Night In a Scotch doetourney at the Royal bowling •Ileys on Tuesday night, the winners were 11. McGuire and Geo. Mathleeon, with a score of 1541, and R. L. Lloyd and H. C. Wil- liams, who tallied 1451 for the three gasses. Nine pairs took part in the contest, the score of the other seven teams being as follows -iter--three games) : C. M,Mauua and W. Heltraas-1388. J. WIgglus and W. J. Tobin --1220. W. Johnston and Jack" Anse --1141. F. Hunt and W. K. Whipple -1110. I. D. Eastman and T. McDermott - 1020. A. Taylor and C. Meaklna-984. Dr. J. A. Graham and J. I. Parsons -981. For the Christmas Turkey The highest sore so far in the con- fer Abe £it(,SieLa, rwseirIEga ..3Yi1 of W. Johnston, 379. The ladies also are having a prise corded and Miss A. Btowe's score of 243 Is the highest to date. THE SIGNAL AND THREE MAOA- ZINES=AIL FOR 43.M The special clubbing offer of three mngaalnes with The Signal for the low price of 43.00 for the tour publication& it'M441.epee. The magas/am from which the choice of three may be made are Maclean's, Chatelaine. Canadian. National Home Monthly, Pictorial Re- view, and Canadian Horticulture and 45.8 i Hone. M•gaalue. 72.9 6.3 FORM IIC -- Senior Ceemerdal Second Year e0. Class Average GM 37. Raymond Lawrence (1) 76.4 Elaine Burrows (21 .... I _ 74. 71.4 Walter Uaer (4) 67.6 .58.6 Dorothy Muir 12) ...47. 51.5 Howard Wilkins 131 66.2 49.7 - - Thornton Eedy 13, WM11IV , .. . , Edith Wiles (21 Jean Ma, -Adam (7, Third Year . 88.2 (lass Average 69.6% e42Ruth t urwen 774 Claire Webb 412 Madeline Naftel Raymond Drennan l3, 89.1 Special Cemmerelal ?10 8 Claes Average 73% 58.4 Helens Biec•hler 57.5 Thomas Page ....r bis -Laura Wambold (i) 4aa Albert Webb (2) 45. Donald Croft ('_ 1 339 Harry Babb (3) TO THE rz, Lst-minuteShopp€r V P 0000 t 4 . M -vi` n tett? s 4tcbc We still have a great variety of seasonable merchandise AUBURN EYES $xamtned with the most -up -date equip:nerd and (lawns fitted at reasonable pries -15 years V Oederteb- A. L COLE OJ'TOMETR IST Aoderioh Oat. $ recitation by Jean Lawlor. Mrs. lt. J. Phillips played Christmas hymns while the webers preaeuted tines gifts at the platform, on which was a Christmas tree and a representation of the manger of Bethlehem, with Mar- jorie Arthur, dreamed in a flowing robe, kneeling at the cradle. The gilts aro • 9L to Ab (14114/2404.l, 10kg iii,, mianlw sea lloler(eh. lch. An autogra1 opals by members of the Club is going to the Hoepttal fur Sit Children at Toronto. Wetmest'a 1aatiint5.-The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held last week In the Foresters' Hall, In charge of the president. Mrs I. Woods. The secretary, Miss M. King, read a letter from the West with re- gard to the distribution of the goods which were sent from this dietrkt. A quartette, composed of Mrs H. Mog- rldge, Mrs, C. A. Howson, Mrs. Kart Ralthby and Miss Sadie Carter, sang sweetly, Mia.. Margaret Small told the story of 'The First Christmas Tree," - by Dr. Van Dyke. Mrs. M. Allen and Mrs. Wm Craig rendered a duet. Then followed the roll call, which was an- swered with au exchange of Christ- mas gift*, the gifts bring unusually pretty this year. bunch was served by the hostesses, Mn. Wm Wrentham, Mrs. Was Thompson and IRs. J. Tay41/ - lor. AUBURN. Dec. 18. ---Mr. Taylor of Clinton 1e visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. )ltulta. Mrs. Erratt and Mrs. J. J. Washing- ton left nu Satunlay to visit their sister. Mrs. 11. Cameron a Gueip.l, who was 111. Word was received ter.. .•It has over loon the mistake of .ou Snnday minting that she Lad ardent reformers to go too far and mooted away. Th.• funeral was he:d loo fast." -owes D. Young. on Tu -.day at Guelph, Mr. l.rratt and . 85.5 Mr. 11'ashiugtou atteielitlg- "There is nothing llke_11�._l ._. 58.1 On SuwMy. 1)r tuberr ^.'tri. at 7.311 for there w111 la•, csaumuuity rani 333 singing In the Foresters' Hall. A cot, food."- Sir Deur( I►eterding dial invitation Is extended to every- one to Ise preaeat. 78.5 W. M. S. Meeting. -The December 75.8 meeting of the W.Y.S. of Knox Pres - 73.6 byter(an chureh was held Thursday 50.7 afternoon In pile basement of the church, the president, Mrs. E. Lawson. presiding. The meeting marked the 8:5 anyiterrary of the society. A prayer Sla of thank -giving for the work of tbe eNr1tpaat seventy years wet given by Mrs. 76.Y Lawson. The election aofficersurs then 849 took {slate. re, ult iug In the a me of - 641"9 remaining for another year : President• Mrs E:. iaweon; eecretary- in Lower Sc -boot, forms 1 and 11, the I treasurer, Mrs W. T. Robison; organ - 74. pass mark is 55; In the arithmetic, let Mimi Josephine Weir. Mrs. How. 70.13 bookkeeplug and stenography of limp att gave a eplendld talk on "The World 672 year commercial, It is 60. for Christ" This was followed by a 64.6 There are tar too many failures. I reading by Mrs W. T. Robison on tbe 64. To remedy this most strenuous workhlsiory of the W.M 9. the meeting 013must be clone In the New Year, with I Hoed with a Dyes and a pods! half• the earnest cooperation of pupils,. par- bear was wood. 6113 ...Ma este- sad--aesehers:--1ermin are quested to see that home study is gfv- en proper attention each night. From one and a -halt to two hours is required to ensure a reasonably creditable ;tandlog. Helps PREVENT many colds NIT A 1!w OIOPS UP MAOI NOS1ml ttnnstrtne Club heM • white gift" 'aervtce on Saturday afternoon, with a very In- teresting program. It was an open' meeting and a large number were pres- ent. The president for the month, Bet - J. I'. 111'ME, Principal. 'tr ('eels ',resided and gave an ad- s THE MISNER MFG. CO i hare ut ITR -JOY NIT-RILAVB A. Walter and Mra. Henderson; presi- I dent. Miss Clark; let vice-presi- dent, Mrs W. W. Walter; 2nd vice- ipresldent, Mrs. H. Morrie; seeretary. Mrs. Stoll; treasurer, Mia Mellwain ; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mra. W. 1 Mellwain : strangers' secretary, Mn. A. i Wilson; temperance secretary, Yrs. A. { McManus; press secretary, Mrs. Hen- iderson; convenors of work. Mn. Me- ileal°, flower. Mrs John Young, pro- gram, Mrs. MacCrea ; organist, Miss Illellwain. and assistant. Mrs. Thee. Wlhon. Tim mceting closed with praise and prayer by Rev, Jas. McCrea. A A FEW SUGGESTIONS V For the Ladies 1 GLOVES, • HOSIERY, DANCE SETS BATIROBES, HANDKERCHIEFS ✓ _. -_.. _ MAME, NIGHTGOWNEJ • (TISME tX-WITtt. t 1ST AND WE -WILL- GLADLY WILL GLADLY HELP YOU y ,...............,,, W 1 With the Season's Greetings VI' and all good wishes k g fora 44 W MERRY CHRISTMAS p vetztorgivernityrttrogirevit For the Men SHIRTS, TIES, GLOVES SOCKS, SWEATERS SCARFS, LEATHER COATS dainty Intuitwas served and a social )os I DUNGANNON Ifergtit._m the comnniteP' t (%brlstioa- hour en Pd • 21 -DUNG-ANN(►N, December 10. I Mian Mary Etta Smeitser, who passed away In June of this; year. Two child- ren survive. Mrs. I.erol Stings! 11 -aura 1, at home. and Frank Savag •, teacher at Ridgeway, who came home on Friday to be with his father In hos la,1 hours. The funeral was held from his home In Dungannon to- day (Wednesday) with interment in 0reeuhlll cemetery. Scheel Repert.-The following Is the report of the senior room of Dungan - 0011 tw•hool for the term ending Deism- ber, 1064: All averages given In per cent. 1(r. V-Dotalda Jones HO. Bertha Jones (16, Bert Wbyard 60, Margaret Stewart 59. Viola Young 58, Ralph taro - die 57. Jr. V -Alma Anderwnn 82, Dorothy Robb 76, Lorna Roach 75, Madeline Caesar 80, Violet Errington M. Alber- ta Currie O6, Clara mid 06, IArnald Rom 65. William (weer 64. Murra/ tree on tiatrnlay of ooh. lelturritArtboben lilt; narrly CQRmrrt-4IE: (Teas mpeet1 to be present nu.t Pr. IV--Anetta Stewart (42, Itichar,I wants to meet all the boys and girl• Park 71. Ferne Alton 65, Harold l i r of the community. Bring your skirt.-- %nn no. loris Swan 81. Harold I'iuu and enjoy an hour's skating on the new gen 7,2. open-alr rink afterwards. Jr. IV -R t: mond Currie 70. Jame - The i'nited church are to hate , F.rrfllgton 71. Ferne Paterson 67. cantata and entertainment In the Alvin Reed r,8, William McClure 31, auditorium of the church on Wednes-'itesal! Elliott 39. day evening. The Pres*.yterlana are Over 75 per cent. Is an honor stand - holding their entertainment In the Ing. V clan -'i0 to 74 per cent. Is a Istrement of the church.Friday even pass standing. IV class -60 to -74 per 111g. cent. Is a pats standing. Mr. Frank Savage of Ridgeway was GORDON HTDD, Teacher. called home owing to the tllnese and and bbneetly It is the beat I have ever tried. My faee has not been a bit sere, which Is rather unusual for me. Another thing I like about NC - SHAVE:. It doe% not smirk to your ralOr like other brushlesa creams. f am very pleased with your product. NU - SHAVE la a great cream. drew. of welcome. Atter the introduc- tory precswHngs reeding"' were giver. Iby Mary Asquith and VI'(Ian Strsug- • has : a piano solo by 7.eta Munro, and 1_ACORNFIELD "Shop • death of his father, Mr. 3. Savage. Mra. ihmald McMevin. of Goderich. Is the guest of her niece, Mn. Leroy Stingel, this week. Junior Institute. -At the meeting of the IhtJunior ute, lwil at tngannnnhe home of Mles MarInstit)orfe Mcih,nald iib Thttt'eday last. twPtltl. member"( we p -present, with the Pres./ - dent, Miss Helen Anderson, in the chair. )loll call was responded .o with recollee-tlona ( OltrlMmsI .n childhood days. IBM Jean Johnston gave a demonstrntlia of wrapping par- t -pie and Miss ('1alt• .Pentland led an Interesting dlisenalks on the ase of leisure time. T'in Institute, whose members are providing Chridmr.e cheer for some needy families, derided also to Resler with the community Chi -ironer tree oe Saturday next I)eath of John R. Savage.- The death arurred In GoIerk,b hospital on Sun- day of one of T)ingannon'a Mat-ktrown and most highly renpectd (itlsens, in the person of John R. Ravage, after .tn nines of less than five day.' dnratk?n. on Wednesday Mr. Savagee had been silo to bo about iia nsmal duties and shout noon uwhlenly e.ollapnwl. Mtall- lea1 aid was Inlmedlately wnmmonede and later In the dap be was removed M Goderfck hospital where he peened awls) Sunday Mating. Dorn Ih the township of Grey, Huron connty, nearly sixty-four yews ago. de(rwsed was one of a,tatnl- - ly of nine, four noes and five dsughtera of the late Henry Savage and Lamy mage He n -ls1i)• • ge and .IRS hP movt+il to the a ., tilp of Ail/Wield, Phone 418.. 7th eewle•vw((1nn, wdMes Ise farm«+ f°' AUSTIN C. COX, Pbm. B. Drug Chain Store Salesmaa St Catharines You simply was' your face and while damp or wet rub on NU.SHAVh and shave. The longer you use It the more you find you will not do without 11 Made In Goderich by THE SINNER MFG. CO.. UMIThD CAPITAL TIIEATRE Goderich Phone 47 May your ,'hrl%tma' )oya embrace the pence of reverence, the hal L, pines of friendship and the contentment of goodwill toward all. Now Playing-" Volvo in the Night," with Tim Me(oy Monday and Tuesday Matinee Christmas Day at 3 p.m. .t new ;, lure on k seasonal topic Presented 1n a way to warm cour heart and agitate your funnybone. "IT'S A GIFT" with W. ('. Melds and Bahy LeRoy. Tw• colored cartoons. eesnedy and news reel Haan day and Thursday (11 %RI (earls 1'E;Ni.1, Kleherd Arlen. Rower Atm Charlie Rug- k'en, Gtry ('[aper, Cary Graaf, May Rehsen, Jack ()able. Baby LeRoy nasi „ b.,st ..1 ,,t her., in LEWIS s'.titlt,sl.l.'S colorful fantasy "ALICE IN WONDERLAND" E rida►y anti Saturday JOE R BROWN Ti.e scorn's moat comical ciper-eutter returns In a riotous fun fare. Aller White aids ■nd abela "AN HONORABLE GUY" Matinee% Tuesday, Wednesday and Satunlay at 3 p.m. Coming -"20 Million Sweethearts" MICIPSIVIEVIZAMEOCEIVOZWERNETIVITINIMNEWILITNETINEWCTIttrittRICIVC We have a full assortment of appliances at -till prices tvervoi A NEW SHIPMENT OF Bridge Lamps, Table LaInps, Floor Lamps and Radio has just arrived and we invite you to call in in and look around tetettamtvev torviiteeeveiteveciPeegtweiveetteg Wishing you the season's greetings where you are Invlte�l to shop , - yeses ire to Dwwgaa- .}�� non nnmP twemtyt>tr'«' years type. Tte • � �'i � torte �'SevEr�'eaQ! "t was [x+vfww:A lq kin E4 r• tersmKn Lamps. Talbot "Everything -Electrical"--7. Moors Store 81; R6)sidence 600 irorriverWitSittsiecontosalittiirliWkiriariast yaws