HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 15c
rage 8 - Lucknuiv SetatigaeD. Viedlnesdla p•, Oetobetr 30, J1998
PEOPLE Tari WnD illi e `]f•lrl o fq
WANT, TO Wtt—P What do you calla per-
son who illegally takes
va oldlofe`' (poacher;
T8t¢ L^Jty Amps
Board says students forgott n in
1►iin money ¶ot
Christmas ShoPPtng!
DATE: This Friday November 1
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
PLACE: Clinton Legion Hall
JACKPOT $1000 '3®
The chalrryaan of the are tomes our students
Druce County 1;ducation need the services of a
Board say s 10,000 public hospital," Yenssen said.
school students on the "l'm surprised we
county have been forgot- weren't on the mailing
ten In the hospital lost for the report," said
restructuring proposal Trustee Barry Schmidt,
released by the district noting that adequate
health council steering health care and schooling
committee. run hand-in-hand among
Jennifer Yenssen family concerns.
wants to remind the dis- "The safety of kids is
trtct health council that just about Priority One,"
students could be put at said Education Director
risk from playground
accidents, life-threaten-
ing allergic reactions and
winter weather if the
level of emergency and
hospil- 1 service in Bruce
is cut.
"In conversations l've
had with other trustees,
we suddenly realized no
one has even thought of
students in school. There
lite Trivia
Name a Canadian mam-
mal that can fly. (bat)
Paul Martindale, explain-
ing why the board is
speaking out on the hos-
pital issue. "Any kind of
downgrading of the func-
tions of a local neighbor-
hood hospital could
potentially have a threat
or put o?e of our kids at
risk for a multitude of
Wildlife Trivia
What animal is Canada's
largest native cat?
Thursday Nights
G If 1111,rf,t atior• '>ltitru4:12 1799
'Gorn(r vur arid SUpjrQn (NIS (Uftall atsasr kir
(AM IPA (., -(Jd>c.'ra(rvb r: niel rarer C itufs-
LUCWJ OY/ Your Hosts: The Greig s Licenoed under L.L E3.Q ()28-3932
strue turin
Recalling last winter's
weather, when thousands
of students were stranded
overnight because of
road closures, Martindale
said the board wants
reassurances from the
DHC that it has consid-
ered student safety in its
"lf they want us to
spell out the 15 -minute
lifespan for a student
when she's stung by a
Pee," Martindale suggest-
ed the board will provide
that information. He said
principals have already
raised concern about the
lack of information on
how hospital restructur-
ing will affect students at
their schools.
Trustees agreed to
submit their concerns to
the district health council
as well as to the health
minister and MPP Barb
Pinecrest news
The month of October
saw residents at
Pinecrest enjoying a trip
to the Bltievale Nursery
and the Kive Star
Quilters show..
Entertaining the resi-
dents for the birthday
party was Allister
MacKay's Orchestra.
Birthday celebrants were
Pearl Caldwell, Evelyn
Errington, Isabel Shaw,
Edna Cowan and Lloyd
And being the month
of witches and goblins,
the folks also had a
Halloween tea and party.
'The group welcomed
Elizabeth Tiffin and
Stella Crawford, and said
goodbye to Ellen Legett
who moved to
Kincardine to he closer
to her family.
Sympathy is
expressed to the family
of ('assie Mowbray.
News from the Art Club
The Smart Art ('lob
by Valerie Weber
Seven people all with
air interest an various
Types of art comprise the
Smart Ari Club 4 H
group 111 1.tackhow
(int' o1 ihc• piojecls
work((1 on was bead
a1►J)Ilgl,irs The !IIID 15
isaikli11.' slhoul sI lout of
50 A(.nt-9 Alltlalli, 1
haoloo 11 how,(, Tidily hail;.
1,1 1`, 00ii
UtJN(,ANNON llbil„valid
halii,vMI naVV 1,111 1ibt, I rill /I
IrJt. {,,1, 0116
MINI u11(att 1 I,a111r,nlli 1'
tai. 0111
/Art wb11 r',U Ui fI
11AVt I O(.l( 4 I,a,1i1„nii
Jota!lb iroW hili hall J,,,„)
lalhll� lir,tnb 11011u, all 1„
ilt11.1 1.1(10
W WAWANO511 )u(, a,.tb0,
1,1, VV1,11•ohlc dl,,,va dvbldJb
i b,N,Vdibri ) l ii 1,Ulii h,uao
I,dlt1l alrb,l $159 um)
W WAWANUSta1-111,.1, 4
hbtiit,i,li, :'4 4 a?,u i 011bd
a4,rb 1411 $(1'9111,
W WAWAN091-1 4 belimon4
buaebpI f, 11rbj)lat.b sl,uws yvell
$ I I I,OId)
$54,900 3 t el1Yomit vinyl
sided, InSUldlbd allot:bbd
worltshup 11annitnn al
double ,.arpurl, hoisted ret,
room, acre lot $99,900
HURON TWP. - 141 acres 120
workable 4 bedroom house,
deny/Niel barn
2.5 ACHES.- Wilti 3 bedroom
frame house and shed Near
Wnloss $6.3,900
100 ACRES - (:ulross Twp
tinck house. 3 bedrooms,
shed, barn, pond $165,000
WIL.LOUGHBY - 3 bedroom
house 110 frontage beside
river, cal heat, $/9,900
AMBERLEY - 4 year old
bungalow. 3 6 bedrooms,
finished basement freed lol
the Old Mill to see how
leathers art' dyed.
The executive tot the
club includes president
;Jeffery We bei, vier
Nuilcy (;ccltsina, seen•
fairy Amy Blake, pics'
►rpolici Vatiriie We•1►ri,
irIt•phone cobvc•uri 1.(01
'flaky Sliaalon %Aryl i'
Birthday Club
Janece VanBoven
1 h Ii4,b1 10 1!0)1
Ybals 111,1
Kyllie McDonagh
( 11 {1 ,I,b1 11 101111
0 ('bats ( )111
Steven Palmer
ri, tvr,nil,bi I I Utiti
11 eon, a 111,1
Filen Gilchrist
N1,Vbnihbi 1 199 1
• 1 Yelat 11111
Sean Hamilton
Nuvertlher 2 1955
10 Years 1 )1,l
Cole MacPherson
1 Ybdr 01,1
Janice Eadie
Nuuenihei 4 1954
12 Years Old.
Sarah Taylor
Novernluer 4, 1954
12 Years OId
John A.L. Maclnnes
November 5, 1986
10 Years Old
Grant Alton
November 5, 1992
4 Years OId
Connor Van Osch
November :1 1994
2 Years Old