HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 14Lancknow Beaditiraell, Wednesday, October 31), - Page 7 EXTRA SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT Forin-r Grove folks eel Congratul.atioris to John and Jean MacDonald of Ripley who were rrnameaj in the sone halos_ where Fran and Jim Fan -en now hSe. on Oct 24. 54 years ago John and Jean Ilted on the 12th Con, for about 2(i tea's and have !)sed since m Ripley C•)I1gr.at'ul attcns :altit> Q)3 Bill and Benue Burt Friends. neighh(1rs and family gathered Saturday at the Community Centre on highway nine to help celebrate 50 fears maar- ned Reale Arnold hosted a baby shower on Sunday. to help Nancy Lewis (Burt) celebrate the brate 54th alma! of 18 -month-old Steven from Guatemala. Best wishes from all of us in Purple Game. St. Andrew in Ripley held a successful bazaar on Saturday.. Congratulations go out to Angela Collins who graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with honors on Saturday. Angela received her achelor of Science. Well done Angela. We are all proud of you. Angela's parents, grand- parents and sister were there to help celebrate. Don and Marilyn Reid enjoyed having Sandra and Ed Husk a as guests on Sunday. AT THE GODERICH COLUMBUS CENTRE rTtwwNo\ .II ER Zed $2,000 JACKPOT MUST GO! DOORS OPEN 5:30 PM BINGO 7:00 PM SHARP,,„,„„„„„, , The Hurt,,r, Count) Board of Education is c urren y conducttrig a rf LO' Q ,}-.E Madill Secondary School to pgiltify what facility ,es will be required tO t ,the building into the twenty-first century Consideration is being given to changes required by the changing curncu burn In addition, the board l,s constantly look- ing for ways the; SLhu()l system and its buildings 'can ,murc effectively respond to curnrnunity rieeds This study lndudes a review (Jf buildings, sys Serri. In regard to the ()wary) Building 1,,, ensure, public safety and that all Structural and enl ito! mental C.t)ric.(,rris air identified A cutrimittee of Mir! t::t.e(j students,, parents, `ta4f at,d community rrlernber5 has be<7.1, est.a.b Jlshed '1 his grr)up will conduct a Public forum on Nov 223 al 1 "iO p ul at' the School to' recti yr Oub11c input into the change lnlerested c.itl /e_rla are invited tO attend and bung tb(U ideas These area students recently completed the Canada Safety Council babysitting course, sponsored by the Lucknow and District Kinettes. Graduating members are, left to right, back row: Shannon Johnston, Mike Fischer, Matthew Martin, Josh Ackert, Bob Raymond. Centre Row: Erin Phillips, Susan Guay, Sarah Simpson, Jennifer Bere, Lesley Morrison, Laura Knechtel, Elaine Rhody. Front row: Samantha York, Maggie Simpson, Candice Hamilton, Lori Blake, Jessica Mann, Derek Hoggart. Absent: Adam Martin and Matthew Pritchard. Kinettes leading the course were Wilma Blake and Lillian Abbott. Married in Wingham Stanley - Ball:AO Debbie Stanley, daugh- ter of Ron and Milly Stanley of Kincardine, and Byron Ballagh, furl of Wally and Ruth Ballagh of '1eeswater, were united 'in mar- riage on Aug. 1,7, 1996, in an outdoor ceremo- ny at theouple's homey in, �b'in'g--ham. Re v. William Bresnaha'°n, of the Lucknow United Church,' officiated. Maid (ot' honor wag Mary Stanley -Beit/,, sister of the bride and bridesmaids were Shirley (;arniss; sister of the bride and GRADUATION dk.tught.1 Of Bol, and Bari) (.l aJlb1J)11 (,f fi ()ill ( 'mum hrian Sudbury ()n August 28, J IY.0). .J ,u1iia r graduated front lite-' Itk(.(lit)gd'a.1)hy `l ex lutology Picogram wilbl 1t()JAt)Uib. Congratulations! Love, Morn, !)cul & !feather Ballagh, d.aughtcr of the groom. Flower girl was Rachel Page, niece of the bride. Best man was !)avid Hanna, friend of the couple and ushers were !dick McArthur, friend of the couple and Mark Ballagh, son (►f, the groom. The bride's son, Blake Scott, war; • the ring - hearer. He drove. a motorized jeep down the -aisle accompanying the flower girl. Special music for the ceremony was provided by mem-. -hers of the soundsation Chorus under the direction of Keil (*ring, .Erin_ Iltlwden, !leather Ballagh, Craig Fair, and instrumentalists Donna Inglis, Sandy Fair; and ('ralg I''a,lr. Ken Irwin ,played the recessional on the trumpet. Readings were by Doug (.arniss and Cathy Szanyi. A reception was held at the t ucknow ('oninlunity ('entre. The Sunshine Foundation of Canada �; Ic Together We Can Make Dreams Come True For Special Children STRATFORD-PERTH-HURON INFORMATION NIGHT Monday, November 4, 1996 7:00 - 9:00 p.rn. Royal Canadian legion, Branch 109 56 Kingston Street (;oderich, Ontario 1.vt'ryortr:' We/come! Jrufurther information r ontact Mamie at (14) 271.174; ((lavtune) or (919) 393- 67 )7 (eve!wigs) "Mr Mu)u dor Darker" IN CONCEIT!' presented by illl(141i)n Iic;t'ki/UII Sunday November 24 -- 8p.rn. MEMONIIAL HALL — BIYTH ilckels: $22 00 aalcti lit advance $`e) 00 atich at Mu (loot AVi►Iieble Nt: Myth I)euu,rhuplw illytb Illylh f * IIV l Uihie tilyili (ua,etitti t utellalnra (lothowh Holm 1toN1 iuuis (sa,mlltt Heil Galt Wtngbmn 1 tale Kings Muei1 We,ynmu Credit! Card Orders — 1-0O0-406-7029 1111.1%1N4,110 111)11'\1111.1.111 R1111.1.1111:111(1.: ,1/hmh /. ll/ /( it I'. 1/ 1' / t +61/ 1' CENTRE STAGE Sinn,muut Happy Bob Campbell IMUe From Your Family & Friends Open House Nov„ 3/ 96 1:00 - 2:30 porno Lucknow Arena DAN HILL in 1 111to/rt'i1lursilay, November 14, HMO 1.1,e foie 111Nt1 AWAII't, WINNhtt ke,.urded 12 Sulu Albums ti,1s tn..lude Suntcnates When We 1 uu, 1, ao We I iy . `hr )(tau t:yes A havunte Writer tut uUtet Pop Acusis I lip melody end I.y,1 al hallader:r '17('KIcTS: $14.50 AIIVAN('it $111.110 A'1 1)0014 Coli 357-4082 to lieberve 1 ahGs avatleble at 1:311ts Krog Musa I Winghanr /It 1 nu t:110W, (.t9/111/ !J11) nihil)' 1111y ,thy `a0,:,:,1 Th 1 ;Icy tt V(ility only $.i!) (JO hi' ,tii >