HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 11Page 6 - 1Lageknarc5 Sentiuuell, Wedrinesdag, O do er 36, H996 Gia ssier PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC REHABILITATION and INJURY TREATMENT CENTRE PATROCK ST. WONGHAM LUCKNOW DISTRIIC7 COMMUNFY CENT!E E 519-357-136 FRO. - THURS. NOV. 01 - 07 BINGO Sunday, Nov 3 Saturday. November 2/96 Lucknow Chnsuan School OPEN Dkr S November Fridays 8 1S 22 29 Saturday 9 FALL 528-3429 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. t: WK13rli'i DC'S,iN JAs.()is imAf 15 A( UA Di Niko noir MAN PAI RIC PI I 1 8 PM ONLY NOTE LV SLEEPERS LONG DISTANCE? CALL 1-8.0.0-20.3428 FOR TOLL FREE MOVIE INFO O 111••.,u,••■••••••• 0.111141•11 •,r; ■OA • u•u A Z T E C W.,r,a.111u/u,■.u,tr,m.t•.,s r ■,r. �i i,i Oa uar,i,•,P THEATRE KUNCAPDME 396-3250 Tuesday - All Seats $4.25 In Lucknow IMPRESSIONS HATS DESIGN from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday November 9, 1996 Treat Yourself! Be Glamorous and 1 Ar TER Picture Perfect BEFORE Regular Valuer , 560.00 $L95 Now Only 9■ 'Your Photo Session Includes: •COMPLETE MAKEOVER & HAIRSTYLING 'FOUR SELECTIONS FROM OUR EXTENSIVE WARDROBE & JEWELLERY ASSORTMENT •HIGH FASHION PHOTO SESSION IMPRESSIONS HAIR DESIGN 611 Campbell St., Lucknow 528-204.3 {-qv A., Uy Mar',9n Studos Limn Anne daughter of • Thelma Johnston of 1 ars tc tart and Poul 14,41 ren ..,on rd .Vral•trtrt and Will /VII Llrut of Lurk,lou urre unttr(1 IN nt(uruulr Srpletrtber 2,4 I'/'/(1 MY a add tit y took place at ler-swine! f Titled ('Muir h Tltr Smiler was officiated by krt. Bradley Alorrson. The oryanest u'(ts MI -J. Mary Carswell and the soloist was Ms Paulette Lippert. Matron of honour was Brenda .lolulston-llcutrtu, sister of the bride. Bridesmaids were Karen Johrtsto,i and .Sherry Sluwic'h both sister's o/ (hr bruin. Flower girl wus Kaeiry • Hanna, niece o/ the bride and r•Inybeurrr was Eric, Zinn, nephew of Orr groo. 15est /tun was fan Hackett, cousin 0/ the groom. Ushers were Terry Zinrt, brother of the yIVXIIrt and .J04 Boyle. friend o/ the groom. Kimberley Ferguson: niece o/ the groom read u poem dur- ing 1lte'sert'u'r. Reception was Redd at the Lucknow Community Centre with the wedding dinner catered by Trinity 1'.('. W. Ashfield. kiThe happy couple honey- mooned in New Zealand and uslruliu and are nou• resui- ng at, H.!?. 112, Lucknow. • LUCKNOW & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Dabber Bingo Lucknow Community Centre Sunday, November 3rd $1000 winner Ilene Tomlin Harriston Community Centre opens at 6:30 p.m. Bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. Letters to the editor A darker g ide to UNICEF Dear editor 1 feel the need to comment on the UNICEF appeal in your October 16 edi- tion's "Brookside Broadcast '. While some of the money raised at Halloween time does go for school sup- plies, food, and shelter, UNICEF also has a darker side that few of us ever hear about. For example. in 1992 UNICEF increased its support for China's "one child per family ' policy. complete with involuntary stenht.ations and forced late - term abortions. from over two million dollars to almost five million dollars. ( 1993 United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) Report 'Inventory of Population Projects in I)eveloping Countries Around the World' UNICEF works arm in arra with UNFPA and World Health Organization i Vs'HO i. who are engaged in zealous. relentles, and ruthless population control programs "UNFPA continues tt, support projects that link fa,rnily planning with 1rico rne generating activities for women. 11 women want w get help setting up u micro enterprise project. they must accept 'family planning' services." ( 1993 UNFPA Report 'Inventory of Population Projects in Developing Countries Around the World ' i In other words. social. economic. and physics; compulsion h used to force peo- ple in less developed countries not to have children Coercion, such as with- holding aid, is considered, acceptable if foreign governments refuse population control. "In the Phillipines, Miriam Defensor Santiago, former trial court judge and a senatorial candidate, charged that the Ramos government, 'in its desire to receive financial aid from the WHO, con- sented to the use of the anti -tetanus tox- oid which renders Filipinas sterile'." (The Phillipine Star 16 March/95). The general populace was not informed. As for the vaccinations that` UNICEF Land WHO) provide: The recent nation- wide vaccination programs against tetanus in the Phillipines and Mexico were an abuse of human rights of the worst kind. Suspicions surfaced when it was discovered that only women between the ages of 14 and 45 were hcing immu- nized - millions of them. Independent lab analysis ' enfied that the vaccines were contaminated with anti -h('(; (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin). designed to cause sterility "A microbiologist, Dr. Kerrnela Pagayanari° found that their blood sertJrn tested positive for anti-h('(i. as did 25, Out of 30 women she tested." (Phillipinc Standard 20 April/95). It was also found in Nicaragua. Tanzania, and storm to page 9 A view on Days of Action Dear editor: 1 was omit: of the many thousands of people who took part in last Saturdays protest in Toronto. As 1 looked around, 1 realized that there were people from many walks of life with very different mes- sages they were trying to send to Mike Harris. None of the media coverage that 1 have seen has represent- ed my views on this issue and so 1 write to you and your.readers. • Those who approveY of what the provincial gov- ern►nent is, doing argue, that Mike Harris' was elected with a mandate to• reduce the deficit. 1 agree kHappy 40th 110.lw. An7;:fivaneiVir sary )6,ry/ a(Donald 1 Oe.tober2/ 19tl6 1e frae that deficit reduction is very important and 1 lin willing to° do my part to, ensure that future genera- tions are not saddled with enormous debt. It doesn't take a degree in mathe- matics tt?lealiie that pay- ing outrageous amounts of, interest on our debt isnot wise spending. However, 1 have two areas of,concerrt regarding the cuthacks •currently being unposed on the people of this province. First of all. 1 believe there are minimum stan- dards- and some basic ser- vices, that Ontarians. want maintained. F(ir example, cuts to 'health card: should not he so deep that we worry shout the availabili- ty of local emergency care should any of our loved ones'need it. In the area of educa- tion, it is important that classes he kept at a rea- sonable size so that stu- dents get the individual attention they need to he successful. There has been concern , expressed in Grey County regard- ing the safety of rural' students being .forced to walk excessive distances to bus pick up points. Also, many high schools have been forced to start •turn to page 9 80th Birthday Wildlife Trivia The Walrus has .a thick layer of blubber: to keep warm, because it eats too much or for camouflage. Answer: to. keep warm. Walrus live in very cold . water and their blubber insulates them. f 7rlovra', and tamil y• t.elc,brated O/1 `5unda y. r)( ember 2/, t 19')6 at '(he oavlydleltyht tv1 (od(-r1( h /lore, you 1 ((l7/Oyt-d your dray b ALove- and h( -tit wt5k1'5 rrOVk7 ver ybod y l . 1 We're having a party for Jimmy Boyle's 80th birthday, and that is worth celebrating. Come and join us for a night of fun & reminiscing, Whitechurch Community Hall November 2,. 1996 8 :OO,p.m. MUto «et110 *InP 001'1NTCV/N HANOVER 364 1004 • 4 •