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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-30, Page 9
Ltnekg ow SeuntiQnel, Wednesday, Octolbe>r 30, 11996 - Page 3 ir 41 4 4:1 414 1:1=11O 444> C.. 4 4O 44 CO 41 11:9 1.r:1 © O Coaches certified The Lucknow Minor Hockey Association (LMHA) hosted a coach's clinic for lower level Learns, at the sports complex last Saturday. The Canadian Hockey, Initiation Program dwells on teaching skill development more than the competitive aspect of the game. Eleven Lucknow coaches, along with three from Ripley, were certi- fied. The course involved six hours of classroom study and two hours of on -ice applica- tion using the 40 tykes in the local s stern. Successfully passing the course frorn Lucknow were Brian Van Osch, Larry Johnston. Steve MacPherson. Bonnie -Kwik, Morris Van Osch. Steve Simpson, Gord Kemp. Steve <Charnney, Duane Freer, Jim Van Osch and Brad Aitchison. Rod McDonagh, LMHA chairperson, says that the certificate allows them to coach as high as the Atom category at the local league level. McDonagh confirmed that an arrangement has been arrived at with Wingham concerning girls hockey. ,Each centre was short players and have now amalgamated to form one squad. One half of the games and practices will he played in each centre. The Wingham players were invited to participate in the power skating pro- gram that is offered through the LMIJA. The Ov`'en Sound Platers will he in Lucknow on Nov. 19 for a full team practice. There will he a coach's clinic, conducted by Platers' head ..coach John Lovell. Arthritis canvassers O raise 4900 locally The ,olunteer leaders of the Bluewater Region of The Arthritis Society met in Hanover last Saturday to share their progess m providing for the needs of people with arthritis through their local fund-raising efforts. Olive Chisholm, Marg Nettleton and Dorothy Hamilton, of Dungannon and Lucknow, were able to report that S490() has been raised to date this year. The success was a resuIt of the generous donation., of ! np, Area runners compete Over 300 runners took part in the MTA cross- country championships canvassers and the gifts of dollars from the com- munity and memorial donations. The volunteers know that this disease can touch us all at any age, in any situation. The aim of the Society is to iden- tify a cure for arthritis and also to ensure that no person goes through this journey alone. For information on the ser, ices available throughout the commu- nities can call 1-800- 854-6445 weekdays. 1997 advert�sin, With your imprint fromoonly 99 cents ALENDAR,S Exotic Sports Cars _ Cowan Printing & Advertising Luck ow (519)528-2730 Fax (519) 528-3348 TOLL FREE 1-888-462-6926 KITCHEN CABINET KEFACING at !Madill Secondary School last Saturday. Local members of the Wingham Optimist Club Track and Field Club participating were Nigel and Hamish Black, Devin Kemp. B.J. Mayer, Chris Willits, James' Dickie, Cindy Willits andJames Mann. Honored by Henders�n Lumber On Saturday evening Oct. 26, the employees of Henderson Lumber along with their partners gath- ered for dinner at the Fireside Cafe, south of Wingham, to honor Austin Loree a long-time employee at the lumber yard. It was in the sum- mer of 1965 that Austin joined the staff of Jirn Farmers don't want a free ride groin page 1 Farrell, said the return tdoesn't usually come until six weeks after the' new year and for farmers who pay quarterly taxes, it could cause problems as they're waiting' a longer time for their money. Farrell said farmers aren't asking for a.free ride. They are willing to pay their share of educa- tion, and social service taxes but only on the property in which they reside. That parcel of property includes all buildings, the home and one acre of land. The rest of the acreage is consid- ered productive farm land which, farmers feel,' should not be taxed to the same degree. "1 think we should be treated like any other res- ident that pays taxes. Farm land doesn't need the services that the com- munity needs. It's' not that we want to get out of paying our share." Farrell said the process , taken to allow the rebate program must be "extremely expensive." He said converting .the program to a- tax system would save money. Proposed in the OFA's five -point, plan is 'a tax system which would remove "all of the people services such' as welfare and education" from farm land. It .also proposes assessing agriculture property according to its productive use as farm land, creating a new mill rate for farm land and out buildings set at a value of 25 per cent of the resi ` dential rate and enacting a long-term commitment to compensate. municipal- ities that experience sig- nificant revenue short- falls as a result of farm tax reform. Farrell said reforming the tax system is a big issue right now for. farm- ers and the federation. "1 have no idea how it's all going to shake out." • and Donald Henderson, Jimmy Mathers, Oscar Hodgins and Jean Jardine. Due to health prob- lems,' Austin retired in 199.5. Over the nearly 30 years he experienced many changes, not only' in the management and many different cowork- ers,•but also in the work itself. Lumber came by rail cars and was all unloaded by ,hand •st the advent of the fork lift,and truck delivery was a big change. One of his biggest challenges was switching to the use of the -co'rnputer. in the office. Following dinner, Gary Jamieson presented a gift from the present staff to show their appre- ciation for Austin's con- tributions through the year. Joy and Don Dennis' invited everyone back to their home for a further time of fellowship and reminiscing. • "The economical alternative to major kitchen renovations Tired of the worn-out and dated look of your kitchen but comfortable with the existing layout? Scared of the high cost .of complete kitchen remodelling? The Kabinet Keeper, has an economical alternative that rnakes great sense.. .change only the doors and drawer -fronts and cover the exposed cabinet surfaces with matching laminate. In 2 - 3 days our factory trained installer will give your kitchen a beautiful new look without the' mess and inconvenience of a complete kitchen renovation. * Free Estimates * 10 Year Door Warranty * Low Cost Financing Available Wed Love 'You to Join tis for Our ClfristmasOpenXouse on fAfovem6er 8, 9 t) ��1t 1 rLt f it 4. • FLOWERS & GIFTS 10- The store will be transformed into a C'1rriSlmas Wonderland full of decorating -and gift giving ideas. raw - Dur (lits I ,1O% Off Slorewid e Daily Draws To ,Y° u, � th Treats & Cider Demonstrations Friday & Saturday 11 orr Bow Mcking 3 prn Grvistmas Swag il traditwn continues at Irene's home n'lierc it will be overflowing with Christmas collectibles and unique gift ideas on: ,Saturday, November 9 --9:311 to 5:30 or ,Sunday, November 10 - 11:00 to 4:00 HOURS; Friouy 9orr 9 prn Suk.ra 9 orr 6 pm Sunday 12 noon 6 pm •@x('lnd's ('onsi wit; eras 576 Campbell St. Lucknow 528-3312 Front Our Heart 594 Campbell St. in Lucknow will alio be open TO IRENE'S HOME 2 blocks north of Lucknow an Bruce Cour4ty Rd. 1 east on Conc. 3-4 one mile Look for the Recf Roof and think Christmas fir yourgift buying pleasure Friday to ,Sunday.