The Signal, 1934-12-20, Page 2c
2--TUorada7. December 311th. 1934
>osyam.mstss 1141
Moodosr o! Caw•/1•a Wash* Nsw•N1•r'•
Lssootot Ww
Putltsbed every Thursday morning.
Subscription price 12.00 per year;
SLOB 1f paid in advance.
Telephone 55 : Ooderlcb, Ont.
W. 11. Roemtt'a0N, Mister and Mari ger
Thursday, December 20th, 1934
A happy Christmas to all readers of
this column.
Do your irMtf'I'
Half of Loans May
Be Lost to Province
but do It anyway.
• • • 4
The Federal Parliament is to meet
January 17th. This will be tbe final
session of the present House and may
be depended on to provide a good deal
of preelection excitement.
• • •
Rlt Bon. W. L. Mackenzie King
celebrated his sixtieth birthday on
Monday: This time met year birthday
greetings may be addroaited to him at
the Prime Minister's residence.
• • •
The navigation season Is closed, asd
the men who salt the great inland seas
will be able to spend a few months
at home with their families before they
mature dorth.npun the voyages of 1935.
Goderich welcomes back ber sailor
lads and hopes they will have a pleas-
ant winter.
• • •
Canada is to lave • sew siker dol-
--las,-to he k Fla "George dol-
lar" in honor of the regales ewe-
evireign. Paper money Is .o mach more
convenient that it is not Likely the
sliver dollars wlU have any large cir-
culation, but when bills are to be paid
It will be quite all right to "let George
do IL"
Work of Farm Loan Board Said
to Have Been Badly
• • •
We don't know whether Santa Clans
Is coming this year by sleigh, or auto-
mobile, or airplane; but so long as be
gen here there will be no question of
his method of getting about. If the
reindeer need shoeing, or tbe auto or
'plane run out of gas, Goderk•b has
blacksmiths and service stations that
will be glad to do what 1s required.
• • •
The annual year book for 1934 of
the Alumni Association of the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute has reached the
editor I -fink=- -ft is oft ambttiose
decidedly creditable publication and
will, no doubt, be Intensely interest-
ing to old boys and girls of the Sea -
forth school. Typographically, the
book L a credit to the Expositor et -
flee, In which It Is printed.
• • •
i dismanag'd
Tteronto, Des. 19. -'By the middle of
Jassary, the tniarlo Farm Loan Board
will neve stemmed ef. the POO applica-
tions for loans wbb b were reviewed
by tbe previous board and wbeu the
last cheque has been paid out the
board will cease to exist as a lending
body. According W department of-
ficiate, the Federal Farm Loan Act will
become operative in _gaarlo uuder
enabling Legislation to be passed at
the matt session of the Houde dad all
olti wfff'then" br""andew
The severe criticlam launched by
the United Farmers of Ontario In con-
vention thta week against the policies
of the Ontario Farm Loan Hoard has
directed public attention to this phase
of activity and has somewhat over-
siwdowed the all-important unemplo7-
meut relief problem. !Premier lime
burn said some time ago that when the
real facts concerning the operations
of tete old board ander the Henry Gov-
ernment were disclosed "the public
hitt be staggered."
Very little has been told about the
work of the board under W. B. Road-
house, who was ousted by the present
Administratlom. But it is learned on
the hlgheet authority that no depart-
ment of Government In the Province
has been so mismanaged as has the
Farm Loan Board. Of the $54,000.000
loaned since the board was created by
tbe Drury Government le 1900. 140,-
000,000 was loaned to farmers in the
past four years. And the vast major-
ity of the 1x,000 loans made since
1920 should never have been given. it
is claimed. It Is cow considered
don iLful whether the Province will re-
cover evens of t$54,000.000.
"Binet J. B. Fairbairn. Deputy Min-
ister of Agriculture, took orer the
cltairtnenehip of --the board some
Compiled from Files of The
Montreal Ossetia
by F. J . 14
'fr.wuryY session assthsose
December 15
1673. George Brown, editor et Tis
Toronto Globe, was made a Seuator.
He a a- a,-awsalitated uu May
lir, ). -A wan who had gone sudden program of ryelustlou-, 2141►*, paulu
ly wuasuc murdered a woman and seven mimes, plays and Ilonechoruses.
children at Three Rivers. Que, The school (pot are balms held
18:10. -sloe. George S. Henry was 00 "Id" of lb" week and the 1're•-
lugH asu. Premier of Ontario, emceed- byterlan ~Mt uu Thursday eveulug.
lug Hou. G. 11. Ferguson. A very Isim•rtiug weeting of tis
December 17 Women's 1aeWate ads held at the
171:9. -The grit pasreeg er train home of 'Meta G. (.iltesple 0n lrl-
V io g a LafK i>`uteut, Mrs'
brawl t6Mo "1R[r" e . rr ztflaso•!h9 ° .
bridge at Montreal. From fhb time on Gaunt, In roll call was the bridge was In constant use, replac- Ing exercise., the
ing the train ferry, but It was nut form- awered by a gilt to the Shelter at Wal -
ally opened until September, 18140, kerion. Thea the following program
T. performed try was given: Community stugiug, "Te
when the ceae was pr 11, Moore gave a
the Prince off Wales (Edward Vit). Fleet Noel." Jar,Jar,
1667.-Tbe Legislature of British reading, "A trench Christmas Greet -
Columbia met at Victoria fur the drat tug-" The Mimes Carrick sang a duet,
tThe Sorge ot,the Ages," Mrs. Wal-
laleafter for union of Vancouver that ter Lott vee Christina, reading,
!,,Food acid the mainland, and from that P 'g t it ed r parvo
time the capital was established there and Ylas kafll P y
atter a struggle to keep It or the main- solo. era k Henry 11:e c•iA'A
Cbr. Mrs 8tar7,., rues all 5151. "11
land. _ _ tame upon Mkluigt1t( Mr.' The
1t eonmece gev. O. Stringer "'thee decided to hold a euchre at 6.40
was cunaecYated as the second 1)10- on Thursday eteniug, ltet•ewber 27, In
can Bishop of Selkirk, now the Dio- file hill alta three prizes. The Na -
to Yukon. In 1931 he was con- dural Ant10 three the weeping to
secreted Archbishop of ltulert's Land r close.
and died In less than three years. He •el°berle
and a George Mu 6t I►1a
was boyo near Kincardloe, . loss entertained a number of their re -
1930. -At • convertlou of tbe LiIdb•r- lativea and taelgbbors ou Tuerda7 even.
*is of Ontario held et Toronto, Y. F. Ing last
Hepburn, MY. for Min West, was Ylss Fraaitw Ruldu•s.0 of Wlugbam
June, 1 4. was
leal IbPrer. In spent the weak-•sf with Miss rtoreuc•
Jour. 1934, he was elected Premier of
the I'ruvinoe.Mr. Sam i(rsrney went Swoosh an
Measlier 15 operatics la Wi0ghaw h•p,tal uue day
1J3, .--The county of Oxford was last week r Imyrottug "lit. Y[.
prociahued the district of ,Bruck, but ex. eimidst[Wu "'rut through w.0
the latter name was shortly •ft•rw+A epereties im ]{atbee'rr :..••peal nue day
atwnduued. c- ' lest week said be ale. 1- getting along
14:.4. -The name Bytowa -MOS gage•
changed to Ottawa. The TP -1L •t for 1 sited church has
The -e two items vrill be of
Cleated Lin Wowing °Meer, for 19:35:
President, *11m Muriel Watt ; treasur-
er, Mia YDS May Carrick ; mere -
nay. Mimi Apses Gillespie; musical
convenor, Oafaet Farrier ; pianist, Su-
san Carrlek ; eervenors of departments
-Cbrtatfaa fellowship, Miss May
Wtgbt.maa; Missions, Clarence Mc-
Clenaghan; literature anti recreation.
J. 1). Demerit; citisenahip, Mr.. Chas.
Gillespie. -
N^Hl • (1H, Dec. 1b. -Mrd
lrofauw a
a -
the awtSldt*p her unt,Miss Ch1
lend taldMw aid other relativ(rx bere.
Mr. and 1 r& Victor Emerson spent
Sunday with Air. and Lis. George
Harkness of langside.
Mr. and Mrs. cox of Goderich have
betel vLdttrs at the how
of tbeir *on.
Mr. Clarence Cox. tweet the peat week.
The Christmas tree concert lied In
the United Church here ou Friday
r-rruing was ege)-u.,rssful. A good
'd was pcaput, dad aticenioyed fixe
months ago, au ezaatlaatloo of the to those who may be interested in the
books and records 01 the old board JLQ7 of the "lace names of Canada.
has revealed souk -astonishing facts. 1918. -'The Toronto pollee went ea
Misapplication of funds received by the strike because the oticers of their
board from farmers in interest and
principal, granting of foams to an
amount In excess ut aetual value of
farm properties, and general mLsmae-
agemeut of the work have been re- an aid Guderich buy, resigned as Bleb -
sealed. 09 of Onarlo, to aevept the blahoprte
New appdicatlous for loans will be of of phi
union had been dismissed by the Po-
llee ('ommia-iooers. The strike Lasted
four days aud the men Pined nothing.
11)31 The Ht. Rev. C. A. Seager,
considered by the board and approxi- .r 1!
mately 900 applkations which were re- 1tS41f- altat telesraph tnesrage
viewed and ngapproveddealt bywl the old board in Upper Canada was sent from Tor -
are now being dealt with. These ala opto to Ham(llur.
rllcativas have been investigated 1854 -Sir Edmund Head, who had
been Lieutenant -Governor of New
Btuns%leg, was sworn as Goversor-
General of the Province of Canada. kits
term lasted Nearly seven years, a per -
at polltkgl trued, and marked also
by the rials of the thea Prince ofWa
lu 11400.
11474. -The Dominion Government ac-
cepted the award made by 110 Earl of
Conserves, a* to the term, soder which
British Columbia entered the 1lumin-
11130.-Viscount Wfllingdon was ap-
rrrrl If a Liberal Administration is pointed Viceroy of India, after, hav-
Iloyd George's attack to his tweak. ' furnxd at Ottawa. Ing been (governor -General of ('amide
oirs upon the late General Haig has Relief Measures I Lone years.
brought strong defences of the late field A rotating system of employment December M
marshal from many sources and has I will give work to 20.000 men in North- 17. -.Through Lower Canada the
not enhanced the War Premier's pool- , ern Ontario this winter. The Federal Roman Catholic Church held thanksgiv-
tlon In public estimation. With regard :.,)erument's refusal to contribute to lug services for 110 British victory lu
major proposals along the Trans -Can- the battle of the Nile. Gay Whitmore. The taMtlag drew to
to the affair of 1'assehendae7e, of which i sn,la highway has thrown the full re- 1671. -After the defeat of the ]trhn
Lloyd George made a particular point I .eonslhflity hart on the Hepburn Gov Saodfield Macdonald Ministry, the Hon. • close with the repeat*, •f the We-
in his criticism, there has since been , erument. Extension of cash relief to Edward Blake was sworn a Premier pah benediction. Per Friday. Deems -
published a letter *eat to General Haig additional nun►cip(tlitfew aim was an-1ber 21st, a -penal CYrleasas meeting
1 of Ontario. He resigned on October Is being prepared by the new citizen -
sonic weeks after the battle In which, nounced during the week by Hoa- ;;rd, 1671 lu [arca of lion. Oliver rhes convenor, Mks Webster. Mrs. N.
David ('mil. Welfare Minister. Mowat, wbo re-entered politics afar p
Lloyd George himself thanked the Gen- I , resolution plumed by the C.F.O.• a period on the bench. and who held
eral warty for his services in (hat *eking the Government to make the Ow Premiership until 1119(1, when 10
"should' distributionf milk a public ..hint_ is ed 1 Laurier Cabinet.
again and 1n numerous ease* the
amount of the loans approved by the
former hoard has been reduced con-
siderably. In many Instances the ap-
proval has been cancelled.
lose hope
because of tbe decision to halt lowi-
ng money. it b. believed the On-
arlo Government Is formulating Its
agricultural policies on the basis of a
change In government at Ottawa. The
Ontario loatis are ■t five per cent. Ob-
i -Jou -1y this is too high an leered
-ate and undoubtedly It will be low-
HUL td1O ILL.&
HOLT Dec. 19. -The
teacher. Miss Webster, and pupils are
busy prsparem for the Christmas en-
tertainment, which will be held to fire
.ettool cs the afternoon of Friday, De-
cember 21st All are welcome.
Vie. Adel* 1- coolned to the beam
Wiles freta lbw •1 ■ burs. -i
Miss `iee* 4' .tter of NYIp1*W0
home for tla ►ri•tetas vacatlae
her parent laud Lara read iatil
V. P. B. . third imatm
of the month b7 the T.P.S.
on Friday eretik e!, soder the dirge-
ire -
tion of Mr Alvla COM mteiosar7
convenor. After the period of devo-
tion, during w•hie! hymns were sang.
the Scripture lessee read by miss Dell
Findlay and Mr. Herbert led In pray-
er, the topic was protested by Miss
Marjorie Glidden. A ylea Ong pert of
the program was the • cratering of a
vocal duet by Misses 1Mna Holler and
Men's Initialled
25c -and -50.c- --_
Mcg have never enouvh Handkerchiefs of time % _„q tiee. Beautifully band -
embroidered 1-8 or 1-4 inch hem. ' wed 2, 3 or 6
Saasal S i OCIUN S
Clear ringlets chiffon. Pure silk. fliey are
perfect for gifts. All the new shades .110
Sizes 8121 to l0, at...•• •
Also't(r6'bpeeitl-kees-5V• - - -
Hand -embroidered, many pieces are. Vests
and Bloomer, Sets of superior wash silk
crepe. Beautifully boned. Sizes 5s l$1e
di -
um and large, at 85c, e+1.GJ 1
Mali' marked for Christmas selling at less
than replacement prices.
4' 6' x 7' 0, a $13.60
6'9„z9' $22.00
3 x 31,4 yards $30.00
3 z 4 yards 936.00
Beautiful quality and finished dngll. Mae about
72 x 144. Green end white, rose and white, e'CA
blue and white. tlpedat, pair f. w
Fringed, all pure wool, heavy, large sire la $5 M
Scotch tartans. Special
V -neat[, all pure wool, 2 pockets. Grey, heather
and brown shadow. 81aes 54 $1 CA sol $1 75
to 44. Each
I.JV 1 J
Mat style, besaUfide w 11 lined
ssrtr_..11ns.tla ,ice ..ber
Black and
A Merry Christmas to all
our customers
ST. HELENS, Dec. 17. -Mrs Hugh
Rutherford, who spent a few mOUilm
wttb her daughter, Mrs. John
at Port Albert, returned home+
weep much Improved in health. _
Meagre. Hugh Rutherford and Man
Durnin were away for a couple of days
Met week on a buelnee s trip to Strat-
ford. t'aledonla and other points. r'♦'
turning home Saturday
The sympathy of the community is
extended to Mrs. Souter Taylor and
son Gordon In the death of their bus.
hand ■ id father.
Mr*. S. Swan of Dungannon 1s a
visitor with Mr. John Swan; also
nage Miss Madeline Johnston. who is
caring for Mrs. Swan through ber re-
cent sickness.
Miss Vera Taylor a Auburn was
home, accompanied by her coterie- Mia
'Helen rergnaoa. who stent tbe week
with b0F asap 1irc Chester 4yig/h-
er. D. C. McDesald attended Ike
County Court bold le
0111Me. iDMlyr-JI'be annual meet-
ing of the W.M.S. of the rotted church
was beld at Mrs. Gordon's with Neves
ladles prereat. On motion of Yrs. W.
I. Miller, seconded by era. Wilkie -
10s of the nominating committee. tbe
officers were reelected as follows:
President. Mis. M. C. Rutherford : vice-
president, Mrs. W. I. Miller; secre-
tary, Mrs. W. A. Miller; treasurer.
Mn. W. E. Gordon; Mission Band
.nperintendent. Mrs. Wilkinson; as-
sistant, Miss Helen Eimer: mi.aloe-
ary secretary. Mrs. W. I. Miller: as-
sociate elate helpers' seeretary, Mrs. Gor-
don; supply secretary. Mrs. D. Todd:
peens secretary, Mee. R. K. wilier:
literature and temperanee secretary,
Mins Greta 'Webb :.tranger 'secretary,
Mrs. Rohlnnon Woods; playlet, Mies
Greta Webb: auditor's. Mrs. 1). Todd.
Mrs. R. IL Miller.
W. Trewartha of Clinton will give the
second chapter of the story of her tra-
engagement. ]ten in public -life o join the ur er cels In Europe. A large attendance L
have g.eal memories. - 1 repwrrted to be In line with the Gov- IS$3.-A cantilever bridge over the exile ted. as all wbo heard ere. Tre-
• • • iernment''s own views. The other dal Niagara gorge wee opened. which was wartha last month will he eager to be
Non. 11. ('. Nixon, acting Premier. the occasion for large celebretlons on present again. 111e older people are
Aoothet weekly oewvpajet La she threw out a feoeltr when he said the especially Invited.Ti. young p.ople sides of the river. regret to announce that, owing In the
Government • would give rod ideratkro
lo legislatiem of this nature. it is'. December 21 condition. of the reeds white prevent
4migrde tt that grave--• Tenth uagiment was or-,tyyaMlce..eie-**wind- drama announced
erela into flu' milk Industry and that , gani*ed at Toronto, tbe name sime for ('hrisimss Sunday has been w it
dra-tic changes will have to take place 'being changed to the Royal Grenadiers. drawn,
in the system of distribution. Farm- The Igdies of Toronto presented them • • •
w remen e recogni-
tion of this the newly -organized regi-
ment gave a gram) fall on December
20, 1)413. But the Grenadiers could
fight as well as dance and built up an
enviable reputation In the North-We't
In PIMA. to South Africa and also In
appeared from the__lce e. _Wgltatfoa
having joined the ereugtta llet/tebe-
paper tomtit.-- -
of The Walkerton Telescope, an-
nounced last week that he had sold
Ms d paper to J. A. Wesley, proprietor
of The Herald -Timis, who proposes to matter are at last becoming artleulate
amalgamate the two papers. The Tele- and their Iona demands for • fair pre-"
scope was established it 11419 and has lit from sale of milk are beginning fol
have effect. There 1s every resaon to
been issued under wallow' proprietors plane
judging from present slgn
since that time, Mr. Tense having con- that important legislation will be en -
ducted 1t the last nine years. It le acted at the forthcoming session of the
regrettable to sen institution which Legislature to abolish many of the
has functioned so long and, so usefully *bine. now prevailing.
crs wile bare been Tong -suffering In the
with <tl t 1 eolore and in recognl (Intended for last week)
HOI.MESVlfddi. Dec. 12. -Mrs. W.
C. Jervis end Mrs. Fred Potter and her
assistant, Mil. Bert Finlay. estertalned
the two primary dames In the bass
ment of the Phone es Saturday after-
noon, at a ehrieleas part,- Omer
the recent Great War. were enjoyed and a dainty lunch was
1567. -The new Dominion Perlia- seyvpd
went passed the Mkt money appro- Dieers Eterted,on Tuesday after-
priation for the cnnetrnctlon of the in- noon the flrceaubet meeting of tee
NATIVE 07 OODERIOH terrolonlal Railway from Halifax to
RIvtere de iwwlp. where It would con -
Bedford Farren at Dar(hrgf•rd, neet with the Grand Trunk.
go Into the discard, but the trend of
the times 1s toward amalgamations,
and The Telescope is only one of dos -
ens of newspapers in this Province
that have ceased publication to tate last
few years: _ _
Manufacturers when they ask for
protection prof.... great solicitude for
their employees. and say that high
tariffs are necessary to meet the com-
petition of -cheap foreign labor."
Some light ha. been thrown on such
representations in the course of the
price spreads investigation now pro.
(seeding at (rttawa. Auditors found
that wages of $3. $4 and 15 a week
were tieing paid to textile worker.
At the same time, the auditors found,
profits had increased. In this connec-
tion It Is Intere-ting to note that, ac-
cording to figures quoted le a mem-
ber of the Investigating committee, one
of the textile \oncerna, organized in
1906. had by 19114 paid 281 per cent.
net profit on Its original capital. In
a later period of seven years It paid
180 per cent. 1d dividends and 50 per
Na t.1 on an additional 12,300,000 of
Capital inveaied-7111121_ - This mesa
, that the manafaetorers are taking ad-
_____ at Um tariff to sen - their
weld se swore than they are worth,
mew time they pay star -
Man -Pioneer of the Diatrkt
The Darli ngfnrd (Man.) News chrnn-
jele. the death. on lieeemher 7th, of
Weed- Iledfeewt. a pioneer of that dia•
met butt a native of (Goderleh. Mr.
Raiford sins seventy years of age. HI*
pat rents came from Kent county. Eng -
laud, --seeking their fortune In Canada
after a dere-h In finnnee■ following the
('rimenn \Ver. When Alfred Bedford
was sixteen years of age the family
NI to Manitoba, settling In the
Zinn ilt trlet. at which time their near-
est town was Emerson and most of the
travelling was done by mos US of oxen.
In the year 11494 he married Margaret
Wilson and to the anion threw children
were born, two daughters and onP son
all s.1 whom. with the widow, survive
.\ brother. Professor %pen4er !lettere
of the Manitoba ARrienitural College
predeceased him over n year ago.
'.Mr. Melford." rays The News, '•wa
alwaysprominent figure In the r.nn
montty. posses -NI It keen mind. took
c,n.klerable Interest in pwtblk• affairs
soil served on the municipal coun.l
for a number of years; his genial per
sntwlity and neighborliness made fn
hima.If and his family a host of friends
who extend to the bereaved family
theft• istneeremearprithy at this.."
1902.-W1111am Marconi sent the first
wireless message scram the Atlantic
• from Table Head. Glace Bay. Thts
was a reel -message. and not merely the II
l.•t)efrePI '-' as was the cans when 110 y
flr-t Menai.' were rev'fved a year pre-
viously at fit. John's. Newfoundland.
Deeewber 22
1x74. -The Ontario hraneh of the
Ita,yal Caledonia ('urlfng ('huh was nr-
Peet A bik street demonstration
was held In Winnipeg, when the news
was received there from Ottawa that
the Supreme Court of Canada had
rated That the Canadian Pacific Rall -
any Company' did not have a monopoly
of rsllway rights In Manitols.
(1h birds of song and plume lw-lovel of
all --
That curved agnin-t the sky In sodden
Winging to fairer regions, prlthee
• know
1 Thy tocsin sparrow strewth In the snow
• And giveth warmth of cheer to gray-
!. Ing light.
He was such common clay, than didst
The meagerneaa of mute Chet he knew
Tet thou host, fled the 'torn, white
earPles. he
(Chirps nn nndannt.d-wittiersi cvdrrw
Medal Z. Woodruff
and fedi s' Aid was held in
the basement of tie church. The first
part of the tneetlatg was devoted to
the eye do u of the carers for 111015 and
was eondnctrd by the pastor, after
which Ore. WIlI Teo toot charge.
Christmas hymns were sung; Fla
flcr1ptnre lesson was read by idea:' -W1
Potter; an Interesting paper was giv-
en by Mrs. F. Teo, stewardship con-
venor, and a leaflet, "The Gift of the
Loving Heart," was read by Miss iS.
Proctor. A duet, 'rhe Bells of Heav-
en." wax rendered by Mrs. Leslie Jer-
vis and Mrs. torus Jervis, and a poem,
"In Christ," was read try Mins F. Pot-
ter. The meeting waa elated with pray-
er by Mrs. Walter. The slate of of -
Mere is as. hollows; President. Mrs.
Welter; vicepre.ddent, Mrs. W111 Ten:
secretary, Mrs. 1. Potter; treasurer.
Mi.. F. Potter: superintendent stew-
ardship. Mr.. L. Jervis; superinten-
dent Ilteratnre. Mrs. Elmer Potter:
pisnlst. Mra. Will Ten. The .late of
otlkrra for the W.A. 1a as,fellows:
President, Mrs. peed Potter; vies
president. Mrs. R. Tee; .«'vwarl. Mrs.
B. Trewarths ; treasurer. Mrs. Finlay.
'What am went Is not Ia'. growls Int
more grows, produced at cheaper price.'.
for more people"-iO/t.n I. Mlil.
"Nothing is sin iW a teeebee of the
utasrc.^; s aft •s wiIMgs eitart atorla."
11e lltat 11y -..e tv
aerie. tttall old. ie tie ata
Clearing Out Stock
Miller's Service Station
Have Your Commercial Printing Done at The Signal Office
ration wages to emplyN5.-Ostiada
moods a Government th.ilf Int
stop to condItlons enM
Maythe Spirit of Christmas
las eras thea a ahem, with tar oar frhai sod easterrsrrs r ease
massed sill ed lis- Read* Druggists
We have Gifts far every atsmher K the fa&17
Mae Nan a ategg•s.
Mau. A Wiper
Brunk .. alk te $&IS
H•sbiias_'s *mei-
mow Firers,
Vidtlts, Mea Boudoir,
As MaeO. Purse
site 11.23
Hair Bankes .... 5fe
MRiwy SM. ...Mee
Raises ter the Boys
tie to $1.05
25*. We. 111.110
T ter
Moa Skov-
oha•% erYMeatlns
Ceara Fees haler
Pipe, tie p
Clear.. Piga tic p
Udders tie p
Eiavksg Cameos er
Dunlop's Campbell's Lander's Wigle's
Drugstore DrVM.r• Dreemwee Drugstore
Ri mla, H•lida.)
Pause for Men
ALAI worth for 41.00
Balk N.Ms.. 4ettL Gnaranaeed Het
Rap, P•wder Waley Ret*M tsr lee
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01.00 p Clrwl.g Intra
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tie t• 14.55
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Mixed ('and7 2 lea. for 25e
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Al1 new merchandise
Kindergarten Rets 12.25 up
('rok ln•le Beard. 42.26
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fee use week (sr, Le,00
Dermere $111.1141 p
Deep is -thew are rear •bars• -taws then W psakively save you aasuory
On the Broadway of Goderrieh -
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