HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-23, Page 2011 Ater Ode WOODSTOVE & FIRE- PLACE glees, will not break from heat. Cut to any size or shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor & Gallery Inc. 368-5274. - - 41tfnbcpnx NEW COMPUTER Dx120 500Mb H/D 14" monitor. 8mb ram Cdrom, sound - card, Internet ready $1500. Phone 519-335-6702 after 6 p.m. --42-45 INTRA" HERBAL BLEND Are you suffering from asth- ma, allergies, arthritis, low_ energy, frequent colds, high cholesterol, high blood pres- sure etc. Try 30 day supply Satisfaction guaranteed or.. .your money back. For more information call Marianne Bollinger 529-7807.--42tfc Y4' THREE PARKING lot light standards° 25' each with '2 4.00 W. fixture. Phone .519- 236-4119. •--43cc • POTATOES - rad and white, `graded,. call Larry Blake : 529-04418: or Jack Wilkins at 395...5693.--43 ,ATTENTION ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS. High .Income Potential. Mita C-3648,' 36 paper size copier visa/papermiller. `like, new, .$22,000,new asking 9 .. $10,0.00. a.b.o.• Oak 51 527.0405 after 6'p.rn..:or leave message. - l3-44nxe KAWAI' DIGITAL Paan full, size keyboard. Two years old, 'barely used. . Asking $1500. Call 392-8134 eveniri6i. --4244 Pick .up= your copy of, THE ., LUCKNOW SENTINEL gat any of the following • Lucknow, businesses:, Sec r.. i k ' ke s. M I Beira. l� s. Discount Lucknow Villa `er , g . Market,. Umbach Pharmacy,. Lucknow Service Centre • and Annie's Gas Bar., and .Hamilton ueIs --52tf NORTRON ELECTRIC'.fur- naBTU, 540013 S U, 0 years , old, $100, Phone 357-1175., --40-44x CUSTOM FAXING Need to send or receive a fax? The Sentinel does cue- tom faxing for customers.. Tropin or call 528-2622for details.--41tfnx WIDE SELECTION of used' appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. All eer- viced and including a war- ranty. *Call Modern Appliance Centre, Hanover 3641011.--5ltfgp NEW STYLE 18" DISH Tired of the winter blues with no T.V. Now is your chance. 1 year free pro- grarnrning (72 channels) $849 financing available. Promotional, limited °time offer. Phone 529»1026 SC Tech.--41tfcc THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers available in our office on Wednesday. Goderich Signal Star, Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald Times, Clinton News Record, Mitchell Advocate, Seaforth Huron Expositor. 16tfnx WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Call us. Wo buy it all. Antiques, Furniture, Coins, etc. No fuss - No Muss. Call 519-363-0213. -- 490cc TROUT - great fall fishing our ofy ked pond, open all winter or purchase trout wholesale from our tanks. David Hedley, Belgrave, phone first 357- 2329.--34435nx37r46ar NEED A RESUME? Professionally prepared, laser printed on quality paper. $15.00 for 5 sets We keep your resume on file in, case you need changes or updates at a later date. Call us or drop in. for details. The Lucknow .Sentinel 5284,822-040m( ,,BARN WINDOWS - .custom Pine'= sash . windows: for house, shed, barn use; 0g, 6 pane, 10* x 12", $494 John Hoonaard, Blyth 51,9-523- 9445. -4O-44cc . . FIREWOOD LAST WINTER', did you have to'.turn on. your electric *heat; or Cauas burn '.'reen• slabs .0 bre s ou ran.out: of od, .o o � is 'w n t be: a • ht t c. i� h s 9 ;year.; Order your Winter $ wood now.' Mixed hardwood' body:: bt slabs) ;sea ;•:-sorted for one ear. 4 f nee y. . cords `aril arum 180: "white D 02 5.:--40tfcc LET US' TUNE YOU IN! 18" mini dish $789 inckides 1.•year tune programming ($350 value). Installation : , extra. Call • 'L & A Southwest'. Satellite, Larry and Dennis ,. Fisher (519) 524-9595..- 43tfcc USED RUST colored :carpet'. from major .hotel. 12,x l- ig, 12 i' 15, 12 x 19, $30 each. Call 529-316`4. after 6 p.m. - 41-43ar 44-460x LARGE ` QUANTITY of clean, used nd new steel beams and pipe. Various sizes, priced 'to sell.` Phone 519-236-4119. -W4 1992 TOYOTA TERCEL great condition. 4 new tires, 1 year warranty still left, mileage only at 85,000. Asking $6,800. Phone 528- 3034 after 6 p.m. Cathy or Bob.--38.40,41.43nx 1985 DODGE CARVELLE, good runner, $500 as is. O.B.O. Phone 528-2223. - 41-43,44.46nx 6"r kis 1987 DODGE CARGO mini- van, 6 cyl., used for trans- porting materials, engine replaced, 2 month warranty stilt left. Phone 395-4336. -- 43x 10.. Pete TO GIVE Away 7 puppies Border Collie and Lab cross. 3 males and 4 females, 7 weeks old and ready to go. Call 395-4562. -t43cc Maur- oftimmilingsweireraing Meet on in foam a Grai.►at Dealt Buy 2 tires, receive .00 off the res. price Buy 4 tires, receive $20.00 off thereg. fel PLUS. with any 2 tire purch2p, meive $s.bo of tfw PLUS *10 OFF BROWN RUST CON OU OR...with ,any 4 tare purchase, wive $20 off tires PLUS $10 OFF KoWN RUST COROU WITNYOUR PURCHASE, ENTER 1OURNAMKTO WIaNAFREE �?I'RIP A �e+lZC r �Alll =AN, SA DAi.SRESORr1 ' 346 QUEEN SW, 3966322 • WALKER 'COON Hound .u. e : 5 n th °�:ol p ,p , :. oma► t s . d,,`all, shots. Phone ; 523.9264.' --- 42-44x AMERICAN'. ,C C L . � 1ClrR Sperite's, beautiful pa rty- color!Fu s,.Cl,biOodrine? >, C IC.C, registered, tattooed;, shots :.and vet checked, guaranteed, looking•for;Iov :in9•homes. • al after 6 «• l Pm (519)395-3919. --43cc TWO ' FEMALE African, pygmy Hedgehogs, a good temperement''and health. Call Dave 395-4840. BATTERY SALE GRP 4DLT Tractor Batter/ (19 1/2L x 8v+r x 8H) SALE $129x5* GRP 30H Tractor Battery (131/2Lx7wx9H) SALE 9 GRP 24 Truck -Tractor Battery (10t. x 61/2w x H) SALE $6995* REAVIE FARM EQUIPMENT LUCKNOW 519.5294995 •S w.+ria.inMhctOMowe*NDC': Ito. I.i�n:fa�k WESTERN HEREFORD zone sale: October 26, at 1 p.m. at Patcherosa Herefords, 1 1/4 miles North of Tara on Bruce County Road #10, 4 miles west on Concession 10 Arran Township. Over 60 lots of cows, bulls, bred heifers and calves. For catalogues contact Beth McKay 396- 7682. --43cc La chaiiw Ser rel, Wahiawa'', Oeisber *$, oN - Page iB POLLED PUREBRED Simmentaaal bull for sale; bom Feb. 1996. Phone 529- 7145. --43x FOR SALE -14 blade cows, 14 Charolais cross, bred cows. Phone a 528-2536. r - 43x ilk Sondes* TARPS AND INDUSTRIAL COVERINGS - made to size, for trucks, trailers, gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. New/Repairs. Party tent: rentals Tiesma Industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-.3540.-26tfg- peow CUSTOM COMBINING - Especially beans, air -reel and plastic 'skid shoes. Ploughing - .Chisel • and moldboard; Dan Hepburn 519-881-0227. --40-45cc GILCHRIST' FARM,SU'P- PLY - Belting and repairs to all . makes of : balers, swathers;, and combine pick ups. Patz 'sales and servioe,; Lucknow Grain. buggies, mixers,' etc. RA.. 8.: ... o ...395=2851, 5- - Luckrr w 3 �► 3851 , µ 27tfar C I. Wants to WANTED D 'RENT.: Drained inAshfield,, .-� ai +� land . Huron, =neighboring. town :ships. Apply to Drawer #36, .. clo The • Lucknow Sentinel, Box /400, Lucknow,Ont. NOG• 2H0. 11 tn. L=o>I~ :en BARN FOR rent., Conveyor for sale. Phone 528-3124. -- • 43x 1Reel Egotist4 BUILDING LOTS Deer Run Estates,, 1/2 `acre, - well treed, fully serviced. Claaarice's Homes 395-5454. - -19tfar MCDONAGH JUST L IST =D - Ripley starter home, duplex, both having 3 bedrooms, 4 pc, baths, oil heat, now roof, paved driveways, $74,900. LUCKNOW BUNGALOW - 3 bedroom brick, with extra lot. Asking only $115,000. ASHFIEI.D ' 100 acres. 80 workable, 20 bush large beef or dairy tram, silo, hog barn, implement shed, 3 bedroom home, 4 pc. A 2 pc. bath, fireplace. 1'EESWATER w 4 bedroom brick bungalow, 2 baths, finished rec room, heated garage. Asking $96,000. Dail Fraser MacKinnon 5284013 Barry McDonagh 521.2031 1''. Apts. GROUND FLOOR 2 bed- room heated apartment, newly renovated; two bed- room upper aapaaartment, both close to downtown. Phone 528-2031. 19tfar forilliant HALLOWE'EN .., COSTUME 0•40 ALS at Lloya's Dons t.'lus 528-2446 17. Apts. ONE BEDROOM heated apartment on main, street; -close to downtown. Available immediately. Phone 528-3948.--l9tfar LUCKNOW 2 bedroom ground floor apartment, ,pn►- vete entrance $370 plus •utilities. 'Available Dec.` 1. Phone 528-2391:-411far,. .DUPLEX IN 'AUBURN - Large liviaigroorras and eat -in kitchen, two bedrooms.. • ' close' to batt park and a y y - Ic grounds,• $375 plus. utilities. • Rent now•and :13th month is free. a all:526 -7355. =-4i ticc ,UNSER NEW. ; MANAGE- •MENT' :U1talkerton Yong± St. Apartments. has osis, tw and` three •b. ' o re _ pclroOrn pparInents, available, for rent. Swimmin +cola:: garage, quiets exclusive;;:. col.; .lex, across from Brum County Butildings; DPP, ..near! school: A I toy , :Adrian, Apt 7`; 1012;;�ron e yam .• y(., ,{�� ... St. 881-2790. --l3tfc C LARGE- TW0 bedroom apartment. • with. ,pri�ra to ground `:level entrance. 'f'ark like atmosphere and close to .. d`owntown, • Crestheven Apartments CAN after 6 9=849 2215.•:-22tfaa<r TWO - 2 BEDROOM apart- ients and one - 1° bedroom apartment for rent on ,main street, <Lucknow;; Phone 528:4932.--35tfar ONE BEDROOM ' apart- ment, available ' immediate- ly.:$260/month plus utdtties. Phone Paul 628-2411. 40tfar: T1f ► BEDROOM apartment Main street ..Lucknow. Fridge_and stove, also 1 • . bedroom downstairs apert-' Ment - heated, newly deco- rated with, fridge and stove. . Phone 528-3723. -42,43 4 t18House$ DAIRHAM-WALS:H Townhouses in Kincardine, Under new management. Freshly painted and reno- vated. Two and `three bed- room, 1 month free rent. Available immediately: Phone 396- 2.-03tfar NEWLY RENOVATED farm. house for rent 2 1/2 miles north of Lucknow. References required, no pets: $425 per month plus hydro.. Apply to drawer #16 c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Box �� 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0,--14tfar THREE BEDROOM home, close to school, wood/elec- tric heat, $400/month. Available Nov. 1. Phone 482-1371. --42-44 1111Lioniumumi)lieseres DUPLEX IN AUBURN - large tivingroom and eat -in kitchen, two bedrooms, close to bail park and play- grounds. laygr . $375 plus utilities. Rent now and 13th month is free. Cal 526-7355.--4ltfcc HOUSES FOR sale or rent in Lucknow and Listowel. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments available in Lucknow and Wingham. Phone 335- 3766. -43ar HOUSE FOR rent 3 miles south of Lucknorrr,-3 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms, Dirge live-in kitchen and family room with fireplace; full basement and garage: First and last months rent; refer- ences required. Phone 529- 3263. 43,44nx RECENTLY ` RENOVATED farmhouse for rent, between Lucknow and St.. Helens.' References • required, no''pets inside. ... BANK BARN also available for rent .suitable for beef. Availaaable immediately. Phone 528-2401. ==43,44ar 3 BEDROOM ' HOUSE to' `rent. Available": immediately, references required* req uW ed, Call ai :Paul 528-24f 41ifsr° .. •.�: oilr►ic LARGE ST�RP ronrtf a r ;:rent ori ' ucknovr' mein • : maintained �lVelI main, .nand `sand. :excellent location. •Available -Nov„ 1/96. Cagan 528-2110 or .528-0910 after 6 p.m. - '37tfar )LD.: BARNS,: BRICK HOUSES" -.,*anted to buy. Phone after.2 p mf, 23.3:- 5539.-1 tfgp N. y 26 Hobs Wiet LOCAL SNOWMOBILE Repair and shoprequires' P 'an :experienced full time mechanic. If you have,..,, excellent diagnostic and repair skills as well a a as: the ability to work unsupervised ;please call 367-5242 after 5 p.m. --42,431 LARGE FINANCIAL SER- VICES Company accepting applications from honest, motivated individuals with entrepreneurial spirit. All training available. Send resume` to Exeter Post Office, Box 83, NOM 186. - 43,44cc , TRANSPORT "DRIVERS NEEDED. Now is the time to train for your class AZ license. For interview or application contact Ontario Truck Driver Training - London - 1-800-263-4777 (job placement, assistance, available).--43bc HEAVY DUTY Class A. truck mechanic, experi- enced, full-time required. Apply in person with resume, 8 a aa.m. - 6 p.m. at Btuewater Truck Centre Airport Road, Goderich or call Butch MacLaren 524- 7379. --42,43c c • 41.11110, • 1