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October 22, lift
October±Tome Support Month recognizing volunteers
by Pat Livingston
October is Community
Support Month. For Reta
Morrison of Kinloss
Township, it is an oppor-
tune time to share her
story about the support
she received from the
volunteers who work
with. the Home and
Community Support
Services of Grey Bruce.
Mrs. Morrison recent`
ly had cataracts re +v-,
from one . eye a an
implant. Since last April,
it was necessary to make
six trips to Kitchener to.
an eye ,,specialist. °Mrs.
Morrison is comfortable
driving around this area,
however, she is not- a.;
'city driver'.
"My familywould
have taken me if they
could," . said Mrs.,
Morrison, "but lots of
times they couldn't, They
work and have families
of their own that keep
them very busy." And.
Mr. Morrison .is notable
to ,drive hitrciself.
Knowing she would
have to make the trips,
but not knowing how. she
was going to accom:lish
this was a worry for her
until their regular home-
maker told Mrs.
Morrison about the trans-
portation segment of
Home and Community
Support Services.
"It was a great comfort
to know there was some-
one there to rely on. it
took a load off me, and it
took some of the pressure
off my family as well,"
Mrs. Morrison said. "It
was one less thing to
worry about. They (dri-
vers) did everything they
could for me - just like
my family for the days"
Mrs. Morrison said
although the drivers were
strangers in the begin-
ning, "f felt quite com-
fortable going
om-fortableTgoing with them.
The were good drivers.""
There is a client fee
for the service - .15/lam
to help offset gasoline.
purchases. 'Tins quite
happy to pay that," said
Mrs. Morrison.
tn: all communities,
volunteers form the back-
ackbone. of many . services
offered to assist seniors,
adults with physic&
abilities' and.'otherrs with,
special needs to remain
independent at home.
Carol Weigel, service
development coordinator "in some of the been around much longer Additional programs
for South Bruce, says, programs, such as than we have," said offered by Horne and
"I'm not sure how we on Wheels, again Wergelo "i think one of Community Support
could do it (program) unteers doing the dam► the trends I've noticed Services of Grey -Bruce
because the ady way we ery of the meals in the throughout Grey -Bruce, include home mainte-
8 Y
provide transportation, communities where we and probably into Huron nance, modification and
for example, is through are involved," said County as well, is about repair; friendly visiting
volunteers. We have no Weigel. Last year, 878 15 to 20 years ago a and telephone assurance.
other means of providing volunteers supported number of communities Day Away Programs
transportation. Some Home and Community started Meals on Wheels are located in Kincardine,
agencies, like ours, Support Services of programs and it seemed Southampton and Owen
would run a disability Grey -Bruce in the deny- to be a very popular con- Sound and offer a fun
van system, such as ery of a total of 27,045 rept at the time. I expect and stimulating day for
Wheels Away, but we meals, =. = that'show long Lucknow the, clients who attend, as
don't offer that service, Locally, the Meals on (Meals on Wheels) has well as respite, informna-
scr without the volunteers Wheels coordinators . and been around." tion and support for the
it wouldn't exist." .. volunteers do a tremen- Weigel said when her , caregivers.
In the past year, 9,976 ,dour job. "Lucknow agency was formed, the Weigel speaks highly
trips, were made. Meals on Wheels has goal was to startMeaals of Huron county . agen-
on Wheels where they cies. "The Wingham Day
had not existed before. Centre and Town and
"That's really what we Country 'Homemakers
focused on." to about have been strong, strong
three communities, the agencies providing ser-
agency assumed adminis- vice, ' to their credit,
tration of the existing across county borders
programs for various tea.- without asking., any quer-
sons, Weigel said. tions."
"In Lucknow, the pro- • We've said it :before,
gramhas been strong and : but it bears repeating:
running well, and they "Where would : we be
haven't needed any help.
from anybody outside the
community. We're here,
for support ifthey need.
t, .but frankly, 1'don't
think they do., They're
doing really Well."
Other" services
Reta Morrison knows first o s''
har>rd, how im
tent volunteers ares (Livingstonphoto)-
)G hBl<�
Date: Wet(nesdaOctober 3flth,
Location: Town H l erita atre
(Elevator accessibility)
274 Josephine Street, Wingham a
Time: 7* 'M"'OP1`
he panels members will discus
•'Wingham s Doctor shortage and the
Need for a Clinic Building
Noreen Gnay, Chairperson
1 Vingham & District Hospital Board
• Changes in Community Health Services
ti Linda Knight, Executive Director
Community Nursing Services Inc.
• proposed Integrated Delivery System
Barbara Wahl, Vice President
Ontario Nurses Association t)
• Hospitals ilt Related Health Services Study
Fraser Bell, Executive Director,
Huron -Perth District Health Council
• Future Directions in Health Care
Helen Johns, Huron Perth M.P.P.
Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health
You will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Sponsored by:.Wingham & District Hospital
Public Relations Committee
without volunteers ' "
For further informa-
tion on the Grey -Bruce
agency call 1-800-347-
8678. The Wingham.Day
Centre can be reached at
357-14410, and Town and.
Country Homemakersnt
.. o
115 Minute oi! Change"
uaker State Cil • Fram - Purolator Filters
• A
' ► `Friday"0:30 AM � PM
We're o during the lunch hour
Ifyou cannot make idour regular office hours, there is a
mail slot beside our door, or leave a message on our answering