HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-23, Page 3I POIITBOIN WIARTON FtJIJJIJEOy$ 612 neford 574 &Adds s Downtown . 389.4454 5344320' •,1 Warden Stuart Reavie and his wife Deanna hosted the 1996 Warden's ,banquet at the community centre last Saturday., Deanna, and the- Reavies' children, Brian fjeft) and Peters both home from the west, presented Stuart with a plaque depicting thecounty and its 'official Insignia, In honor of his term as warden. (LIvhigston photo) • Libraries join ,forces; • avings bYPat.HNAPIn vice with no increased pluses, and there are no The county library cost. negatives after you con. system and the county So far, Hepworth has sider the pluses." board of education will been chosen for A pilot The joint library in be working together in project that will see the Hepworth could be run - the near future, according local branch library 'ni.ng by November, but to plans being developed moved inside the local that date will depend on by the county library elementary school. Boyle setting a policy and when board. - said details of that joint the necessary rearrange - Board chairman Tom venture are still being ments in the school can Boyle said four meetings negotiated, but so far be made without disturb - over the last 'eight there has been good co- ing classes. months have shown the operation r from both Meanwhile, Boyle , two Parties can share library and school staff. made it clear he intends., information, combine "They realize that to encourage joint myrary ,• • their quarter -million their future and our facilities in other com- book buying budget, and future are more or less manist`ies,.. and „to exam. even develop a single together, $' Boyle said. ine other areas epossi- - catalogue listing all the The staff is working books in both, systems.., together on this." ble i°int Yentures''' A ' Boyle said the "initially we thought plan detallm‘ g restructur- - - mate goal is to eliminate there'd be a problem ing. proposals for tbe duplication of coininunio,- because of the unions county library system is ty and school libraries, involved," he admitted expected sometime next and to provide better ser- "But they look at all the month. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 23,1986 - Page 3 FINAL WEEK Store Wide Clearance at All 3 Greyfair locations PRICE YOU SEE 15 PRICE YOU PAY ILI ENTIRE STOCK OF FIRST QUALITY CARPETS, NO WAX VINYL FLOORS, ALL AREA RUGS, THOUSANDS OF REMNANTS, ROLL ENDS, ALL FINE FURNITURE AND ALL CERAMIC TILES • - cerns on workfare *from page 1 months?":Anstett sug- gested. So far, only two of the,20 original work- fare pilot projects are up and running. Besides the lack of information from existing pilot projects, there is'a question about how job placement agencies will succeed in rural Inunici- lalities. Under workfare, those agencies will be paid to find work for sociat assistance clients. "JobLink proves the jobs are out there,"- social services commissioner Dick Verrips said about the county'3 existing pro- gram to get welfare recipients back to work. •But he said job place• - ment agencies "are very • • few and far between" in rural communities, and many of the jobs that are available don't meet the requirements needed for agencies to be paid their commission for client placement. TO date, Verrips said, placement agencies have shown lit tle interest in area work- fare plans. "The county may be required to deliver this bob placement) program directly," Anstett said. Estimates of that cost were not available Tuesday. Anstett said even with- out worldare, the county will continue its efforts to put welfare recipients back to work. "JobLink is working very well," he said. "We have funding for that through '97." Workfare is: mandatory as of January, 1998. Anstett and Warden Stuart Reavie predicted Bruce''bountY's deoisi9n not to apply as a test site for workfare will not please total MPP Barb Fisher. "The MIT is a real' proponent of wOrkfare. She wants .it in Bruce County," Anstett noted. "1 think we have a lit - tie time to analyze, the impacts and the programs • that the other municipali- ties • have, to benefit Bruce County and the residents, and the social services clients," Reavie explained. ;.• ow SOUND 762 2nd 37102151f 'L' • ''C f'q Ar.,t, iv T;' P,(,w Qfh'r • , • • Prides in effect - ..October 23rd alSt whileetipplies last• NEILSON Ass't Fun Treats' Crunchie & Crispy Crunch 12's NEILSON Asal Fun Treats Smarties, Kit Kat. Coffee Crisp • Reese and Oh Henry iiPkg, Bars. • - • ., Twirls• • ed Licorice,, 40'1" Chicietti 3eS Character Tube Make.0 Critter Kit Make•tt - Kid Stuff M ic Make - Lid Clown 0(4., • / •