The Signal, 1934-12-6, Page 8fe-ThUrsday, December fith, 1934 THE SiGNAL ReglINEWEIALIMITteirtelltittelltattlEVEMrtai COLE'S ARE READY TO Make Christmas • Otit MANY LINES ARE NOW ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR APPROVALI Come in and look around. You are u welcome to look as to buy. We woulkbr_glad to put away any ift f • Coles Gift Shoppe RICTIOUTWITICIMISCIVIEVILWittglreatellteXT CHURCH NOTES Lieut. 1). Ill. 'Bracher' will cenduct cervices in the Salvation Army citadel uext Sunday as follows; 11 a.m., topic, "Holiness unto tbe Lord:" 7 p.m., evangelistic service. The December meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary of North street United church will be held at 8 p.m, on Tues. day, December llth, at the home of Else Murdock, Cambria road. Serviees In the Ri-Ptiat church nest Sabbath will be conducted by the pas - 1 -4;- -12•117-W:-17-2hrat;.--fiereee*--suis Jed*: 11 a.M., "The 'Problem of Un- answered Prayer"" 7 p.m., "A Fourfold Sublime Atossireo41 Bible eels001" at 10 sin. Services in Knox Preebyteriau church next Sunday will be conducted by the winieter, Rev. 1). J. Lane. Ser- mon subjects: 11 a,m, "Three Telling onTfInstreciima.„_Ielzing and the Reverent HeatT7- school et 3 p.m. Service* of the Free Method's church will be held 111 MacKay Ha on Sunday as follows: 3 pm., Bibl school; 7 p.m., evangelletk sery On Thursday, December 13, a prayer - meeting will be held In the hall, when Bev. P. K. Smith, of Hamilton, win 4'14....4k 11'a.lkitig in the Light" will be the sulijno_ for the Awning service at North street Uulted (butch next Sun. At the evening stencil the sub- ject will he "Life's Loyalties." Th pastor, Itev. W. 1'. Lane, will presic both morning and evening. Sunday school at 3 p.m. The Good Dope English Evangelical. Lutheran Missiou holds its morning worship ou Suuday next, December 90, at 11 a.m., in MacKay Hall. Tina **nice ,a111 be conducted by the Pas- ter. 'Rev. C. Ziegler. Subject, eDles ritieus--or The Day That Is Be- yond Ali Humeri Critics" (Luke 21: 21S-20). Services will be held in Victoria _aext_limuLty as follows: 11 a.m., pastor In charge; subject, -The Glorious Promisee." 3 p.ai., Sunday school. 7 p.m., Rev. R. Bowen, of London; subject, ''The Word of God." The Christian Service i Group will sing "Holy Bible. Book fDivine," and "Brestk Thou the Breed of Life." o t 11 • Save onMeats for Cash! -SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY-. Shoulder RNA, Prime Beef Ib. 10e Round Steak 2 Ibe for 9.1e Veal Chops Ibe. for 23e Stow Kraut 3 lbs. for 23e Hamburg Steak. . 3 lbs. for 2Se Pure Pork Sausage the. for 23r "Home "lad" Liver Sausage ? 'be. for 25e Fre•h-killed liucks lb. Ile Fresh killed Chickens .. lb. :Me "Home Maid" Heed Cheese 2 lbs. for 23e Fresh -made Bing Bologna ?Ibe. far Mr SANITARY MEAT MARKET Phone 483 -We Deaver THOS. LEGG Hamilton SL. Goderieb Stedelbauers Used Cars FOR WINTER DRIVING. 31 -Sp. Studebaker Sedan 31-Chev. Sp. Coupe, R.S. 29 -Ford Coupe 29 -Ford Touring 29 -Panel Delivery Rugby 28 -Pontiac Coach 26 -Ford Coach 26-Chev. Coach 28 -Chrysler Sedan 24 -Studebaker Coach 25 -Ford Truck The above Cars are all specially priced for one week for quick sale. The usual easy payment plan can be arranged on any purchase made and your car taken at fair market price. 13 -Plato Batteries--Special--Guaranteed 1 year -64.85 Stett e Loofa at Nome's flange off Hamilton Siloderich, Ontario Andrew's 8 treUttellteVCIT411.1 ION STORE. -LIMITED - FREE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 461 SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 cakes 21c IVORY FLAKES Tin 9c 2 Pkgs. 15c NIPPY OLD CHEESE I9c h AUBURN, Dee. 3.--31r. and Mrs. Maitland Allen URI Miss Dorothy 1 Craig, who were visiting in Flint. Mich., returned home on Sunday Mr. Andrew Kirkeonuell, eho was working on the section gangs bear Chat- ham the past summer, returned horn. on Monday. On Friday evening last a very hap- e Pi' throng gathered to wish Mr and 1 Mrs. Charles Nivins much happiness t In their wedded lite. Mr. Alf. Rollin- t son read an address and George Hal-, 1 lam presented a purse-runt:lining $25. The remainder of the time was spent In dancing. Last Thursday, at the home of bis son, Mr. Earl Ralthhy, Mr. John Raith by celebrated his seventy-second birth 1 Th• counts terday Wing virtue a tiny ham GODERICH, ONT. MBY ,WANTS A HOME "•; rum routine of 1 was broken yes. Reeve Davidson of from his seat and (*unlit "to adopt girl, now In Wing - The wet -tot- the . Reek, es. 7 plebes& to the surprise of mem- bers. Is LI% zesrs old and weighs bit tax pounds". When the baby wee brought to the hos- pita] twelee weeks ago she weighed jiteit.four pounds. She Ms large blue eyes, le well termed ant is normal in all re. 'meets except else, kicks up her heels, waves her arms and laughs, eats and sleeps well, but .„voA veet_eleal of Atten- tion. It Is for dn.; reason that Rees Davidson would like to find a home for the wee baby and he was authorised _Le cjeeo, the ere* to b• shared equally by the county and tbe town of Wingbam. The baby's parents are financial- ly unable to take care of tbe AUBURN The annual meeting of the W.M.S. f Knox church will be held on Tues- day, December 11, at 3 o'clock, instead of on the 18th. The secretaries of the different departments are asked to bare their reports ready for this meet- ing. The special campaign fund closes - at the end of 1934 and members having mite boxes are asked to bring the con- tents to this meeting. The regular Christian fellowship meeting of the Y. P. Society of North street United church was convened by Mrs. C. M. Robertson. Miss Alma Howell presided, wltb Miss Gladys Brownlee at the piano. After the open- ing exercises a delightful 'piano duet was given by Misses Mary Howard atirtielen Archer." OTME-Westbrook- read‘the Scriptures, iter which M Ili lea nell gave a reading, 'Tbe W Man," which was much enjo by, all. Marjorie Henderson gave a very interesting topic, "The Secret of Sappiness." The male quartette, con- sisting of Meows. Leine Hanna, Ralph Henderson, Charles Barker and Carl- ton Worsell, rendered a selection wbleb was mueh enjoyed. The meeting was then brought to a close with the alas - Ing of a hymn and repeating of the tenet! let ion. *CO COUGH DR° Real Throat relief/ 'Medicated with ingredi. ents of Vicks VapoRub OVERCOMES BAD BREAT 1 DOMINO TEA RICHMELLO COFFEE GLABSCO'S ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz Jar 21c F. WOOLLCOMBE HAMILTON STREET Agency for all lime of INSURANCE FOR RENT OR SALE Bedford Itendence--Cobourg Apply to F. IL DARROW, Phone 97 Executor. VALENCIA 2 lbs. 25c RAISINS GLACE CHERRIES Ib. 39c Valley Camp POCilhO STANDARD EGG SIZE FORKED OR SCREENED --DOWN o Baking Powder PURE LARD ib. 13c MAYFIELD lb. 35c SLICED BACON 1 Ib. tin DOMESTIC SHORTENING 17c lb 12c LEAF LETTUCE MESSINA LEMONS Bunch 5c -so that purchaser receives the smallest possible amount of slack coal dust. -CASH PRICE -- $1 1.00 PER TON DELIVERED ---ORDER A TON TODAY - It desired -we sell ear -run shovelled Pocahontas for less. • • -As 5 • • The Dean Coal -Co. Phone 95w Godarich BRIEFS Don't mks the People's Store in your Ohrlstmaa ihopping. Salvation Army bazaar on Saturday, December 8, at Meletan's store, King- ston street. Christmas -concert at the Salvation Army citadel on Friday, December 21. Admisition 15c. There will be another Kew) party at MacKay Hall next Wednesday evening. You vetft-tre weleemase-44%--greet tea. The aU the hoine of Mrs J. A. Colborne, 8t. Patrick's tirtotrap000, D....was- her 13, at 8 teektek. Thu Sunday school of Knox Pre teller/an church will hold a Christina concert In the Suede: school room o Weelneeday evening, December 19th. The Baptist church Christmas con- cert will be held in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, De - tem ier 20. .4 good program is being repttred. &MbOar .welcome. Oh4Pefitlar,w,-/Wk•ealtiOr 'fifY1,1*.siffer tea will be held from 3 to o'clock at the parsonage of North street United eburch, under the simple" of tbe W.M. 13: Thii-Piaceeds will he rti---a-raor • Sower fund. Don't forget that a lasy liver can be made active with PARKE'S LIV- ERTON'E, the old reliable compound that corrects constipation. Moos- ness, and headaches CAMP DRUG STORE, Phone 90. - At the height of a severe wind storm on Monday' night a large section of ths loose rock on top of the jail wall was tumbled into the yard below The dislodged rock leaves a gap on the northwest wall about eight feet long Under tbe suepleee of the Victoria Home and School Club, a three -act comedy. "George In a Jam," will be glren by Clinton; talent in the lecture room of Kno; church on Thursday Teeing, December 13th Admiardon 25c. The public Is invited to attend at he commencement exereises of Vig- or's school, to be held on Friday even. ng, December 14t3, In the auditorium of North street United church. An additionalleeture of the program will be the presentation of certificates for re -Neville awarded by the Royal Flu - ane Soelety. In order to defray ste- rn expenses. a silver colleetion will taken at the door 80U/4 bletIA1312-At Alexandra hosmital, on Thursday, December eth, to Mr. and Mrs. ()barite' 'McCabe, An/lessee etreet, Ooderich, a daughter. DIED TAYL011.-On Friday, November 30, 1984, at the home of her son in-law, A. A. Barnes, 153 lilensionwynere ' road, Toronto, Mary Bell, widow of the late Arektbaid Taylor, aged 87 • peon -- CHASTENED ACCOUNT4N,'T t W. MONTEITH, 8- J- . Chartered Accountant ▪ 2tel Ontario Street, Stratford, Ont. 1510 Star Building, Toronto, Ont. CARD OF THANKS URS. JOSEP'H IRWIN AND TAM- = ILY wiskeo linpVecarlini attended to them, by their many friends, at the time of their recent bereavement. They thank also those -Who sent flowers and who Togaid ears for the funeral. - Auburn, December 3. TO THE ELECTORS OF GODERIC21 a TOWNSHIP. Tidies sad Cloatlomea: • I wishba_thank slaamals all who so • generously supported me at the re- • cent election, and I will endeavor at e all times to'do my beet to further the • luterests of tbe township. WILMOT HAACKE. 11 - m - ci day. We . r. We hope he will be with us to '1* icelebrate many other oreaslons similar ; to this one, 1 The men of Knox Presbyterian church held a wood bee at the home of Mr John Wilson for part of their sup- ply of w0•0 for the winter. NORTH EL SUNDAY SCHOOL The annual meeting of the Sunday school °Memo and teachers of North street United chureh was held on 'Mon- day evening in the church parlor. Sev- eral edition eels t ng to the work of the school were discussed under the lead- ership of tie mperintendent, Mr. C. E. Robertawa; then Rev. W. P. Lane took the elm* for -the election of era. Mr Riesition was re-elected, aunt- asously, to the 'tbee of saperialsolisat Prank Kershaw was shaft as• alstaut sgrot Ittodoo, Tebbntt sacs of seer•- tstr, which 1411111110114 aeeeptably r. many yea re. 41fis realgrratioa basis* leen regretfully accepted lir Ea Westbrook was Made seeretary in his Place. Mr. Geseus Johnston was *Ivied tree.eler and Miss A. R. Ait- ken primary superintendeat. The wis-ionary work of the school was placed In , huge of a committee con- sisting of Mr. J. Snide*, Mr. E. Feld - ham and Mr. Ralph Henderson and Mr. W. Here was elected as temperance superintendent. • Arrangements were, completed for the annual Christmas concert end the White Gift service which is now an annual feature of the school. - • The Goderich branch of the Canadian Login hell the first smoker of the winter season on Monday night, in the armories on Hamilton street. There , was a fairly good turnout of veterans.; A few p1:1 od cards, while others eat around swandag stories or singing old , songs. E. i Robertson and Jos. Jack were high men at "500" and Ernest i &truss tallied the highest euchre -scum- .1. heeily lunch ws eerved thlidesairataaeof Om entertainment com- -ibe-supagrialon of Bert Ward mittee, after whet a abort program was hetd. 13. A. Munn presided at the piano for a number of vocal and guitar elections by Wm. Grindrod and E. Se- ' 'ruse respeetively, and countless rollick- ing wartime songs by all present. 1 D. E. Campbell, sone represents- ° live, gare a short address on the ob- Jeets, alms and work of the Legion. c J. W. Ifacticer, president of the lo- cal branch of the Legion, occupied the ehaie on Monday night, and announeed a that this (Thursday) evening nomina- tions for the BM exerutlee wIll ire Ir • • • D. F Campbell, Bert Ward, Chas. In Harker and A. H. Jane, of Goderich. mei II. S. Denier, sone secretary, of Clinton, attendee a bratieb *Pont of c01 • • PREEIA14111NT WAWA-filmes:yrs/48 SPECIAL 3.30 Waves $2.75 $ 5.00 Waves 11000 Tulip Oil Wares $8.73 110.00 Eugene Wares $7.36 Pod Curia Ile mad 25. curl OODEJLICH BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 555W West Street TILNDERS WANTED 'OR SALE. -RE MARSHALL JACK a LIN of Teeswater, Authorised As- signor. TkP;D/ORS will be received by the undersigned trustee up to noon on Sat- o ay, December lath, 1934, for the purchase of the stocit-Ind-e---1W- fixtures of the furniture and undertak- ing business of said Maraba11 Jacklln In the village of Teeswater;Ontarie. Further particulars and appointment for inspection of the property to be 'pie cation to J. W. st'SitrIELD, Solicitor, Wingharn, or to the trustee. Highest or any tender not necessar- Ile serepted TERMS: Marked cheque for ten per cent to accompany each tender. , Balance to be paid on acceptance of offer. C. O. MIDDLETON, Court House, Goderieb. SEARCH Eon WOUNDED DEER Deealb.r 5("' 1934 - Provincial Constable P. E. McCor, game warden, spent a day and a half on au errand of mercy on Ifooday and Teesday of tine week. eearc„laing the dies of West Witwaoosh for a deer hat WAR reported wounded. The search the wounded animal was fruitless, -*anther was &mad dead near tut by th•ollicer. It had been dead t bag to be of any um. sold 01*y KNOX LADIES' AII) The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox church was held last Friday afternoon. There was a goodly attendance of members. In the absence of the president, Mrs. A. D. McLean, the chair was occupied by Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, first vice-presi- dent, who also conducted the dero.. throat exercises, in winch Mrs. A. Ilig- gineon read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. J. 1). Wilson led in prayer. Group No. 4, of which Mrs. GirrIn Young is the convenor, then took charge ot the program and a very entertaining per- iod was enjoyed by the members. Mrs Girvin Young and Mrs. Snyder we heard to much advantage in a pia duet, while Master Robert Bisset ga much promise of a coming musician a well-reedered violin solo. Miss Dor ()thy Greene and Elsa Margaret Ba nett gave a vocal duet which was mue enjoyed. Mach of these musical num. bees was heartily encored, with re. spouses by the different artists. A season of hymn singing led by Mrs, (Rev,) D. J. Lane at the piano brut' Id iillnueieloygtdreneethmeto *elem. JUNIOR HOCKEY Teens to Be Entered In Walken On. tart* stasoelation Goderleh's junior hockey club got oder way on Tuesday night with a meeting held in the town hall. The tub will enter the Western Ontario Hockey Association with a suggested group composed of Clinton, Seaforth nd Mitchell. Joining the 0.11.4. •aa unanimously overruled when It as pointed out that the group win- er would probably bump richt Into tratford or noun,. such team and Im edistely die a sudden death. A. letter received by E. R. Wlgle from A. D. Sutherland, Seaforth, pre- sident of the Association, was read by Arthur Dowker, acting eeting. The letter stated that a nstitution is being printed and W111 forwarded to the clubs In the lesigtle• The new leer* Is to eneourage and romote hockey In email towns. With regard to "imports," they may be trai- n from places having no standard nk by the nearest town 10 the league. A danee and draw will he conducted ortly by the club, which is sponsored the Marine Club, to rake 010057 r a large amount of equipment that necessary this year. The following executive will guide e Juniors through the 1934-115 see- n: Hnn. president, Capt. R. Mortl- n, representing the Mdrine Cleb; e.ident, Judge T. M. Ooetello; viee- esident, E. It. ; secretary, Ar- ur lsowker; tireannrer, Neil Meltay; anager. M. N. MacDonald; coed), orman Wark. An attempt will be made to have the dressing mom at the rink enlarged to comply with the needs of tbs. Club. Arthur Doak mu chairman of Ilk meeting. • re no ' AUCTION SALE VA In AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE TURN- - niEttliSGS AND EFFECTS. r - h We are Instructed by Mr. Blake Cheer to sell by public auction at his home, Nolicon /greet, GoderIch, on SATURDAY, IMX:EMBER 8th commeneing at 1.30 sharp, a lot of raltdne three-piece mahogany paAir *manes furniture including; mike; one mahogany table; one der miselon tael.t; five large rocking chairs with leather seats; one small oak rock - Ing chair; two small oak tables; one davenport; cue mission oak dining room suite; One reed table lamp; one oak hall null; one large oak dresser; one brass bed; two small chairs; two pair green damask drapes; several large rugs: one eongoleum rug; one electric sweeper; one kitchen table; pictures and numerous other articles TERM8-4.1mb. T. GUNI)ItY & SON, Auctioneers FOR SALE OR KENT R MALE. -A QUEBEC RANGE IN good condition. Also Quebec heat- er. Apply at 73 East street. yo RIENT.--eA MODERN-EQU/PPED lasniess,---ts:jeteitile-W-Pissittelli St. Aad struts; alio a doable arose- I to t I. W. CRAB:71E4 ALEX. 0, Wit. No, 5, Cloned • rOR SALE----011/11AP FARM NEAR Dungannon. 100 acres. Good To- eered *dory dwelling holm, (wea- ned, bank barns, good stabling. About (10 acres laud nearly' cleared, good con- dition, no hills, undulating surface. bout 40 acre+ well timbered, elm, poplar. etc. Near Itchool. Good neighbo- r ood. Handy to market, 'shout twelve mile% from Ooderich. Prier $1000. Early terms. gee J. W. AMU! STROM'. Real Estate Agent, Box 80,1 gees, Elgin Asa (Indere+, Ontario, "LIMN. ilia Ben- PUBLIC NOTICE PMVSautoo halves arc Thou/mods LAR. -.-180T11 ORICI88 CORN found sure relief. Sold by CAMP- Bk7I•L'13 DRUG ATOM!). Fjoncx-A8 I AM GIVING UP MT tleore on the Square, this Is to nod all those who have film work on order with me mutt call for same on or be- fore December 27th, after which date 1 will nut bold myself responalble tot Mime M. BURKHOLDER. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all per- sons having any claim against the estate of William Noble Johnston, late of the township of Anitield, in the county of eluron. retired farmer, who died on or about the twenty-fourth day 9C-NhiragAtlFoe44/--.004-tiloillud aszas to the undersigned on or before the) fifteenth day of December, as on and after (bit date the eeecutor berets will proceed to make distribution of the said estate, hiving regard only to the claims then flied. Dated at Ooderich this twenty eighth day of November, A.D. 1934. !LAU & HAYS, Goderkh, Ontario, So- licitors for the Executor herein. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. None* hereby given to all persona having any chile' against the estate of William Henry Bropbey, late of the town of Gooerlch in the county of Huron, undertaker, to send same. to the under-igned on or before December 15tb, as un and atter that date the executrix Uerein will. proceed to mak* dietribution of the said estate, baring regard on' to the claims of winch she then haa twice. And further take notice that any per- sons °wine Any account' to the estate of the said Brophey, or Bro. phey Bro.., up to November 7th, win tea es,ra• a4 the °Mee of Heys & DAM Godencb. on or before Decem- ber 13th. In order to wind up the estate of Vie asid late William Bro. PheY. Dated at Gederich this 30th day of Nov mbe HAYS A HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, So- licitore for the gale Executrix. AUCTIONIMILING THOMAS OUNDRY. GODERICEL a LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Telephone No. 119 es attended to anywhere and every effort made to give Benefaction. Fanners' sale Doke discounted. MEDICAL flR T. .1. R. rousTins, ISM MX ar NOSE., THROAT.. Leto House Bargees "Mew York Ophthalmic and Aural gee. natant at Mooredeld Beitganti - and Oottles Square Throat --- as Waterloo Strut 8., Ittratesal. Telephone 267. At Hotel Bedford. Goderieh. from 7 ph. on tbe evening of the third Wednesday of each month Bata the Dell day. Thursday, at 1 p.m, IDRUGLESS PILI,CTITIONEU CII/ROPIIACT'OR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich. Phone 341 Equlpped with electro-magnetio 3. 13.. Electronic electrk treatment' *041 prac Chronte, organic Thi nervous dlseasest. Lady to at- tendanee. Office hour* 2 to 5 and T to p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Kat- ; noisy, and On Wednesday 10 to 12 1 a.m. and 7 to p.m., or ronsultatioa may be had by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Restidenee and offiee--Corner of Routh str.et and Britannia road. the legion at Exeter on Fridaf. InCrigtealt(WIEVIC p ri oh WILL YOU HELP? by fo Previonsly A ekno w edged .........e.421 00 1„ 100 1 00 ()I 200 „o - 100 1 00 pr pr th m 78 LIONS CLUB Santa Claus Food L. Knot Thos. Murphy F'. WoolliromblIr 1)r. WA rdlaw Taylor Mrs. W. L. Norton (has. ............ .. . ... 100 Ales. Smith I 00 Marry Griffin 1 00 Geo. Buchanan 1 00 Dr. .1. A. Graham 2 00 Dr • 11. R Ilia 1 00 Jae.lts1tsnty, m.pp. 7 00 185 00 Downier's 'may mailecleati•gbened to any member of tha emeadtme- Nploon 11111, Rebt. Johnston and Harry Faiwer41a. wk. will also approriat*.the names of any weedy eltildrew "DM mop ow -no to iteopee- sheam of a thing like faleh--beranne we do not know bow It worke"- Mir Wil- fred Grentelt WANTED FOR GENERAL vw housework. Apply BOX 2d, 1510- Nsp OFFICE, MMAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGH route of 5100 familial. Write imme- diately. RAWLEIGM, Dept. C14.20 - SA, Montreal, Canada. FARM WA NTD. -EX PERI ENCED a farmer, with stock, Implements and good clean' seed grain, wants 100 aeree or more to rent or work on shares. Fee partieulars apply at onee to BOX 3, GODERIGH SIGNAL. VIANT161).- --FOR THE TOWN or Tly Goderieh Welfare Board -relief officer and investigator. Salary 115 per week Applications to be limited, to the Secretary of the Welfare Board not Tatar tbra (PIPtia.elt-Tasedarmetter IT, Het 0.0. HUNIVER, A.111:00INEON, Cbairmen. • LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Barrister, Etc. (Mike -Court House, OodertrAz. Telephone _ UOLASS. NAIRN, Barrister and Solicitor °Mee -Hamilton Street, Godrib. Telephone 512. F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC. Successor to J. L Killoran Ofike-The Square, Goderich. Telephone 97. f*RANK DONNELLY, B Barristr, Solicitor, Etc. Oflice-Hamilton Street, Goderich, Telephone 2112. Il AYS & HAYS, Barristers and Solicitors R. C. Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays, BA- Office--Harnilton Street, Godench. Telephone 38. ERNET R M. LEE, Borleter and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and torla Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5801. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. ageKILLOP MUTUAL Irmo INS1:R- ASC13 CO -Farm and Isolated town property Ins:tired. Officers -Alex. Broadfoot, Preident, Fiesforth; James Connliy, VieePre, Goderieh PG.; Merton A. Reid, Sea - forth, Sec.-Treae., Seaforth PO. Directore--A, Broedfoot, 11.11. No. 3, Seaforth; James /Tholdire, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londemboro; Robert Tr- ris, Myth; Geo. Leonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepe, lirucefield; Thos. Moylen, Seaforth, R.R. 5; Win. R. Arehibald, Resforth, RR. 4; Jamas Connolly, Goderih. Agent's -W. J. Teo, R.R. No. A, Clin- ton; James Watt, Birth; Finley Ife Mechem, fleatorth; John Energy, Res - forth; Mex. Ir. Hewitt, KInesrdtne. Policyholders ran make all payment@ aSsI get their rattle Iserelpted at the Royal Dank, 011nIme; Oarsla Oates armory, Kingstots street. Ooderteb, er J. IT. Reld's General Store. 13575e18. •