HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-16, Page 1452/4461. I SO FIDS. Government essisisnes propane iskumalksi'vM- •bitt. For your nsrr or mist- ing business. Take advon- tog* of the government grants and loans. Call 1 800416.31115.--42bc Service KINLOSS EXCAVATING and Gravel. For your exca- vating needs. hi hoe, trim dozer and scraper available. Call Barry Johnston 395- 5231. --letter AGNEW JEWELLERY REPAIR - watch, dock, jew- ellery. Free estimates. Pickup and deavery can be arranged. 898 Havelock Sheet. WOW horn Medical Centre. Call 528-3532 or 5289940. --f 8tfar DAVE'S CAR OiLiNG Drummond St. Blyth 523- 4343, we use new acid free hot on. Cars and light trucks open Monday - Friday 1 p.m.: 9 p.m. Saturday 12, noon weather permitting. »- 36 - 44cc SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS - 40 years experi- ence on all household mod- els. Broken gears our spe- cialty. Weekly pick up and delivery.. Call Irene at From Our Heart 628-2649 or Wilma at Wilma's Corner Store, Ripley 395.2915. -- 39-42ar. FEED YOUR familypor- traits updated? Why not take advantage of the beau- tiful fail colors. Experienced. hobby photographer can Make outdoor family shots, engagement or Individual portraits. Also have experi- ence to weddings. Very rea- sonable priced .Call Donne to view portfolio or for appointments 529-7087. -- 41,42 OUCH!! HYDRO BILLS TOO HIGH? Your Hydro Meter may be defective and overcharging youll You could receive large cash: refunds. For free video information call Meter Watch 1-800-804-8682.-- 42bc CARL SLOE1 .IES • Replacement Wlndoielr & Doers • ladien_Cabinets* %miles *Carpet and Waxen *Roofing* FM Estimates RfkT LLWt3itw OW 5214164 Rog Bray Contractor "Phalterin g *Stucco 'textured Ceilings Itarcling a almaialtY Vern & House *Quick Wick MOO 401.1wiek. 11/041.014171 41 Yawl Of 00* i 'Reddsallel 'Fetus Eiseaeirad Contractors PREZ !STRIATES Rod Havens LUCKNOW 301 Dave Seabrook Excavating •GGravel • Top Soil • Fine Grading Large excavator trucks, loader, dozers Reasonable rates 528-2047 528-3144 RR 5, Lucknow JOIIMIIIO�Y CONSTRUCTION LTR. New heave, mays, mow, alis fawns sedoss& doom, *minim tiericrk, skiing, dada, farmI mildige, read est* houeeinepolice, mini-tediieetrek, lubs&dermscallolding. Wiesen Carpenter shag 1976 '8eu.talPerc et ; tl,s. dm" 33. Mhc,: 20/20 WITHOUT GLASS- ES! Safe, rapid, non -surd» cal, permanent restoration. M 6 - 8 weeks. Airline pilot developed, doctor approved. Free k#ormation by mail: 408-941-5570, ext. 253; fax 408-961-5577. ht t p.1 www.visionfreedom.com Satisfaction guaranteed.-- 42bc 134P.rsonaI. ARE YOU experiencing the aftermath of an abortion/emotions you 't ice? Moet poet -aborta) women experience trauma in their lives. Call our 24 - hour hotline collect, (519) 323-3751 for confidential support. 42ss 'A east snM be incurred. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC Memos. Spist eat consulta- tion. fl hip, Career, LOi. Ody Stsehnin. 18+ 1- 980•461 -37d8:--42bc LEARN TO READ THE Alt.E eileclimrNy. (owing 11 part corr*spondWe Cr*ouFree. Non - national. Writs: MIK, Bea 67513. 1540,1 York, Weston,3V5.-- 42bc ' ADOPTEES/BIRTH PAR- ENTS/FAMILY MEMBERS, Canada Wide Notional Registry and search assis- tance 1-800-671-8477. Information time 1-800-871- 8477. E-mail-lfcwnrOgeor- gian-net--42bc FEEUNO LONELY? Meet good women & men, young 6 older. Searching for mise ramr nae. . one Nieto level Make your Nle bolter. You'll be glad caned... takes only a few renwtes 1400451441 0 Sat. leo -- 18+,12e min. PROCALL 802.954-7420 ae kir (lieoPo;, Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS All claims against the Mate of WILLIAM JOHN MACPHERSON late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, who died on or about the 22nd day of September, 1996, must be filed with the undersigned personal repre- sentative on or before the 15th day of November, 1996, after which date the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Kincardine, Ontario, this 28th day of September, 1996. • Ronald MacPherson, Executor; by his solicitor: GRAHAM E. MAHOOD,: Mahood & Darcy, Barrister & Solicitor, 313 Lamrbton Street, Kincardine, Ontario. N2 2Y8. --41,42,43 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All clean* against the estate of STANLEY EDWARD COOPER late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County of BruCe, deceased, who died on or about the nth day of Match, 1998, must be flied with the undersigned on or before November 30, 1990; thereafter the Executors of the eat* wM distribute the **sats of the estate having record only totheclaims of whidh elle undersigned then has notioee, gaoled October 1, 1006. ' eio GEORGE J. BROPHY, litinistsr & Solicitor, Box 810, LUCKNOW, *Sena. N00 210. 41,42,43 Ip• .• r. .• ,...c.. K. r. . • .F,.. _ _r. .. • ..-.4141 w $e#tae1. W$aeedh_ sy, Ocher 11,1ni Page 13 ase-ook. sending money oppookinINes or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before riIs sling any cruet card information or sending any money. Remember, if an ad srtise- ment sounds too good to be true, it probably is. 32tfnx KINSMEN CASH Calendar winners: Oct. 7" $60 Oran Industries, Woodbridge Oct. 8 $50 Barb Hayden, Port Albert; Oct. 9 $50 Rene Arsenault, Dungannon; Oct. 10 $50 Daryl Aitchison, Lucknow; Oct. 11 $100 Heather Howald, Lucknow; Oct. 12 $50 Rod and Joan Crich, Lucknow; Oct. 13 $50 Bill Doll, Aurora. --42ar LONDON MINIATURE SHOW AND SALE Sunday Oct. 20/96, 1Oam-4pm. C.A.W. 1520 Hall. Exit 177 ° south of Hwy 401 (Hwy.4).. 25 Dealers. Hourly door prizes. Adults $2.50. Children $1.00. Information: Grandpa's Doll House 1- 888-717-4791. --42bc CORPORATiON OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW Sala Of Land By Public 'Tender Take Notice that tenders are Wad for the purchase of the rand(:) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local and oh 28 Ck tcber, 1998 at .526 Campbell Street," Lucknow ON. The senders war then be opened in public on the same day at 526 Campbell Street, Lucknow ON. Description of Land (s): Lot 443, Plan 97, Village of r uik now, County of Bruce, Minimum Tender Amount (Set out the csncetlatien prig es of the flrstdey of advertising) $8,733:21. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be . a money the form ci a order or ` of a bank draft or cheque certified by * bank, trust company or Province of Ontairio Savings Office partible to the municipality (or board) and representing at West 20 per cent of the tender amount. The municipality makes no representation regarding the titre to or any other matters Mating to the , saki to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the A4.ibrtio0/ Tax Sabo Ac4 1964, being chapter 48 of the Statutes of Ontario 1084 and the kfunielpa1 Tax Sabo Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulateid tease and the relevant lard trawler tax. For further Information repenting this scale and, a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Cleric Treasurer, The Corporation of the .Mee et Luolmow, P.O. Bort 40, tae Campbell Street, L oduso 1, Ck 1G AHD Sale,, cialgibw 26. 1990. Open House Oct. 19, 20, 2:30 - 4 p.m. Open House Oct. 26Jay of sale 3 - 4 p.m. 5 year pre approved mortgage avail- able al 7.41. You're On hole days year round in this beautiful newer all brick home on large lot with circu- lar driveway in small quiet subdivision on Lake Huron with beach access. Large eat -in country kitchen with lots of solid oak Hanover cabinets with built in dish- washer. Three plus two bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, sunken living room, main floor laundry, central vac. Large family room with field- stone hearth with down draft fireplace stove. Insulated 1 1/2 car attached garage with pit and lots of upper storage. Playhouse or stor- age building. This mainte- nance free home is only 12 years old, has sun deck out the back and is located 1/2 way between the beautiful village of Bayfield and Goderich, the prettiest town in Canada. Very nicely dec- orated, move in condition. Join us at open house. Its a must see. For information call owner at (519) 524- 4476 after 4 p.m. -- 42,43nxe AUCTION SALE of Home Furnishings, Antiques and 2 Cars will be held at the Davidson Centre - Kine, alydine FRIDAY, AT 5:30 for the Estate of Isabella Thompson - Lucknow plus an Estate from Kincardine plus other consignors from surrounding areas. PARTIAL . LISTING INCLUDES: Oak dining room suite, round table, 6 chairs, buffet & china cabinet; Demcan Fife drop leaf table bow front china cabinet with mirror in back; Houser kitchen cupboard; table. 6 chairs and hutch; French, Provincial chesterfield and chair; rockers; loves seat; cd%e and end tables•, dishes some Noritake, Bavaria, Nippon & Limbgues; cups & saucers, glassware & cooking utensils; Hotpoint washer (white); White Westinghouse dryer (almond); two fridges; small chest freezer; commerdai popcorn machine - like new; beds - single & double; dressing table with mirror; chests of drawers; cedar chest; 9x 12 rug; pictures & picture frames; School dark; floor pother; 4 cylinder Wisconsin engine with clutch; garden and carpenter tools; 9' utility 2 wheel trailer, patio doors; 4' x 8' - 2 wheel tasseled: 1966 Ford Temp with auto. trans., air, 61000 original mes I, siring certified. 1986 Pontiac 6000 V8, 4 door, with auto. trans. - seMng cerfied. Other ankles too numerous to mention. Listing subject to change *Mout notice. - Preview after 3:00- PQM. r : Cash/cheque with proper 1.0. night Of eats. E. & 0.E. GRANT MIcDONAUD, Ripley (Pt 311142.11 WALLACE BALI 1, 1Yaeu ter( ) 111)2•11 Arr • iiittlielion 11•006 frala eirnowarse AMMO Wine $ yeas quit', payments •timlJavaL s • 4/s.el 1i *mese • elm '15,OOe `126.00 Cansajdgle your deft • CdANALNIUM 14111,417-1132 FUNDING INC. ��iruostN�d LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22/96. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School W of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 (519)537-2115.--42bc DISCOVER MONEY Saving Techniques. U & R TAX SCHOOLS has been help- ing students save money with INCOME TAX PREPA- RATION COURSES since 1975. Study at home in your spare time. For FREE. BROCHURE, CALL: 1-800- 665-5144, U & R Tax Schools--42bc 46. 101 Momoriann HENRY In loving memory of a dear husband father, grandpa, great grandpa; Melville Henry, who passed away 20 years ago October 13, 1976. Though time has passed and things have changed. Our thoughts of you have stayed the same.. The love you gave; can't be described His plan to bring you horse to him You taught us all that condi- tional love Will one day lift us up above To that place you now call: hornet. Sadly missed - Mildred and family. —42x HENDRIKS 1962-1980 In loving memory of our son Peter, who passed away, October 17, 1980. We think of you in sNence We often speak your name, We have so many memo- rise, And your picture in a frame. Our hearts stili ache in sad- nese. In silence our tears still flow. For what it meant to lose you. No one win ever know. Sadly missed by mom, dad, sisters, brothers and famiiyy. --42xc IRWIN In loving memory di Elaine, wife and mother who passed away October 16, 1987. Time slips by but rrrsmories stay, quletty remembered everyday, • little tribute small and tender, just to show we elle remember. Lovingly remembered by Bob and fsmNy. —42x