HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-16, Page 12I/ Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October la - Page Li INDEX CLASSIFIED 5284822 _ 0L Articles for Sale 02. -Yard Sale 03. Garage Sale 04.. Antiques ° 040. Crafts 05. Cars for Side 06. Trucksfor sale C$11 7a.. For sale General.. 70, Wanted to Buy lre'. Wanted to Rent . 70. ,Bicyeles • Motorcycle --Snoivunibiles 7g. Rec.Velticles Th• 4Oatgibirntorsete. Service & Parts /K. Pwirnming Pools 0/3.,,,'Computers 10. Pets 10a.:31orses..' FARM00040.AT 11.14.' for sale General lib. Wantetito buy 11c.- Wantedtoare- 11d. Env,. Waited 1.1e. Livestock', FarmProduce 11g. tquipMent 111r. Services -; 11i.. Farm Land 1/k. Real tstate ,111. Wanted to Rent m. For Rent 12. Reaf'te-Esta 13. Mobile Honies 14,, ,;.v.icittioes:,:, 17. Aparftnents 18 House forRent 11.00:,':'&444:Brearast' 20.11ooti*Roard*, Co,nmercial WS0ted;;.toRent HeIp Wanted• Wanted Generil Business Opp Tenders Bibrjitting ' ,t00C•. •Personal Announcements 37. ,Allortgaies, 38. MOW* 39: EdOcational tOst &Pound 41. To Give Away 42. 'Obituaries 43. Birds 44. Engagements. - 45. Marriages 46. la Memoriam 47. Card oriltanks 4L Cooing Events RATES AND DATA 1111111111111111111111 1 week .$4.25 2 weeks $7.48, . 3 weeks or more - $3.27 each week .. extra words at .18' each Cards otThanks - $4.25 for 25 words extra words at .06 each In ,Memoritim $4.25 +.35 lor each line of verse . . eirth;Aronouricemerit $16.00 flat fee, , 3. Oda .$10,50 prepaid for 25 words extra words at leeaOh- ThuradayAPeCial $326. for 25 words Must, he placed'and paid on Thursday . „., Sa1r0' $4;ItkbliPi!ticttargel:1 prespaykltr. G.StogOtplur10 In abo4e.priCeS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL is available at the following. locations out of town: . Holyrood General Store; Ripley Superior Market; Dawson's - Store, Dungannon; . flfacNays Store, Amberley; Triangle. Discount, Goderich; Brian's vmaolput;Meeart, IDA, :vv. VVininoghhaanirri!.., Hart food Mart, Teeswatert MacAclarri Mini Marti Ripley,: Port -Albert General Store* and Keith's Repair Service; • Whitechurch. -.-Ptfn)c'. ATTENTION .HUNTERS!. .._ • ...::Super : Oijyp on rilleSt.'s110".'' Callt:.:52.. 8-202; rEast::ffl -2.... '''• gon-s muzzie,. ,toader, . ' crossbOws, BOP I.n....' Os* , 4111111115/1 :, , - ,..'and'i4IIIIII4IiitiOti .4t,t,,Akj. :‘ Huron Rod and 'Oun;7„Calic'' • -. - -• or solo. , ,, 16,ateti-rii43,;74,m4471ar, ;'...,.•„.,'' _ _ ., , ... Fook Safi :sTEE4,13u141:1140s, ..: LET:Lfs, you In,: TUNE ,..10'',' , A1-1.4, STEEL2 BUILDING Min biak, $859 includes 1 ANITSebitiEBSER with Direct: Many.: .,pg„,,,Eht Go pritasrijezefsacatcrikyd,. year ,free pl*Ogramming‘ ($$50,, value). • Call: L & A oval mirror, 19806. Vintage,8tiies: Example;: 30 x 40 ; ,"..Southwest Satellite', Larry, good condition, .$7. C,1101 .flOW $5,998.00. 35 xtti,.!1alfir ' and'DenniS Fisher (619) . 624-.9125 -.9-414iixe. -, ' : $9,400-00; 40:'.x, 60, ne.W.: 624-9695.,--3942oC ....,.._ SALE''..',•'-',` -$11,444:00. Pioneer Step) ‘. ,: _ . .'' _; 1-!yt.i''..''-easoilecifire• ...1-800.-888:4422.--42bp •,. , ,- . . . .,„ .:, SMAt „I- 'Duwisi, 'DRAFT* i. la :, ' cast iron wood:stove 1,n .; Yvood..',0PftroXimate4 .mikiisk0 TOP bathroom ,- excellent condition. .Easily cOrd $200..1976 ,Chev 1/2 ' ton truck $85ti as ii "Cali '. 094703.7,41$406.-, :, - . :,wi.,th.fitatis'Onccii,is$150, A.lso, ",,' -scr•z-1,:?,,85..;9p11:50.e.„,s.,:sine,c4luixdle4di - ' - white toilet'.•'$30 ": vanity like:new, complete - converts to regular-stovo 1,.!ic;iiisoll'rbt'QFt,,,$iiii'; -- Lucknow Presbyterian , -,,44k. , .:,, .., .,-. ,,,._• . ,,ri.., .„ ,-„'• , ,.. ,„,, , .; 7'. Plants,andtrees.Open Church. Phone 204057:-7.STEEL BuILD' I' N'GS housaendsiteoct.4si.41,4ga. ,, 'SALE ,ON ALL GRAIN$ p.n., Oct.26, 9 am. -9' CONFIDENTIAL PING STORAGE atiLDIN s .. p.n.,Oct.2:; a am, ,,5,Tletucknowsentinodoea,maiysi*es40;h00se,froi. P;niTTreeeele-$Ptiate on -confidential custom typing Quonsets, straitvii manYiten6-etautifurrew for OustPners, resunewai Quonsetsor the now christmasI,nePoinsettia tatters etc. We can offeryou r s 1 S Design. CaH -r'r i, baskets, swags,' wreaths, ,., , a number �f print ' '7: future '1.0e00-.068-0_653''id 016., Great decorating. or gift . WOO* and: iii*as'..:.0611 our,y"5,16..,.4,4bc, ideas.--...--Coniei :on, out. office or. drop in for 'More: '' concession 2, Huron . detaiii'ettn*, , - ,.. , ', . VOE61.11)s7r Oler-e4,: Carrie( . , - - - , ..' • !ir,12$m major hotel 1; x I Township! 1,st: sideroad.! „•., , ,.riiviiitATAikuirlio4:( '• .;, : r)( 1 0. 12 ii9t7...i30 each. , e a8f•Of 1'041121. lh°n6Pat.' ' -',-: ---,BLEND L... -; , - ,; ' - ' "i,Citil,0419-814after 6 p.M. :!954-182;-"42;430 .-':.----'''' -•- - - 'you -tiff ii ititfiattii. ' 41; ' 4446 . , , Are a e ng- r ,- 4,3ar . NEVii•OOMPUTER,Di126 ' '';„1- iose. WEIGHT ; ma, 810r9108,, arthritisi low ... ..-. ' , 000mb''Hici, -1,4* monitor, - energy, frequent Ookis, kilo Without::, 81.h.b.:Tain-ddrenr,Sourtd.' .ch°0381.03.1`04 high blood Pres: ..natural.diSataillfotl.SliiiiP°0441e.atoll • ;Oardelaternet-reatr$14500;-- sure etc. Trt a day supply use, ' 'use, no counting calories, . -Phone 519-335-67Q2 after Satisfaction gurirfiritied or ,: workouts , :or ., . k,, pitisi p.m. ,,..442,45 .. , , , : : :your, money back. For more z, i .. :.. , ' , .. , information call Marianne . ,1-nexPenave..' ' REALLY . • . . WORKS ' Call Marianne' •. ' ' - . 1 . • Boilinger529-1!°7. ''.112d9c 'EloNer 5. 20-7807...38ifcc For Solo Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL at, any of the following Lucknow businesses: Beckers Milkt ' Betre. Discount, Lucknow 'Village Market, Umbach Pharmacy, Lucknow Service Centre and Ahrile's Gas Bar, and HamiltonFuels--62tf , NORTRON: ELECTRIC fur-. 54000 BTU, 8 years old, $100. Phone 367-1173. , CEDAR TREES, any size : up to 6:ft for, hedges wind breaks; also cedar ,l'ohnstOnags-02a1.,Ititfar 01.1B179.M. FAXING • • . Ik.teod to send or reoraive..a tail The Sentinel does cue.' tOrn'faXing for customirs.:- :Prop in or call528.2822 for'. .• , DID yr KNOW WOODSTOVE & ME- ' IF YOU BMA NEN PLAE giass. will net break mArritass from heat. CUt to any size or SEr shape. The Chimney Sweep's Stove Parlor PAY NO Gallery Inc. 368.5274. AND RECEIVE FREE 41ttnbcpnx A NEW ROLLER FRAME FURNM1RE ORGANIC APPLES, cider, -P apple butter, beef & Iamb Hwy., 21, S. available now. Horse drawn GODERICH 524-7231 wagon rides on the farm. Meeting Place Organic • Farm, 519420-2493. -42x -,411fnx , • • , WIDE SELECTION of used • appliances, fridges.. .washers and dryers. All'ser!. • viced- and including a war;‘, rarity. Call Modern Appliance Centre, HanOver, 884-1611. -61tigp • NEW STYLE 18' DISH Tired of the winter blues with no TV. Now is your chance. 1 year' free. pro- gramming (72 channels) ,$1349 financing available. Promotional, limited time offer. Phone 5291026 SC • Tech. ..41tfcc 'THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL has the following papers available In our office on Wednesday., Goderich is For Sole USED MOFFAT refrigera.. tor, almond in color, in good Working condition. $250. Call 628.3141. --42ar WHY HAVE A YARD . --- SALE? Ca us. We buy it all. Antiques,Furniture, Coins, etc., No fuss No Muss. Call619-383-0213. . 49tfcC TROUT - great fall fishing from our well stocked pond, open all winter or 'Purchase, tiout wholesale from our tanks.,: David Hedley,: .Selgrave„'Pho.neiirst 357- .2329. , • • PrOtessionally prepared,. laser printed on quality paper. .$15,00 ;tor 6 'sets We keeP'Yout resume on file in case .you need, changes or updates at a. later dates Call us, or drop in fOrdetails.• 'The' LucknLucknow sentinel, 628--2622-04ttn$ pine -sash windows for BARN WINDOVvs custom 611°Puenee* shed, "" 1:$ 4u e9 rh n Hoonaatd, Blyth 619-623- 9446. --40-44ce 'O :LA'S.T''.'WP1 INETWE° Dd id you have to turn on your electric, heal, or burn green slabs because you ran out ,f wood. Don't he caught this Year. Order Your winter's wood now. hardwood body wood (not slabs) Sea- soned for one year., 4 face cords minimum $180. while - supplies last. Phone Signal Star, Kincardine 1 Times,t #0. „.1 WalkertonCIint0ri14, Ater ti di Record, Mitchell 'Advocates Sitaforth. Huron -ExpetitOr. EXERCISE BIM 13 color T.V.; Kerosene heater. All articles in good condition.* Phone 5284025. MAKE 12 MONTHLY pay- ments of $41.58 and 'a beautiful new living 'Ooni suite is yours,. including sofa, loveseat, chair.• Call Marten's Furniture, • sum BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset 32x54 $0480, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x126 $31,314 other sizes available misc. clearance. Paragon .24 tim .1.800.263.8490...42bc ' toll free 1.800-667-5898. litchensr...42ar. • CO* L, 1992 TOYOTA TERCEL 1 year warranty still -left mileage only at 85,000. Asking $8,800. Phone 528. 3034 after 8 p.m. Cathy or' 9°b**48°4"414'36t*• 1085 DODGE CARVELLEr good runner; $500 as is. O.B.O. Phone .528.2223, 41.43,44.46nx great conditiOn, 4 new tires, • 41k ' 1 . EARL'S AM PARIS LTD. •RR t, Kincardine CASH FOR CARS Phone 3954947 Ludlam & Ripley • 41k '