The Signal, 1934-12-6, Page 7THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. County and District David CantoIon of Clinton on Novem- leaa 27th passed his eighty-seventh u dieetesees. 13e still attends to busi- sem- dally. Burton Macdonald. of Brussels, slipped oa the slippery platform of the ILMM. station there _ sae bloke ♦-b•as- fi • his leg abori� ilii%. IWy L. Dick, who has been elected mare of Watford, i• a suettvs-vf Het - es county. He was born in Hay wwashlp sad later lived in Hensel'. 1. C. Elford of Ottawa, Dominion Poultry 'Husbandman, a Holmesville .1d boy, L at present at St. Petersburg, !Florida, having been ordered south for IIS health. lamest Gordon iibwes has been ap- retater of the Clinton post- at1h'eShcng' 1C --w tette -is hs re- tires on pension atter twenty years' Nrvice. Mr. Howes L a war veteran. Herbert Hugh Johnstone, ot Sea- ttaeth. died at the hospital there on Monday, after an illness of a few days. Deceased was born in Seatorth fifty - live years ago and spent most of his lits there. James Burial, aged eighty-three years. died November 28th at bis home the 2nd coession of Say - tow 0- ; a Ip, Just west of Hensall. 'Mr. Burns was never married and leaves one Soother, Donald, with whom he lived. The death occurred in Morris town- ship on Saturday of Mary Ann Carbert,' gidow of the late John J. McCaughey, ft her sixty-fourth year. Surviving are two sons, at home, and one daugh- ler, Mrs. George Blake, Grey township. The Huron live stock judging team Dame fourteenth to a class of forty sesteetanti at the Toronto Winter'!air. Tof he team was composed Frank e bwar't 'Mr Wlfl, Stet:Aryl- •erhib*ld, Tnckeramltb, and Jack Rioy- leu, McKillop. • brass band has been organized at Dieter, with Theodore Waiper, form- erly conductor of the Dasband, as leader. Exeter tut.ods Dashwood an old boys' reunion next year and consld- ers a band la necessary to a succes.- Pal celebration. The death of Margaret Ferguson, widow of George Underwood. occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs, 6sorge E. Foster. In Gerrie De- ceased. who was In her seventy-fifth to London on November 17th and were managers would not be given tear, was a lifelong resident of How- married by Rev. Dr. MacGregor at the I to defend themselves at Ottawa and kik townabtp. She 1s suralved by two manse of St. Andrew's United church. that the meeting was their only way i daughter of of reglatering a strong protest. "It Chain Store Men Protest Charges Me. and Mrs. Kendall lett on a brie Declare Allegations Made at Ot- wedding trip to Gananoque and Brock- taWa Untrue -Meeting at Toronto Hadtwdt-Reid A wedding was quietly solemnized at the manse of Duff'. church, Walton, on Friday-tast,-when 14An. bydiar daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs,Robert Reid, Wel- villa. Toronto, Nov. dl.-Bmarting under the lashing administered by the me- it�. e1-swiklesoS tendered hi gather - ton, was united to Wesley Backwell, 1 land Cuddy, Dominion weights and son of the late Mr. and Yrs. W. measures Inspector, berore the Royal Hartwell. Rev. Charles Cumming of- ficiated. After a trip to Buffalo the young couple will make their home to Walton. Boll-•-Bteee At the home of the bride's mother, Exeter, on Saturday, November 24, Ruby1Evelyn, eldest daughter of Mrs. ter, s unititDsio m"airTipe�y� James Bell, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell of Henaall. Rev. J. H. Stainton officiated Mr. and Mrs. Bell lett by motor for Windsor and Detroit and on their return will reside near Henaall. Commission on price spreads at Ot- tawa, over 400 local chain store man- agers and assistants endorsed a resolu- tion last night coademntng the inspec- tor and refuting his charges of "short - weight" and unethical precUces in the business A hurriedly summoned meeting at Opiag(,a, hall was the open fefllm tor l$e't$antlgers, wad represented- i chain store In the city and wbo espe- cially expressed their resentment "at the attempt of Mr. Cuddy to accuse them of petty thievery." The resolu- tion which was forwarded to Prime Minister R. B. Bennett and the chair- Paminere-IiarT1• man of the Royal Commission also At the home of the bride's parents, 1 roundly denounced the suggestion of Chlselhurst, on Wednesday, November I the Inept. for that chain store account - :Nth, Lorena ('earl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra. Thomas Harris, was united in marriage to William Carlos that the asatAA VW* ealoptied with forms is which the let out the wast- ages, shrinkages WM so on, *ad de- clared that this sever charged up to the manager taken out of his pocket. Taking the eritdssee of Mr. Cuddy point by point, A. W. Lloyd, oe Domin- ion Storni, assess vile t all the alle- P eldest son of Mr. and Mra ing Systems made illegal and nnethl- eat.. b -'S man- agers. With one lone dissentient, who John Passmore of Ilenull. The cere- several times threw the meeting into disorder with Illy shouted momenta mony was performed by Rev. A. Sin- ' wr er Blair. Atter the wedding dinner the happy couple left on a motor trip to Hamilton and points In New York State. They will make their home In Exeter. Clinton Bey Hurt Clare Kennedy. son of Mr. end Mra. W Kennedy, Clinton, met with a ser - 'oar -accident -Me day last week. _lien was acting as water boy with a road construction gang on highway No. 4 and was riding on the running board of a truck when it suddenly stopped and gatlons were taloa he Bald, "1■ "We aro elves latillt'." which we ars see with every Foss and the mans/•, la not asked to take it out of bis oWil Pocket." weight "1t a maf peM -.# n Ndia_aad ha he doer tt fee e " ,Mr. Lloyd isn't long at the maintained. Similar optaiotle entre voiced by R. G. Bull of the sameilr�ia followed anpointed out that M an automobile drlegle�}ll day some evi- dence might be sighed that be bad in- from the floor of the hall, the evidence credited to Mr. Cuddy was refuted, speeial reference being made to his statements that all stock losses must he replaced by the managers; that doe to economic pressure the local manager must resort to Illegal practices to keep his stock balanced; and that the prac- tice of short weight was resorted -to by the manager to "create an overage." Stand for Square Dead All the many speakers who addressed the meeting reiterated that a square deal to the customer and "honest he was thrown violently to the pave -weight" were cardinal principles of meat, striking his head severely. He the business.- It Tan felt that the env was removed to the Clinton hospital, gestlons made bad created a lack of where at first It was feared that he confidence among the customers and might not recover. but later reports had already made its effect felt ad - were more favorable. verw'ly on the chain store business. Fa me:dr-G William Walters, a Stop and Shop Two Clinton young people, Victor Ltd. manager. elected chairman of the Falconer and MIs Sadie Gibbs, went !meeting, asserted that the chain store • shame fringed some � regulations or other bylaws. "'Jt1st to exactly what Mr. Cuddy did In soother way," he said. "Naturall3 flea evidence could Never Fair* Ms•e7 "I have bees witlt the Dominion Stores tor ten yang and never beard ot anybody who W' to put up money because of Abort ttOMis." Robert Ben- nett, also of Dembis ttltores, stated. "What abost the $jdaY" Pace kept shouting at all the /rakers. Jerry Owes, of situp and Shop Ltd., also protested asalMt lack of repre- sentation for the else store managers at the tnqutr7• "111/ manager would sell short weight If be was honest," he declared. "That's why I got out." shouted Mr. Pace Loud laughter rang through the room. A. M. Leach, o! glop and Shop Ltd., said that le had always earned more money with the cbala stores then with the "independents." He asserted that Mere was never sal excuse for short stocks except bad management. He pointed out that the managers were mantled to chaclr�s coming in from their own wa and charge it beck It 1t was eaderwelght. alas, Nelson, of Turnberry. an Sit J , of London, end one daughter, Mrs. Foster. New Tnle °Meer W. F. Robinson, of the Provincial Dale pollee, has been transferred from Melbourne to Exeter and will patrol highway No. 4 trom Eiglnfleld to Cltn- on a motor trip to Niagara were tU tea Cleveland, Toledo and other points. I "According to Mr. Cuddy �IYY O1f1 Married They are making their home in Clin-+ petty thieves and dtwhonest. it h said ton. 1 we have to put our hands In our owe pockets to make np shortages• The The bride is the only t Frank Gibbs and the late Mrs. Gibbs 1 has been unfair criticism," he charged, of Clinton, and the bridegroom Is the I "and 1f what has been said at Ottawa aecond'fon of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fel- la true the chain stores would not have (toner of Stanley. The wedding break- i flourished and survived. fast was served at the Hotel Belvedere I "We're all entitled to a fair wage and later Mr. and Mrs. Falconer left and that's what we were getting until Falls, this Inquiry fame along," he went on. News of the Farm Notes and Comments on Agricultural Topics Clesa Nests, Clean Eggs It takes less time to place clean straw in the nests than it takes to clean eggs. Some eggs will become dirty in spite of the beat of care, but the eft cleanipg wadi 1s. (lam-. re duced if the nests are Mama at 1gi gathering time when dirt is noticed auti a tittle clears straw. is added once or twice each week. This is a good early morning Job before the tees start using the nista. 1t you have no straw stack. keep a bale of straw in each lay- ing house so that a measure of loose straw can be workbd up and added by handfuls to any nests where the boards are becoming bare or the straw is soiled. The marriage of MW Grate Jowett. soght•r et Mr. and Mrs William Jewett, Bayfield. to Ernest W. Ken - eldest son of Professor E. W. Ken- ____1::ea, !desL was lArchdeacon ScovU Guelph. 4*srch, 1n et. Afterwards Are You Sluggish ? To Throw Off Energy -Stealing lapurisies, coital $ glass or two each week of Energizing, Effervescent ANDREWS LIVER SALT TINS -1114 •nd d04 - EXTRA LARGE BOTTLE, 714 is Tewftilp to Pay rsrw. not tree. It is said the polleeare The long-standing arbitration Pro right. That's not true. We have ways been told to give sixteen to the pound and that the caste ways -71 11F Admits Chance et Mistake Naturally, Mr. Walters said. then•!' were cases when there might fie under- weight or overweight. through a mie- as the parties could not agree on the take on a busy Saturday night or price Mr. Pollock had the matter re throngh a seals made faulty by weath- ferrtd to the county Judge• who took er conditions. which sometimes thlck- erred the great*. He declared that lengthy evidence at Crediton and also viewed the property. His decision is evklenre WAS being given by managers Pollock had been dlaeharRed. probably that the township must pay for good reason, and that they should $1,000. for that their own case be heard. Rurmed Out ile pointed out that exchange,' were Mr. and MrT. (:. Grieve, formerly mads every day, often when ft was of McKillop too wnship and now living well known that probably some of the at Monelatlle, Northern Ontario, had articles had been used or consumed. the mlefnrtune to have their home "We don't have to do anything shady to make our stocks balance." he insisted. "And onr livelihood In being taken away from ns by unjust state- eeedtngs commenced by Sol. Pollock of Grand Bend against nablp et Bte torpaymeat4erit►alt*' school section taken off hm of farm have, been terminated by a Jude His Honor Judge Costello ha out last week. The township expropriated two and one-half acres of land In 1930 and a T0,000 lbs. box -packed, government in- spected, dressed poultry, were shipped out of Prescott and Russell last week. Grade cows In Middlesex have been selling at i30 to $36 for best individ- uals and down to $12 to $15 for com- mon kinds, and good commercial pure- bred cows at $50 and $75 each. • • • 'A Remarkable Holstein A tblrteeo-year-old 11o/stein cow that on November 23rd gave birth to her thirteenth lively calf, and that has In her lifetime produced 107,750 pounds of milk and 4,386 pounds of butter, Is slunafhbig W OlIl lfltl> Ut V and much more worth while to see: 'phis is the -record of Colaatha Thursday, December 6th, 1914-7 Her Arms and Legs Immovable ' Tom Years wild Rheumatism To this woman It must have bees like commencing to live a new titer when she began to use her arms and legs again, after they had been help- less elTleas for ten years. "I suffered with rheumatism." she writes, "and had been bedridden since 1926. I toned not move arms or leges and had to be led like a child. Every- body thought I should be an invalid a. 'PDTtiria O.A.C' 1118th 4T.M.,---a-vow l my life. 1 forced myself ts best bred at the O.A.C., Guelph. and st1(1 against It, and tried a number of tiff - in the college herd along with seven ferent things. It was Kruschen that of her own daughters Three times eventually saved me, and today I coa- st* has borne twins, and seven times older It La saving my life. My comfte single calves. tion has greatly Improved. and •sP Colantha Toitilla represents several Blebs are gradually becoming more generations of college breeding. Her � supple. Already I can eat without sire, Sir Paul Colantbus, was former herd sire at the O.A.C. and was a d6 ifiti 'Prdbdkod'fiC'fIi-3YegIns fbcnr dation cow, Pauline Cotentin) Pooch. Her dam was a college -bred cow, Tol- tUla Rue II., with a four-year-old re- eord of 15,253 pounds of milk and 554 pounds of butter fat, and was sired by Johanna Rue Ms lad. This crow is a apiendld exam e of a combination of production and re- production She and her offspring will be much In evidence In the de- monstrations during the agricultural conference and short eourses at the col- lege, January 2nd to 11th, when scores of Ontario's Lost young farmers weft convene to discuss their problems ani to enjoy ten days of real college life. Clean ami Use AU• 1:1Z; iite.aii The keeping quality of milk depends directly upon the number of bacteria present and this In turn depends up- on the thoroughness with which dairy utensils have been cleaned and aterll- tzed. The use of live steam or scald - Ing with boiling water is always ef- fective, providing it is available In suf- ficient volume, but as a general rule the quantity available on the average farm is inadequate for effective_ re- sults. It Is for this reason that 'the use of chlorine in suitable form le re- commended by bacteriological espeits It acts rapidly In cold water, and la cheaper and more convenient than the heat treatmeut generally recommended. When properly employed chlorine ster- ilization gives excellent results and the practice, already general among milk and other food plants, l4 spreading to the dairy farina. • • • The Canadian Homy Crag For the third, auccesdve year It would appear that the honey crop of Canada Is going to fall below normal. The peak year was 1931, when 29,666, - WI pound* were produeed, but owing to winter killing of clovers, drought Conditions during the summer and in- aeet damage In certain regions, the crop of l%k12 fell short of the previous crop by 10,195,597 pounds. An In- crease of 73,000 pounds over 1932 was recorded in 1933, with another slight Increase promised for 1934. Apparent- ly every cloud has Its sitter lining, for In this case the short crops have per - SCHOOL REPORT 8 S. NO. 1T, WOW WAWANOSH Following 1s the report of B.S. No. 17, West Wawaoont. Pupil' tested la arithmetic. geography, spelling, com- position, history and memory work: Sr. I V--IIl1Lan Sproul 79%, Elsie Milne 7A. Isobel Garvin 62. Jr. IV --Shirley McGratten 80%, Harold Elliott 61. Sr. 11I -.Helen Stothers K-"%, Mar- garet argaret Dickson 88, Margaret Nevins 72, Douglas Elliott 04. Jr. III -Allan Dickson 90%, Joe Sproul 61. 11 --.Dally marks, eat of 160, Mary Ntvina 1g1, Ceittrlla Otrrl {mold Dick • - eon of 1110' mitis! son 1J1. Primer-AdeUae Shins, 151 out of 166. Average dally attends' nee. 14 OW. ADA J.+SI.M, 'Poacher. Brophey Bros. THE LEADING DIRECTORS �R AND EMBAI.MERS Ambulance nervier at all bourn day Or night. 11101I05: Store 119 flee. 317 ..... 0ODER1611 J. R. Wheeler !'amen! Director and Embalmer All calls promptly attended to day or night. -AMBULANCE SERViCE- PHONES 355wStore 386 Remidenee 'Hamilton Street, Goderich Walter Dalton (JNI)KRT.I A Flt Huron aid Ray. Gridnate Ooderieb cones -biro institute 13510 West Warren Ave., DETROIT, MI('ll. Tel. Oregon 8558 'sw+ve>o =Welke burnt to the ground on November The family got out with only the clothes they had on and lost the con- [ thehouse, including the win - tent' o ou ter store'of fruit and vegetable'. Mrs. menta."Wililem Rice, also of Atop and Shop Greve had her Arm' burnt and hair i.td staid that he had always earned scorched, but the resit of the family 1 a good salary from the chain, which fnrwnate•ly (seeped without InJury• had never been below 122 and as high Mr and Mrs. Grieve and family are I as $70 weekly. "if a man i,' a monk he Isn't In the business, because we don't want crook'," he declared. "The e"mpanlea want honest men, and that's why we're 01111 with them." When Mr. Rice said that It was untrue that short Itis were giren,...Deorge Pace, the Ion noted,.wasEeat heardarmea. "Who say' 1t Isn't truer he de- manded. Mr. Rice, to the applause of the gathering. repeated his atatemcnt Mr. Walter' added that the quality of goods was never better than today and that everything was Government - graded. He 'aid Pare had been die - missed from the Dominion Stores. Never Told to Cut Weights staying with neighbors until they get a shack built. Mr. 'Grieve ve Ish. son of Mrs. Thomas Grieve. Death of Miss Louise Tebbutt The death occurred suddenly at her !cine 1N'f'ttntnn on Rtedaeadai----'ado- vomber 28th, of Mina imuicae-Tebbett, elde" daughter of the late Frederick Tebbutt of Goderich townahlp. After the death of their brother Henry In September last. Misses Louise and Agar" Tebbutt. who had lived with him In Goderich townahlp, moved to Clinton. Deceased had been appar- ently in her usual good health until a few days before her death. She is wlies- it __TIM SIGNAL DZ 11111111111111 By the Canadian DZ Bela? DONNYBROOK assistance and dress myself -whit 1 had not deme for tea years." -]L 11. •. eflypa-lggredtenta of !Crumble Salta are the most effectual tolerate of uric acid known to medical edemas They swiftly dull the sharp edges et the painful crystals, then convert them Into a harmless solution. Other ingre- dients of these Salts have a stimulate Ing erect tlpirn the kidneys, and aaslst them to expel the dissolved uratte needles through the natural chanaeL DONNYBROOK, Dec. 3. -The regu- lar meeting of Donnybrook Y.P.S. was held In the basement of, the church on Friday evening. Owing to the absence of the vice-president, Mr. W. L. Craig presided. The lesson was read by Miss Plaine Bamford and Miss Irene Jef- ferson read the topic. Mr. D. E. Rob- inson gave a reading. It was decided to hold the annual election at the next meeting, on December 14. The meet- ing was cloned with the Mlzpah bene- diction, after which games were played. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Rohin.on spent Monday with relatives at Zurich. Mr. Gordon Jefferson of Owen Sound spent the week -end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson visited at the home of Mr. and lire. A. Mes- mUted the producers to dispose of all ser of illuevale one day last week. carry-over from previous years at slightly advanced prices. The preaent "The htitory of the world Is the re - crop is moving quite briskly ou • the taint of man in que't of his daily bread domestic market at prices slightly to I and butter."- 4lcndrlk Willem Vali advance over last year, while a fair t i,"00. amount is advancing to the export markets. Although It is risky to fore- cast production, the condltloue of main h honey production planta and of the bees themselves going into winter are prom- ising However, these condition?' are not the whole story. • ,• • !'tows .t Fedtry "f� la .atgeribedis In crate 8nlstrr.g of poultry, It has been found that buck- wheat screaminar or standard reale sed ecreeningw, a by-product from the grain elevators cousisting largely of wild buckwheat and broken wheat with a Toe most likely can e.member back I small admixture of wild oats, flax - a few weeks w hen we promised that seed and other weed seeds, give excel - we were going to start this column I lent results both as to quantity and along the "Short Wave" end of radio. ;quality of flesh. 1t was also shown In with ' these experiments that small unmark• Bo this column will deal entirely i etahle potatoes may be used to advan- the upper end of the dial! 1tage In crate feeding. Fed in eonJune- First, 1f you own an all -wave set � thin with home-grown grains these po- (one of the new ones), or just a two - i tatoes gave as economical gains as tube homemade receiver, y corn and produced better color and !in- here had to trouble tuning In every I er qux quality in sin and ferh boiled and p0- one of the 1)atentry transmitters (Lon- may don England) on every transmission. mashed. or raw and finely chopped, II you haven't taken the patience to tune them In, try OSA on 49.56 m., or 0000 tics, any evening from m 0 to 8 many actually pang Goderlchites heard "the wedding" di- rect? GSD on 25.53 m. carried them In 100 per cent. The easiest of the Germans Is DJC, on 4988 m., daily tin - 10.45 p.m. Ilave many pleasant hours of music that are "different." One thing you need on the short waves, and that is an up-to-date log- book and with time on the alr. Many statIone have only about two hours on the air per week and you have to know thetime In which -to -try for thea. Have you tuned '- fa -Anatralla yet/ V1(231111, 'Sydney, on 31.28 m., or 9590 kcs., 1s heard well every Sunday morn= Ing until S.:ln a m. if you would like to tune in Moscow, l'.S.S.R., listen every Sunday morning from • 10 to 11 a.m. (The tall Is UNE and this Is the only time they enn be heard 1n 'urvived by Ore slaters. Misses Agnes, I •i, for one, don't want to he classed Jennie end Rose in Clinton, MIS. Math- 1 as n thief," everted David Grener, of da In London, and Krs. ..Bracey of I Dominion Stores. "in all my experience Hamilton. The funeral took place on 1 have never been told to give short Saturday to Clinton cemetery. weight. To err Is human. We all make mistakes, but Mr. Caddy's stale - "Them I' no doubtwhatever that menta are nhsnlntety untrue. We prosperity {a returning." Bir Josiah I hare no chance to go to Ottawa and defend ourwelret. There are men there of their own eeteeting." At this Jnneture. Pace. who said was with Ow Merl and White Store., who had Interrupted several ltmt'i. was challenged to eons forward. "How can these arguments be true," he de- mand. ri. "when we hare over 100 cases where short weight was found? i welt with a chain thirteen years and when the superintendent waiked around nn Thursday afternoon end snld 'you are fire or ten short of this or that' yon were forced to cheat the people " "No, so;' came shoots from all over the hall. "Why aren't ynn with that ehaln now?" he was asked. "On Septenther 2S there was a meet- ing called." replied Mr. Pace. "the manager' and ezeentives. Soren day. before the meeting 1 was fretting some Abort weight bread. i asked them what 1 rnnld do with it --and they sAMP Dell It.' D told them 1 wouldn't and they couldn't take It" "Did yen read ynnr letter?" asked one of the sudtenee. "Ton were told to break the tread np and throw It ont."tines you wield ,.fit w n a n seek atter," maid Mr. like identify makers regardingy this column Pare. Allowed for Wawfages would be appreciated at the same Om • aeseral.ot the sp ekets pouted net The eolmmn 1s here to serve yoel . . r 1 Ste inp. _ "industry he accomlfllshel many things in the last fifty years and w111 aeeom'pltah many more as the yu he. if war all en -operate." -Fran Ps rkins. "Thine that were complicated have 1 Hammered from the first crack nit of the cannon of adveruItc : thhmgs that were wimple and plain have endured." - Andre Maurota. A DOLLAR'S WORTH ► Cilp this coupon and mail It with!! for a •ix weeks' trial subscription to THS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Published by Two (wrt•ruir Actawea Prat*mat*• Snot..• .oaten, yas•mcha•Ntm, 0. s. A. 1• w tit And th• I,.O news •l 0".IA hem�"� �• ll . er r••e'• aM penIfl bi ,t and ansa tug •nd ted ether trt•ra 1���•�. sate w 7 m�u i.ea�wt. mug on. �as p.5 ..nw fteAawr• ,sn tr+ I p M Pwrss,"dr•N:e••aI Meer ► ree ff♦ ... *sem,, .y pees.► • and mixed with the ground grains and milk. • • • Whaler Care of live Stork With the approach of winter, farm- ers should make sure that the barns! In which their stork are to pass the cold months are -lean and free from possible Ipfe'tious diseases or para-' sites. Most progre.Mce etoekmen whitewash their 'tables at least once a year, but frequent dualtngs with an old broom are needed to keep the rot - webs and duet down. Before the cattle leave the pastures for the sea- 7trar'tt-ts grad-prrrtke--M'iw"rs•;"i1e- Whole herd for posakishosuklawolimmagn, as ringworm, scat" or mange. lice or warbles. are dangerous and eneh needs special treatment. Ringworm Ie doub- ly dangerous, because humans may contract It through handling or from curry omits and brnahes. Tincture of Iodine aaplkd Rally following washing Goderich.) 001-I, Havana, on 31.80 with soap and water Will cure ring - m., to ripping the ether from 5 to 7 p.m. worm, but scabies or mange need to be dally advertising the cubs' National I dipped In or 'prayed with specie' sola - Lottery (this le no all.). 000, the tions such as crude petroleum or equal other Havana station, is on 4-6 p.m. parte of kerosene and eottoneeel oil, dally on 50 m., just below DJC, Zee- whlt'h mixture 14 slam recommended sten! FAQ. Madrid, Spain, on 30.40 m., for Ilse. No animal can give Its head eomea through shout one evening per milk prrrduetlon or put on flesh when week. like any local station on the feeding smell pnrnsites hroadeaet band. They are on daily • • • 5.15 to 700 p.m. and on WMnestaya, Current Crop Repert Saturdays and Sundays until 7.30 p.m. Mild wenther In November resulted with a aponmored "English" program. In many farmers leaving their stock 1'9IP, San Jose, (Vista Irian, 1s., or has nitt, (lilt. paving runs teen, on all this week with dance music and relieving the feel shortage shun - until 10 p.m. •nn 44.71 in. or 6710 kelt. lion. It has alar enabled farmers to 1I('2111,. Oluayaqull, Ecuador, presents complete their fall work under furor - an EnRllsh program every Tuesday 1 able conditions. 'Too 'ninny. potato nine on 45 m., 9.17. to 11.15 p.m. growers In Smelt Slmeoe 'Mass been. H. CLEMENTS MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP [iagstoa Street - Geiurici a West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of 111 kinds Estimates given ea apglicaties FRANK McARTHUR Telephone 1(2 - Goderich (They are giving a genuine Panama hat to the wetter of the l41,000th letter to their station.) PRAM), Riobamba, Ecuador, on 45.31 m., has a very fine program every TJ3nrsdnTwaning from 1 9 to 11.30 p.m. This may mound like Just a lot of "sigma and aymtols' to Asa who has never tried to find what eau be heard, Jut we trust that It will mesa some- thing to a few readers. By the way, if you have any trouble Idrntlfving any statio.. jun give 314W a ring or drop a card to the Mob and we, with the help of the log- book. will attempt to help you mut If you hear the etsticwt in the even - Ing during the week, Ball 814W on the spot and we'll ;to the teat we rota to forced- to market their crops twrause of having Inadequele storage fariltttet. Thea result' to an over -supply on the market end depressed prices. Buyers to Atldim7i'nd--RTO nffrrtng ins taste!e* $1.00 to $1.1:r bushel for 1)nrham wheat. I'otata sales In Frontenae are fairly heavy, with prices ranging faun Me to (etc• A ling. Two carloads of cattle have been exported from Gren- ville to the 1'.}i.A„ with np to $100 be- ing paid for acr•relllet and hired - tested eowm, Jest freshened. Clone to t .. BACKACHE swim dir•e••w •.b.• a• Liver and Kidneys an a••••d M DAMASK'S ow 1111111bk if you are una'1e to visit the world- reaowtiiRP'Tttatr- llameburg, Canada, where DR. M. W. LOCKE performs his mar- vellous cures of ailing feet. you ran at least come here nmol let US til you with n pair of hl- shoes. we can supply you with the same Shoes that Dr. Locke pre- scribes for his patients The genuine M. W. 1.0('KE Shoe waa Designed by Dr. Lake hunt Recording to bis specifications, and Is the only shoe e.rrying his personal endorse- ment. We are °Metal distributers for Ole M. W. LOCKE Shoe In (idle rich. and are here to tit you cor re tly with the hist that Is best ..sited to your feet., M. W. LOCKE 4IiOES FUR MEN AND \VIIMEV SOLD BY Geo. MacVicar - THE 1'PACTIf L SHOE MA`; -I NorTsr_ ZID! OF SQUAB* GODERICH t WHEN you rush madly to the station... ...OU just miss the last train • and they're-41-iiims you home tonight .... :Get to a telephone .. • • Long Distance call will avoid trouble and worry., • Even if you never miss a train, You'll and the telephone a ready mesmeriser. For any kind of news. Talking 0e Long Distance is easy and so inexpensive. Look in the front o{our directory for the fiat of rates -100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents