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Block Parents matk lryears here Glassier
Next week, over
300,000 Block Parents
across Canada will be
celebrating their padner
ships in making commu
nities safer for children
and all •citizens.
Locally, Block Parent
signs have been in place
for about 15 years now.
Currently, 40 to 45
homes In the village, dis-
play the sign to let chil-
dren and seniors, or any-
one needing assistance,
that they can come to that
door for help. "But we,
can always use more
help," says Barb Helm,
secretary -treasurer of the
local chapter, -And with
Halloween coining up,
we urge our Block
Parents to use their
For over 25 years, the
police have peen an
essential partner of the
Block Parent Program.
As well as screening all
potential Block Parent
volunteers, the police
lend support by promot-
ing the program and dis-
cussing Mock Patents as
part of their schoolsafety
I the mos
imp mandates 01
the ck Parent
Program is to educate
children about safety. As
a crime prevention pro-
gram, it is essential to
make children aware of
what to do in times of
potential danger. If they
act from knowledge and
not from fear they will be
safer at home, at play and
at school. Schools from
coast to coast support the
Block, Parent program in
helping to street proof
The most important
partite's, however, are the
volunteers who donate
their time to place the
easily recognized red and
white Block Parent sign
in the window of their
homes, telling passers by
that help is available.
it is these volunteers
that help to building a
"caring community".
if you are interested in
being involved in the
Block Parent program in
any capacity, give Helm
a call at 528-3427.
WMS Met ,ort, Sunday
eveni.'ng, Oct. 6 with
Muriel MacKenzie as:
...hostess. The LucknoW
WMS ladies were guests
for the evening. Directors
were Margaret Hamilton
and -Doris MacKinnon;
The meeting was
opened by Wilma Clarke
.t.oading the call,to wor-
ship from the Glad Three Gulde leaders were recently recoinliecrfor thelr extra efforts
Mrs. Hamilton Ve and.'beyond:' Barb Young (left) Mapleway area deputy' com-
and Ruth Biichmeierdid olis8101144 and Myrna right),, Beaver Division commlsslon-
askit for theBible study er,presented June Paquette, of-Ripleyi with her, 20 year pin arta a
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