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What more does
Huron County want?
Another episode during a meeting of One would think that the county
Huron County Council leaves us won- might be interested in answering these
dering whether council would just as ' conc+rns, as they were containedi`n a:
soon not answer any questions regard- signed letter, and not from an anony-
ms misconduct.
in, early`
voted not to
investigate legations regarding county to receive the information he sought,
nfous source,but this taxpayer instead
learrned ;that
he would
have to pay
:... over $7,000 . .
administration misconduct because it
was stated the letters, ..called `Past
Pacts', were anonymous.
It was argued cat the time :that,
whether the letters were anonymous or what the county wants before it agrees
notthey, should still be investigated in : to. study: concerns beingexpressed, by
an effort.. to clear up any allegations of local ratepayers. A signed letter' was '
misconduct, but the matter was put to apparently wanted in the first• incident '
rest when the decision was made "not to but when such a letter was received,
launch an investigation, another block, ,this time.. a substantial
The .subject, however, arose in a"-inancial.one,was thrown iiithe path of
slightlydifferent matter recently, :when a taxpayer who is seeking the truth.
a Mayfield residentrequested docu- , If there is notlnng.to` hide, the -county
meats. regarding the letting of contracts would serve itself best by= Agreeing to
This cost, will undoubtedly put wa stop '.
to yet another .concern, being ;expressed
about how the county is being run.
And this leads to the question of jus t
for, renovations . of < Huronviewin investigation,
... an ;adshowing there has .:
Clinton, and gg su ested in, an°interview ,. been no misconduct. Refusingto
lthrat the county's
ount's constru�ction onrac s an.
swr to taxpayers'
concerns, or
e being given "willy nilly". He also ;worsefor',
yet charging them $7,�Oa fo><`.
� �, A . ,
noted that he is pursuing : the matter: ! their interest is definitel ofthe way
._, ,.yn
because he. thinks, "a lot of skulldu satisfy the . `ublic's. worries. (from
yis going at
. ClintonClintNews tecord
Thlsr kids pay aullt
..4.w.:Cas leced bY _, Bev M
onal a
quilted b Bev and Eileen Dualo.tways'one dfah.u .dna 1tithat
kept the ommurtitN entre last weekend, durin tie
give StarQv lters blannu.alStrew.:Hawfine;stitcttesna
quilt? We doubt 'anyone knows -• .a ou can certainly aipreclat
: .
.the talent ndtiewheYoui sct.a quiltcloselY Li�►in Ston
+:/.4 •I( li Y l.�ivl r F
v IA
rf .
70 years ago
Clctol r 2111926
he five day week Henry Ford, of Detroit, is
introducing a five work day week in his vari-
ous industries. He has already done so in a
number o; f his fact
ories and the innovation is to be
extended until all shops and branches are included. -� •
Saturday is the day to be eliminated and Mr. Ford
intends to pay the same' weekly wage to workmen for.
the week of five days 'as he las. been paying for the
ofsix days.
There is a good deal of olspeculation as tp.'
advantage of the shorterweek to workmen. "Will
they make good use; of their time?" is,the question
asked.That, of course, depends uponthe individual.
Some will find other work to do on ,Saturdays; many
will attend sports and some will pass. the time in
drunkenness or gambling.
SQ► years. ago
October 1946
l Yerd not beaten at twelve.distrit fairs .
_Shownat twelve fairs' this fall, including
l ding..
Teeswater. Andrew Gaunt's Sr.. Shorthorn
herd wag. never beaten in its class andat 'Exeter fair
-co h e prizefor. the best herd on the. grounds.
�,�ed•th,� ;gu .
Pour: of the six ,Shorthorns, on -display at the
fnterrnational Piow ng Match, were from Andy's herd.
Drug: store chanes' hands- Mr. L. E. Downs 'of
Cobourg, has purchased the Taylor Drug Store and
took over the business on. Monday. Mrs.'Downs was
formerly Dorothy King of Culross Townshiand
will take up residence here 'when accommodation is
15 years ago
October 21 1981
pply for grants to renovate town =hall
Lucknow village council is applying for two
.community centre grants and a Wintario grant
to contribute to thecost ,of : renovating the exterior
and interior of the Lucknow" Town Ball
Council hopes that the grant approval will be
received in time to have the work completedfor the
125th birthday celebrations planned for the
of 1983.
Snow falls. in. Ripley- the season's first flurries
have ;been coatingdown at intervals all t orning(O et
19) covering the ground with a white.layerr`.
Minister 1 l sermon �;glt �etr �retrch+� a�"c , rmlonr
Reverend Gerald Thompson completed his ministry
at' the Presbyteiiiii Church on Sunday followed by: a
congregational: lunch and a time of fellowship.
to the
The icknow Sentinel wcicdmes letters to the editor. They must
. • y be signed; with the writarrr�s telephone� number and� trddress for confir--
oration. No pseudonyms ate allowed.
All letters are subject to editing as well as spellng and grammatical corrections. We also reserve the right to refuse letters .alto ether
S g
titers concerning internal business prrracti+ es and policies of privately -owned businesses: and industries will not be published.
Please note that the views of the writer do not necessarily ri elect the opinions of the management of this newspaiperrr.
Letters can be dropped offal the Sentinel office at 619 Campbell Street, mailed to Box 400, f ucknow, Gantt., NOG 2B0, or faxed to
(519) $28-3529.. .