HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-16, Page 1VOL.123 WK. 42
Coirncil, owners
imam a
Kinloss Township 'council and the -owners of
Fisherman's Cove Tent and Trailer Park have come to
a Mutual agreement , concerning proposed, rezoning.
and official plan amendment applications.
Allen, Rick and Wilda McArthur attend ..the Oct, 7
,meeting of council and agreed to proceed with ,appli-
cation for 11 -month occupancy rather th12. At the
September meeting, council, came to. the conclusion
they were not in favor of :1 2 -month . occupancy at
Fisherman's Cove;:
The ;McArthurs. gall 'contact the .planning depart-
ment about the change.
The municipality's decision will also be relayed to
the planning department along with " comments that
the owners must satisfy the affect agencies' require-
ments - Minisny ofMini..Environment, wells, septic sys
texas, etc. to accommodate the 11 -month use.
Clarification on they defintion of "park model" will
be sought from the building inspector and assessor..,
The chief building official will be .given instruc-
tions to'. inspect a township, property, and if it war
r ts, he should condemn it.
An examination, aof the township's zoning bylaw
will be made to determine. changing' it to include' that
o mobile homes will be allowedil particular'zones.."
Three building permitswere recently issued for
two sheds and a mobile home.'
The township'sroad department will `tend to plow-
ing snow at the laudfiltsite entrance during the winter
months, rather than tendert g . out privately.." The
ling clipg bins will be rn ved to the �est side. Hiring a
person to blow "back any snowbanks at the site will be
done on an as needed basis at the road e t su rinten-'
de n do
� discretion.
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These N+llss ssatiga ladies - Thelma Herd (left) and Elaine Wood were:
captured by this Tumbling Block quilt, with a three dimensional'
Following 'a public
meeting prior to its re -
lar meeting on Oct,:.1,
West Wawanosh
Township` council
approved the application
of Brian Wightman for a
minor variance.. The
,application asked to
reduce the separation dis-
from 440 feet to
289 feet to permit the
location of a single .wide.
mobile home.
Councik considers the
distance minor" and the
'rights Have met the
a essory uses criteria .o
the zoning bylaw under .. ;
section 4.2.
A motion to sever Part
of Lot . 13, Conc. '4
(Sherwood) was defeat-
ed Provisos in the
motion were that the sev-
ered land be squared off
in :line with existing lots.
to the north of the prop-
erty and an :acceptable
agreement to supplywell
water be in place as long
as the wellis functional:`° Aw
Councit did approve a '
,proposed severance for.
Part of Lot 10, Conc. 3=
effect, on display at the Five Star Quilters biannual .show in Lucknow
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last weekend. Sharon aiurtne is the theproud owner. (Livingston Y( g 2
by Pat'Liviingston
A. Lucknow man's
application for a minor
t �
variance to the village's
comprehensive 'zoning,
bylaw was denied by a
committee of adjustment
last week, on the recornw.
mendation of Forbes
Symon, county planner.
Symon said the applica-
tion didn't meet the "four
test" for a minor vari-
Donald McMurray, of
370 Ross Street, needed
a minor variance in order
to proceed with construc-
tion, that started in
August prior to a build-
ing. permit being issued,
on a 28 by 40 foot struc-
ture on :.his double . depth
lot. Two older detached
structures had been
reinoved - one .burned
and the other moved to
another property.
McMurray's proposed
structure was to, have a
height of 18.5 feet, 5»5:
feet higher than the mini-
mum required under, the
zoning bylaw. He also
requested that the minor
variance permit him .to
park/store an 18,00011s.
con nierciai vehicle,
which he drives to make
a living, inside the struc-
ture. r This is 16,000 lbs.
greater than the. maxi-
mum permitted in the
- area zoned residential.'
yrnort's saidhis rec-
ommendation'was made
on thefact that the appli-
cation "fails to meet the
four test for a minor vairi-
ance set out by the
Planning Act."
1. -The variance does not
maintain the intent and
purpose of. the Official
Plan that states the appli-
cant's property is to be
used for residential purr
poses. In Symon's writ-
ten presentation he
states: "The introduction
of buildings to, house
,lar e' commercial vehi-
cles vas not envisioned
in the Official Plan,"
While . the plan does
identify ,home occupa-
tions as a- r itted use,
the proviso_ is that "they
do not change the char-
acter of the residential
area or present notice-
able negative impacts on
the surrounding residen-
tial arrear'
According to the vil-
lage plan, commercial
vehicles are to~be stored
in commercial and indus-
trial areas. McMurray
already parks his rig on
the property. Throughout ing dominant build
e area
v profile in . h-
the . village, overweight, the
commercial vehicles can
beparked in` resin
dential areas.
2. The variance does not
maintain the intent and
purpose of the zoning
Smolt said specific
height restrictions are in
place for accessory struc-
tures in order to maintain
the residential building
as the dominant building
form within ° the residen-
tial area. Allowing
McMurray to build a
larger structure would
"change the long stand -
hie building a
detacled accessory
toreis consistent with the
zoning hyla ,° housing a
large commercial vehicle
andxceedin the maxi-
mum height :regulation
"goes beyond What the
zoning bylawidentifies
as being compatible."
3.:Aliowing the construe
;tion of a building, .to
house a large commercial
vehicle, in a residential
area, is not considered a
desirable or appropriate
type of development.
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