The Signal, 1934-12-6, Page 6i 41---41sureday, December Eta 1964 THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. VIP IT'S Plumbing, Heating ( tit. Eavestughing WEH FI IT Repairs for al nuties of stoves or furnaces I'rumpt ?wry ler and maims- able eaeoo-able prices. John Pinsk!' Pharr 1;17 P. 0. Bei lel Vas The Signal's Advertising Cohan' A City Residence ■ • ■ for a day, a weak or longer -- gem a single mom with bate to re most sumptuous housekeep- falg suite equipped with tthen, sil- ver and china -affording every convenience, luxury and attend- ance. Delightful lounge recce tion roans -unexcelled mama rant ssrvlce--that, briefly. L the dWlnotive appeal of the Wind- sor Arms. -Write for folder - Morris W. Wilson Heads Royal Bank Sir Herbert Holt Retires alter Long Term in • MO► Montreal.. ala years to omce, Bir Herbert B. has relinquished the presidency of the Royal Bank of Canada and now be- comes chairman of the board and chairman of the executive committee. He Is succeeded by Morris W. Wilson as preeldeot and managing director, Mg Wolf .0. Dobson follow* Mr. Wilson as generiir-rokirdtil! i4'rr►_r-.rue These changes were announced at the end of the blank's fiscal year today, after a regular meeting of the board. Sir Herbert Holt's retirement from the presidency marks the withdrawal from aetlre duty of an outstanding Canadian, under whore leadership the Royal Bank bas developed from a re- tatively email organisation to its pre - 1 sent status as one of the great Haan- . ciai Institutions of the world. Fur - 1 tbermore, the appointment of Morrill' + W. Wilson ss president marks the first j occasion this once has been attained by a man within the ranks of the t Bank. j In *seeming the newly created post- e tion of chairman of the board, Sir Herbert Holt will continue a conne- ction with the Royal Bank which began Inearly thirty years art with his elec- t tion as a director to February, 190fe. Ile was appointed vice-president of the its head office removed from Halifax to Montreal to 1907, the year to which Sir Herbert became vice-presldwt. In 1906, when Sir Harbert became president, the Royal Bask had 104 branch ogees; today it bas nearly 690 branches, serving all parts of Canada and located In twenty foreign countries. Its *meta during the same period have tnereased from less than 160,000,- so 00,000;so mora tee 4721,000,000, and the Inner of- its shareholders front feff to a preseut total of 12,000. 7t is understood that Sir Ikrbert'e retirement from the presidency now, The Rank two years later, and became its Windsor Arms Hotel 'r' O0 44.0"w -1d. The Royal Bask has been in exlst- tt 8t. Thomas Strom, once for sixty-five years. it was in- (Blesr at Bay/ TORONTO corporated in Halifax in 1811) as the ?napalm.Tne IMerchants Bank of Halifax, its pre - 1 sent name being adopted in 1901 and 8DwAesIww BRAND (011 SYRUP The famous energy -producing sweet - an easily digested food invaluable for infants, growing children, and enjoyed by the whole fatuity, A Product of The Canada Starch Co., Limited CoaI!Coa Patrordse Heim Industry by burning the -,rated PbothIUs Coal from the Foothills of Alberta. By using this Coal you give employment at the mines and on the railroad to CANADIANS. This Coal is of hard texture and does not slack like Pocahontas, therefore It is tree from dusk This Coal is very high to beat unit& We carry a full line of Anthracite Coal, Alberta, Pocahontas and Coke. For Hardware, Plumbing, Heating, Tlnsmithing and Electric Wiring, give its a call. All work and material guaranteed. CHAS. C. LEE The Hardware Stere and Coal Yard at the Harbor Phones -Store 22, House 112. Goderich, Ont. Superior Stores "HOT -SHOTS" for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 6, 7, 8 AYLMER WHITE CORN KELLOGG'S ALL—BRAN EAGLE BRAND MILK C. & B. TOMATO SOUP MCCORMICKS BUTTER SODAS MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP ROLLED OATS Quick GOLDEN WAX BEANS Large tin 8c Large pkg. 18c 2 tins 35c 3 tins 25c 2 1 -lb. bags 23c 3 cakes 13c Cooking or Coarse 3 Ibs. 14c 2 ting 23c ROYAL YORK Orange Pekoe ' %-lb. pkg. 30c PASTRY FLOUR • 7-1b. bag Z3c,:: . . q4 ib. bag 63c MiXED CHRISTMAS NUTS SULTANA 2 1b• 25c RAISINS CLEANED 2 ilea 29C (JRRANTS Lemon and Orange ib. 21c PEEL Fancy Bleached lb. 19c Sultana RAISINS LEZ1A RAISINS 2 lbs. 25c with Seeds GLACE CHERRIES GLACE PINEAPPLE Fancy Seeded RAISINS SHELLED ALMONDS SHELLED a lbs. 33c t/. lb. 13c 1/4 lb ISc pkg. 1 Sc 39c Ib lb. 39C WALNUTS, Quarters J. McEWEN ONE 46 J. CAI, CIJ T PHONE 116 or 216 Afternoon 'Till Het Linger oar Let the UtUs In .their Let us thlak Lie beyond HAMIIJPON ch. Oat. let the words chorda;. between light be seen; Leaven and home 11 Ile come.' 11 Blckereteth. • • May we 'This a la Thies own VER p In mind Thy words brance of Me.'. For 's sake, we )fray. Lees. and whkh in game cases terminated la death, or as bore Indicated sleep. The question may arise whether God ♦aver TWts His people now with His displeasure for their improper manner of observing Chia ordinance. There is 0o reason to .oppose He indicts bodily disease o0 account of It, bat there a Ile reason to doubt that the Improper observance of the Lord's Supper, like the improper observance of any other setigL,ui duLi, .eflil be followed with the expression of and with a spiritual blighting M tM .out.-(wmmellthry .,- : . • • • woRl.D l I NS _Rbabtiee literature Sedety (Coatlnned ) Ws Rao* asst many of our dearest friends are not rich in this world's good. --frog your dear friend we ask r iuteress too. WOE you pray that eTo .manna God has wealth may be led prayerfully to con- sider this reglteat. We are also mak- ing an effort here in Shanghai among our Chinese friends and are hoping in early autumn to be able _Ait secure :11,000 in order to permit ee to append and go on. Christ elaims the best and we want to give It to Him. Before closing I want to mention our Christian Broadcasting Aseoclatlon with headquarters on the seventh floor of our building. Is there any other country in the world with such an assotiatlont Th4 L fin- anced by a group of Chinese business men and every day through the air the Gospel message is carried tar and wide. I wonder if some day you in England and Canada and America will be able to "listen in" to China from the Christian Broadcasting Association I often Imagine that our dear ones who labored for China and bate passed on, are "listening in" and rejoicing with Eleven. ineadwo.4. tltt,Christ4a Literature Society are helping will tee broadcasting at different hours on such subjects as Better Homes, Child Train- ing, Noon Day Meditations, Morning Prayers, Story Telling. Preaching and tinging from pastors and friends of Chinese churches go ea at stated later - vats every day. And now, dear friends, we all wish you much joy and happiness. May God's richest blearing be yours. Sincerely. Mrs. D. MacOillivray. M. W. WILSON President. The Itoyal Bank of Canada at the age of seventy-eight, 1s due part - to his desire to have more leisure dor pe la bre ; but yrtiaetps4is -ae. his policy of gradually transferring his direct responsibilities to younger shoulders. The New President Morris W. Wilson, the new presi- dent and managing director of the Royal Bank, was formerly vice-presi- dent and general manager. He 4 fifty-one years old, the age at which Sir Herbert became president. He was born in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, where he entered the service of the Bank. His entire business career has bean with the Bank, and the thirty-seven years since he began have been marked by a series of promotions through which he has acquired experience in every phase of banking activity. In 1909, when be was twenty -ail, Mr. Wilson was moved from the Mari- times to Vancouver, where he became manager of the main once two yeatf later. In 1916 be was tranaferred to head Dice in Montreal as chief la- epector. Tbe following year be be- came superintendent of branches, sad in 1922 was appointed senior asaistaat general manager. He was promote 8. a Lewd aebgba and Lama pals-.•-- 11:23- M. Odds t 11 :A St. Pod - latter half of this chapter reproof to the Corin- thians >4 • irregularities in the obeervil s* - Lord's Supper. In "see be had com- following hie instrOe- the mended that" lieu anti gating his example even as he bad Mile Christ his motel 1n all RAVEL It L grubable that at this early per- iod all the alrtttlans in Corinth were aetealL..Id iia Meet in one place. The aparticularly refers to their a fal otxebsererve the ordinance of the *upper. At that early period it ie gedbable that this was done Oil every turd, day. St. Pant te- „p>IoVex Gail for the manner of their obserraImbiL-'' 8l Ayr'Ieww later" perance. -yet greediness, your par- taking K re food separately and not in comasll, abbot be a celebration of that s0,pfen ee consistent with ft." The stemma b •t. Paul leads to the be- lief that thireerinthian Christiana had entirely alataken the nature of the or- diluted', rdinanta, aft bad converted 1t into an occasion of ordinary festivity, and eren latm.Wsrance; tbat they had come to regard it as a feast In honor of the Saviour r aeete such principles as they observe. feasts in honor of idols, and that observed it in some such manner; all that was supposed to make it aalthe those festivals was, that It was la honor of Jesus rather than aa Mala and was to be observed with seamtedereoce to His authority and mad This ate and drank to ex- ces and le tamed a sacred feast tato a were rte. It may seem remark- able that Sib scenes ahouldever taw occurred t Christian church, or that been such an estlre e eaten and deg* of But we asst res ass peope bad very re- tata, and were goody nature of tray uWghf eras Sgaliejleasebed there pen the UMW eetatiy feasting wMR Wa is yens? 'bail I praise yds to mkt 1 dew yea act' Ia order to MI6 them the tree 11111 - tare sad real de the Lead% /t' per the apostle id the solemn cumstafses in WIRE k was instituted: the particular aJisttfitltad la view - the commemoration tithe ¢oath of the Redeemer, and the garpoeh witch it wits designed to Means, which was not that of a festival, bit to keep be- fore the church sad the world a con- stant remembrance of the Lord Jesus until He should again return. He did not, therefore, demise, them for their irregularities and gross disorder, but he expected to reform the evil by a simple plain statement of the truth, and by an appeal to their consciences as the followers of the Lord Juts. What he said to them Is still the warrant for Its observance today. "For 1 have reeeived of the Lord that whleh also I delivered unto you, Tbat the Lord Jeen,, the same night In whicb He was betrayed, toot bread: And when He had given thanks, He to general manager of the Bank in , brake 11, and said, Take, eat; this is July, 1929, and in ternbecame vice- My body which is broken for you ; this president a well. Foch of his pre- do in remembrance of Me. deceseoTl6,i,,-president has been, Tiltr'-after- hr .sate -rinser also He took Sir Herbert Holt, a figure of promin- the eup,'-a'ben Be had supped,..raring enc. In industry or commerce. He is This Is the new testament In My blood; thus the first professional banker to this do ye, as oft as ye drink 1t, in re - become president of the Bank. mcmbrance of Me. Sydney G. Dobson, who has been For as often as ye eat tbla bread, senior assistant general manager and sand drink this cup, ye do *bow the who now succeeds Mr. Wilson as gen- !Lord's death till He come." eral manager, has had a similar career, Having thus shown them the true Like Mr. Wilson he was horn In the nature and design of the tnetitution. Maritimes, at Sydney, Cape Breton,lee proceeds to state the consequence* and 1s fifty-one years old. Re started I of partaking of It la an improper man - with the Rank es a Junior clerk in his !mer. home town thirty-four years ago, be -1 "Wherefore, whosoever shall eat this coming accountant at Winnipeg in UA08. bread, add drink this cup of the Lord, After serving in various othet post- anworthUy, ,ball be guilty of the body Bons. he was appointed manager of 'and blood of the Lord." It is import - Sydney hraneh In 1910 at the age of !ant there should be a correct nutter - twenty -seven. ii'ive years later he ; standing of this passage. A clergy - became assistant manager 1n ' man, on one occasion, seeing a woman Montreal, and in 1818 he was trans- allowing the sap to Naas her, took up [erred to Vancouver to succeed Mr. another and landing it to her said, Wtleon as manager. In 191R he be --"Take It, wawa. it is for sinners." came acting supervisor of Middle West It in to be remembered that the word branches, with headquarters at Win. is nhworthily, not unworthy. it dace nlpeg, and in 191A was promoted to"teot refer to personal qualifications but general inspector at lead office. Ile be- has reference to the manner of obaerv- came assistant general manager three ing the ordinance. Whatever may be years later, and has oecnpled this p0- onr consrlmrsaaM of pereneel nnworthl- sltinn for the last twelve year& neva or onf1teor alnd tbat conscious - bees rennet be too deep -yet we may have eneh love to Christ and soeh a desire to be saved by Elm, and such a Renee of His worthiness, as to make It -proper for it to approach sod partake of this ordlnaace. -Hut let a man exaintive himself, and •n let hlm eat of that bread and drink of that crap.' TAM examination should be of a pri- vate nature go rete 1f we are gaining the victory over our besettiag sins. It ahonld esters& to all our Christie* re- lation/Able. 1n the family, the eommnn- ity and the eboreh, to sets H we are living the 1145 of a Militias. .'For he that eaten) and drIbbeth 0* - worthily, set tb and drtnkstb damna- tion to himself, not dt.'ernlng the CAH'T SLEEP Lord's body. For thin alae away an weak and art1104111i1VIII- .k'kly *tem/ lea and mond "or RAO seridl man \ it may possibly have bean the eget CHASE'S see p of 1 that the intetfperaate sad gluttony D g.CHASE'S 1 t% *which prevails& en these *emotes* was the theft mum of so main pert ,, of the bodily dame *idea prevailed, 4 G. DOBSON General Manager, Tbe Royal Bank of Canada SCHOOL REPORT B. S. NO, A, CCLBORNE Report for the months of Septem• ber, October and November: Sr. IV -David Farrlah 71%, Harold Jewell 65, Harry Chisholm 51. Jr. IV -Kathleen Chlahoha 411%. Br. III --Reith Parrish 71%, Eileen Boge 07, Harriet Horten 07, Douglas Rogie 117, Lillian Chisholm 5e, Donna Fisher 47. 1f- Marine Chisholun 877% 1-Madeliee Chisholm, Ceerald Fisher. DAViD F. ANDERSON, Teacher. ST. HELENS 8T. HllR.t1111i8, Dec. E.—Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods, Mrs. R. J. Woods and Lorne were visitors on Moaday with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Stanley township, Misses M. R. Salkeld, Elisabeth and Laura Salkeld, of Goderteh, were gnats with Mrs. Gerdes ea Wednesday. Mr. Hugh Rutherford attended the inter Fair at 1Mpto for a few days. . T. J. Sakai. guarded the Bee ea- iselattoa asattag la Tomsrto. Mr. sad Mrs. Atf. lobbed of God - wore vidtees with Mr. and era X-Maangerad dards. 1am_ we& Alto Laura. 14wetadt, seem - ad Mr. 11'. O. Toad sad Mr. Rutherford, haw Nit en a abates p to the Chicago live sten sad* Ina The annual meeting of the Harris Minion Band will be held on Satur- day. A good attendance is desired. On Friday evening the Ioung People's Society held • social. A very pleasing program of mist. and games was enjoyed and • sumptuous lunch was partaken of. Word was received recently by Yrs. Wm. Campbell, of the- 6th concession, o[ the death of ber brother, Dr. Wm. El- liott, of Wolseley. Dr. Elliott visited Ma sister here in the falL Scholarship Awariei-George Me- Qnillin, a son of Mr. Wm. McQutllla, was one of Hv. students of the O.A.C., Guelph, to be awarded • .ehoi- ar•bip of e20 each. The scholarships were donated by J. J. Fee, a grad- uate of the college In 1888, to be awarded to worthy students. George is a second -year student of the O. A. C. We extend congratulation& "Over a large part of the world's area. there is today no such thing as eta of the preen." -Nichola, Mur- raY Mutter. "The entertainment (business needs good taste and finer persoonef. The showman doesn't know and the pub- lic doeto't know what the public wants. My idea is to be creative and present new things." -Samuel Lionel (Rosy) Rot'tafel. lia HERE'S THE AID TO FEWER COLDS... VICKS VA -TRO -NOL. • aINIMISM a Wit IfirtfrA0 f .I',... ViC) S PLAN *, NIRI'$ TNI AID TO SHORTER COLDS • ..VKK$ VAPORUS MA cm 0150ad ANO Awn ra CONTROL OF CM `.:S W. 1[ S. o11IONRa Nara Street Satiety Heys 1'ieetbae for Ceasing Year At the regular meeting of the W.Y. 8. of North street United church, held Meath" &Resume, ski ilotTetipeuip gram was in charge of Mrs. W. Curds. The leaflet "The Circle of Friendship" was read by Mrs. M. W. Howell; Mrs. M. McKay read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. J. I. Aitken offered prayer. A quartette, composed of Mesdames W. Horn, B, Johnstone J. W. Moore and W. P Lane, sang beauti- fully "SlJent Night." The business meeting was conducted by the Aral vies -president, Mrs. James Hamilton. Several communications were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wm. thrashes, among them one from Mies Elsie Bradford resigning her of ee as Wperintendent of the Mbsloa Band. Miss Bradford has given years of ivies - did service In her special work and It was with regret that the auxiliary ac- cepted sseepted her resignation. The choice of her successor was lett to the Incoming executive of the Society. 'The treasurer, Miss Margaret Rob- ertson, obertson, reported envelope savings, fees, r.. for NQsepbber. I eottattnt to 1190.06, in addition to the Ihinbo4 iTbt of 01912.00. The following officers wore elected for 19135: Hoa. presidents, Mesdames J. H. Colborne, J. Stewart, J. E. Tom, A. Davidson J. Curry, C. Ginn; presl- dsaR, lies.W P T* e ; vice-presidents, Let. Mrs. J. B. Grisham, tad. Miss M. 0. Robertson, Erd, Mrs. M. W. Howell, 4th, Mn. Wm. Btraehan; recording sec- retary, Mrs. A. Mathieson ; assistant secretary, Mrs. Wm. Riven; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Jas. Hamilton , planate, Mrs. W. J. Mair, Mn. P. J. Cantelon ; treasurer, MW M. J Rob- ertson. Secretaries of departments: Christian stewardship, Mrs. W. Hers; strangers and flowers, Mn. A. Buchan- an; supply, Mrs. Thos. Johnston. Mn. R. J. Howard, Miss E. Rose, Mrs. H. 13yaa, Mrs. J. McClure; associate help- ers, Mrs. C. M. 'Robertson, Mrs. S. J. Wart ; Missionary Monthly, Mas A. Jenkins, Mrs. T. J. Anderson; temper- ance, Miss A. Davidson. Mrs. A. Wal- ters; literature, MTs M. McKay; press, Mime M. G. Robertson; fiance commit- tee, Mrs. W. Hera, lira H. L Mlteld, Yrs IL W. Ryas; auditors, Mrs. J. W. Mesra, Mrs.. M. McXay ; lapeTistea- dotst of Milian Circls, Mho R. Reaiaa- an,;et-Baby .Radt..l Ae_ IAsrd, Mrs. P. J as bstaateEvelyn G Mission Miss Bae c►adre4r. Mian To assist thefollowing ware strangersvisitors tar the differed wast of 1S. town: 8* David's, Mrs. las. MoNaq Mn. T. L Walla; Bt. Andrew's, Mrs. O. Oould. - Mlw J. Whitely ; St. George's, Mrs. W. J. McNevia, Miss E. Buchanan; St. Patrick's, Mn. If. Bishop Mrs. Mur- doch. 'NO"!'iasr"1r aoaa s•eaaMrria iia " gemma to social stability than a dam of educated onempiored.---A1/eue Huxley. 'Today it a not so much the repu- tation of politicians whkh is at stake as that of the voting public."--Have- leek Ellis. "America is an aa:ompike in the de- cay of political morale In Europe ant in the cultivation of the spirit of re- venge begotten of :-Atilt EiDateln. FOR Easy Gear Shifting have your Transmission drained and refilled with WINTER GREASE - - AT— SUPERT EST Service Station DOMINION "It Pay to Lubricate" Men's Clothes Come in and look over our Pall and Winter Samples. They are superb. Everything that's new is Yen's Wear at this time of the season. ' Chas. Black Bast Rarest and $ we 90DSZI0R • CNA -T -MILE ROUND TRW BARGAIN FARES E (Miasma Fares : Adan The.: Chad 100.) FROK GODZZWR • and all C.N.R. Stations SSARRNaIA Trfo t tBgRAMPTON Goderich, Rineir rdl ., Southamppttoonn, Wl*rtor►. Owao Sound, Durham, Creemore : -Sarnia - Komoka : Ettrick - WIagh•m TO FOLLOWING STATIONS ON DATES SHOWN FRt. DEC. 14th.stwn`' P Brockv. , M Morriaburg, Cornwall, Agincourt, Ux ' Linda. yy ' Ps tr b. oro, Campbell Aurora Newmarket, Allendale Coil wood,.scathe d, Berrie, Ori lia, Midland, Oraveohor t.ville, North Bey, Parry Some& All tame.. la New Oe1.rie ee lies of TesriJtg-leNorther. O.srte Rte.: Nlpinbe Gael Rly. jKapaskesisis. tLewtlae 1'11' +eir K .s.Idb. tJ.Nke. (t tsefeoa 81,., atLI +ieellddss Sat DEC. 15th TO TORONTO Ai',•.a Meek. Purl•, aeaatlbrt. Hata0los. 5t. Oelbarfa•• Mows Weed - ant sad Aak Mitt Agent — Sse Pam, Moulds %AWL ilreks issfantistion. ?Wog atersalt adares* Aiwa CANADIAN-*AFZTY-8Pi1D—G NATIONAYL--' • TRAVZL 11' TZAThN7ou1'—H M 1It J. A. LAWRENCE, DOWNTOWN AGENT, 'PHONE s S. D. CEOP'V, DEPOT AGENT. 'PHONIC *SJ Let the Joy of Giving Be Yours —Let the Gift bat of lasting Lit to help yes, by suggesting you call and IMIRIf SETS, LCt7111, SOAP C1ebhms Carla tie up APECLiL PRICES until after Christmas Peer's Cream. ...Sae CMgate!e Teeth Poste I ter ase Ohre Reserbee Ades gee Ibkre 0' Tabiets 22e PmiIJ4N.LO.vw Phew, Cigars, Tobin- ma, Cigarettes, Hold- ers, Lighter* PERFUMES Pune she *1.10 value— e:Noise our deck 1 RAZORS 49e to PM LATHER BRUSHES Ma to $8.05 MILITARY SETS • Pries trio 32.06 w SAM Taut Waters, Hew MgaM' , Hadomet'a, Yardley's Lavender Sear.. .e ashes Steil ARDIAY'S Sae Nadia CAROM Ca idma•etle N 1fLtw+ Al) ides. 01111 - ear Asa Waft Sells Bath PswdRr Sad* Slaibeey If betas../it COMPACTS.. fie to SIM Wilraaa' eel far !'ousstwln Per....gl.aa to g111.011 W i1.811 —VISIT THE DRUGSTORE FIRST — Campbell - Lauder - Dunlop - Wigle GODERICH DRUGGi$YS