HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-09, Page 17Page 1S - Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9, 1996 1. For Salo 365 TREE TOPS for sale ' Good price, easy access to bush, located in Stanley Township. Call 519.263- 5234. --41cc GIFT ITEMS at Schuett's Mildmay include larger framed pictures $129 each; floor lamps $79 up; coffee and two end table sets $199 up; or buy "Gift Certificates.' µ-41c. TWO CORD dry hard maple stored inside for two years in Dungannon and an elec- tric hot water heater, inside: Phone 519.529-7189. -- 41nxe .. 7f. linevonsebil6011 Equipment SKIDOO ELAN 250 twin $660; Skidoo 340 TNT $850. Covers included, both in excellent condition. Call after 7 p.m. 5297710. -41 PET GROOMING Service right here in Lucknow. Basic clips available. Cali Mandy in the evenings only 528- 3129.-41 ' 11*. Cnom 12. Roof Estate) BUILDING LOTS Deer Run Estates, 1/2 acre, well treed, fully serviced, Clarke's Homes 395=5454. - -19ttar OPEN HOUSE - Sat., Oct. 12, 2 - 4 p.m. St. Joseph Shores 1, $559,000. Fabulous custom built fami- ly home on approximately 1 112 acre treed ravine lot. Only a short stroll to see the . wonderful Lake Huron sun- sets. Your host Bill Putherbough. 236.7636, 471-0188.. William D.. Putherbough • Realty Limited. --41cc 17. Apts. LARGE TWO bedroom apartment with private ground level entrance. Park like atmosphere and close to downtown. Cresthaven Apartments call after 6 p.m. 519-848.2215.--22tfar. ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, partment, available immediate- ly. $260/month plus utilities Phone Paul 528-.2411. - 40tfar ONE BEDROOM apartment and two bedroom apart - pent, main street, upstairs; rent and utilities.; available Nov, . 1: phone 528-2146 • after 6p.m.-40,41,42ar 25. W tsBuy . CASH PAID for working, good condition fridges, stoves, washers, dryers. Free removal of all others. Call with what you have. Phone 395-4842. --38.42 STEEL BUILDINGS ARENAS, BARNS, SHEDS, SHOPS. Engineered steeiel frames with clips 'for. wood/steel girts and purlins. Easy to ` build yourself end save!' Pronto Building Frames. Peter :190636 8 2778.--4 2. Yard So ie YARD SALE at' 532 -Victoria. n � � Vit. 'Street,. LucknowS .r9a.rn. Oci. � 2 at Many items including toys, Rain 14. -r,1 to Mon.,Oct, ,da 4 :.. . Si Chir* BATTERY SALE GRP 4DLT Tractor Battery (19 8w x BH. SALE 1f9 GRP 30H Tractor Batted (13:1121 X 7W x.9H) 'SALE 'GRP 24:Trl-Tractor Battery.. 1IX.. x•S 1/2w X ell) SE5 *A E 'FARMEQUIPMENI. LUCKNOW "519-529.79 "Sets Pric inleiteat stilt* sista s IMse... 1992 TOYOTA TERCEL; great condition, 4 new tires, 1 yearwarranty still Deft, mileage only at 85 000. Apking $8800:: Phone 528- 3034 after :6.m.'Cathor' P y Bob, --38-40 41-43nx 1 985 DODGE CARVELLE . • good runner, $500;as is, ' . O.B.O. Phone' 528-2223: 41-43,44=46nx JUST LISTED - Ripley starter home, duplex, both having. 3. bedrooms, 4 p+c baths, oil heat, new roof, paved driveways, $74,900. :LUCiKNOW BUNGALOW - 3 bedroom ;brick with extra lot. Asking only.$115,000. ASHFiELD - 100: acres. 80 workable,.,.20 bush, large beef or• dairy bam, silo, hog. barn,implemerit,.shed,. 3 bedroom home, 4. pc..A 2 pc. bath: fireplace. TEESWATER .;..4 bedroom brick bungalow, 2baths. finished' roc room,, heated garage. Asking,$96,000: Cali Fraser MacKiniton$28-3013 Barry McDonagh .528- 1' . Ft E:i ` POTATOES, $8/75- lbs., 1 112 miles: west -of Brubac.' Kinlough Noah er. h --40,41 0 Wheel'o i<>n for, r'Oelat *aft 4:2r48 ' r ive. ° ;00.'4) !fi a reg.. price Buy•4 tiixre e8,`ceiveT $20.X0 off the rot:irks *tat en' ire.'p otic hese .. •receive .00 off urea.•. OFF' MtOvitt ST G+tth1''x' .CLI OB.:.with any # tire purchase, -receive **oft !, tires -PLUS P ,ICAO ROt3T.' .cONTROtt • PAIR .;RICE' tires. 18.4.26 :on- Joihn Deere rims, as new, g3,:11.6. white rims; John Deere 335' N cord head .: $wedded :. Phone 629;7187. MITI YOUR PunatAs$,'!, ENTER YOUR NAME TO WIN FRO TRH TO •JAMAICAN SANDS Ra8`ORT (, 346 QUEEN ST. 396-6322 GILCHRIST. FARM PLIC - Belting andrepairs to a 11 makes of baleErs, swathers, and combine pick ups-. Patz salesand: seriice,- Lacknow. Grain buggies,„ mixers etc, ' R.8. 6, Lucknow. 395-2851. -: : 31'tfatr' TARPS AND :INDUSTRIAL.. COVERINS w made te' size, for „trucks, trailers,'. gravity boxes, etc. Vinyl, canvas poly. flew/Repairs. Party tent rentals Tiesma industrial Coverings, Bayfield. 482-3540. peow CUSTOM CO111E1NING Especially beans, air -reel and plastic skid shoes. Ploughing Chisel and moldboard. Dan Hepburn 619.881.0227. --40-46cc SHEEP MANAGEMENT introduction Course - eight evening sessions, Starts October 24. Cost $65 per person. Call Walkerton OMAFRA1-800.265.3023. - -41,42cc 7. ,Apia.: GROUND FLOOR, 2; bed- t rt e t r om= hes d a atm n o, ..: e p , newly renovated; two bed room .upper apartment,:; both close to downtown. Phone 528a.2031,=--19tiar ONE .BEDROOM heated e t.street; apartment on main's , :close{ •te. downtown.' Available: immediately - Phone 528-3948.--19tfar N UCIKNOW,' new renes .' hated 4 bedroom, ground floor, • apartment, -. $630/month .including' heat and .hot water. Alsci 800 sq. ft. Store -OK main street, $350lmonth.plus.utiltiies. Gall Sue.; Wei519..357- 373.2 r-- : 41,42t* r LUCKNOW .'2 bedroom ground floor apartmertPO.!: vate entrance $370.'plus` utilities. Available Dec:, 1q., phone 528.2391.-.4ltfar ih DUPLEX IN AUBURN -. Large liv'ingroorn,and; eat -in' kitchen, two bedrooms, close to ball park and play- . grounds. $375 plus utilities. Rent now and .13th month is free. CalI 526-7355.--41tfcc UNDER NEW MANAGE.. MENT! Walkerton Yonge St. Apartments has one, two .and three bedroom apartments available for rent. Swimming poo, garage, quiet exclusive complex, across from Bruce County Buildings, OPP, near school. Apply to: Adrian, Apt 7, 1012 Yonge St. 881-2790.-130w TWO - 2 BEDROOM apart- ments and one -1 bedroom apartment for rent on main /trr/erett,�//Lucknow, Phone 626 932. --36dar . Hou s 25. Ns* Wsntod $. dlusin.ss GOVERNMENT FUNDS: Government assistance pro- grams inforrnation available. For your nevi' or existing business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Call 1-800-915- 3615, -41 be UNEMPLOYED, LICENSED ORGANIST REQUIRED for ELECTRICIAN'S needed to Lucknow United Church accuracy test Hydro meters. immediately. 11 a.m. Territories available Sunday service, weekly throughout Ontario. Work choir practice - Anthems. from your own home. Small Please reply : to Lucknow investment required, Fax United Church c/a Music resume to Meter: Watch 1. Director, P.O. Box 70, 905-707.8684.•-41bc °Lucknow, Ont NOG ,2H0, -- 40,4tar EARN UP TO $11500 week- ly - part timet Exciting new mariutacturer. Earn full time work from home oppartuni-' income, working only one day. a week,. Exclusive areas available. For a FREE brochures, phone* 1-800- 6614832;--41bc DURHAM-WALSH`. Townhouses in Kincardine. -Under new management. Freshly- painted and rent*. vated. Two and:three bed - romp, 1month free `rent; Available' immediately, Phone 396.9332.--03tfar NEWLY RENOVATED farm miles- ,' for rent , 2 1/2 is +e -' nrrthh of Lucknow; References required, no " pets. $425 • per month plus, hydro. Apply to drawer #16 c%o The Luckriow Sentinel, Bax 400 Lucknow, NOG 2H0.--14tfar:' w DUPLEX IN AUBURN"- Large' UBURN'Large' livingroom, and eat -in kitchen, two bedrooms, close to ball park and.play-. grounds:. 75 lus utilities..: $3 P Rent noand;l3th months free; Call 526,7355.--4ltfcc. 3 BEDROOM ,HOUSE o: Available i edia el tent, .Hirt t tr, `references required Call Paul ;528`g41 Y tfaC ,HOUSE' FOR RENT .- :3 bedroom home, 'refinished inside with oil . heat and'. basement workshop: with cement floor. Kinlough area. $526 per month plus, utili-; ties. Cali 395.4337. --41,42 480 OUTRAM, good clean family house,for: rent; .;refer- , "ences a must; $500/month" plus utilities. Phone. 6287 3631. --41,42, ` HOT! HOT! HOT! VEND -A7 MINT. Highest profits in the vending industry, Canadian ties! Send self addressed stamped envelope. for FREE details to: Box 2113 Walkerton, Ont. NOG 2V0, -41c0; 1O,00/Hoor' + BONUSES. PRODUCT DEMONSTRA SCHNEIDEt'S-POPCORNT PARTIES. Exciting new sys- term with:increased prof. it i : ON:� ° AND - . SALES. abilit j..;;Representative- . ;: immediate consideration to needed to market popcorn outJoir1J; people -oriented products. tnterested.in eam- candidates who possess, log- : extra income/hon exce l nt, interpersonal based; business call1.800.; • .. communication skills to pre- 665.6484.--41 be sent `a; leading carllmunica- ARE .A. HQIiAE-sASEo tion company's ;products. • BUSINESS' roducin' gift items? and services ,at the retail , nnS? P your, Do you want your; :level. Complete training pro business, to grow?'"Phe = vided Must be, available, Fourth .. Ontario Creative Arts weeknights and. weekends . _ u ..: - , , ,, : , � .:,.,Show. iinvitos you to pariioiM;;� Exceptional. Part-time S' pate- as , :a,rt- of , out ex P opportunity. CALL 1'8°43" i i T ,on .. ; , ..,.Exh b tions , o�i'. t4 Spr�hg:. 6996706.--41bc .r Y ; � Gift , Show. tntcrasted- TRANSPORT DRIVERS exhibitors must submit sem • NEEDED Now is the'time pies :oftheir best.; work:b Y: fro train for your class AZ November 27, ,1.996. There license. For int# .view or is a` non-refundable jurying 1,.. ry g;, application contact Ontario -2 fee of $35.00 andan" adds-. ;Truck Driver . Training -. tional $150-200 for success - London -::1-800-263-4777; ,ful applicants -to secure re 'cbscam nt ss`stence irad ow's a e`w�hi h availablo -.41bc�; • normally or lilT further. information call 1-; $T1rIltE . S$ ,; ,. - .800-672 0103 or ` fax'` Miyake a,k�t ,ne�► spllirl�,,: chocolate b s. N�e rod- (604)854;-3087-=-41 be aC �P! '•ucts available. Nothing to pay in A advance. Fast ,deliv ery 1-800-383-3569 -41bc :. NEW HOUSE for rent `,3. miles south of Lucknow, ,3 , bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,. large live-in kitchen- and family room with fir lace. full basement and garage. First and: fast months rent;. references required. Phone 528.3263,--41,42xc 23.100MinirOlui .. LARGE. STORE .front for Trent on`Lucknow's Main street. Well maintained and excellent,location. Available Nov. 1/96. Call 528-2110 or .. 528-3910 after 6 p.m..w-. 37tfar The Joint RecreationRecreason mrd,' Viltag i>of L cknow and the Townshlps'of Krnlossit 4,�6flerid-uial't�i'wr. est Wawanosh ^ ' �t res oPERAtbR *akinal position) "General duties include icemaking., cleaning and rrtaintenance of the facility. Workunder the direction of the Facility Manager. ice Making experlence would be an asset. ' - Sealed tenders, addressed to the undersigned will be recoil/ad y�00yf'y���■ untif 4:pm er 16 ,1996. r r Onl 'those applicants selected 'for an ,irrterviaw will be Contacted'. In accordance with:the Municipal Freedom of: 'Information. and Protection,of Privacy Act, personallnfarrnation is collected'under the authority of;the..Municipal`Act RB.►. 1990, ,c»M.45 as. °amended, and Will only be : used for the purposeof candidate selection B.M._Whitcroft, Secretary Joint Recreation Board Box 40; • Lucknaw, Ont. NOB 2H0 26 Buolirio 25. Wonted to Soy OLD BARNS, BRICK HOUSES . wanted to buy, Phone after 2 p.m., 233- 5539. -r- l ltfgp PART-TIME IDEAL Horne Business,' tax advantaged'. Retail vitamin, ' herbal and speciality health products: Canadian brand names, company supported adver- tising and marketing 619- 832-3182. -34tkc HOME PARTY SALES CHILDREN'S GAMES, edu- cational products - Earn. high commissions for part- time, flexible home-based business. For information and catalogues call Leaders In Learning! 1-800.609- 7277.--41be