HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1996-10-09, Page 16Lucknaw Sentinel, Wednesday, October 9,19841- Page 15 RATES AND DATA 11111111111111111M11 7.1 'week- $4.25 . 2 Weelte -$7.48 week* or more $3.27 each Week , • „,- • •' extra words at .16 each 'Card*: of Thank* $4,25 for 25 words .• extra words at .06 each ‘, In 1/10.111Orlaril .; $4.25+ !35,.forSabh One, of veroe•. .•Birth.kiirkitiOcerricitit, 0. $10.00 flit fee.. c , • • ' • 3-1.3sip.to pre -paid 25 words •-Ortrit yirotds*-10' each $3.26::fOr•25 words• • •, Must be Placed. and Paid briThUriday • • • • • • • ' t• • • „ . . r • • Savo a .Charge,.by pre -paying, • ..„ „ , ---..•,.17t,,S.%:.igtinelts404lin•abOve 0001 . :••• • •-• . • • .:.,.catt• 528'02822 ‘,1, • it 114. Wanted to Buy llc. Wanted to Hire liL go**,Wanted le. Livestock if.±V411641)110d40. llh. Services llj. Farm Land Rot.Estate , *iintedfjte::; e. Pei:Rent' •', Real state finite- • 13, Mobile Homes14. Vacations ".; • For Rent 11. Apap4tieritS,„:',, 1.8. • ''Peust,!reit1*Oat 19*.,130&Breaktiist'-•_.• 13.4 Commerclal Wanted to to 'tent,: 25. WantediaBur 26;1•11eloWitnte -,Wantedellet.S1 go,' • Business Opp • 29. • Tenders . • 30. priut,IVanted, 31.`Servitentreetigy 32. Rabsitting - • 33. Miscellaneouq 34. _Personal 35. tegaiNetkes 36. Announcements 37. Mortgages 38. Auctions 39 Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. • ToGive Away 42. Obituaries 43. Births 44. .Engagements 45. Marriages 46. In Memoriam 47. Card ofTbanks 48. CondsgElrests VANITY DRESSER ' -with, ovarmirror, 1930s vintage; '•'''OciOd'OnditiOn,$76, Celt' '5'24-9125.--:39-44riXe 633m66663.36633,663363,66666.63.1316,66666.63636.6..tt*."."'""""' FOR SALE seasoned fire wood.; -approximately 15• cord $200, 1976 Chev 1/2 ton truck $850 as is,. Call 629-3783‘,,-41,42cc VISA-MASTERCARD • accepted at Schuett' s Mildmay. They sell suites of new furniture, Whirlpool and Admiral appli nc Mattress and box spring • seta. • Visit ,Schkiett's Furniture Showrooms, .MIldmay 367-2808. -41cc TREADMILL, JUST like new, used very little: Phone 528-2776. -41x • MARBLE TOP bathroom • - vanity like new, complete with taps price is $150. Also -4 • 1 4white $30.' •Lucknow Presbyterian Church. Phone 528-2057: 41,42ar • • CONFIDENTIAL TYPING. The Lucknow Sentinel does* confidential custom typing • for cUstOrnerc. resume's, letters etc. We can offer you '.aAtrinber of different print • types' and sizes. Call our • office or drop in for more. details:, -80nx THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 'is available at .the following locations out .4:f town: Holyrood..Generaf Store; :Ripley, StiPerier Market; Dawsons Store, , Dungannon; • MacNays Store, Ambeiley; Triangle- ' Discount, Godench; Brian's Valu -Mart, Wingharn' McPhee. IDA, Wingharn, Hart food-Mart. Toetvvater; fitiacAdMini- Mart, Ripley, :Port Albert General. Store, 'and Keith's Flepair,Senrice; Whitechurch. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ‘' has the following papers' • i available in office on Wednesday. •. Goderich Signal Start . Kincardine News, Walkerton Herald Times; Clinton' News . -Record,. Mitchell Advocate,. Seaforth Huron ,Expositor. 16tinx ' KRANENBURG BUTCHER.% SHOP,; 612 Catripbell St. LUCKNOW 5284242 Fresh, Grade A Turkeys • I .'"Fro. Boneless Smoked 01.49 HAM yeal Lean, Sliced Olt 049 Bacon LB. ID YOU KNOW. IP YOU BUY A NEW MATTRESS scr BEFORE CHRISTMAS PAY NO MT • AND RECEIVE FREE A NEW ROLLER FRAME CU FURNITURE Ray. 21, S. GoDEFUCH 524-7231 1. For Salo LET US TUNE you Mini Dish $859 includes 1 year ,Iree programming ($350 value): Call L & A Southwest Satellite, Larry and Dennis -Fisher (519) 624-969.---39-42cc SMALL- DOWN DRAFT,' oast iron wood stove, in excellent condition. Easily converts to regular 'Stove. Some 5" pipes included. Call 528-1915, 41-140%4 EMAi;ii PIES (unbaked) $4.50 each. Apple`, cherry etc. Call 620- 7465. -.40,41 USED RUST colored carpet from Major hotel. 12 x 12, 12 x 15,-12,X 19, $30 each. Call 529-3164 after 6 p.m. • • • 41-43ar 44-46nx LOSEWEIGHT ‘, Without dieting -100% all natural - Safe: Simple to Use, no coUntinRpalcries,,/ workouts:.r pi I . Inexpensive. _REALLY WORKS. Call 'Marianne Bollinger 629-7807. --36tfcc FRENCH PROVINCIAL chesterfield and chair; occa- sional french provincial chair - gold; 26* electro- hoMe french provincial color T.V.; small coffee table; bedroom pude double bed, dresser and nights arid, full sized humidifier. Call 528- 3013. --41 STEEL BUILDINGS . ALL STEEL. BUILDIt\lG SALE... Go Ontario Factory Direct. Many Sizes and Styles. Example: 30 x 40' now $5,998.00. 35 x 50 now $9,488,00:.40 x 60 now $141444.00. Pioneer Steel 1.800-668-5422.--41bc GRAY'S PERENNIAL.S Opin until October 15th! Plant now . for begiutifilr spring frower "beds. We have an, excellaritselectiOn ,of over 200 varietiaa'.of 'perennial Omits grown in the field. Let us help you design your flower bed„ no extra charge! Location: on • Kincardine Hwy; hours: weekdays after 4:30 p.m0 a day on weekends.. Phone 881-1522. --40,41cc • STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES -- Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset 32x54 $9460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragon 24 hrs -1-800-283-8499.--411bc 1. For Salo WHY HAVE A YARD SALE? Call us, We•buy ,it all. Antiques, Furniture, Coins, etc. No fuss• Na Muss. CaH 519463-0213.-- 49ticc • TROUT. - great fail fishing from our well stocked pond, open all 'winter or purchase ,troUt wholesale from our', tanks.. " David Hedley„ • Belgrave; phone first 357- • 2329. •if3+435nx37-46er- •• 'NEED A.RESUME?, • Professionally prepared, laser printedpri• quality paper. $15,00 for 5,'sats We, keep ,your resume on tile in Case, you. need .9.hanges 4;)i- updates at a later date. Call us or drop.iri for details. The Lucknow: Sentinel, 528-2822-Q4ft "-BARN 'WINDOWS custom • One sash 'windows for • house, shed, barn 6.pario, 10" x 12",$49. John. Hoonaard, Blyth 619-623- ‘- 9445.,,-40-44cc WOODSTOVE & FIRE- PLACE glass, will not break from heat. heat. Cut to any size or shape., The Chimney .SweeF;ss Stove Parlor 84.. . Gallery Inc. 368-6274. 41tinbcprti Pick up your copy of THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL SENTINEL, at :any :of Lucknow businesses: Beckers ' Beira: .Pisootint, Lucknow ViIIage .,Market,Alinbach. Lucknow Service Centre. and ,Annie s',Gas' Bar, and Hamiltorr.Fuels.'52tf IsIORTRON ELECTRIC fur- nace, 54000 pTu:s..6 years -1• • old, $100. Phone 3574175. ••• -.-40-44x• ryt ceDARTREaSi., any size, ,CHILDFIEN'S BUNK bed set (Amisco) in ,bright red, wrth ladder and two mat- tresses hardly used, eking with a -clothes tree, drafting table, 4 drawer cheitand chair asking $400 or best Offer, Large Blue draftinn,.., table' and ,chair, great for do -ng homework asking $75. Wood insert as Phone after 64) rn. 524-4240. --40-41nxe COMPOUND AND CROSS bow hunting Package, now $• 69;.cartMuflage coveralls ornom'S.ale. loSscorel 7udwalkers: f $69* ants, calls, tree stands, deco/s, now in, 'sitick0 noodle rods from $49; neoprene.waders from $119. , Huron' , Sports Outfitters, Hwy. #4, 'Kipper)... Open 7 days weelt.1:6191,. • 1-16lf'-200..1:.20 x 244 1425x 30. -Priced to sell quickly. • 00 -to 5, ft. for hedges and,' ,wind breaks; also Cedar ' STEEL BUILDINGS Johnston.395-5231.,1:tetter :Andrew SALE 'ON ALL GRAIN,;", - ..,:SmTanoyRsAizGesE, t:00duhloLopseiNfrGoms.., Quonsets- Straitwall Quonsets or the new. Trussless", Design. Calf ,";,,„• Future 1-800:-668-,8653 ext. 515.--41bc • ' F:leedCtito!ste°nNid' roAr XNreceiveG lax? The Sentinel does cus- tom taxing ,tor .customers. Drop-in, or ical1,628-2822 for details -411fnx WIDE SELECTION of used _ Appliances, fridges, stoves, washers and dryers. All ser- viced and. including a war- ° •-'', . „ Tanty. Call' Modem Appliance Cantrell Hanover STEEL BUILDINGS MUST sgLL IMMEDIATE - 1 Y. •:Streight eaked roof steet;buifdin 64-10,11.-51tfgp • • 11 • 263-2141 -.39,41td ' SEASONED HARDWOOD firewood for sale, split to stove wood alio, $40/15, face cord 'delivered to,' Lucknow area (519) 885- 21271 ask forAndrew. 40,41x FIREWOOD LAST WINTER did you have to turn on your electric heat, or burn green slabs because you ran out of wood. 'Don't be caught this year. Order your winter's wood now. Mixed hardwood body wood (not slabs) sea- soned for one year. 4 face cords minimum $180. while supplies fast Phone 529- Factory "direct. 1-800-649- 0854.--41bc A , NEW,STYLE 18° DISH Tired of the winter. blues , with no T.V. Now is your' Chance. 1 year free Pro- gramming (72 channels) ' $849 financing available. `Promotional„ limited time offer.. Phone 529-1026 SC Tech. --41tfca ATTENTION ,HUNTERSI Super buys on rifles, shot- guns, muzzle loaders, crossbows, Buck*knivea, and ammunition at Lake Huron Rod and Gun. Call 3684182 •Monday -, . 1028. -40tfcc Saturday. --37-44ec